TOUGH BILL See Page 2 CiY L Latest Deadline in the State :43aii4t PARTLY CLOUDY, SCATTERED SHOWERS VOL. LVII, No. 8S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS U.S. Plan for EuropeanAid ToBeStudied Soviet Minister Arrives in Paris By The Associated Press PARIS, June 26-Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov, accom- panied by three planeloads of aides, flew into Paris today for to- morrow's opening of Anglo-Rus- sian-French discussions of Europ- ean recovery. The British were reported ready to demand a Sept. 1 deadline for the submission of a draft plan to the United States. Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin, bearing a mandate from the Brit- ish cabinet to present Britain's views, was not due until tomorrow. An authoritative report from Lon- don said British and United States representatives there had reached "broad and general con- clusions" on how U. S. Secretary of State George C. Marshall's pro- posals on European aid could be approached. William L. Clayton, U. S. Under- secretary of State for economic af- fairs, has been engaged in confer- ences with top British officials for several days. Reports from both London and Moscow reported qualified optim- ism that the conference may be able to accomplish results. An Associated Press dispatch from Moscow said Soviet interest in all news of the. Marshall plan was marked, and that this was a healthy sign. The U. S. Ambassador to Lon- don, Lewis W. Douglas, told the American Chamber of Commerce in London, that Russia's attend- ance at the Paris Three-Power Conference had raised "immeasur- ably more" confidence in its suc- cess, but coupled the statement with the warning obviously aimed at Moscow that "unilateral politi- cal acts" of interference in Europ- ean countries must end. AAF Reveals Plan to Suply LatinwAmerica WASHINGTO l, June 26-(P)- 'Lt. Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg, Dep- uty commander of the Army Air Forces, unfolded today a plan to supply Latin American countries with fighters, medium bombers and transports while developing a network of American-equipped air bases throughout the West- ern Hemisphere. Appearing before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, he contended that such a program would prove its worth in three ways-(1) Keeping the United States aircraft industry "healthy", (2) reducing danger of an air at- tack, and (3) developing "good will." Support Cooperation Bill Vandenberg, Lt. Gen. Matthew B. Ridgeway, chairman of the In- ter-American Defense Board, and Col. Charles H. Deerwester, air member of the Canadian Ameri- can joint defense board, testified in support of a bill providing for military cooperation and arms standardication among the Amer- icas. Vandenberg declared that "with the increase in range and in- crease in speed of modern air- craft, we are liable to attack from almost any direction-from the north and from both flanks on the south." Common Aids Needed Against that background, he outlined some of the things the air force thinks it needs for de- fense throughout the hemisphere -common aids to navigation, sim- ilar provisions for maintenance of airplanes at strategic points. In response to a question, Van- denberg said that "we would much prefer to have the bases built and operated by the other countries, but equipped so that we could use them if we went to the succor of other countries." He did not specify in detail just how the Tnited States would go about supplying the other countries with planes. Metals Price SUort Asked WASHINGTON, June 26-( )- The House Small Business Com- mittee recommended today that LITTLE WHITE HOUSE DEDICATED-Approximately 1,500 persons, including celebrities from Washington and Franklin D. Roosevelt's Georgia "neighbors", are shown gathered in front of the "Little White House" at Warm Springs, Ga., as Basil O'Connor, president of the Warm Springs Foundation, speaks during ceremonies dedicating the cottage as a national shrine. House Passes Bill Providing Aid for DP's WASHINGTON, June 26-(P)- Legislation sealing United States membership in the International Refugee Organization-and auth- orizing a $73,500,000 contribution toward care of Europe's 900,000 displaced persons-got over its last major barrier in Congress today. By standing vote of 124 to 43, the House approved the bill after being told it will save this country money and does not commit the United States to admit any of the refugees. Bill Has Passed Senate The bill has passed the Senate, but goes back there for action on two House changes. One would re- duce the United States contribu- tion to the International Organi- zation's work for the next 12 months from $75,000,000 to $73,- 500,000. An offshoot of the United Na- tions, the IRO originally was scheduled .to begin operations on July 1. Five nations signed its charter unconditionally. 'en more, including this country, must rat- ify the agreement before it can begin functioning. U.S. Helped Plan IRO The United States helped plan the organization, but its participa- tion was conditional upon Con- gress' approving. Under the bill, the United States will carry 45.75 per cent-or $69,- 110,000-of IRO's operating bud- get, and bear 39.89 per cent-or $1,915,000-of its administrative costs. Its activities will be direct- ed by a nine-member executive committee. Army Pays D.P. Cost The argument that it will save this country money is based on the fact that at present the U.S. Army is paying the entire cost of displaced persons within the terri- tory it occupies. Overshadowing the issue of U.S. participation in the new organi- zation during House debate was the question of what will be done about the refugees' future, "How long will we be expected to care for these people?" demand- ed Rep. A. Leonard Allen (Dem., La.). GUIDANCE CONFERENCE- Educators To Discuss Future Of Human Adjustment Work .> Prof. Clyde H. Coombs of the University's Bureau of Psycholog - ical Services and Jacob S. Orleans of the War Department's Com- mand and Staff College will dis- cuss prospects for the future in the field of human adjustment at 8 p.m. today in the Rackham Am- phitheatre. The discussion will comprise the sixth and final sesssion of a two- Truman Gives Marshall Plan His Approval WASHINGTON, June 26--(P)--- President Truman today com- pletely endorsed Secretary of State Marshall's proposal f o r European recovery. He also sent Congress a report' that this country will have to pro- vide more financial help to other nations. The amount was left open. The report came from three cabinet officershand two bank agency chiefs who make up the President's National Advisory Council on Foreign Financing. It said: 1. Almost all the billions Con- gress has authorized for foreign financial aid-not counting that turned over to the world bank and fund for lending-has been spent or committed. 2. It had become "increasingly clear" as early as three months ago that what was left "will not prove adequate for the accomp- lishment of the purposes for which foreign financial assistance has been provided." 3. The question of how much more "this country will need to provide can not be readily ans- wered." The five agencies on the Council are giving that "continu- ing consideration." The Council reported that of $14,800,000,000 m a d e available since the war ended, foreign na- tions had used all but about $5,- 400,000,000 committed to them. day conference on the measure- ment of adjustment and achieve- ment. Orleans will complete a roster of more than a score of ed- ucators, psychologists' and tech- nicians who have convened here to summarize 25 years of research on the question of adjustment, and to look ahead into the future of the field. Coombs To Discuss Research Prof. Coombs, chief of the re- search division of the Bureau of Psychological Services, will dis- cuss the next steps in research, while Orleans' talk will concern the future guidance program. Prof. E. F. Lindquist of the Uni- versity of Iowa, who has recently completed guidance work with the American army of occupation- in Germany, will talk on "Germany and Guidance" at a luncheon at 12:15 the Union. The 300 teachers, school ad- ministrators and psychologists will hear addresses by Prof. Irving Lange of Columbia University and Warren G. Findley, chief of the evaluation branch at Air Univer- sity, Maxwell Field, Ala. Achievement Measurement Harry Rivlin, chairman of the education department of Queens College in New York and Arthur E. Traxlet, director of the Ed-* ucational Records Bureau will dis- cuss, with Lange and Findley, the various aspects of achievement at 9 a.m. in the Amphitheatre. "Prediction of Success" will be the general topic of Prof. Robert W. Travers of the Bureau of Psy- cholological Services, Walter F. Dearborn of Harvard University, David M. Trout of Central Mich- Floods Sweep Des Moines; Two Missing Many Homeless As Levee Breaks DES MOINES, June 26-(Ab-- islood waters of two major streams merged at record levels today at their junction near the heart of this capital city of 170,000 and left 1,800 homeless and two given up for dead. Along with the devastation else- where in Iowa and in parts of Nebraska, Missouri and Illinois the growing toll of midwestern flood refugees soared to a total estimated by Red Cross area head- quarters in St.9Louis at 40,429 - highest since 1937, Third Crisis Approaches As the flood waters began to re- cede slowly in Des Moines the downstream communities of Red Rock, Eddyville, Ottumwa and Keosauqua, already battered twice this month by the worst floods in their history, prepared for a third crisis this weekend. Elsewhere in the Midwest the rampaging Missouri River reached 31.3 feet at Boonville, Mo., in the greatest flood in 103 years and along the Mississippi 2,000 per- sons were homeless between Al- ton and Cairo, Ill. In Nebraska, the Missouri was flooding thousands of acres near Rul and flooding occurred on the Elkhorn River between Norfolk and Winslow. 63 Blocks Under Water In Des Moines, several residen- tial areas totaling 63 blocks were inundated up to a depth of eight feet by the angry waters of the Des Moines and Raccoon Rivers. Half of this area was engulfed swiftly when the Des Moines tore a 600-foot breach in the levee protecting the Franklin area a dozen blocks northwest of state capitol hill. Coast guardsmen said all residents got out safely. An army of volunteers, public employes, sailors and coast guardsmen had toiled through- out the night removing lowland residents and reinforcing levees with 25,000 sandbags. The pow- er plant was saved and the bus- iness district escaped damage. Standard 0Oil Will Continue State Deivery DETROIT, June 26 - (P) - Standard Oil Co. of Indiana today called off its plan to discontinue wholesale deliveries of gasoline to Michigan trucking companies July 1, Florence Kiely, managing direc- tor of the Michigan Trucking As- sociation reported. She said the company informed her it "is making arrangements" to continue deliveries beyond the deadline on the basis of present allowances. However, there would be no increase in quantities, she said she was told. Salesmen Informed Her Miss Kiely said she had been informed Wednesday by salesmen for the company that wholesale deliveries would be stopped the first of the month, a move truck- ing spokesmen said might serious- ly curtail their operations. Standard Oil of Indiana an- nounced from Chicago only that it would abide by terms of all con- tracts after July 1 but added "We are not taking on any new cus- tomers." Rationing Began Tuesday On Tuesday the company began rationing gas supplies to distribu- tors who were directed to work out their own methods of selling the gasoline to motorists during June, July and August. Standard Oil blamed its gaso- line shortage on increased con- sumption especially in farm areas. Steel Industry Crippled As Miners Remain Out 220,000 Miners Protest Taft-Hartley Bill; Coal Industry Prepares For Week's Layoff By The Associated Press PITTSBURGH, June 26-Further curtailment of the nation's steel industry and cutbacks in coal-carry railroads were reported today on the heels of the crippling walkout of more than half of the country's 400,000 bituminous coal miners. Approximately 222,000 miners remained away from work in pro-l test against enactment of the Taft-Hartley labor law. Meanwhile, the entire soft coal industrysprepared to shut down at midnight Friday for the miners' regularly scheduled week's paid va- cation. Many of the diggers already were fishing, others were at vaca- Truman Places Veto on Robertson Bill Curbing tion spots and many sat at home "t Foreign Wool Imports Truman Asks Industry Obey Lebor Statute Promises To Uphold Taft-Hartley Law WASHINGTON, June 26-(P)- President Truman called upon la- bor and management today to comply with the Taft-Hartley la- bor act and promised to adminis- ter it as fairly and effeciently as he can. And with 300,000 of John Li. Lewis' coal miners idle, causing steel mills and railroads to lay off workers, the President said that Attorney General Clark is looking into the situation. No Specific Action Any action that is necessary will be taken, Mr. Truman told his news conference. But nothing specific is now under contempla- tion. The President pledged himself to do all in his power to see that that Taft-Hartley act "is well and faithfully administered" as the AFL decided to battle it in the courts and to fight its backers at election time. The AFL high com- mand turned thumbs down, how- ever, on a general protest strike. Mr. Truman's statement noted that the act was passed over his veto "in accordance with the con- stitutional processes of our gov- ernment" and declared that "we must all respect its provisions." Vital Responsibility "Insofar as management and labor are concerned," he contin- ued, "there is a vital responsibil- ity upon them to comply with the law in a spirit of tolerance and fair play. Neither management nor labor will achieve any long- range benefit by seeking to use the provisions of this act to gain unfair advantage or to sustain ar- bitrary attitudes. It is in the in- terest of both to maintain steady production at fair wages while the effect of the new act is being test- ed by experience. At this time, as at all others, they will serve their mutual welfare best by working together with full recognition by each of the legitimate rights of the other, "I call upon labor and manage- ment, therefore,. to exercise pa- tience and moderation in accom- modating themselves to the changes made necessary by the act." aking it easy." Railroads in Birmingham, Ala., began laying off trainmen on coal runs with the prediction that sev- eral hundred workers will be idled within a week. A general layoff of Chesapeake & Ohio railroad coal crews in West Virginia appeared likely within a few-days, officials reported. Two blast furnaces were banked and four open hearth furnaces shut down at the Farrell Plant of the Sharon (Pa.) Steel Corpora- tion because of a coal and coke shortage. Other companies which have begun to curtail operations include Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co., Carnegie Illinois Steel Corpor- ation and the Geneva Steel Co. A spokesman for the steel indus- try said companies have enough coal on hand or in transit suffi- cient for their needs for periods ranging from 14 to 49 days. Wage Threat In High Prices, CIO Declares igan College of Education George K. Bennett of the chological Corporation at 2 today. Senate Passes Bill Meeting Specif ications House Leaders Assail Stand and Psy- p.m. NEWS BRIEFS By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, June 26-President Truman indicated today that he believes voluntary meat rationing would be ineffective. A reporter told Mr. Truman at a news conference that Senator Flanders (Rep., Vt.) has suggested the President urge voluntary ra- tioning as a result of the meat shortage and flood damages to the mid- west corn crop. Mr. Truman reminded that he had made such a request more than a year ago. That request, he said, was not effective. * * * * DETROIT, June 26-A shortage of steel, which already had resulted in notifications to 28,500 Detroit area auto workers that they would be laid off temporarily, spread into nearby Canada today as Chrysler of Canada, Ltd., announced it would close its Windsor, Ont, plant for a week. * * * * DETROIT, June 26-The Automotive Tool and Die Manufac- turers Association today announced signing of an agreement with the CIO United Auto Workers granting a 15 cent an hour wage increase to approximately 6,000 employes in 100 Detroit firms. WASHINGTON, June 26-The House passed today a bill au- thorizing United States membership in the International Refugee organization which is designed to care for Europe's approximate 900,000 war displaced persons. Reuther Hits Labor Laws LANSING, June 26-(P)-Wal- ter P. Reuther, President of the United Automobile Workers, CIO, declared today government should "work as hard" to settle basic causes of economic security "as it has" on a Michigan omnibus labor bill and the Taft-Hartley law. Appearing before Governor Sig- ler at a hearing on restrictive la- bor legislation before the gover- nor, Reuther said "The basic cause of labor trouble is a longing for security. The answer is not through negative legislation, but through positive legislation to get at the causes." He cited as fields for necessary governmentalhaction: "Provision for adequate housing, old age in- surance, minimum wage laws and similar statutes." The Michigan bill and the new congressional law, Reuther de- clared "encouraging a running away by employers and employes from accepting their responsibil- ities because they think "now, we have a law and the law will take care of it." UN Site Is Given Inviolable Status LAKE SUCCESS, June 26- (iP)-Secretary of State George C. Marshall today signed an agree- ment with the United Nations giv- WASHINGTON, June 26-()- The CIO told Congress today that workers are "in pretty good shape" now on wages, but that unions will be forced to scrap existing agreements and demand more pay "if prices keep on skyrocketing." Emil Rieve, a CIO vice presi- dent, presented this view in de- livering a blast against Congress for what he called its failure to take a "single step" to halt the rising cost of living. Urges Inediate Action Rieve urged the lawmakers to take imediate action to prevent "collapse of our economy." He testified before the joint Congressional committee on the economic report. This group is gathering suggestions on how to maintain full employment, avoid a depression and generally stabilize the American economy. Senator Flanders (Ret., Vt.), a committee member, suggested be- fore the hearing that President Truman urge voluntary meat ra- tioning to* check rising living costs. But the President, at his new con- ference later, indicated he believes such a request would be ineffect- ive. Truman Comments Asked for comment on Flanders' suggestion, Mr. Truman observed that he had made such a request a year ago and it was not com- plied with. Flanders had told a reporter that flood damage to the corn crop will cause a meat shortage and higher prices. While a re- turn to mandatory rationing by law would be "impractical," the senator said. By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, June 26 - Pres. Truman today vetoed a wool price support bill authorizing new curbs on foreign wool imports but agreed to approve one without that feature. The Senate immediately passed one by voice vote that met his specifications and sent it to the House. That meant no attempt would be made to override the ve- to. But the House, which had put the import restrictions into the original bill, could refuse to go along with the President and the Senate and add the curbs to the new legislation. House Republi- can leaders did not disclose their planseimmediately, butthey assailed the President's stand. Mr. Truman held that the pro- visions for import barriers will be "atragic mistake" just now when this country is seeking interna- tional agreement for freer world trade. He wrote that the action "would be a blow to our leadership in world affairs" and would be in- terpreted abroad as a step on the "road to economic isolationim." House Republican leader Hal- leek (Ind.) called that argu- ment "fallious." His state- ment added that Mr. Trumn "again refused to cooperate with the Congress in its program to save the taxpayers money." Be- cause foreign wool tends to low- er the price here, he said, "the taxpayers generally foot the bill" for subsidies to keep up the price of domestic wool. The new wool bill passed today was introduced by Senator E.V. Robertson (Rep., Wyo.) and quickly approved by the Agricul- ture Committee and the Senate. It would restore the domestic sup port program through 1948. Effect of Veto Called Slight JACKSON, Mich., June 26-(P) -President Truman's veto of the wool support bill will have little effect in this state, Paul Finne- gan, manager of the Michigan Cooperative Wool Marketing As- sociation, said today. "Our understanding is that the President has had tariff power since 1943 and that the tariff amendment in the 'vetoed bill to which he objected means very lit- tie," Finnegan declared. Wool production in Michigan has been declining with farmers turning to other production, he reported, because wool sales still are regulated on the 1943 price base while many other farm pro- ducts have been freed of controls. Married Vets MayApply fo r U' Apartments Applications for residence in the University Terrace Apartments will be taken from 9 a.m. to noon and from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Mon- day through Wednesday in the Office of Student Affairs. University officials said, how- ever, that there are no vacancies at present and none are expected during the summer session. Only married veterans who have completed two terms in the Uni- versity may apply. Each appli- cant must file with his applica- tion his Military Record and Re- port of Separation. All applications will be consid- ered on a priority system. Quali- ficationn for annicinnn annar HOPE FOR HANDICAPPED: Latest Aids For Deaf Blind Exhibited Modern science offered drama- tic evidence last night to bolster its contention that it has, in fact, been concerned with somewhat more than the art of destruction these past years. The occasion was session num- ber three of the national confer- ence on student adjustment and achievement at Rackham Build- Prof. George A. Kopp, research associate in the speech clinic of the University conducted the dem- onstration of visible speech with the aid of J. C. Steinberg and G. E. Peterson of the Bell Telephone Laboratories, where the device was developed. They described the means by which the sound variations in nor- mni map~n rp miti i ya tranns- Woodrow Morris, ,of Bureau of Psychological Services, conducted the demonstration of the electron- ic pencil, by means of which a blind person who has learned the "vocal vocabulary", can read an ordinary printed page. Morris showed how the stylus of the pencil converts light reflec- tions from black type on a printed nDaw intn sound. Thesunds nron-