Alliance of France, Germany
Held Vital to Peace in Europe
An alliance of France and Ger-
many, which are complementary
to each other, is essential for
peace in Europe, according to
Gottfried S. Delatour, visiting
professor of sociology from Co-
lumbia University.
The. old "balance of power" di-
plomacy prevented French and
German cooperation and sowed
Ives .. .
(Continued from Page 1)
the 'niggers' is the first step to-
ward aiding totalitariarnism, to-
ward regimentation which will
lead to the mongrilization and de-
cay of our nation," Wright said.
To the Governor who testified
that "there is no discrimination
in Mississippi," Ives patiently ex-
plained the workings of the FEPC
bill which is designed to provide
mandatory conciliation and med-
iation. "We are not going into
any section mandatorily saying
that 'you have to do this.' Certain-
ly that would do more harm than
good," he told the Southernor.
Takes On Senator
Answering Senator Ellender (D-
La) who raised the point that the
bill included a ,fine and impris-
onment for failure to obey its
provisions, Ives pointed out that
while there was an ultimate legal
compulsion in the bill, the em-
phasis was on the gradual pro-
cess of conciliation and media-
tion and that in New York, where
there are man racial minorities
besides Negroes, the law had
worked for two years without re-
sort to the courts.
Governor Wright shifted his ar-
gument, first to the idea that the
only discrimination was against
the white race because economic
factors in employment favored
the Negro, and then to an appeal
to leave the matter up to the state
legislatures ("It could work in
Mississippi if t h e legislature
passed it.")
Finally after an hour's discus-
sion he volunteered a statement
which I felt was not only a great
tribute to -the persuasiveness of
Ives' personality but an acknow-
ledgement of what Ives called the
"common sense" basis of the bill.
The governor of the state which
sponsors Senator Bilbo, who came
convinced that this "dangerous
legislation would set back race re-
lations in the South," admitted
that he would trust Senator Ives
with the administration of a fed-
eral Fair Employment Practices
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the seeds of another war, Prof.
Delatour declared, in discussing
European conditions after the
first World War. "A French and
German economic and political al-
liance," he said, "would have pre-
vented the rise of Hitler and the
second World War."
Worked With OSS
Prof. Delatour was transferred
to the State Department, at the
end of the war, from the Office of
Strategic Services, where he had
served as an expert on African af-
fairs since just prior to the inva-
sion of North Africa in 1942. He
had been working with the intell-
igence department of the French
government since 1933.
The Germans, said Prof. Dela-
tour, who went to Africa to study
German activities in Mohamme-
dan countries after the French
armistice in 1940, had developed
their propaganda in those coun-
tries to a high degree of efficien-
cy. "In Morocco," he said, "they
had a 40-man staff of secret po-
Had Followed French Affairs
Before 1940, it was the duty of
Prof. Delatour to attempt to bring
about an adjustment of the ap-
peasement policy being followed
>y the French and English gov-
ernments. He had been in close
contact with French and German
affairs ever since joining the staff
of German Foreign Minister Wal-
ter Rathenau shortly after the end
of the first World War. At that
time, he was assigned the task of
directing and planning the recon-
struction of northern France by
60,000 Germans.
He later helped establish the
West-European I n s t i t u t e in
Frankfurt, a post-graduate school
where professors from seven Ger-
man universities instructed French
graduates in the finer points of
German economics and politics.
This type of advanced education
in diplomacy and civil service is
essential to international under-
standing and cooperation, accord-
ing to Prof. Delatour. "It is of
the greatest importance," he said,
"that we understand thoroughly
the background and culture of
the nations with which we must
'U' Chaplain To Speak
On Faith Hour Program
Father Francis J. McPhillips,
chaplain of the University chapter
of the Newman Club, will be the
speaker on the Hour of Faith
broadcasts Sundays during Aug-
Father McPhillips' subject for
the five broadcasts will be "Youth
and the Church."
The program, aired originally
in New York, will be rebroadcast
at 5 p.m. over WXYZ, Detroit.
Book Review .. .
A review by T. Scott Miyakawa
of "The Star-Spangled Mikado"j
by Kelly and Ryan will be fea-
tured at the Student Religious As-
sociation's Saturday Lunch, 12:151
p.m. today in Lane Hall.
German Club ...
The German club will hold a
picnic at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday
at Portage Lake.
Members will meet at 5 p.m.
at the University Hall parking
Reservations must be made
before noon Tuesday at the
German office or by calling
Eleanar Eppstein at 24561.
, , ,
'Arrowsmith' . .
"Arrowsmith," film version of
Sinclair Lewis' novel starring Ron-
ald Colman and Helen Hayes, will
be shown under the sponsorship
of the Inter-Cooperative Council
at 8 p.m. Sunday and Monday at
Hill Auditorium.
Tickets are on sale at Union
and League desks.
* * * -
Piano Recital .. .
James Mearns, pianist, will pre-
sent a recital at 8:30 p.m. Wed-
nesday at Rackham Assembly Hall.
His program will include selec-
tions by Mozart, Bach, Beethoven,
Schubert and Chopin.
Army Releases
Hold on Recruits
The War Department said today
that any recruits who enlisted
since Monday without knowing
that they would get no benefits'
under the GI Bill of Rights may
have immediate discharges if they
want them.
On that day President Truman
signed a bill fixing termination
dates for many wartime acts. One
provision is that men who join
the Armed Services from then on
will not be eligible for loans and
other benefits of the GI Bill of
Fights upon their discharge.
Norwegians Irked
OSLO, Norway, August 1-0P)-
The Norwegian press reacted vio-
lently today to reports that an
American Negro student had been
expelled from a Bergen hotel last
night at the request of a white
American tourist who resented the
sight of a Negro dancing with a
Norwegian girl.
Fever Pollen
Takes to Air
During August
(Continued from Page 1)
and Pryibenzamine-have proved
their merits and may be obtained
upon prescription.
A lucky few can be clinically
cured by the injection of pollen
extract, Dr. Sheldon added.
If you are a hay fever prospect
and don't mind climbing your
walls for recreation, you may in-
stall pollen filters in your home
and spend the summer indoors.
Pollen-free areas are also rec-
ommended. The northern penin-
sula of Michigan is famous as a
Without batting an eye, scien-
tists have also pointed to the Pa-
cific Northwest and the entire
continent of Europe. You have
lots of places to go.
This writer suggests deep-sea
Hill To Speak
About Britain
"Trends in Public Administra-
tion: The Future of Local Govern-
ment in Great Britain" will be the
topic of a lecture by L. C. Hill at
4:10 p.m. Tuesday in Rackham
Hill a lecturer in public ad-
ministration at the University
College of the South West, Eng-
land, is formerly general secretary
of the National Association of Lo-
cal Government Officers in Great
He acted as honorary director
general of the International Un-
ion of Local Authorities in the
last war.
This is Hill's seventh visit to
the United States.
GI1 Ceks Held
Government checks for the fol-
lowing veterans are being held at
the Ann Arbor post office. They
will be returned to Columbus on
Aug. 14:
pNaomi L. Bowerman, Frederick
P. Buerstetta, Mildred Virginia
Dupee, James C. Finch,dRobert M.
Loomis and Francis L. Whaley.
AIRLINE HELICOPTERR --An 5-51 Sikorskyhell-
copter takes the air at Bridgeport, Conn., after being turned over
to UAL as the first helicopter for use by a major airline with its
regular fleet of commercial aircraft.
DOOR-LAMP N EST-- A mother robin sits on her
nest built in a lamp over the door of a home in Skokie, a Chicago
suburb. The bulb would make it an incubator in a pinch.
1511 Washtenaw Avenue
Alfred Scheips, Pastor
(The Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Mis-
souri, Ohio, and Other States)
Sunday at 11:00 A.M.: Service, with sermon
by the pastor,."Lengthening and Strength-
Sunday at 2:00 P.M.: Gamma Delta, Lutheran
Student Club, will have an Outing and
Picnic Supper at Portage Lake, meeting
at 2:00 at the Student Center.
512 East Huron
Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister
10:00 A.M.: Church School for all ages. Stu-
dent Class studies "Job" in the Guild
11:00 A.M.: Church Worship. Sermon,
"1 Corinthians 13" (Small children cared
for in the kindergarten.)
4:30 P.M.: Students will leave from the
Guild House for a Picnic with the Congre-
gational-Disciples Guild at Riverside Park.
Another group will leave at 6:00 o'clock.
1432 Washtenaw
W. P. Lemon, D.D., and James Van Pernis,
Frieda Op't Holt Vogan, Director of Music
Ruth Kirk, Church Worker
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship.
Dr. Fred Cowin guest preacher.
6:00 P.M.: Summer program for students
following the concert at Hill Auditorium.
Mr. Van Pernis will discuss the meaning
of "The Church." Supper follows.
(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Tappan
F. E. Zendt, Minister to Congregation
For National Lutheran
1304 Hill St.
Henry 0. Yoder, pastor
Council Students
9:15 A.M.: Bible Hour at the Center.
10:30 A.M.: Worship Services in Zion and
Trinity Lutheran Churches.
11:00 A.M.: Worship Service in Christ Lu-
theran Chapel, Willow Run.
4:00 P.M.: Association meeting at the Stu-
dent Center.
Y.M.C.A. Building
North 4th., opposite Courthouse
10:15 A.M.: Bible Study.
10:45 A.M.: Worship.
7:00 P.M.: Evening Bible Study.
7:30 P.M.: Evening Worship.
State and William Streets
10:45 A.M.: Public Worship. Sermon by the
Reverend Thomas Leggette, on
4:30 P.M.: Congregational - Disciples Guild
will meet at the Guild House, 438 Maynard
Street, for picnic and outdoor worship
service at Riverside Park, with members
of Baptist Guild.
(Continued from Page 2)
Dr. Frederick Cowin of Ann Arbor
will preach.
6:00 p.m.-Summer Program for
students will follow the Concert at
Hill Auditorium. Mr. Van Pernis
will discuss the meaning of "The
Church." Supper will follow.
Friends Meeting Sunday morn-
ing 10:30 at Unitarian Church.
Potluck dinner at noon.
Memorial Christian Church (Dis-
ciples of Christ) Hill and Tappan
Streets. Morning Worship 10:50
a.m. Sermon by Rev. F. E. Zendt.
Nursery for children during the
T h e Congregational-Disciples
Guild: Meet at the Guild House,
438 Maynard St. a t4:30 p.m. to
go to Riverside Park for recrea-
tion, picnic supper, and a worship
service with the Baptist Guild. In
case of rain meet at the Baptist
Guild House, 502 E. Huron at 6:00
University Lutheran Chapel:
Service Sunday at 11:00 a.m., with
sermon by the pastor, "Lengthen-
ing and Strengthening."
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu-
dent Club: Swim and Picnic Sup-
per at Portage Lake, meeting at
the Student Center at 2:00 p.m.
First Church of Christ, Scientist
409 South Division Street
10:30 a.m.: Sunday Lesson Ser-
mon. Subject "Love."
11:15 a.m.: Sunday School.
8:00 p.m. Wednesday evening:
testimonial meeting .
This church maintains a free
Reading Room at 706 Wolverine
Building, Washington at 4th,
which is open daily except Sun-
days and holidays from 11:30
a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Here the Bible
and Christian Science literature
including all the works of Mary
Baker Eddy may be read, bor-
rowed or purchased.
The Lutheran Student Associa-
tion will meet at 4:00 on Sunday
afternoon at the Student Center,
1304 Hill Street, and leave from
there for a picnic supper and out-
door meeting at the home of Rev.
and Mrs. Boettger, Holmes Road,
Ypsilanti, Michigan. The Bible
Study Class will meet at 9:15 a.m.
at the Center and worship serv-
ices in both Zion and Trinity Lu-
theran Churches will be held at
For that
Delicious Midnight Snack
B I R T H D A Y ,W I N N E R - On her 64th birthday Mrs.
F. Burright drove two Grand Circuit winners at Maywood Pk.. Ill.
TEA M MATE R I V A L S -.Joe DiMaggio (left) and
George McQuinn, Yankee sluggers in a tight race for the Ameri-
can League batting lead, look at the bat with which Joe hit for
,800 in a recent game.
FEEDS RESCUED FAWN- Douglas Viegut, 3, of
Wausau, Wis., feeds a fawn rescued from two dogs in a field by
the lad's father. The Vieguts planned to turn the fawn over to
conservation authorities-
A N N I V E R S A R Y G I F T -Dick Van Patten, (right)
juvenile in a Broadway comedy, presents a silver wine cooler, gift
of the cast and stage hands, to the stars of the play, Alfred Lunt
and Lynne Fontanne, on the occasion of the couple's 25th wedding.
Division at Catherine
The Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D., Rector
The Rev. John M. Shufelt, Curate
The Rev. John H. Burt, Student Chaplain
Miss Maxine J. Westphal,
Counsellor for Women Students
Mr. George R. Hunsche,
Organist and Choirmaster
8:00 A.M.: Holy Communion
11:00 A.M.: Nursery and Kindergarten, Tat-
lock Hall.
11:00 A.M.: Holy Communion. Sermon by
Dr. Lewis.
4:00 P.M.: Canterbury Club picnic, swim-
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