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July 27, 1947 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1947-07-27

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:§UND Y, JUJLY 27, 1947


Willow Village Improvement
PolicyStated by FPHA Men

The long-awaited, but definite,
statement of F.P.H.A.'s policy on
improving the living conditions of
Willow Village residents was ob-
tained by the Village Resident
Council last week.
The policy was clarified through
* * *
More Police
Approved for
A request for six additional po-
licemen for Willow Run Village
was approved by the Sheriff's
Committee of the Washtenaw
County Board of Supervisors this
week, after F.P.H.A. had repeated-
ly rejected the Village Council's
claim that law agents and popu-
lation are out of proportion.
Resolution Requested
The County Prosecutor was re-
quested to embody details of the
plan in a resolution to be pre-
sented to the Board of Supervis-
ors at its next meeting. When
the board officially approves the
resolution, the county will ask
F.P.H.A. to draw up a new police
contract cov'ering -the additional
costs. The amount the govern-
ment currently pays the county
in lieu of taxes will not cover the
Protection Lags
The number of policemen serving
the village during the War was re-
duced from ten to four in 1945,
when the bomber plants shut down
and the population dropped to less
than 3000. Now that the popu-
lation, 12,500, once again approx-
imates the wartime level, police
protection is lagging far behind,
the council says.
Available Constantly
Under the new plan there would
be one policeman in the village
police station at all times, to
avoid the necessity of relaying
calls for aid through Ann Arbor,
especially at late hours.
Patrol cars would be added to
the force, one in the morning and
two during the rest of the day.
Arrangements for calling in extra
policemen'from adjacent areas to
meet emergencies would be re-
Clear Nights
Aid Lookers

housing manager Ernest E. Mill-
er's answers to a questionnaire
submitted to him by the council.
General repair of housing units
will begin at "the earliest possible
moment," Miller made clear. Such
repairs will cover porches, screens
and coal boxes. Outside water
faucets will also receive atten-
Soft Water Service
Soft water service will be pro-
vided to tenants at their own ex-
pense, Miller said. The tenant
himself must make arrangements
for the installation of the softener
apparatus as well as for discon-
tinuance of the service.
Contracts have been let for ma-
terials to repair all roads, and
sidewalks will be repaired as con-
ditions demand. Thirty-five new
street lights are to be installed by
the Detroit EdisoneCompany as
soon as material is available.
Dwellings Painted
The outside of all dwellings in
the village have been painted,
Miller said, and a contract has
been negotiated for the painting
of all the buildings in West
Court, with limited exceptions.
Before new tenants move into
a unit, plumbing and electrical
fixtures will be in first-class or-
der and floors and walls will be
cleaned thoroughly. However, in
exceptional cases tenants will be
allowed to move in and clean the
apartments themselves. When
families increase, they will be
moved to larger units as soon as
vacancies occur.
The council wanted to know
why, in view of the fact that in-
come from rent surmounts cost
of operation by $500,000 annually,
refrigerators increase the tenant's
electricity charges, while strip-
heaters are not allowed. Miller
answered that the original policy,
approved by OPA, did not provide
for electric refrigerators because
at that time they were unavail-
able. Now, he said, the extra cost
of electricity due to the use of
refrigerators is met by the addi-
tional charge to the tenants.
The council sought, and ob-
tained, the assurance that no
F.P.H.A. employee would enter an
apartment without the tenant's
permission, except in cases of
Blow, Mr. Baird
Frank W. Baird, cornetist, will
present a recital at 8:30 p.m. Fri-
day at the Rackham Assembly
The program, which will be open
to the public, will include selec-
tions by Haydn, Hindemith, Em-
mauel and Barat.

Ward Warty
More Plays
For Kiddies
Plays designed especially for
children should be presented in
every city, Prof. Winifred Ward,
director of Northwestern Univer-
sity Children's Theatre said yes-
Speaking before a session of the
Michigan Speech Conference and
Reunion. Prof. Ward said a "child-
ren's theatre" can be achieved in
any city by having the high
schools or little theatre groups
present one or more plays a year
for children.
Many cities are already furn-
ishing a full season's theatrical
entertainment for children by
having each of several high
schools produce one children's
play a year, she said.
"There is a growing recogni-
tion of the need in each commun-
ity for suitable theatres for child-
ren," Prof. Ward declared. "Es-
pecially so since all that children
have at present are adult movies
and cliff-hanging radio shows.
"Schools and little theatre
groups which have produced 'a
children's play find that not only
have they contributed enjoyment
to children eager for plays, but
they have had more fun than us-
ual in performing before an audi-

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I !



ence to whom
she said.

the story is so real,"

N E W M O T H E R - Pablo Albarran, 13-year-old orphan,
smiles at Evelyn Keyes, film actress, after Miss Keyes and her
husband, John Huston, legally adopted the lad. They met him on
a location trip to Jungapeo, Mexico,


Kind Driver
Seeks Hiker
Salesman Anxious
To Return Lost Pen
A good-hearted salesman, Rog-
er W. MacEachern of Detroit, has
recovered a student's fountain
pen, and is going to some trouble
to see that he gets it back.
Unfortunately MacEachern is
unable to get in touch with the
owner. He was picked up by
MacEachern on the main road be-
tween Jackson and Ann Arbor
and given a ride to his home.
MacEachern found the pen after
he arrived in Jackson.
He then wrote to Walter L. Bul-
bick, University Purchasing Agent,
asking if there was some way of
getting the student's name by
putting an ad (at MacEachern's
expense) in "the college paper."
The pen is described as a brown
Waterman's. The owner may get
it back by writing MacEachern at
832 Fisher Building, Detroit.
Bought, Sold, Rented Repaired
314 S. State St. Phone 7177

C H E C K" U P F O R L I N E R - Between trans-Atlantic voyages, the big U. S. liner America
gets its semi-annual dry-docking and inspection at Newport News, Va.


Jupiter, Moon
AH Observatory

The patient people who waited
out the long lines in Angell Hall
Observatory for a look at the
moon and Jupiter Friday night
were well rewarded by what they
Blessed with an exceptionally
clear night, the observers were
able to see the famous craters and
"seas" of the moon very clearly.
The desolate, lifeless surface of
that body was brought to earth
by the powerful telescopes. Ob-
servers looking at the half moon
were able to see many of the
lights and shadows that would
have been difficult to see due
to the greater light reflection
had a full moon been showing.
Many, people saw the satellites
of Jupiter for the first time. The
largest four of the planet's eleven
satellites were seen as bright stars
circling the oblong, yellow planet.
Those with better eyes were able
to see the streaked surface mark-
ings of the biggest planet in the
solar system. Oh's and Ah's flowed
freely as one person after an-
other stepped up to the eyepiece.
The last "open house" of the
season will be held at the Main
Observatory on Friday August 8.
Those who have not yet had the
pleasure of viewing the heavens
through a powerful telescope have
a treat in store. ,
Talk on Teaching
Prof. Fred G. Walcott, of the
education school, will speak on
"Creative Teaching and Human
Expansion" at 4:05 p.m. tomor-
row in the University High School
Patronize the
Student Book Exchange
717 North University Ave.'
acpo o<=>c< cy< c

Elizateth Dilm Shop
'Round the Corner on State
Here is your chance to buy your summer and into
fall dresses at reductions from 1/4 to 1 price.
10.00 12.95 14.95
Crepes in black, navy and lighter colors - prints -
Bembergs - linens - shantungs - better cottons.
Sizes 9-15, 10-44, 16% to 241/. Originally priced
14.95 to 35.00.
Bembergs - crepes - prints- cottons- shantungs.
Housecoats, Brunchcoats and Pajama sets in cotton
2 Groups of DRESSES of COTTONS and SPUNS
also playsuits and sunsuits at
2 Groups of SPRING COATS and SUITS
19.95 25.00
Originally to 55.00
AT 2.98 3.98 5.00
AT 98c and 1.98

C A S E Y A T T H R O T T L E - Casey Jones and his famous locomotive formed one of the
balloon floats in the parade at the annual dairyland festival held at Watertovl, N. Y.

C H E E R S FOR YA N KS - Miss Sharman Douglas,
daughter of the U. S. Ambassador to Britain, cheers the victory
of the American baseball club of Cambridge University over
Oxford's women's team at cricket.,

Y O U N-C A C T O R-Paul Brinkman, Jr., two-month-old
x:: son of film actress Jeanne Crain, (above) takes his first appear-
''"- ante before a cameira very calmly. Miss Crain's husband,. Paul
B E L L S C O I N C H O M E- Church bells from every part of Germany, collected by the Brinkman, is a radio manufacturer , n
Nazis for wartime metal. await return to their home belfries from the docks at Hamburg.ran



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