,4 ABOVE THE LAW See Page 2 Lj Latest Deadline in the State aiitt FAIR, WARMER VOL. LVII, No. 28S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1947 t t PRICE FIVE CENTS UN Delegates Define Signal of Atom War Stockpile Seizure Would End Peace By The Associated Press LAKE SUCCESS, Aug. 1-The seizure by any nation of atomic stockpiles and facilities always will be a signal of war, United Nations Atomic Energy delegates declared today in a preview of their second report. "The seizure (by any nation or group of nations) of stockpiles, production facilities and facilities utilizing nuclear fuel will always be a danger of such magnitude," the delegates said, "that seizure should be recognized by all na- tions to mean that a most serious violation of the treaty has taken place and that the nation is about to embark on atomic warfare." Six Papers The views of the delegates, act- ing thus far in their individual capacities, were contained in a series of six papers made public by the Political Committee of the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission. Soviet Russia took no part in drawing up these papers and fre- quently criticized the work on them by the delegates. Poland participated slightly. The papers made these points: 1. Nations or persons should not own atomic source material, nu- clear fuel and dangerous facilities. These must be held by the agency in trust. Research Limitations 2. National research and devel- opment activities should be limit- ed only so far as is necessary for security, 3. The Atomic Control Agency must seek out any clandestine ac- tivities or facilities involving nu- clear fuel. 4. An atomic treaty should em- body the principle that compar- able national deposits of atomic- bearing ' ores throughout the world should be used up propor- tionately so that one nation would not gain an advantage. Agency Inspection 5. The agency's powers of in- spection, by pl'ane and other means, should be wide but should have some limits. 6. Personnel of the agency who will conduct the surveys and in- spections should be selected on an international basis. The Political Committee will meet next Wednesday to start whipping these working papers in- to shape for the formal report which the Security Council has ordered the Atomic Commission to mnake before the UN Assembly meets Sept. 16 UV Chorus To Give Concert Program To Feature 'A Fable' by Jojo "A Fable" by Dello Joio will be featured in the annual concert of the University Summer Session Chorus, to be presented at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow at Hill Auditorium. The chorus is directed by Miss I Mary Muldowney, head of choral usic at State Teachers College, Indiana, Pa. Celia Chao and Elizabeth Pow- ell, pianists, and Elizabeth Green, a violinist, will accompany the chorus in Brahms "Love Songs." "Serenade to Music," by the noted composer Vaughn Williams will feature a choral quartet com- posed of music school students Mary Jane Allbright, Arlene Sol- lenberger, Norris Greer and How- ard Hatton. The program, which is open to the public, will also include a group of sacred songs and "I'm Seventeen Conie Sunday," by Per- cy Granger. Receipts Neede For Vet Supplies Veterans will have to present their cashier's receipts along with Ltheir Veterans' Book and Supply Security Council Calls for End To Dutch, Indonesian Warfare; Daily-Lmanian OLD PHOTOGRAPHS RECALL UNION OPERA DAYS FOR BARITONE DEWEY-With his family looking on, Gov. Thomas E. Dewey reminisces with Lloyd Berridge and Herbert Wagner, two of the three other members of "The Four Micks," vocal quartet which appeared in the Mimes production "Top of the Morning" in 1921. Show left to right are Dean Earl V. Moore, of the music school, Ber- ridge, of the University Health Service, Mrs. Frances Hutt Dewey, Thomas E. Dewey, Jr., John Mar- tin Dewey, Dewey, and Wagner, manager of University Hospital. BELOW-Dewey is greeted by President Alexander G. Ruthven at a luncheon held Thursday in honor of the New York governor and his family. * * *4 *, *4 * Britons,, Jews Clash, in New .PalestineFight JERUSALEM, Aug. 1- (P) - Britons and Jews clashed in an- gry reprisal and counter reprisal today in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and unofficial sources tonight numbered the day's casualties at one dead and 33 wounded-all Jews. In the all-Jewish city of Tel- Aviv the streets were virtually de- serted tonight as Jews scurried home, fearful of new outbreaks such as occurred last night, when five Jews were killed and a score wounded. Terrorist Attack The day's bloody events, all re- verberating from the execution by the British of three Jewish un- derground members and the re- venge hanging by the underground of two British sergeants, began with a terrorist attack on the Jerusalem headquarters of the Royal Hampshire Regiment. The assault,mintwhich the at- tackers used mortars and gren- ades, failed after one Jew was slain and two others captured. Observers said at least five ex- plosions were heard. The dead man, found with a grenade in his hand, had been shot four times. A short time later, in Tel Aviv, an armored car which a private source said was mannedabyBrit- ish police, crashed headlong into' a crowd of 5,000 persons in a fu- neral procession for the five Jews killed in last night's violence. Crowd Scattered The crowd scattered in panic as three separate bursts of gunfire were heard and at least 15 Jews were wounded by glass from breaking shop windows. Others suffered gunshot wounds. A re- liable private informant said the gunfire came from the armored car. After the funeral, groups of young Jews formed quickly. One group rushed Barclay's Bank, across the street from Tel Aviv's Great Synagogue. Troops sum- moned to the scene opened fire and an informant said eight Jews were hit. Other groups upset two British Army trucks and set them afire while still another stoned the Gen- eral Postoffice Building. GMRal Boost Called Step Leading To Depressioni Raises Unnecessary, Reuther Office Says S By The Associated Press DETROIT, Aug. 1 - General Motors Corp. today increased the price of all passenger cars and Chevrolet trucks by two to six per cent. A statement from the office of Walter P. Reuther, president of the CIO United Auto Workers, described .the price boost as "ano- ther large stride down the infla- tionary road leading to depression and mass unemployment." It added: "Were the company genuinely concerned in cooperating in the national effort to halt inflation, it could well afford to offer price reductions several times as large as the price increase which it has now inflicted on the con- sumer." Reuther himself was in Wash- ington for a "'Meet the Press" radio program tonight. The Ford Motor Co., GM's chief competitor in the low price field, had no official comment. A statement by Henry Ford II a fortnight ago said the firm "hiped" to absorb rising steel costs without marking up the price tag ion its cars. General Motors' move was not entirely unexpected in view of the conviction in automotive circles that rising steel prices eventually would be reflected in autos. President C. E. Wilson said specific increases by models and body styles were to be announc- ed individually by Cadillac, Buick, Pontiac, Oldsmobile and Chevrolet divisions. Cadillac raised the price of its models from $66 to $168, Buick from $60 to $139. Chevrolet trucks were also blanketed with passenger cars un- der the increase, but GMC trucks were not affected, since price in- creases ranging from $17 to $162 were set for them earlier in the week. Non - automotive products, Wilson said, would be increased in price along the same general pattern as autos and trucks. Wilson blamed "the inflation that has occurred" in labor and material prices for the general increase. The announcement came three days after General Motors re- ported a net income for the first half of the year of $147,622,834, highest in a decade except during the war. Soviet Film Ends Today' "Ivan the Terrible," Soviet film biography of the Czar who uni- fied Russia, will be shown for the last time at 8:30 p.m. today at Hill Auditorium. Sponsored by the Art Cinema League, the film was directed by Sergei Eisenstein and features a musical score by the noted Soviet composer Sergei Prokofieff. The picture, which concentrates on effect, rather than action or character, deals basically with the struggles of Czar Ivan against the Boyars, a handful of titled barons who spit up Russia into numerous warring principalities and feudal holdings. Tickets may be purchased at the Hill Auditorium box-office. ises Car, -4' New York's Senator Ies Raps FEPC Opponents By TOM WALSH Special To The Daily EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the eighth in a series of interpretative articles on political trends and personalities in Washington by a Daily staff corres- pondent. WASHINGTON-New York's Senator Irving Ives put on an im- pressive and highly effective performance in a Senate Labor and Pub- lic Welfare Committee hearing recently when a couple Southern gen- tlemen testified against the FEPC bill which he is sponsoring. "Senator Ives wants the Negro vote and is putting himself on the same level for political reasons," was the type of statement included -in a long mimeographed testimony Daily-Lmanian Truck FOREIGN ARTISTS: Nations Festival To Featufre Ukranian Singers, Dancers New Witness Reports for Hughes Probe WASHINGTON, Aug. 1-()- Senators probing Howard Hughes' ability to get warplane contracts heard testimony today that Elliott R o o s e v e 1 t's recommendations overrode the Commanding Gen- eral of the Air Forces, and then started quizzing publicity man John Meyer on his relations with the son of the late president. Meyer, sleepy-eyed after a hur- ried flight here from France, did not get very far on his story of his work for Hughes before the hearing was suddenly recessed u- til tomorrow. Denies Padding He did get in a denial that he had padded his expense accounts to show lavish entertainment of government officials. He replied, "right" when asked whether is was "your duty to entertain Army of- ficers, Navy officers and others?" The many-sided inquiry of the Senate War Investigating Com- mittee also turned up an offer by its chairman, Senator Brewster (R-Maine), to waive his senator-' ial rights and appear as a wit- ness on what he said was "a blackmail charge" fired at him by Hughes. Meyer testified briefly at the end of a day which produced an account by Ma. Gen. Oliver P. Echols of how the recommenda- tion of Elliott Roosevelt, son of the late President, b r o u g h t Hughes, Hollywood millionaire, a $22,000,000 contract for photo reconnaissance planes. Plane Contract Echols, former assistant chief of the Air Staff, said the con- tract went to Hughes after Gen. H. H. Arnold, chief of the Air Forces during the war, directed on Aug. 24, 1943, that no further action be taken to encourage Hughes in development of a pho- tograph plane . Echols, now retired, told the committee that a week later Ar- nold reversed his decision after talking to Elliott and issued verb- al instructions to Echols that "steps should be taken to con- tract with Hughes" for 100 planes. Fire at Bicycle Store Causes Extensive Loss Fire caused by a short-circuited neon sign at the Midway Bike Shop, 322 E. Liberty, brought fire- men to the shop at 3:30 a.m. yes- terday, Ann Arbor Fire Chief Ben Zahn reported. Flames from the sign spread to the building's interior and caused extensive damage before extin- guished by firemen. The first floor and front of the buliding suffered the heavy damage, he re- ported. Prices presented by Paulson Spense who runs an engineering company in New York and a plantation in Louisiana. "Now I'll tell you something, Mr. Spense, said Ives good-naturedly after the witness had read a long tirade against him. Holding his large bowled pipe in one hand and speaking in a friendly persuasive tone, Ives traced the history of his own interest in the Fair EM- ployment Practices Commission bill which is the history of the FEPC legislation in the state of New York. Took Chairmanship in 1944 He reluctantly took the chair- manship of a committee to study the problem in 1944, convinced that no solution by legislation was possible. "All 23 of us on the con- mittee representing all sections of the comn'unity signed the report from which the bill evolved and in two years of operation there has not been a single 'cease and desist' order issued," he lectured. When Ives said, "I believe in it on the level with no thought of political advantage," his sincerity was obvious. As a clincher he reminded his attacker that "Harlem voted against me two to one." By that time, Spense, who had been cockily telling the commit- tee how he "loved colored people" and how he wanted to represent them because "they have nobody to speak for them," was rather humbly offering to withdraw the parts of his statement which per- tained to Ives. Ives, who was then hitting his stride, refused the offer casually. Softens' Up Governor Later he softened up Governor Wright of Mississippi who told the committee that S. 984 was the most dangerous legislation ever presented in the United States. "This minority legislation to help See IVES, Page 4 UAW Rejects Ford Proposal DETROIT, Aug. 1-(P)-An eleventh-hour effort to head off a threatened strike of 107,000 Ford Motor Co. production workers ended today with no reported pro- gress toward a settlement of the dispute. Officials of the CIO United Auto Workers said they turned down a four-point proposal ad- vanced Thursday by Henry Ford II to CIO President Philip Mur- ray. The conditional offer pro- posed waiving certain of the com- pany's rights under the Taft- Hartley Act in return forwhat Ford called "good faith condi- tions." Richard T. Leonard, UAW-CIO vice-president and national Ford director, announced the union's rejection after a two-hour bar- gaining session. Move Is First Direct UN Act Against War Indonesia Seen As Independent State By The Associated Press LAKE SUCCESS, Aug. 1-The United Nations Security Council tonight called upon the Dutch and Indonesians to cease fighting immediately and settle their dis- putes by arbitration or other peaceful means. The unprecedented decision was reached after only two days of debate and marked the first time in UN history that the peace agency moved directly to stop warfare. The vote was 8 to 0 with Bel- gium, France and Britain ab- staining. Britain stressed that its abstention should not be . construed as a veto. The Council adjourned at 7:15 p.m. until Monday at 2 p.m. Delegates rejected a Russian amendment which directed that Dutch and Indonesian troops should be withdrawn to positions they held at the start of military operations as a step toward the peaceful settlement. The vote here was 2 to 0 with only Poland sup- porting the Soviet Union and the other nine members abstaining. Passage of the resolution, sponsored by the United States and amended by the French and Poles, also served to give Secur- ity Council recognition to the Republic of Indonesia. This point had been hotly contested by the Netherlands, which con- tended that Indonesia was not yet an independent state. The question immediately arose whether the Netherlands would choose to comply with the Coun- cil decision. Dr. Eelco N. Van Kleffens, Dutch ambassador, told the Council in the midst of the speedy discus- sions that his government would accept an invitation to end hos- tilities but would oppose any or- der from the Council. The Dutch consistently held that the Coun- cil had no power to give any or- ders in the Indonesian case. * * * Dutch Imperil CapitalArea BATAVIA, JAVA, Aug. 1-(P)-- The Indonesian Supreme Com- mand declared the Republican Capital of Jogjakarta and sur- rounding districts a military area today and ordered it prepared for a last ditch stand in the event of a Dutch attack, Radio Jogjakarta announced. The Indonesian action reflected fears expressed earlier in some Republican quarters that the loss of Republican-held Tjiltjap on Java's south coast-toward which Dutch mechanized columns were reported rolling steadily tonight- would presage a drive on the cap- ital. The Indonesians said two Dutch fighter planes attacked the Jogakarta airfield today. Latest Dutch reports said the Netherlands forces were within 20 miles of Tjilatjap, which is 75 miles west of Jogjakarta. Realtors, Council Reach Agreement Negotiations by attorneys for the Home Realty Co. and the Washtenaw, uilding Trades Council have progressed far enough for both sides to ask ad- journment of the construction company's request for an in- junction to halt picketing until Saturday, Aug. 16. Attorneys in Washtenaw Coun- ty Circuit Court yesterday said that an agreement had been reached whereby pickets of AFL Carpenters Union 512 will be Highlighting the Festival of Na- tions, to be held at 8 p.m. August 10 in Hill Auditorium will be a group of Ukranian singers and dancers from the Detroit Boyan Society. The "Club Boyan," which was founded ten years ago, is com- posed of persons of Ukranian ex- traction who possess talents to fit the various cultural categories ofj Ukranian life. Origin of Club Originally composed of a man- dolin orchestra of five, the group was so successful that dancing, choral and dramatic groups were added until the present member- ship of 65 was reached. The name "Boyan," in the Ukraine usually connotes a sing- ing troubador. However, a Boy- an actually was one who accom- panied Ukranian princes into bat- tle and whose duties were to com- pose and sing songs honoring war- riors who fought and fell to de- fend the Ukraine. Although the foremost aim of the group is to perpetuate and fos- ter Ukrainian culture the group also actively participates in sport- ing, dancing and other social 'events. Typify Grace, Rhythm The Ukranian folk dances which will be performed at the festival typify grace and rhythm of the peasant dance and will be per- formed in the traditional colorful costumes of the Ukraine. The Festival will also feature Philippine Candle and Bamboo dancers, Latin American songs and dances, Danish, Swedish and Norwegian folk dancers, Ruman- ian music and dancers, Indian Shadow Dances, a Polish Nation- al Chorus and a group of Greek folk musicians and dancers fea- turing Nicholas Nitsis in "Tzami- ko," dance of the Greek guerrillas. AAF Marks 40th Birthday WASHINGTON, Aug. 1-(/P)- The Air Force celebrated its for- tieth anniversary today by shat- tering speed records and putting on a show as world-wide as its war effort. In Moscow, Tokyo, Berlin, San- tiago, Paris, Nanking and a dozen other foreign capitals as well as most major cities in this country the occasion was noted. The Air Force, shrunk from its wartime 2,500.000 men to 310,000 but flying faster and farther now, took to the air with demonstra- tions of speed, skill and distance. One of the most spectacular flights was thatrof seven B-29 Super'fortresses from Tokyo to Washington. They made the 7,000 mile trip with a single three-hour stop for refueling at Anchorage, Alaska, in about 30 hours' flying time. P-80 Shooting Stars zipped into World News at a Glance By The Associated Press BERLIN, Aug. 1-The American Military Government announced today it had discovered large quantities of war material, which ap- parently had been manufactured for an unidentified "foreign power," secreted in stockpiles in two German factories in the U.S. sector of Berlin. * * * * WASHINGTON, Aug 1-The Foreman's Association of Amer- ica filed suit against the National Labor Relations Board today challenging the constitutionality of the new Taft-Hartley Labor Act. * * * * LONDON, Aug. 1-Britain is asking the United States to relax UNFRIENDLY FLOWERS: Hey - Hay Fever Season Approaches By ANNETTE RICH Daily special Writer Take those hankies out of the Tiny vessels dilate, swell and leak fluid-the sufferer sneezes, wheezes or itches. rides, particularly pleasure driv- ing. Dr. John M. Sheldon of the