THE MIGAN DAILY 1 7 THUS SDAY, AUGTJST 7, 1947 III15rY Y l r YrllOr rrrl rYr ilrirrrrYYYY. Yrr rr7w .r Fifty-Seventh Year MATTER OF FACT: The Breaking Truce BILL MAULDIN Edited and managed by students of the Uni- versity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student 'Publications. Editorial Staff Managing Editors ... John Campbell, Clyde Recht Associate Editor .................... Eunice Mintz sports Editor .................... Archie Parsons Business Staff general Manager.................Edwin Schneider Avertising Manager ..........William Rohrbach Circulation Manager.................Melvin Tick Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches redited to it or otherwise credited in this news- >aper. All rights of repubication of all other ,natters herein also reserved. .ntered at the PostOffice at Ann Arbor, Michi- gan, as second class mal !natter. *ubseription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mal, $6.00. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. IGHT EDITOR: MALCOLM WRIGHT Ku Klux Kan EXT TO A DEAD ONE, a unhappy Ku 1Klux Klansman is best., And the Kluxers haven't had much to cheer about in the past few weeks. Despite grand prizes offered to "members who get new members" (including a copy of "The Rising Sun," an anti-Catholic document written by the Klan's former Imperial Wiz- ard), Klan membership drives have been conspicuously unsuccessful, according to Stetson Kennedy, author of "Southern Ex- posure," in an article in PM. Kennedy writes "Saturday's disconso- late party was just one more in a long series of Klan flops. A fiery cross touched off was a great disappointment, the Grand Dragon reported. The cross was 100 feet long-but there were only 25 new Kluxers 'to initiate." The party, which Kennedy attended dis- guised as. a Kluxer-in-good-tanding, saw one of the last cross-burnings for some time to come. The Klan has been finding this pastime expensive and inexpedient since three members were arrested last month in Knoxville, Tenn. for setting off six crosses in front' of the police station, the city hall and the county court house. However, with all their setbacks, the Klan may yet hope. The withdrawal of the Negro Baptists in the United States from the Baptist World Alliance was threatened this week after white delegates to the seventh con- gress of the Alliance in Copenhagen, Denmark, informed Copenhagen hotel- keepers they did not wish to share ac- commodations with the Negro delegates. Astatement issued by Negro leaders in this country demanded an apology from the delegates who "attempted to impose their views of segragation upon the Danish peo- ple." " And loyal Klan hearts lifted again this week when a Jackson, N.C. jury freed seven white men on charges of kidnaping and breaking and entering a jail with intent to kill a young Negro. The freeing of the seven would-be lynch- ers brought a quick condemnation from North Carolina's governor R. Cregg Cherry who claimed a miscarriage of justice and said that the action of the grand jury "does not close the case." Meanwhile, however, there are seven pro- spective Klan members on the loose. Anybody want a copy of "The Rising -Naomi Stern By JOSEPH AND STEWART ALSOP THE PATTERN OF the future in the whole labor scene may well be estab- lished in the next few months. On the one hand, the outcome of the current ne- gotiations between the CIO's United Auto- mobile Workers and the Ford Motor Com- pany will become a standard of measure- ment in post-Taft Hartley Act labor rela- tions. On the other hand, a test of strength of even more significance for the long term future of American politics, may also be in prospect. For it is possible that all-out, eye- gouging, shiv-sticking political warfare within the CIQ itself is in prospect. The battle, if it comes about, will be be- tween the CIO leadership, including Presi- dent Philip Murray, and the CIO's Commu nist-dominated minority. At present an un- easy truce between these factions hardly masks a dagger-and-bludgeon, poison-m- the-soup struggle which goes on behind its facade. But those who have the best means of knowing what goes on in Philip Mur ray's always honest but often vacillating mind suspect that this truce may soon be broken; indeed, that the process has already begun. Such mind-readers have in the past been forced to rely on the most inconclu- sive signs and portents-Murray's sudden emotional storm on the Communist 4ssue before the automobile workers' board, a more recent and more violent explosion before INTRIGUE: U.S. Seaman By VICTOR RIESEL I OFFER YOU TODAY a tale of intrigue on the high seas, secret meeting in grimy ports, "frame-up artists" at work and spe- cial agents slipping quietly on and off ships bound for far-flung oceas. There are no secret maps of ancient treasure caches but the prize of battle in this tale is huge none- theless. The prize is power over 90,000 American seamen and their union. This outfit, in turn, controls much of America's sea-borne commerce at a moment when U.S. ship car- goes keep Europe's non-Communist nations literally from being peopled by walking skel- etons. Know first that every ship manned by a CIO National Maritime Union crew to- day is a floating ballot box. Men aboard last week began to vote for delegates to the union's sixth annual convention scheduled for September. The Communist Party, acting through its special labor agents, is under orders to cap- ture that convention under any circumstanc- es, so it can control the union. Control of the NMU would mean that any time the Communist disapproved our foreign policy, they could call a political strike and para- lyze our shipping. To capture the convention, the Commu- nist Party must first capture the delega- tions now being elected at sea. So the party has stationed its best operators aboard shi! to campaign and vote. About these special Communist agents, union president Joe Cur- ran, says: "They are trained as speakers. They are trained at confusion. They are trained it lies and deceit. They are trained to smear and slander. They are trained to stay at meetings until all the regular members leave the meeting tired. Then they pass their res- olutions and motions. They will attempt to capture our convention." They're heavy with cash and flash a roll before hitting a port. They're the first to buy drinks and lead the way to every water- front excitement and they have managed to smuggle their new style-slick propaganda aboard. One piece of this party literature, now flooding NMU ships is gotten out like a pocket-size mystery novel. A trick cover makes it look like an- other detective story and the seamen in their idle hours have been picking up the book. The front jacket reveals a fallen picket with a huge two-handed sword in his back. Across the sword, in big black lettering, is the title, "Inside Job." Writ- ten by Herb Tank, a professional Commu- nist Party author, its chapter heads read like something out of Ellery Queen: "The Case of the Stolen Ballot Box; Racketeers, Politicos and B-29 Bombers; The Deep Six; South of the Border; Gangsterism Unparalleled; The Enemy Is Cunning." The pocket-size volume of course is over- sized Communist propaganda not only against the party's enemies inside the union but against big business and capitalism as well. That's how the party operates at sea. But it worries about the ports, too, because on Monday, Aug. 25, the land-based union members will elect "port delegates" to the convention. So recently the Communist Party held a secret meeting in New Orleans. To a seamy building there were summoned all the party agents 'who, over the past years, have suq'- ceeded in becoming NMU officials. They discussed the New Orleans situation -because in that city the anti-Communist crowd controls the union, and the comrades devised this strategy to discredit the non- Communist leaders of New Orleans' seamen:' Party agents would provike scores of "beefs" ina . n+ nr+ r+va t imnrPnrginn +ha+ righ+. the CIO executive board, and so on. But now the mind readers can point to some - thing more than hot words. The official CIO newspaper, "The CIO News," for a long time edited by slight, professional Len De Caux, has rarely de- viated from the straight Stalinist line. Thus, when the British parliament voted to free India, "The News" not only joined "The Daily Worker" in implying that this was mere British imperial trickery. The editors also exhumed ancient photo- graphs from the files, purporting to show British soldiers savaging the Indian na- tives. By odd coincidence, Murray had just signed a cable to British Prime Min- ister Clement Attlee congratulating hin and the British people on their great and historic act. When Murray saw the cur- reni issue of his own organization's of- ficial newspaper, he hit the roof. De Caux, and two of his cohorts received their walking papers. "The CIO News" is now in other hands. This was a major development in CIO internal politics, since the organization's newspaper is the main channel of official CIO policy to the rank and file. It has, moreover, been followed by other develop- ments. Robert Lamb, personable secretary of the CIO legislative committee, has re- signed. The secretaryship of the legisla- tive committee is another key spot, and most of the non-CCommunist CIO leaders consider Lamb's departure a victory for their side. Finally, Emil Rieve, textile workers' chief, has been given office space and an im- portant policy-making position in CIO head- quarters. Rieve's name follows only those of David Dubinsky and Walter Reuther on the Communists' extensive hate list, as he is one of the most effective anti-Commu- nist labor leaders. For all these developments, final iespon- sibility rests with Philip Murray. It is thus little cause for wonder that careful studenti of "The Daily Worker" have noted a cer- tain falling off in that journal's tendency to sing paeans of praised to "our great lead- er, Philip Murray." To be sure, "The Work er" has yet to attack Murray with exquisite delicacy for which Andrei set the pattern when he remarked of his compatriot, Vic- tor Kravchenko, that "when a dog has no- thing else to do, it will ofen lick its belly." Yet such tributes, according to informed labor circles, may quite possible be on the way. For in these circles there is somewhat tentative tendency to believe that Murray is at last determined to move really de- cisively in the next few months, before the next CIO convention, to solidify non- Communist control of the CIO. If that is indeed Murray's intention, Lee Pressman, CIO counsel, and key "left-wing" stra- tegist, is certain to go the way of De Caux and the others. When and if that happens (and it is still a very big if) it is universally expected in the CIO that Communist knives will be sharpened for the most ruthless kind of political warfare against Pressman's present boss, Philip Murray. One reason why Murray has already moved with such unaccustomed decision is; in the opinion of those who know him, that he is a deeply patriotic man, increasingly disturbed by the developments abroad, and by the relationship between these develop- ments and the American Communist party. Another reason is undoubtedly Walter Reu- ther's remarkable victory in the devious Communist control of the CIO's largest union, which in turn gives Murray a solid base from which to operate. There is an obvious moral to all this. A long as the, American economic system functions reasonably well, in the context of civil and political liberty, the American la- bor movement itself can be relied upon to deal with the tiny minority of its members who serve a foreign interest. The Com- munists can hope to gain control of Amerin can labor only in two ways. One is the total failure of the economic system, in which case it no doubt deserves to be re- placed. The other is a real threat to tra- ditional American civil liberties, such as contained in that legal monstrosity, the House-passed Rees bill. Such a threat will tend to rally a really important segment of the American left, for the first time in American history, around the Communists. (Copyright, 1947, New York Herald Tribune) SOME GROUNDS for encouragement are found by the National Safety Council in the half-year figures for death due to traf- fic accidents. They reach 14,480 as com- pared with 15,290 in the same period in 1946. It was made in the face of a road travel upswing of 11 per cent in the first five months of the year. Any downward trend in traffic deaths is to be welcomed with gratitude, but while we are still killing on the roads and streets at the rate of nearly 2,000 persons per year no agency and no individual concerned with safety can afford to relax in effort to cut down this needless and disgraceful toll. Carelessness has just one meaning-it means death or injury to thousands. -The New York Times will be open from 10 a.m. to 12 The French Club will hold its noon and from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. last meeting on Thursday August Monday through Friday, and from 7, at 8 p.m. in the second floor 10 a.m. to 12 noon on Saturday. Terrace Room of the Michigan All departments of the Library Union. Mr. Bertrand Coblentz, will be closed on September 1. a visiting doctor from Paris, will Labor Day. talk informally on: "Paris au- Divisional Libraries, with the jourd'hui". Miss Elizabeth Moore exception of those listed below,. will sing some French songs. will close Friday afternoon, Aug- Group singing, games, refresh- ust 15, and will reopen Monday, ments. September 15 on a short schedule (10 a.m. to 12 noon, 2 p.m. to 4 Phi Kappa Phi Members: Sum- p.m.). Regular schedules approx- mer initiation and luncheon, Fri- imating those in force during the day, Aug. 8, 12:30 p.m., room 101 second semester of the academic Michigan Union. For reserva- year will be resumed in all branch- tions call Miss Jimenez (office: es of the Library on Monday, Sep- 24531 ext. 26, or home: 5508), any tember 22. 1tm hrdy Bureau of Government. Open time Thursday. August 18-September 20-Monday The Inter-Cooperative Council through Friday 8:30-12; 1-4:30; will sponsor a talk by Gopal Tni Saturday 8:30-12:30. path, President of the Indian In- Detroit Branch: Closed August ati of C hc IEngneers, 18-August 27; Open August 28- speaking on "The Present Crisis edem 1e1 2-6; Matday through in India" at 8 p.m. Friday at Rob- East Engineering: Open Augus ert Owen Cooperative House, 1017 18-September 20; Monday through Oakland. There will be refresh- Friday 10-12; 2-5; Saturday 10- ments and dancing after the talk. 12. Engineering: Open August 18- Wesleyan Guild Notice: A per- September 20; Monday- through sonal consecration service will be Friday 10-12; 2-5; Saturday 10- held on Sunday, August 10th, out 12. at Barton Hills. Transportation Hospital Open August 15-Aug- will be provided, leaving the First ust 23; Monday through Friday Methodist Church at 5 p.m. Res- 8-12; 1-5; Saturday 8-12; Closed ervations can be made by calling August 25-September 13; Open 6881 before Friday. September 15-September 20; Mon- day through Friday 8-12; 1-5; Lctures Saturday 8-12. Physics: Open August 18-Sep- Mathematics Lecture: Profess- tember 20; Monday through Sat- or L. J. Mordell of St. John's Col- urday 10-12. lege, Cambridge University, will Transportation: Open August give a lecture on "A Chapter in 18-September 20; Monday through the Theory of Numbers" on Friday 8-12; 1:30-4:30; Saturday Thursday, August 7th at 4:15 p.m. 8-12. in Room 3017 Angell Hall. Vocational Guidance: Opens August 18-September 20; Monday The fourteenth public lecture of through Friday 1:30-5:30; Satur- the Linguistic Institute will be day 9-12. held at 7:30 August seventh in I v Copt, 1 947 by ilaited Feature Syadicata, Ine. 414---Ali rights rassrrtd "7 l t DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for tihe Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the summer Session, Room 1213 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day pre- ceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 147 VOL. LV, No. 31S Notices Examination for U n i v e r s i t y Credit. All student who desire credit for work done in the sum- mer session will be required to take examinations at the close of the session. The examination schedule for the schools and col- leges on the eight-week basis is as follows: (Thursday, August 14 and Friday, August 15.) Hlour ofRecitation Time of Exam 8Th r rsday, 8-10 9 Friday, 8-10 10 Thursday, 2-4 11 Friday, 2-4 1 Thursday, 4-6 2 Thursday 10-12 3 Friday, 10-12 All other hours Friday, 4-6 Any deviation from the above schedule may be made only by mutual agreement between stu- dent and instructor, and with the approval of the Examination Schedule Committee. Attention August Graduates: College qf Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music, School of Pub- lic Health: Students are advised not to request grades of I or X in August. When such grades are absolutely imperative, the work must be made up in time to allow your instructor to report the make-up grade not later than 4 p.m., September 5. Grades received after that time may defer the student's graduation until a lat- er date. Edward G. Groesbeck Assistant Registrar Colleges of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and Architecture and Design; Schools of Education, F o r e s t r y, Music, and Public Health: Summer Session students wishing a transcript of this sum- mer's work only should file a re- quest in Room 4, U.H., several days before leaving Ann Arbor. Failure to file this request before the end of the session will result in a needless delay of several days. Edward G. Groesbeck Assistant Registrar All veterans enrolled for the eight weeks Summer Session and who are receiving government ed- ucational benefits under the Vet- erans Administration, are remind- ed that Report of Absence Cards are eue Monday, August 11, 1947. These cards may be mailed to the Veterans Service Bureau or placed in any deposit box. If any veteran has failed to receive a Report of Absence Card he should obtain one immediately at the Veterans Service Bureau, Room 1514, Rackham Building. The filing of a Report of Ab- sence Card is a University regula- tion applying' to all veterans cer- tified for government educational benefits. German Departmental Library Books are due in the departmental office by August 8 regardless of a later due date stamped' in the book. To all students having Library books: 1. Students having in their pos- session books borrowed from the General Library or its branches are notified that such books are due Monday, August 11. 2. Students having special need for certain books between August 11 and August 15 may retain such books for that period by renew- ing them at the Charging Desk. 3. The names of all students who have not cleared their records at the Library by Wednesday, August 13 will be sent to the Cash- ier's Office and their credits and grades will be witheld until such time as said records are cleared in compliance with the regula- tions of the Regents. Doctoral Examination for Thomas Alton Bickerstaff, Math- ematics; thesis: "Certain Order Probabilities in Non-Parametric Sampling," Friday, August 8, at 2 p.m. in the East Alcove, Rackham. Chairman, C. C. Craig. Ralph A. Sawyer Doctoral Examination for Low- ell Ray Perkins, Chemistry; thesis: "The Preparation of Tteraphenyl- phosphonium Chloride and Tetra- phenylstibonium Ch 1 o r i d e and Their Application to Analytical Chemistry," Friday, August 8, at 2 p.m. in the West Alcove, Rack- ham. Chairman, H. H. Willard. Ralph A. Sawyer Doctoral Examination for Mar- vin Lewist Vest, Mathematic; thesis "Birational Space Trans- formations Associated with Con- gruences of Lines," Friday, August 8, at 3:15 p.m. in the West Coun- cil Room, Rackham. Chairman, R. M. Thrall. Ralph A. Sawyer Doctoral Examination for James Louis Jarrett, Jr., Philoso- phy: thesis: "The Cognitive Value of Poetry," Friday, August 8, at 3:30 p.m. in Room 205, Mason Hall. Chairman, D. H. Parker. Ralph A. Sawyer Doctoral Examination for Ber- nadine Agnes Bujila, Romance Language: French; thesis: "A critical Edition of Rutebeuf's Vie Sainte Marie L'Egyptianne, Fri- day, August 8, at 4 p.m. in the East Council Room, Rackham. Chairman, E. B. Ham. Ralph A. Sawyer Recommendations for Depart- mental Honors: Teaching depart- ments wishing to recommend ten- tative August graduates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the School of Edu- cation for departmental honors should recommend such students in a letter, sent to the Registrar's Office, Room 4, University Hall, by 4 p.m., September 5 . Edward G. Groesbeck Assistant Registrar University of Michigan General Library Schedule of Hours after Summer Session 1947: The General Library will close at 6 p.m. daily from Friday, Aug- ust 15 to Saturday, September 20. The Graduate Reading Rooms and the First Floor Study Hall will be closed during this period. The Basement Study Hall will be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily except Saturday when it will be closed at noon. The Rare Book Room I l Approved social events for this week: August 8, Graduate Student Council, Intercooperative Council; August 9, Lambda Chi Alpha, Sig- ma Alpha Epsilon. Teacher Placement: Boys R e p u b11 c, Farmington, Michigan, is in need of a Recrea- tion and Physical Education Di- rector. For further information, call at the Bureau of Appoint- ments. General Placement: Mr. J. N. Evans of National Tube Company will interview electrical, mechanical, chemical, and indus- trial engineers at the Bureau on Friday, August z. Inormation booklets and application forms are available. Call extension 371 for appointment. Mr. Baxter C. Brown of the Fi- delity and Deposit Company of Maryland will interview students for salaried positions on Friday afternoon, August 8th at the Bur- eau. Call extension 371 for ap- pointmnent. Civil Service: Michigan State Civil Service Commission announces examina- tion for Photographer I, Attend- ant Nurse A-2, and Catalog Li- brarian I. Call at the Bureau for further information, Bur. of Appts. & Occup. Inf. General Placement: Mr. Harry J. Altick, CLU, will interview men for Sales positions with the State Mutual Life As- surance Company on Thursday morning, August 7th. Call ex- tension 371 for appointments. Application forms for Account- ants and Industrial Engineers for positions with Studebaker Corpor- ation of South Bend, Indiana, are now available at the Bureau of Appointments. Information booklets and appli- cation forms from the National Tube Company of Lorain, Ohio are available at the Bureau of Ap- pointments for mechanical, elec- trical, chemical, and industrial engineers. Those interested should call at the Bureau before Thurs- day. Application forms from the De- sign Service Company, Cleveland, Ohio are now available for me- chanical, electrical and architec- tural engineers. Call at the Bur- eau of Appointments for further information and forms. Civil Service: The U.S. Civil Service Commis- sion announces examinations for Patent Examiner, Grade P-1, and Veterinarian, Grades P-1 and P- 2. Call at the Bureau for further information. Bur. of Appts. & Occup. linf Housing for Men Students, Post Summer Session: Men interested in rooms in the Residence Halls for the Post-Session, Aug. 18- Sept. 12 are required to leave their names at the Information Desk, Room 2, University Hall, on or before Friday, August 8. No meals will be served. La p'tite causette meets every Tuesda yand Wednesday at 3:30 in the Grill Room of the Michi- gan League and on Thursdays at 4:00 at the International Center. All students interested in inform- al French conversation are cor- dially invited to join the group. the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. The subject will be "Nasal Consonant Phonemes in the Western Romance Languages," and the speaker will be Professor * Ernest F. Haden of the Univer- sity of Texas. Professor Haden is a well known scholar in Ro- mance linguistics, and is active in the study of French dialects in the United States and Canada. Professor Hunter Rouse, Direct- or of the Institute of Hydraulic Research, State University of Iowa, will lecture on Mechanics of Sediment Transportation, Friday, August 8 at 4 p.m. in Room 445 West Engineering, and on Satur- day, August 9, at 10 a.m. in Room 445 he will talk on Vortex Motion and Fluid Turbulence. This lec- ture will be illustrated by motion pictures. Dr. Nelson T. Johnson, Secre- tary General to the' Far Eastern Commission and formerly Amer- ican Minister to Australia and Minister and Ambassador to Chi- na, will lecture on "The Respon- sibilities of the United States as a World Power," Friday, August 8, at 8:10 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. 'This is the concluding lec- ture in the Summer Session Lec- ture Series, "The United States in World Affairs." The public is in- vited. Academic Notices Zoology Seminar: Thursday, August 7, 7:30 p.m., East Lecture Room, Rackham Building. Miss B .Elizabeth Horner will speak on "Arboreal Adaptions of Peromys- cus." Concerts Carillon Recital: Percival Price, University School of Music car- illonneur, will present a program Thursday evening, August 7, 7:1 p.m. Mr. Prise will play four groups of folk-songs whish will in- dlude British, German, Russian, and American works. The concluding Thursday Eve- ning Concert sponsored by the Graduate School, will consist of Haydn's Emperor Quartet, Schu- bert's Rondo in B minor, Mah- ler's Symphony No. 1, and Wag- ner Excerpts from Die Meister- singer. Exhibitions Photographs of Summer Fuig. of Michigan, Rotunda Museums Building. July and August. The Museum of Art: Elements of Design, and What is Modern Painting? Alumni Memorial Fall; daily, exceptuMonday, 10-12 and 2-5; Sundays, 2-5. The public is cordially invited. Museum of Archaeology. Cur- rent Exhibit, "Life in a Roman Town in Egypt from 30 B.C. to 400 A.D." Tuesday through Fri- day, 9-12, 2-5; Saturday, 9-12; Friday evening, 7:30-9 :30; Sun- day 3-5. Exhibit of American Photo- graphy, Daily. July 28 to August 8, Ground Floor, Exhibition Hall, Architecture Building. Exhibit of the Washtenaw His- torical Society display continues until beginniny of the fall semes- ter in the Rackham Exhibition Gallery. .. TOM DEWEY has been out handshaking over the country these past two weeks. Everybody rather mournfully agrees that he is the probable nominee of his party for 1948. The only trouble with Dewey's can- didacy for the presidency is that practically nobody really likes him. He has the inside track because he epitomizes Eligibility. The girl may not care for him, but Pa thinks all the time of that fat block of New York electoral votes.' Personally, Dewey looks all right; his table manners are good; he has , hard, personal, opportunistic efficiency; and people are forgetting that unkind comment which somebody made in 1944 - that you really have to know Dewey well to dislike him. Then again, he has another advant- age as a political suitor - that of contrast with his rivals; Dewey may not have much voter sex appeal himself, but Bricker is no Don Juan either and good old Bob Taft umnild hardl he the nin-in nicture in any BARNABY... How foolish of my age to hope that my If Bob were a h(-man he'd defy mother. '