PAGE TWO Fifty-Seventh Year THE MIC HIGAN DAILY, THURSDAY, JULY 31, 194' ON WORLD AFFAIRS: Over-Rapid Emancipation BILL MAULDIN r ' 4 Edited and managed by students of the Uni- versity of Michigan underthe authority of the BSoard in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Managing Editors ... John Campbell, Clyde Recht Associate Editor ................... Eunice Mint sports Editor....................Archie Parsons Business Staff 1eneral Manager................ Edwin Schneider Advertising Manager..........William Rohrbach Circulation Manager ................Melvin Tick Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches ~redited to it or otherwise credited in this news- aper. All rightseofrrepublication of all other .natters herein also, reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi- gan, as second class mal matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT' EDITOR: FRED SCHOTT Behind The Times IN THEIR relations with the Indonesians, the Dutch have shown themselves to be, in the words of cartoonist David, Low, a hun- dred years behind the times. Mr. Low, whose Sunday cartoon makes an obvious allusion to British methods of dealing with imperial problems, can point with pride to his country's latest colonial accomplishment in Burma. The Burmese may have their complete independence now if they want it. Like the British, the Dutch should have given in completely on the independence issue, for the same reasons that the Brit- ish have-colonies, in quiet areas like the South Pacific, are able to take care of themselves. Even the Dutch admitted that the In- donesians are practically ready for self- government. The Linggadjati pact, provid- ing in part for a United States of Indonesia by 1949, should have solved the problem permanently, because it set a certain "tone" to Dutch policy. It committed them to "sweetness and light." Then all of a sudden, with less than two years to go, the Dutch throw a terrific "police" force at the Indonesians. Is that the way to treat a practically independent people? Why did they have to do that? All the Indonesians wanted was their own police force. Is that an unreasonable demand from a people who were guaran- teed their independence in a year and a half's time? What's so difficult about policing Indonesia that makes the Dutch think they have to use 100,000 troops, tanks and planes to do it? The Dutch have given no reasons for their military operations. If they continue to call their war "police measures of a strict- ly limited character" they will only insult the rest of the world. Undoubtedly the Dutch want to keep most of the Indies wealth for themselves. They get a $160,000,000 profit annually from the islands. Their original invest- ment was about $1,000,000,000. The In- donesians average $50 income per capita per year. They only ask to share the wealth. If the United. Nations deal. with this in dependence problem directly, It can hardly help but recommend that the Dutch back down and stop the war at once. The UN need only consider three factors: 1. The immediate cause of the war (the police issue). 2. The Linggadjati pact. (Dutch promise independence). 3. The spirit of the times. (No longer eth- ical to oppress colonies). -Fred Schott W HEN WARDEN H. G. WORTHY and the camp guards at the Anguilla State Prison near Brunswick, Georgia, mowed down a gang of Negro prisoners who were allegedly attempting a mass escape, Glynn County police chief Russell Henderson stood by in silent amazement. After the shoot- ing had stopped, leaving 17 dead and wounded convicts strewn about the prison yard, Henderson burst out that the gun- ning had been completely uncalled for. But a special grand jury investigating the deaths of eight -prisoners and the wounding of nine others came to a different conclu- sion last week. Despite the convicts' testi- mony that the warden had been drunk, the jury exonerated Worthy, accepting his ex- planation that the Negroes had been trying a break. Scant attention was given the pri- .rncr,,' r laim thal t th her1 hn shnt while By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER S HECIVIL WAR in Java, assassinations within the new Brurman cabinet-these are symptoms of over-rapid emancipation. The movement for political freedom is fundamental to our times. It is running like wildfire through all dependent peoples. The danger is not-as some of our over- enthusiastic liberals seem to think-that this great surge toward human freedom will be suppressed or thwarted. The danger is that it will succeed too much. The danger is that in enfranchizing it- self too quickly from one sort of "foreign imperialism," a backward people will both worsen its living standard and fall under a new tyranny of a worse sort. This is no argument against emancipa- tion. Among the inherent rights of men is the right to misgovern themselves. "Na- tionalists" everywhere would rather be mis- governed by their own kind than well gov- erned by foreigners. This is the attitude of the Javanese to- day. Under the Dutch they were admirably, though despotically administered. By no stretch of the imagination can we expect the new "Native" rulers to do so good a job. Nevertheless, the Javanese and part of the Sumatrans, in so far as they are po- litically conscious, would rather be messily governed by Soekarno and Sjahrir than well looked after by J. van Mook. The same situation holds in Burma. To- morrow it will hold in India; the day after, perhaps in Madagascar, Malaya, French North Africa and Indo-China. So far so good. But when the new set of rulers turn out to be more incompetent and oppressive than the departed foreign- ers, the headaches will begin. Then for the first time, the benefits of former western imperialism will be appreciated, The Brit- ish gave India a far more humane and pros- perous regime than it could have achieved under any of the Indian tyrants the British overthrew or under the Indian governments that are being set up now. Investment of foreign capital and de- velopment of industries by foreigners are benefits, not "exploitation." Had the United States not been developed by large foreign investments, we might still be as backward as the Russians. Yet it is against foreign investment that nationa- list everywhere-misled by the myths of Karl Marx-are most vehement. It is not to prevent Javanese liberty but to pre- vent the unjust confiscation of Dutch property that Netherlands troops are now shooting down Javanese. Or take the case of democracy. Some, if not most, of the colonial peoples now so vehemently demanding independence are incapable of self-government. They have never had a chance to learn. Too few west- ern governments have imitated the U.S. in the Philippines and given their wards a gradual training in self rule. No one can learn to swim without swimming. But in the process of learning there is bound to be swallowing of salt water. It will-for instance-be surprising if the new state of Pakistan (put together from Moslem India), does not slump into disorder and tyranny of Latin American model. What will be the reaction of disillusion- ed nationalists when, five or ten years from now, they discover that in freeing themselves from foreign "imperialism," they have become poorer, not richer? That they have replaced foreign tyranny by a domestic tyrant of a more odious and in- competent sort? Are they not likely either to turn to an- archy or to Soviet totalitarianism? It seems to me that they are. It seems to me that this is the chief reason why So- viet agents trained in conspiracy are active in all emancipation movements and why they are urging the native nationalists to accept nothing less than full independence here and now. Once such premature independence fails, the Soviet Union will be the obvious bene- ficiary. For the same reason, it is in the interest of the United States that emancipation movements proceed slowly enough to be suc- cessful. From our point of view it is de- sirable that Pakistan and Hindustan should remain self-governing parts of the British Commonwealth, that Indo-China and North Africe should stay within the French Union, that independent Indonesia stick with the Netherlands. Those Americans who urge the contrary are serving not their own country's but a foreign interest. (Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc..) 4'' < _ ' -...5/ .". ." , t" ' 5 ,,r 51.- / . 17., ' _, per.., ,/' ii: "/!ll/f i r.94 Y Unitd Faafiur, Synd~catO Inc. -AN right: r,wd DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I "First it wuz women clutterin' up th' business. Now we got 'Men of Distinction'." MATTER OF FACT: Little, Late And Loud I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Look To The Future By SAMUEL GRAFTON ONE WAY of previewing next year's Pres- idential election is to speculate on how it will look to twenty-one-year-olds, to young men and women casting their first votes. It may look a little dull to them. Mr. Dewey, for example, may still seem young and vital to voters who are no longer good insurance risks. But he has been Governor of New York twice, and that definitely takes him out of the boy class. The first voter of next year has not really lived through Mr. Dewey's rackets prosecutions of ten years or so ago; that episode, to him, is just some- IT SO HAPPENS . " Fish Like This Weather Thinking It Over*... ONE OF OUR favorite radio announcers got his cues twisted last weekend. Sol- emnly and portentously he announced: "La- dies and gentlemen, your governor, the Hon- orable Kim Sigler." A long impressive moment of silence followed. Then another announcer took over with: "Ladies and gentlemen, the poet of the piano, Carmen Cavellero."' It was a wonderful program. We did get the honorable public servant's report ' some time later, though. * * * * No He Didn't Either ... WE WERE BUSY cramming on some "out- side reading" for a Shakespeare course the other day when we came to a scholar's assertion that Hamlet did achieve revenge. What made the statement stick in our mind was the fact that some earnest student had taken it upon himself to underline the sen- tence and place several neat question marls beside it in the margin. Next to it, in a different handwriting, was: "Oh yes he did, smarty-cat." S . * *- No Threat to Par .. . This game of golf is a highly competitive sport. The other day the Flint Journal quoted Gov. Thomas E. Dewey as saying he might play a little golf with "some fiends in Owosso." It sounds like the whole town shoots in the low 90's. 4** * * Next Year, Maybe .. . N OT SO LONG AGO, the day after the .-- .- -1 - 1 - -. 1 -. -. 1-. !f. -. thing he has read about, like the Spanish Armada. Mr. Dewey will have to find other ways to appeal to youth, but one doubts that his careful, strategic cross-country trips can start tongues wagging joyously in the drug stores and on the campuses. But one wonders if to the first voters the whole isolation-intervention a r g u m e n t doesn't feel almost as ancient as the con- troversy which attended the initial publi- cation of Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle." Most of the debates about isolation occur- red in 1939-40, when the first voter was thirteen years old. Gad! Can that be pos- sible? Then there is Mr. Truman, who is per- haps really their President to the young- er people, in a way in which he can't quite be for us older boys, who think of him as Roosevelt's inheritor. But it may not be good for Mr. Truman that the young people don't remember Roosevelt too clearly. They may not have our own wan, elderly hope of keeping the Roose- velt spirit alive; and the young ones may either not vote at all, or they may tend to conform more easily to family voting patterns. How to bring a dull election alive is per- haps, then, even more of a problem for the; Democrats than for the Republicans. The question is how to give it that touch that brings a play alive, or a piece of fiction, or a speech, that wonderful something which makes a direct bid to the generous heart and the sound imagination. Perhaps hous- ing could do it, or a really massive imple- mentation of the Marshall Plan. One isn't sure. It must be strange to be a first voter at this time, without even that capital of hope which we older ones have been spending, we who can remember the ex- citement about making this into One World, and a better one. It isn't a bad guide to policy, to try to see it in terms of what can bring the first voter to life. If the way isn't found, it will be a dreary gyration we shall go through next year. The young may still vote, but without remembering 1948, especially, as the year in which they cast their first ballots; they will recall it, instead, as the year in which the convertible was bought, and in which Dad either made or lost some money. That will be a petty way to fix in memory the year of the first presidential election after the biggest of wars. (Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation) By JOSEPH AND STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON--As the law- makers head for home (and happy months of fence-mending), the best way to say a final fare- well to the Eightieth Congress is to assess what it has done. And such an assessment, in turn, will be the best explanation of why this America, this great, wealthy, powerful and populous nation, is in these days like a giant bound in chains of his own devising. History will undoubtedly hold that in the domestic field the most important single act of the Eightieth Congress was the stat- ute unifying the armed services, jammed through hugger-mugger in the last days. Besides this, the Congress has shown itself significantly flabby in the pres- ence of lobbyists. It has passed two political tax bills in the cer- tain knowledge they would be vetoed. And it has placed on the statute books a labor law in which grave defects are already being discerned, even before it has come into full legal opera- tion. On the foreign side, largely ow- ing to the commanding leadership of Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg, the record is considerably better. What the President has ventured to ask for, the Congress has in general granted. Real milestones have thus been passed, as the Greece-Turkey aid bill. Yet no one familiar with the desperate gravity of the world situation can be at all satisfied. American for- eign policy, as developed by Con- gress and the Administration to- gether since January 1, has been too little, too late and too loud. That is the only honest way to characterize the manner in which this country has thus far met the challenge of the Soviet Union's political and economic warfare againstthe Western world. And as one searches for the reason for this slowness, inadequacy and bluster with which we have met the Soviet challenge, a single cur- ious and ominous fact begins to stand out. The whole earth, in the years since the war, has been divided into two great factions, one led by the Soviet Union, the other led by the United States. And not the Soviet Union only, but the United States also, is in a strange way the prisoner of its own government system. The imprisonment in their system of the Soviet people and their leaders must be obvious to any student of the ways of gov- ernments. All over the world men and women of good will sadly ask: "Why must there be this contest? Why cannot there be trust between nations?" The sad fact is that mistrust, sus- picion and aggression are inher- ent characteristics of the Soviet system at present. How can it be otherwise? As has been already pointed out in this space, even in war time, when So- viet-American relations were at their warmest, intercepted dis- patches of the Soviet Ambassa- dors in Washingtonkproved to be mere "Daily Worker" editorials. The Canadian Royal Commission investigation has disclosed no less than five bitterly competing So- viet espionage nets, which can, of course, only compete by report- ing sensations and horrors. Be- sides these, the Kremlin derives some information from the execu- tives of its subordinate Commu- nist parties. While the Kremlin bases its policy decisions on data from such sources, what else could be expected except what has oc- curred? Thus there is no way to turn the Kremlin from its course, except to confront it with hard facts-facts of failure in ag- gression, facts of prosperity and stability in the Western world which it is attacking-facts which cannot be ignored or min- imized by dialectics. This is the American task, if the Western world is to survive. But in this task in turn we are too loud, because the President cannot move the Congress to such action as the Greece-Turkey aid bill without driving the lawmakers forward with the whip of sheer terror. We are too little, because the Administration dares not pre- sent to the hostile Con'gress pro- grams which will cover the full needs of the world situation. And we are too late, because such pro- grams as are presented must al- ways wait upon a long process of preparation and education, both of Congressional and of public opinion. We, too, in short, are prisoners of our governmental system. Our founders designed it in a time when the best gov- ernment was the least govern- ment. It was the defect of its vir- tue; it is always in danger of not working at all. And in these times a government which does not work, which is impotent to act, is a short way to national disaster. Congress has its ample quota of petty politicians, blind reaction- aries and narrow men complacent- ly wallowing in their own ignor- ance, but the real fault is not with Congress, which is simply an av- erage body of Americans, with plenty of decent, industrious in- telligent men to balance against the bad apples in the barrel. The real fault is with the system. Un- der our system the Executive has a monopoly of information, but no power to act without the Con- gress, while the Congress lacks the information by which to judge the Executive's proposals for action. The result is semi-stalemate. The stalemate can be overcome only by developing the insufficient be- ginning of the so-called bi-parti- san foreign policy into an entirely new relationship between the Ad- ministration and the Congress. The urgent need for this new re- lationship is the real lesson of the last six months. (Copyright 1947, N. Y. Tribune Inc.) Although it would be departing from precedent for Congressional committees to clean up unfinish- ed business between sessions, we do not believe such precedents are of great value. It would be en- couraging to have precedent brok- en, to have public hearings com- pleted on the measures and to have the bill-drafting done before Congress reconvenes. That would give additional time for sober and informed debate in Congress and time also for the people generall to give Congress their views on the matter. It woud give assurance that impor- tant bills would not again be caught in a last-minute legislative jam, which was hteir fate at this -The New York Times Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213 Angell Publication in The Daily Offici Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day pre- ceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1947 VOL. LVII, No. 26S Notices Admission - School of Business Administration. Deadline for ap- plicants for Fall Semester ad- mission - Auguts 15. Application blanks available in Room 108 Tap- pan Hall. Seniors: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts,Schools of Education. Music and Public Health: Tentative lists of seniors for August graduation have been posted on the bulletin Board in Room 4 University Hall. If your name does not appear, or if in- cluded there, is not correctly spelled, please notify the counter clerk. Edward G. Groesbeck Assistant Registrar Teacher Placement: We have a call for a person to teach two advanced classes in French in a nearby high school for the 1947-48 session Classes are at nine and eleven o'clock. Anyone qualified and interested can obtain further information at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Civil Service: State of Michigan Civil Service Commission announces examina- tion for Liquor Field Representa- tive I, Game Reserve Biologist A, Game Biologist I, and Payroll Clerk A. City of Detroit Civil Service Commission announces examina- tion for Technical Aide for Gen- eral, Business Administration, En- gineering, and Medical Science; Senior General Staff Nurse; and Head Hospital Nurse. The Wayne County Civil Service Commission announces examina- tion for Psychologist I. Call at the Bureau of Appointments for further information. General Placement: The Peerless Cement Company of Detroit will interview men in- terested in Sales, on Friday, Aug- ust 1, at the Bureau of Appoint- ments. Call extension 371 for ap- pointments. Bur. of Appts. & Occup. Inf. Doctoral Examination for John William Beamesderfer, Chemistry; thesis: "Degree of Wetting of Un- contaminated Solids by Organic Liquids," Friday, August 1, at 3 p.m. in the East Council Room, Rackham. Chairman, F. E. Bar- tell. Ralph A. Sawyer --- * Approved Social Events for this Week: fAfternoon events are marked with an asterisks: July 30, Brown League House; August 1, AVC, IRA, Michigan Union, Mich- igan League, and Student Legis- lature Dance; August 2, Alpha Phi Alpha, Delta Tau Delta, In- terco-operative Council, Theta Xi; August 3, Michigan Sailing Club Regatta. * La p'tite causette meets every Tuesday and Wednesday at 3:30 in the Grill Room of the Michi- gan League and on Thursdays at 4:00 at the International Center. All students interested in inform- al French conversation are cor- dially invited to join this group. The Graduate Outing Club will go on a trip to the Pinebrook Farm Youth Hostel on August 2nd and 3rd. For information see the list at the check desk in the Rack- ham Building. Please sign up be- fore 5 p.m. on Friday. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity (Epsilon Chapter) will meet on Thursday, July 31, at 7:00 p.m.. at the Union. Refunds and invita- tions will be distributed. Lectures Dr. Donald D. Brand, Professor of Anthropo-Geography and Head of the Department of Anthropolo- gy, University of New Mexico, and recently Cultural Geographer in Mexico for the Institute of Social Anthropology of the Smithsonian Institution, will lecture on "Sci- entific and Cultural Relations be- tween the United States and Mex- ico," Thursday, July 31, at 4:10 p.m., R a c k h a m Amphitheatre. This is a lecture in the Summer Session Lecture Series, "The United States in World Affairs.' The public is invited. Mr. L. C. Hill, L.L.D., C.B.E., former Executive Secretary of the National Association of Local Gov- ernment Officers in Great Britair and Lecturer at the University of Exeter will lecture on "Trends in Public Administration: The Fu- ture of Local Government in Great Britain," Tuesday, August 5, at 4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphithea- tre. The public is invited. James L. Jarrett, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Utah, will give a lecture, "Veri- fication and Exploration in Poe- try," to the Acolytes, Tuesday, August 5, at 7:30 p.m., East Con- ference Room, Rackham Build- ing. Open to the public. Academic Notices History Language Examination for the M.A. degree: Saturday, August 2, at 10 o'clock, Room B, Haven Hall. Each student is re- sponsible for his own dictionary and also must register at the His- tory Department Office before taking the examination. Concerts Carillon Recital: Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will pre- sent an All Mozart Program Thursday evening, July 31, 7:15 p.m. The compositions will include Romance from "Eine kleine Nach- musik," Sonata (arr. from Violin Sonata No. 18), Ave Vtums 1 and 2, Glockenspiel musik from "The Magic Flute," and the Waltzes 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12. The Regular Thursday Evening Record Concert sponsored by the Graduate School will include Mo- zart's "Hunt" Quartet, Bach Arias and Organ Music. All graduate students are cordially invited. Student Recital: Students of the School of Music from classes in Theory and Musicology will present a Panorama of Secular Music of the Middle Ages, Renais- sance, and Baroque, Thursday evening, July 31, at 8:30 in the Rackham Assembly Hall, under the direction of Louise E. Cuyler. The program will include compo- sitions for a brass ensemble, di- rected by Paul Bryan, a madrigal group, conducted by Wayne Dun- lap, and a chamber orchestra, un- der the direction of Edwyn Hames. The public is cordially invited. Student Recital: Frank W, Baird, cornetist, assisted by Grace Harriman Sexton, pianist, Noah A. Knepper, oboist, and Mary Al- ice Duncan, pianist, will be heard in a recital 8:30 Friday evening, August 1, in the Rackham Assem- bly Hall. Mr. Baird, a student of Haskell Sexton, will play compo- sitions by Haydn, Hindemuth, Em- mauel, and Barat. The program, presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music Degree, will be open to the public. Student Recital: Warren Allen, Baritone, will be heard in aF re- cital at 8:30 Saturday evening, August 2, in the Rackham Assem- bly Hall, as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. Mr. Allen a pupil of Arthur Hackett, will present a program including three groups of Italian, German, and French songs, Promesse de mon avenir, from Massenet's Le Roi de Lahore, and a group of English songs. The public is cordially in- vited. A Summer Session Chorus: The University of Michigan Summer Session Chorus, Mary Muldowney, Conductor, will present its annual summer concert at 4:15 Sunday afternoon, August 3, in Hill Audi- torium. The first part of the program includes songs by the Chorus, and two organ selections played by Grayson Brottmiller and Elizabeth Powell. Elizabeth Green, violinist, and Celia Chao and El- izabeth Powell, pianists, assist the Chorus in Brahms' "Love Songs" followed by Barber's "D o v e r Beach" played by the String Quar- tet, with Howard Hatton, Bari- tone, as soloist, and a selection by the Vocal Quartet. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions Photographs of Summer Fungi of Michigan, Rotunda Museums Building. July and August. The Museum, of Art: Exhibi.- tion of Prints-Vanguard Group, Ann Arbor Art Association Col- lection,and from the Permanent Collection. July 1-28. Alumni Memorial Hall, daily, except Mon- day, 10-12 and 2-5; Sundays, 2-5. The public is cordially invited. Museum of Archaeology. Cur- rent Exhibit, "Life in a Roman Town in Egypt from 30 B.C. to 400 A.D." Tuesday through Fri- day, 9-12, 2-5; Saturday, 9-12; Friday evening, 7:30-9:30; Sun- day 3-5. Exhibit of American Photo- graphy, Daily. July 28 to August 8, Ground Floor, Exhibition Hall, Architecture Building. law o n a I BARNABY... U{ hl- Pn o Iis .Scid wh"!f i- c k-iss? {