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June 27, 1947 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1947-06-27

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Fi fty-Seventh Year

Republican Dilcm ma


Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in bControl of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Managing Editors ... John Campbell. Clyde Recht
Associate Editor .................... Eunice Mintz
Sports Editor ..................... Archie Parsons
Business Staff
General Manager.................Edwin Schneider
Advertising Manager...........William Rohrbach
Circulation Manager ...............Melvin Tick

Telephone 23-24-1

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all news dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of republication of all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan, as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the .regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Tough Bill
CONGRESS DECIDED that they wanted a
tough labor bill, and that's what they
passed. You can't get much tougher than
abrogating the right of a free press. (The
new labor bill makes it illegal for a union
newspaper to print the voting record of any
Congressman-that would be "using union
funds for political purposes.") But unions,
after having staged a feverish campaign
against the bill, are now determined to get
tough too, so tough that the law will have
to be changed.
Two hundred and fifty thousand miners
have walked out of the pits in protest, and
the tther 150,000 are expected to follow
them. Forty thousand shipyard workers are
striking. Two thousand men are out at
the Detroit Chrysler plant. And it has just
started. Labor is going to do everything in
its power to make Congress sorry they started
getting tough, and if that means nation-
crippling strikes, that's what's we're going to
have. Congress can't shoot all the strikers,
and can't jail them all. Labor is stronger
now than it has ever been and, win or lose,
it can put up quite a fight.
This is a bad time for people to start
getting tough. A post-war economy is a
delicate thing, like an upset stomach: it
has to be handled gently, coaxed along,
until the great disruptions are smoothed
out. A number of prolonged serious strikes
now, with their attendant shortages, could
tip the economic balance just enough to
start the spiral of inflation, a real Hun-
garian Pengo inflation.
,Neither management nor the unions are
to win if there is real battle. Nobody is go-
ing to win. They had better get together
fast, and work out something. It's time for
a lot of tough people to start getting softer.
-Alfred. Grossman

NOW THAT the Taft-Hartley thing is law,
the Republicans are in a dilemma. They
are afraid that the President won't admin-
ister it forcefully, and they are also afraid
that he will.
If the President does not administer the
new law vigorously, the Republicans, and
management generally, will not get what
they expected to get out of it. They don't
like that. Hence there is much talk in Con-
gress about forcing the President to appoint
someone who "believes in the bill" as general
counsel for the National Labor Relations
Board. The Republicans also plan to set
up a special Congressional "watchdog" com-
mittee to oversee the operations of the new
law, and to make sure its terms are carried
Thus, by a kind of iron logic, the Repub-
licans are being forced into successively
stronger anti-labor moves, into increasing
the distance which now separates them from
the labor movement. It is a distance so vast
it may yet come to replace the light-year as
a standard of astronomical meaesurement.
At the same time, the Republicans are a
little worried that a strong and absolute
enforcement of the new law may kill them
by 1948. Hence the warning in conservative
circles to the effect that management would
be wise not to take advantage of the "tech-
nicalities" in the new law, though they were
carefully placed in it to be taken advantage
Republicans are afraid that the President
means to "administer the law to death," as
they put it, that he will depend on tough ad-
ministration to show up the bill's defects and
to make it hated.
Thus, at moments when they are not
afraid that the President means to be too
soft in carrying out the measure, the Repub-
licans are equally afraid he means to be too
hard. The fact that neither method of ad-
ministration is considered satisfactory tells
us much about the supposed merits of the
new law.
Change of Heart
E VER SINCE Rep. Harold Knutson intro-
duced his 20 per cent across-the-board
tax reduction bill, which was obviously slant-
ed to aid the upper income groups, partisan
politics have dominated Congressional ac-
First it was the Republicans who saw the
need of a tax cut to bolster our still-booming
economy and who sought to convince the
"little man" that by cutting the taxes of
wealthy Republican supporters, they were
really, indirectly, doing him a service.
When the Pjesident's veto was sustained,
Ohio's Senator Taft was still in a strong
position, perhaps even stronger than if the
measure had become law. In the 1948 presi-
dential race he could pose as the champion
of the common man and point to President
Truman as the "ogre" who had denied the
mandate of the people and insisted on high
taxes. Consequently he has been content to
call tax reduction a dead issue and let the
matter ride until the next session.
Realizing Taft's position and fearful that
part of the public may have actually been
swung over to the Republican tax theories,
the Democrats in Congress are now on the
process of eliminating Taft's talking point.
Several Democrats are now supporting Knut-
son's new bill which would make tax cuts
effective next January 1. Tactically this is
a master stroke of strategy since, if the bill
should pass, it would be a bi-partisan sup-
ported measure which would weaken the Re-
publican argument against the Democrats'
high-tax policy.
The Democrats have thus seized the tax-
reduction leadership. The man who is now
blocking a tax cut is not the Democratic
President but the Republican domestic lead-
er, Senator Taft himself.
Nearly six months of Republican effort to
carry out a campaign promise have been
countered by one smart Democratic move
which has demonstrated that Senator Taft
is more concerned with partisan politics than
in actually effecting a tax cut which the Re-

publicans have been saying is so necessary
for the country's welfare.
Politically it matters little whether the
tax bill is passed or not since the damage
to the Republican argument is already done.
In fact it probably won't pass, since the eco-
nomic situation for next year is still un-
certain and the new Knutson bill is also
aimed at helping the man in the upper
So with the country's finances hanging in
the balance Taft must either accept Demo-
cratic leadership in effecting a tax cut dur-
ing this session or else assume the respon-
sibility for Congress' failure to pass any tax
reduction legislation.
-Tom Walsh
Snide Affront
be that Gen. Omar N. Bradley will be-
come Chief-of-Staff when Gen. Dwight D.
Eisenhower goes to Columbia University as
its president.
And already intimations have gotten into
print that this will be so because Gen. Brad-
ley is a native of Missouri, President Tru-
man's state. The suggestion is utterly des-
picable. It is a snide affront to one of our
pre-eminent military men. The best that

The Republican dilemma is insoluble. For,
basically, the Republican problem is this:
"How, in a modern industrial state, do you
keep labor out of the government, and curb
its organizations, while retaining its friend-
ship?" That is a real cutie among problems.
The question cannot be answered, because
the thing desired cannot be done. The Re-
publicans have set themselves an impossible
task, which is why the jam they are eating
this week lacks savor.
The thing showed up in some of the heat-
ed criticisms which were leveled at the
President while he was considering what to
do about the Taft-Hartley bill. It was an-
nounced furiously in G.O.P. ranks that the
President had consulted labor unions before
making up his mind.
What's wrong with that? Farmers are
consulted on farm legislation, oil men on oil
bills, etc.; but the accents of horror in which
it was charged that the President had talk-
ed to representatives of laboring men told
their own story of the special and peculiar
space which is now to be laid out between
labor and government, space as vast and as
cold as the space between the stars.
Yet somehow, whether through the Demo-
crats, or by means of a third party, labor
is bound, in this unrestful twentieth century,
to cross that space, to win a participation ik
government as warm and automatic as that
granted to farmers, business men, or any
other interest,
Lift up your eyes above the details of the
Taft-Hartley act, and you will see that this
is the broad question of our day, and that
Republican conferences from now on are
going to be tortured and unhappy; as un-
happy as any meeting which devotes itself
to figuring out how to make sparks fly down-
ward, or water flow uphill.
(Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation)
Kremlin Line?
WASIINGTON June 26--Viacheslav M
Molotov, Georges Bidault and Ernest
Bevin are now meeting in the gilded clock
room of the Quai d'Orsay in what is cer-
tainly the most hurried, probably the most
important, and possibly the last of the great
post-war conferences between the Soviet
Union and the West. The paramount ques-
tions which surround the conference boil.
down to these: What line will Molotov and
his colleagues in the Kremlin take, and
what will be the American response?
One American official neatly summed up
the American attitude toward the Russian
acceptance of the Bevin-Bidault invitation.
"Well, you know," he remarked, "we're go-
ing through a minefield, and it's always
rather uncomfortable when you see a big
one slipping up on the port bow about one
fathom deep." This gloomy view is based on
the universal expectation, by no means con-
fined to the Americans, that the Russians
have joined the conference on the Marshall
proposal only in order to sink it. For if the
proposed joint European-American effort
works, the Soviet Union will have lost its
opportunity to dominate the entire European
continent, and since the war ended a mass
of evidence has accumulated indicating that
the Soviets have no intention of losing that
The most recent evidence to that effect
has been supplied by the Soviet policy to-
ward the United Nations' European Economic
Commission, the only previous international
attempt at European economic collaboration.
After much hesitation, and after almost
tearful pleas by the Polish and Czechosla-
vak satellites, whose economies are largely
dependent on western Europe, the Soviets
finally consented to embrace the economic
commission. The embrace has been the most
painful kind of bear hug. Last month the
Russians proposed a change in the voting
system, which now operates by majority
vote, to allow Russia, with her satellites, to
veto any project. They also demanded that
the subsidiary organizations, dealing with
coal, transport and so on; which are the
real heart of the commission, be killed off.

They have opposed consideration of the
German economy, which is at the center of
the European economic problem.
When the commission at last broke up,
having accomplished almost precisely no-
thing, the Russians proposed that it not meet
again for an indefinite period. Only the
most determined insistence persuaded the
Soviets to agree to another meeting on July
5. While all this was going on the unfortun-
ate Czechs and Poles, according to one ob-
server, "looked wistfully on, wringing their
$** * *
THE FOUNDATION of a third party has
been made vastly more difficult by
President Truman's veto of the labor bill.
Yet it is already clear that the third party
planners will proceed on the basis that the
Democratic party has not supported the
President. The chances are thus about nine
to one that within the next eighteen months
the mystic figure of Henry Agard Wallace
will be propelled forward, like an ungainly
puppet, as the "leader of the party of peace
and the toilers."
(Copyright 1947, New York Herald Tribune)

"There's nothing to it, Excellency, Comrade Popoff and I have
committed hundred of successful suicides."

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Summer Session, Room 1213 Angell
Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day pre-
ceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
FRIDAV. JUNE 27, 1947
VOL. LVII, No. 3
Student Adjustment Conference.,
The Bureau of Psychological Serv-
ices will conduct a Guidance Con-
ference on the Measurement of
Student Adjustment and Achieve-
ment in the Rackham Amphithea-
tre on June 26 and' 27. National
leaders in the fields of psychology,
education, and student personnel
will appear on the conference pro-'
gram. Open to students and fac-
Graduate Students: Preliminary
examinations in French and Ger-
man for the doctorate will be held
on Friday, July 11, from 4 to 6
p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building. Dictionaries
may be used.
F. W. Peterson
Examiner in Foreign Languages
Graduate Students in English
planning to take the preliminary
examinations for the doctorate
this summer should notify Pro-
fessor Marckwardt of their inten-
tions before July 3.
Married Veterans of World War II
Terrace Apartments
Opportunity will be provided
Monday,. Tuesday, and Wednes-
day, June 30, July 1, and July 2
for students in the above group
to file application for residence
in the Terrace Apartments.
No apartments available for the
summer session, but these appli-
cations will be considered for fu-
ture vacancies.
Student applications for resi-
dence in these apartments will be
considered according to the fol-
lowing qualifications.
1. Only married Veterans of
World War II may apply.
2. Michigan residents will be
given first consideration. How-
ever, out-of-state students may
also register at this time. See
Regents' ruling on definition of
Michigan resident. "No one shall
be deemed a resident of Michi-
gan for the purpose of registra-
tion in the University unless he
or she has resided in this state
six months next preceeding the
date of proposed enrollment.")
3. Veterans who have incurred
physical disability of a serious na-
ture will be given first consider-
ation. (A written statement from
Dr. Forsythe of the University
Health Service concerning such
disability should be included in
the application.)
4. Only students who have com-
pleted two terms in this Univer-
sity may apply. (Summer Session
is considered as one-half term.)
5. Students who are admitted to
these apartments may in no case
occupy them for a period longer
than two years.
6. Length of oversease service
will be an important determining
7. In considering an applicant's
total )length of service, A.S.T.P.,
V-12, and similar programs will be

8. If both man and wife are
Veterans of World War II and the
husband is a Michigan resident
and beth are enrolled in the Uni-
versity their combined application
will be given special consideration.
9. Each applicant must file with
his application his Military Rec-
ord and Report of Separation.
Married Veterans of World War
II who have filed applications for
the Terrace Apartments prior to
June 30, 1947 should not apply
again, since their applications are
being processed in terms of the
above qualifications.
Office of Student Affairs
Room 2, University Hall
Eligibility certificates should be
secured immediately by those stu-
dents participating or planning to
participate in extra-curricular ac-
tivities during the summer term.
Requirements for a certificate are:
1. Second semester Freshmen:
15 hours or more of work com-
pleted with (1)' at least one mark
of A or B and with no mark of
less than C, or (2) at least 2/2
times as many honor points as
hours and with no mark of E.
2. Sophomores, juniors, seniors:
11 hours or more of academic
credit in the preceding semester
with an average of at least C, and
at least a C average for the entire
academic career.
No certificate will be issued to
a student on warning or proba-
Office of Student Affairs
Room 2, University Hall
Political Science Students in-
terested in forming theoretical
political parties meet in the Hen-
derson Room of the League at 8
o'clock this evening.
Teacher Placement:a
Dependents Schools Service in
Germany will have a representa-
tive in the Bureau of Appoint-
ments in the near future. He will
wish to interview candidates who
are interested and qualified for
elementary positions c h i e f 1 y.
There is one vacancy for a man in
general science, biology, chemis-
try, and physics. It is desirable
that this man be able to handle
physical education for boys. Abil-
ity in typing or manual arts is
also desirable. At least two years
teaching experience is required.
The State of Connecticut an-
nounces an open competitive ex-
amination for a Speech Teacher
for Crippled Children. The last
date for filing applications is July
10, 1947. Announcement may be
sent at the Bureau of Appoint-
General Placement:
Attention Women: Mademoi-
selle's first Job and Futures Award
Contest is -being held this sum-
mer. Three first prizes each $500
plus an apprenticeship on Mede-
moiselle to the best one of the
three. The fields are Fashion,
Writing or Editing, and Photo-
graphy. - Deadline forthe June
assignment is June 30. Call at
the Bureau for fourther informa-
International Center: Because
of the Reception to New Foreign
Students in the Rackham Assem-
bly Hall on Saturday Evening, the
usual weekly Tea at the Inter-
national Center will not be held
June 26th.

The 1947 Summer Registration
Cards contain an erroneous state-
ment on =the coupon identifed as
"Student's Receipt". This is of-
ficial notice that the statement
reading: "Students actually with-
drawing after not more than eight
weeks' attendance, may receive re-
funds-", should read: "Students
actually withdrawing after not
more than four weeks' attendance,
may receive refunds-".
T e a c h e r's Certificate Candi-
dates: Call at the office of the
office of the School of Education,
1437 U.E.S., on Thursday, Friday
gr Saturday, June 26, 27 or 28, to
take the Teacher's Oath. This is
a requirement for the teacher's
The University Chorus will meet
Mon., Tues., Wed., and Thurs., at
3:00 p.m. in Haven Hall. Singers
from all departments of the Uni-
versity are eligible and welcome.
Report to Haven Hall between
2:00 and 4:00 any day this week to
consult with Miss Muldowney, the
choral director. At present we
need altos and sopranos.
David Mattern
Professor of Music Education
Automobile Regulation, summer
session: All students not qualified
for exemption from the Automo-
bile Regulation may receive driv-
ing permission only upon 'appli-
cation at Rm. 2 University Hall.
Those exempted are:
(1) Those who are 26 years of
age or over;
(2) Those who have a faculty
ranking of Teaching Fellow or its
(3) Those who during the pre-
ceding academic year were en-
gaged in professional pursuits; eg,
teachers, lawyers, physicians, den-
tists, nurses, etc.
All other students desiring to
drive must make personal applica-
tion for driving privileges. Com-
pletion of the Automobile Regula-
tion section of the registration
card does not fulfill this obliga-
Summer Registration will be
held Tuesday, July 1, at 4:05 in
Room 205 Mason Hall. This reg-
istration with the Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational In-
formation has to do with all types
of positions. It is very essential
that anyone interested in a po-
sition in the immediate future at-
tend this meeting. Registration
blanks will be available on Wed-
nesday 'and Thursday, July 2 and
3, and Monday and Tuesday, July
7 and 8.
La Sociedad Hispanica will hold
meetings.during the Summer Ses-
sion as follows:
Every Wednesday at 8 p.m. in
the East Conference Room in the
Rackham Building.
Every Tuesday and Wednesday
at 3:30 p.m. in the International
Every Thursday at 4 p.m. in the
International Center.
All students interested are in-
vited _to be with us.
All student groups planning so-
cial events at which both men and
women are to be present must se-
cure approval from the Office of
Student Affairs, Room 2, Univer-
sity Hall, no later than 12 o'clock
noon on the Monday before the
event is to take place. Since these
applications must include the
signed acceptances of the chaper-
ones, forms for filing an applica-
tion for party approval should be
secured well in advance of the
party date. Forms may be se-
cured in the Office of Student Af-
Women guests. The presence of
women guests in fraternity houses,
men's rooming houses, or other
men's rooming quarters, except

when chaperones approved by
University authorities are present
is not permitted, except for ex-
change and guest dinners. Such
dinners must be announced to'the
Office of Student Affairs at least
one day in advance of the sched-
uled date. Hours for week day
guest or exchange dinners are to
be from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.; for
Sunday dinners, from 1:00 p.m.
to 3:00 p.m.
Sports Classes available for
Women Students: Registration for
Women's Physical E d u c a t i o n
classes will be held daily this week
from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in
Barbour Gymnasium. The follow-
ing classes are open to graduate
and undergraduate women for
non-credit:. Archery, Badminton,
Golf (Elementary and Intermedi-
ate), Life Saving, Posture, Figure
and Carriage, Riding, Rythmic
Fundamentals, Swimming (Ele-
mentary and Intermediate), Ten-
Classes begin, on Monday, June
30 except for Life Saving which
begins this week. No late regis-
There are no instructional fees
for these classes except in the case
of riding classes which are con-
ducted from a nearby stable
There is a small charge for Inter-
mediate Swimming which is held

in the Michigan Union Pool.
Margaret Bell, M.D.
Chairman, Department of
Physical Education for
A cadenic Notices
History 180s, Roosevelt to Roos-
evelt: Class will meet in Room 231
Angell Hall instead of 101 Eco-
nomics Building.
Student Recital: Virginia Den-
yer, Organist, will be heard in a
program of compositions by Bach,
Reger, Karg-Elert, Sowerby, and
Farnam, at 4:15 Sunday after-
noon, June 29, in Hill Auditorium.
Presented in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of
Master of Music, the recital will
be open to the general public.
Lecture-Recital: by Lee Patti-
son, Pianist, Monday evening,
June 30, 8:30, in the Rackham
Lecture Hall. This is the first in
a series of Monday programs spon-
sored by the School of Music. Mr.
Pattison's first lecture-recital is
entitled "Youth and the Bright
Medusa," and covers Brahms' Son-
ata in F minor, Op. 5, and Schu-
mann's Papillons, and Toccata.
The public is cordially invited.
Faculty Recital: Joseph Knitzer,
Violinist, will present a recital in
Hill Auditorium at 8:30 Tuesday,
July 1. Head of the Violin Depart-
ment of the Cleveland Institute
of Musical Art, Mr. Knitzer is a
member of the summer session
faculty in the School of Music. His
program for Tuesday evening will
include Sonata in D major by Vi-
valdi, Chaconne for Violin Alone
by Bach, Sonata for Violin and
Piano by Herbert Elwell, Buncome
County, N.C. by Ernst Bacon, Hoe-
down, from "Roedo" by Aaron
Copland, and Ruralia Hungarica,
by Ernst von Dohnanyi. He will
be accompanied by Marian Owen,
The general public is invited.
Exhibit: Through June. Rotun-
da of University Museums Build-
ing. "Michigan Fungi".
Events Today
Open Recreational Evening for
Men and Women - will be held
today from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at
the Women's Athletic Building
and Palmer Field. Students, facul-
ty and staff members are invited.
Tennis, golf, badminton, softball,
table tennis, volleyball, golf put-
ting, croquet, shuffleboard and
horseshoes are recreational sports
offered. Badminton birds, tennis
balls and golf balls must be sup-
plied by players. Square danc-
ing will be held in the lounge of
the Women's Athletic Building at
dusk with Mr. Howard Leibee call-
ing. Men or women may come un-
escorted. In case of rain, the
Rally will be postponed until Fri-
day, July 12.
Special Applied Music Faculty
Jury: Tonight at 7:30, Room 35,
School of Music Building, for ap-
plied music majors applying for
graduate standing who have been
tentatively classified in Course
132 and expect summer session
credit to apply on degree require-
ments, and for students planning
to present degree recital during
the summer who have not alrea4y
been approved by the full faculty.
For assignment of time, make ar-
rangements in the Dean's office,
There will be an informal recep-
tion for students in the Depart-
ment of Classical Studies on Fri-
day, June 27 at 8 o'clock on the

Second floor of the Michigan
League Building. All persons in-
terested in Latin or Greek are in-
vited to be present.
The first Fresh Air Camp Clinie
will be held on Friday, June 27,
1947. Discussions begin at 8 p.m.
in the Main Lodge of the Fresh
Air Camp located on Patterson
Lake. Any University students in-
terested in problems of individual
and group therapy are invited to
attend. The chief discussant will
be Dr. Valeria F. Juracsek from
the Neuropsychiatric Institute.
Respectfully yours,
William C. Morse
Camp Director
University Community Center
1045 Midway
Willow Run Village
Friday, June 27, 8:00 p.m. -
Duplicate Bridge. Regular group
meetings will be resumed .next
Professor Leonard A. Stidley of
Oberlin School of Religion will
lecture at 4:15 p.m. daily, June
27-July 7, upon "Current Religious
Education" in Assembly Room of
Rackham Building-open to the
Attitude Goals In Religious Ed-
ucation will be discussed by Pro-
fessor Ernest M. Ligon, Ph.D., at
8 p.m. daily, June 27-July 3, in
Kellogg Auditorium. Open to all
faculty and students.





At the Lydia Mendelssohn. .
OF MICE AND MEN. From the novel by
John Steinbeck. Burgess Meredith, Lon
Chaney. Directed by Lewis Milestone.
LTHOUGH THIS MOVIE is faithful to
almost every detail of the novel from
which it was made, it just doesn't quite
come off. Admittedly, the task of filming
a story of this kind is difficult anA it is
hard to put one's finger on where the blame
for its failure lies.
, Perhaps the fault was with the audience,
which seemed to lack sympathy with the
moronic protagonist. Perhaps the story it-
self was to blame, with its over-sentimental-
ity and moments of melodrama, if the shoot-
ing of an old dog, for example, can be called
There were, however, times when the
audience forgot its amusement and was, ap-
parently, completely taken in, thanks to .the
sincerity of the actors and the skillful di-
recting, especially in the climactic sequences.
Burgess Meredith and Betty Field were
extermely well cast in their parts and played
them for all they were worth, but there were
few noments when Lon Chaney fulfilled the
requirements of his role.
Natalie Bagrow
Ever since the day of Hiroshima, men of



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