THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sr DA ; ' 27, x. 47 SUNDAY. JULY 27.v 1947 i Fifty-Seventh Year I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Man from Mars I -I ' Edited and managed by students of -the Uni- versity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Managing Editors ... John Campbell, Clyde Recht Associate Editor .................... Eunice Mintz Sports Editor ..................... Archie Parsons Business Staff I eneral Manager.................Edwin Schneider Advertising Manager..........William Rohribach - Circulation Manager............... Melvin Tick~ Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to he use for re-publication of all news dispatches Credited to it or otherwise credited in this news- )aper. All rightseoferepublication of all other natters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi- gan, as second class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Mlember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47 it 4 ;I #' Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the Vrriters only. NIGHT EDITOR: FRED SCHOTT Fascist Trends UUTEDSTATES history books give the impression that Americans have a good memory when it involves the principles upon which this nation was founded. Future books will have to reverse their stand on this ele- phantine characteristic of the Americans, because we have forgotten in a relatively short period not only these principles but ones for which we fought only two years ago. The current vogue in foreign policy is to forget how much we hated fascism and to support those countries which contain not only incipient fascism but the flagrant meth- ods of a totalitarian state. One need only to examine a map of 1945 and a current map and see how the re- versal of stand has exhibited itself. The Germans, whom we vowed should never be powerful enough to disturb world peace ever again, are now the hope for the eco- nomic recovery for Europe. Unless the light burns brightly in the former Reich industries, Europe can never pull out of its economic doldrums - according to the ex- perts over there. It isn't hard to understand the French position on German economics; the French have good memories of two wars within twenty years. Russia's memory is acute too; all their obstructionist tactics have that un- derlying uneasy feeling of fear. The rem- nants of war in Russia provide a better basis for fear of war from the Germans than war against the United States. The situation in Greece presents an inter- esting facet of United States' foreign policy. Greek policy has never been something about which the British or the Americans could ever feel particularly proud. We have even less to show when our dollars are being sent to an unwanted monarchist regime which will fast convert our "aid" to an unabashed out-and-out war offort. The fighting in Greece is somewhat analagous to the fight- ing in Spain - too long ago for Americans to remember. The monarchists could hardly hope to win a people's victory if not for our economic aid and "visits" from "friendly" battleships. To stretch the American mem- ory to some extent, the Loyalists in Spain could have saved their government had not the Germans and the Italians "aided" Franco and his cohorts. It must be a pretty uneasy feeling in American's stomachs to find themselves in the exact positions of the Qermans and the Italians. China presents an even more disheart- ening picture of U. S. policy. We have sent about the nth investigating committee to this country and the committee has re- ported on conditions there for the nth time and for the nth time no one has paid any attention. Any honest person who has returned from the Kuomintang stronghold can not only see but smell the fascist workings of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. The question in China is not whether the Kuomintang dic- tates the Generalissimo's policy or whether the Generalissimo dictates the machina- tions of the Kuomintang, but that such a totalitarian state is allowed to exist. No one is fooled by the Generalissimo's plans for "democracy" in China, not even the state department diplomats. America's memory of the Four Freedoms has to be revived and pretty fast before we find ourselves establishing a cobweb-like By SAMUEL GRAFTON IF A MAN from Mars were to read the rec- ord of the present Congress, and were to try to figure out from it what sort of country the United States was this year, he might reach some strange conclusions. He would almost certainly say to himself that the 4,Atnihie1£.M IN OSLO an International Inter-Church Youth Conference will be convened this week. Our delegates from the United States will report that conscription'is on the Amer- ican agenda; that lobbies in Washington, according to the President, have systemati- cally defeated every low cost housing effort for the past decade; that collective bargain- ing was an established procedure, but reac- tionary legislators recently have gone in the opposite direction with a law which will clut- ter the courts, cause the withdrawal of ex- perienced labor-management experts from their posts in Labor Relations, halt progress in our production economy, and turn back the social clock twenty years. Our delegates will report that the Truman Doctrine found- ed on an erroneous reading of Balkan history has by-passed the United Nations to finance ill will under the thin guise of bolstering a questionable government of Greece and helping stabilize an anti-democratic Turkey. Our youth will state how much temperate civilian experts are needed in China, but that our State Department has sent back our most ruthless military leader, Colonel Wede- meyer. It will be their lot to report that the vast energies of America need to be directed at improvements in our own democracy at home to satisfy good markets with well man- ufactured goods and honest service, but that C'ongress has sliced the budget of every social enterprise such as flood control and power sites. They will tell fellow delegates that, though we need to know the trends in our economy and understand the people's ability to purchase, our Congress has crippled every fact-finding agency able to offer us the statistical guidance as to trends. In short these devout youth from demo- cratic America, admitting that we need faith in fellow man, belief in the legal in- struments of the United Nations, and loyalty to sister nations, particularly our allies, will admit that often our press dis- torts the news. They may be asked if the headline writers do not editorialize with the apparent result of poisoning our pub- lic against the Russians and of confusing us into chaos? They will have to admit that this week announcing the proposed Japanese treaty the United States author- ities by-passed the United Nations, put out a private call, and then when the Rus- sians very properly ask to have the United Nations used, the press in headlines dis- torted the facts. These are serious matters the youth will admit and since such be- havior may spell war, they will listen with fresh attentiveness to the Sermon on the Mount and the Golden Rule. The significant question for these dele- gates is how does the motivation of religion register in social behavior? If the dedicated persons in that international conference on religion had the management of political affairs, would the outcome have been differ- ent? The two ends of the motivation, the impulse arising from youthful appreciation of the ideal society and the actual working of a political instrument, are so far apart that the culture fails. How can those dele- gates now aware of this distance, alert to th danger of a third world war, while becoming in some measure familiar with the tensions of groups on a world scale and feeling the pushes and pulls of economic affairs, fit themselves to become just officers and wise statesmen in later life? How become prac- ticing Christian leaders to alter our dog-eat- dog economy, so that complexity will not spell immorality? Multipicity as every cul- ture aims to have it do, should enrich not endanger the life and soul of all persons. As our religious students assemble in Oslo these are some of the happenings of this decade to be assessed. All of them are in- vented not by Reds nor Fascists nor Nazis but by leaders acting officially for our own United States. We regret that our young democrats at Oslo are going to have a some- what tense climate as they first meet in Christian conference the French, Greelr, Russian, British, Chinese, and Australian youth. -Edward W. Blakeman THE PROBLEM of Ruhr production, con- sidered by itself, is not so complex that men need throw up their hands in despair. The complexities enter with the introduction of ideology and national theory. The British associate their desire for productivity with the wish to see the German mines, like the British mines, become the property of the state; the French are torn between their desperate need for a strong Europe and their well founded fear of a strong German. While such matters are disputed the Ruhr limps along, producing 200,000 tons of coal daily where it once produced 450,000, and contrib- uting less than half of what it should to United States had no housing problem in 1947, for the subject never came up before Congress. Where there is no smoke there can be no fire (old Martian saying) and so the conclu- sion is inescapable that everybody in the United States must have enough space in which to live, conduct his hobbies and rear his children. It would appear, however, from the Con- gressional record, that many American tenants were anxious to pay their land- lords 15 percent more money than they had been paying, but were prevented from doing this by a tyrannical law, which Con- gress, in its haste to please the people, amended, giving them the necessary per- mission. Still looking at the United States through the lens of the Congressional Record, our Martian gentleman would be forced to con- clude that the United States had been hap- pily spared the danger of inflation, since almost no one seems to have mentioned any such thing during the six months of the Congressional sitting. The only major economic problem was that labor had become too rich. It was so loaded with money and power as to threaten to unbalance the economy. But to this prob- lem Congress addressed itself with zeal, passing a law aimed at giving farmers and manufacturers some hope of attaining equality with window washers and steam fitters. Our visitor from another planet would also note, with many expressions of admir-. ation (such as the Martian monosyllable, "Glug!" that this was not the onlyy occa- sion on which Congress devoted itself to raising up the depressed classes. It tried to help the wool growers by keeping for- eign wool out of the country, and it worked out a sugar bill which cut so deeply into the permissible imports of sugar from for- eign countries as to promise to give domes- tic sellers of the commodity some three cents a pound more, for the next five years. From this data, our Martian would draw a picture of the United States as of a land in which every street is lined with neat houses, many of them vacant and for rent. Down the middle of one such street comes a ditch-digger in his usual limousine. He pretends to glance at a diamond on his finger, so as not to notice the sight of a, landlord grubbing in a garbage can for something to eat. The two other figures skulking in a doorway are producers of basic commodities, such as wool and sugar; they are waiting for the street to grow quiet, so that they can cover themselves with some newspapers and go to sleep. The ditch digger turns the corner, unmindful of the litfle group of junior executives in ragged trousers who are shaking their thin, almost trans- lucent, fists at him as he passes. These are the outlines of whatever strange country it is for which Congress has been legislating, however sincerely, these past six months. It isn't the United States. Maybe its Mars. (Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation) ON WORLD AFFAIRS: On Germany By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER THE AMERICAN War Depart- ment's sudden attempt to im- pose a higher standard of German industry upon Europe without Europe's consent has failed - at least for the time being. Speaking more or less in the name of sixteen European coun- tries (including Britain), France's Foreign Minister calmly inform- ed Washington that immediate application of the new directive would destroy the Marshall Plan. Without some such plan, Eur- ope's chances of resisting com- munism are not too bright. The State Department, which had not been consulted or in- formed by the uniformed gentle- men whom President Truman has allowed largely to usurp the conduct of our foreign affairs, reasserted its authority. The American Administration an- nounced that the new directive would be kept in abeyance, pre- sumably until the European na- tions in Paris arrived at their own figures for the level of Ger- man industry. Almost surely, this figure will be below anything the War Depart- ment in Washington and General Clay and Ambassador Murphy in Berlin would have proposed. For although they continually speak of the "needs of Europe," actually the American authorities in Germany seem fascinated by the mirage of rebuilding that con- tinent around a German industrial powerhouse. This cute American notion that Germany must be revived before Germany's victims if Eur- ope is to live and prosper is one that these victims just cannot see. Nor could the American people if they were presented with the full facts of the situation. Although German coal produc- tion under British supervision is only half of normal, Germany is allowed to retain 79 per cent of it for domestic needs. While Ameri- cans join the Germans in shrill expression of "Germany's needs," the present German consumption of coal per capita per annum is greater than in France! We can not however say very much because when the Ar- my has offered to turn the task of German Administration back to civilians, the State Department has refused. The proclamation of the Mar- shall Plan has fortunately brought the issue to a head. That Plan calls for European self-help. It asks the representatives of six- teen European nations to calcu- late their needs and pool their resources. Naturally included are going to be the needs and re- sources of the three western zones of Germany - as seen by people most of, whom have been Ger- many'srvictims. General Clay, Banker-General Draper and Ambassador Murphy have continually stressed Europe's need for German production. But who are the better judges of Eur- ope's needs - these Americans or the Europeans themselves? If the Americans and British- ers of the Clay-Murphy-Hoover school had really been primar- ily interested in Europe, they could have set up a European commission a year or eighteen months ago. They could have suggested that the Europeans (at least, the western Europeans led by France) take over the economic administration of Ger- many. Herbert Hoover is remembered in Europe in two aspects-as the superb ' administrator, who after World War I, fed so many hungry people; as the bungling American President whose famous Morator- ium of June 20, 1931, by attempt- ing to by-pass France, precipitat- ed Europe and the world deeper into the economic crisis. (Sceptics should consult Chapter 18 of Frank Simonds' admirable book, "Can America Stay at Home?" Harper and Brothers, 1932.) The Marshall Plan and Bi- dault's repudiation of any rash increase in German industrial production give the American Administration a new chance. We can - if we choose - stick to the Clay-Murphy -Hoover hyp- nosis and lose the rest of Europe to Russia. Or we can place Ger- many under a civilian High Com- missioner less infatuated with German efficiency, offer to accept whatever figures for German pro- duction the sixteen European countries think is proper and con- sent to adequate security mea- sures. In this --case, Frenchmen, Bel- gians, Dutch, Danes, Norwegians and Italians can again sleep soundly of nights. Molotov's whistle at the gates will evoke no response. (Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.) iI (Continued from Page 2) Science, and the Arts, Schools of Education, Music and Public Health: Tentative lists of seniors for August graduation have been posted on the bulletin Board in Room 4 University Hall. If your name does not appear, or if in- cluded there, is not correctly spelled, please notify the counter clerk. Edward G. Groesbeck Assistant Registrar Deadline for Veterans' Book and supply Requisitions. August 22,1947 has been set as the dead- line for the approval of Veterans' Book and Supply Requisitions for the Summer Session-1947. Re- quisitions will be accepted by the book stores through August 23, 1947. The English Journal Club will present Mr. R. G. Shedd and Mr. A. Bezanker in a discussion of The Comic in Art, on Tuesday, July 29, at 7:45 p.m. in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. They will apply the concepts of Aristotle, Meredith and Bergson to Congreve's Love for Love and Kesselring's Arsenic and Old Lace. The audience is invited to participate in discuss- ing the subject. General Placement: The Proctor & Gamble Dis- tributing Company, Detroit, will be at the Bureau of Appointments on Monday, July 28, to interview men' interested in Sales. Call ex- tension 371 for appointment. Victor Chemical Works, Chica- go, will be at the Bureau on Wed- nesday, July 30, to interview grad- uates for Chemical Engineers, and Chemists (Analytical, Organic, Bio-chemistry, and food Technol- ogy). Call extension 371 for ap- pointment. Bur. of Appts. & Occup. Inf. General Placement: A representative from the Girls Scouts" Chicago office will be at the Bureau of Appointments on Tuesday, July 29, to interview women for openings in their Field Department. Requirements in- clude a degree and some experi- ence in Education, Sociology, Per- sonnel, or Group Work. Twenty- three years is the minimum age acceptable. Call extension 371 for an appointment. Davidson's Brothers, Inc., De- troit, will have a representative at our office on Tuesday, July 29, to interview men and women in- terested in executive training for department store work. Call ex- tension 371 for an appointment. Bur. of Appts. & Occup. Inf. General Placement: Attention, Civil Engineers: The Design Service Company of Cleve- land, Ohio will interview at the Bureau on Thursday, July 31st. Call extension 371 for appoint- ments. Bur. of Appts. & Occup. Inf. La Sociedad Hispanica meets every Tuesday and Wednesday for informal conversation at 3:30 p.m. and every Thursday for tea at the International Center. All' those interested in speaking Span- ish are invited to attend. La Sociedad Hispanica presents Mr. Emiliano Gallo Ruiz from the Romance Languages Department who will speak on "La Estetica de) la Pintura Mejicana Moderna." The Russian Circle will meet1 Monday evening at the Interna- tional Center at 8 o'clock. Madam Pargment will lecture on Contem- porary Russian Literature. Pi Lambda Theta's final meet- ing will be a picnic at Shirley Mattern's home. Members will meet at the University Elementary School Library at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 29. Rides will be arranged at that time. La p'tite causette meets every Tuesday and Wednesday at 3:30 in the Grill Room of the Michigan League and on Thursdays at 4:00 at the International Center. All students interested in informal French conversation are cordially invited to join this group. Charles E. Koella The French Club will hold its sixth meeting on Thursday, July 31, at 8 p.m. in the second floor Terrace Room of the Michigan Union. Professor Ernest F. Haden will give an infornal talk entitled: "Les Acadiens dans l'est du Cana- da." Miss Anne Battley will sing some French songs. Group sing- ing, games, refreshments. All stu- dents interested are cordially in- vited. The Christian Science Organ- ization will hold its regular Tues- day meeting at 7:30 p.m., July 15, in the upper room of Lane Hall. All students, faculty members, and alumni are cordially invited. The Modern Poetry Club will meet in room 3217 Angell Hall on Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. Members poetry will be discussed. Lectures Dr. John H. Giese from the Ball- istics Research Laboratory, Aber- deen, Maryland, will give three lectures on "The Differential Geo- metry of Compressible Flows with Degenerate Hodographs. (Parts I and II: Steady Potential Flow. Part III: S t e a d y Rotational Flow.)" The first lecture will be sched- uled for Monday, July 28, at 7:30 p.m., the second for Tuesday, July 29, at 4 p.m., and the third for Wednesday, July 30, at 4 p.m. All lectures will be given in Room 317 West Engineering Building. Admiral Thomas C. Hart, form- erly Commander in Chief, United States Asiatic Fleet, and Com- mander of the Allied Naval Forces in the Java Area, will lecture on "The United States and the Paci- fic Ocean Areas" Monday, July 28, at 8:10 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. This is a lecture in the Summer Lecture Series, "The United States in World Affairs." The public is invited. Prof. Einar Haugen of the Uni- versity of Wisconsin will lecture on "Suffixation and Compound- ing in American Norwegian" at 1 p.m. Tuesday, July 29, in Rm. 308, Michigan Union. The lecture will be preceded by a luncheon in the Anderson Room at 12:10. The meeting will form one of the regular weekly Luncheon Confer- ences of the Linguistic Institute, and is open to all members of the Institute and students in linquis- tic courses. Dr. Hugh Borton, Chief of the Division of Northeast Asian Af- fairs, Department of State, will lecture on "United States Occupa- tion Problems and Policies in Ja- pan and Korea," Tuesday, July 29, at 4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphi- theatre. This is a lecture in the Summer Lecture Series, "The United States in World Affairs." The public is invited. Prof. Einar Haugen of the Uni- versity of Wisconsin will lecture at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 30, in the Aiphitheatre of the Rack- ham Building on "Phonemic Ana- lysis in twelfth century Iceland." The lecture forms one of the reg- ular series of forum lectures offer- ed by the Linguistic Institute and is open to the public. Prof. Albrecht Goetze of Yale University will lecture at 7:30 Thursday, July 31, in the Amphi- theatre of the Rackham Building. The subject will be "The So-called Derived Stems of the Semitic Verb." The lecture forms one of the regular' series of Forum lec- tures offered by the Linguistic In- stitute, and will be open to the public. Dr. Donald D. Brand, Profes- sor of Anthropo-Geography and Head of the Department of An- thropology, University of New Mexico, and recently Cultural Geographer in Mexico for the In- stitute of Social Anthropology of the Smithsonian Institution, will lecture on "Scientific and Cultural Relations between the United States and Mexico," Thursday, July 31, at 4:10 p.m:, Rackham Amphitheatre. This is a lecture in the Summer Lecture Series, "The United States in World Af- fairs." The public is invited. Academic Notices Differential Geometry Seminar Tuesday, 3 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. C. M. Fowler williconclude his talk on Higher Helices. Mr. S. Conte will speak on Generalized Lines of Striction. History Language Examination for the M.A.1degree: Saturday, August 2, at 10 o'clock, Room B, Haven Hall. Each student is re- sponsible for his own dictionary and also must register at the His- tory Department Office before taking the examination. Concerts Percival Price, University Caril- lonneur, will present a program Sunday at 3 p.m., July 27. The selections will include Haydn's' Gypsy rondo, Sonata 5 (for harp- sichord) by Pleyel, a group of Chorales, and the Flemish Suite by Nees. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN i I, 4 Student Recital: Jerry Pickrel, Pianist, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Master of Music at 8:30, Tuesday eve- ning, July 29, in the Rackham As- sembly Hall. Mr. Pickrel, a pupil of Joseph Brinkman, will offer a program of compositions which includes works of Bach, Beetho- ven, Schumann, and Prokofieff. The public is cordially invited. University Symphony Orchestra, Wayne Dunlap, Conductor, will be heard in its annual summer concert at 8:30 Wednesday eve- ning, July 30, in Hill Auditorium. The program will open with Bee- thoven's Prometheus Overture, followed by Mozart's Piano Con- certo No. 27 in B flat Major, K. 595, in which James Wolfe will appear as soloist. The second half of the concert includes Faure's Suite from the Stage Music to Haraucourt's Comedy, with Howard Kellogg, Tenor as soloist. The public is cordially invited. Student Recital: Students of the School of Music from classes in Theory and Musicology' will present a Panorama of Secular Music of the Middle Ages, Renais- sance, and Baroque, Thursday evening, July 31, at 8:30 in the Rackham Assembly Hall, under the direction of Louise E. Cuyler. The program will include compo- sitions for a brass ensemble, di- rected by Paul Bryan, a madrigal group, conducted by Wayne Dun- lap, and a chamber orchestra, un- der the direction of Edwyn Hames. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions Photographs of Summer Fungi of Michigan, Rotunda Museums Building. July and August. The Museum of Art: Exhibi- tion of Prints-Vanguard Group, Ann Arbor Art Association Col- lection, and from the Permanent Collection. July 1-28. Alumni Memorial Hall, daily, except Mon- day, 10-12 and 2-5; Sundays, 2-5. The public is cordially invited. Museum of Archaeology. Cur- rent Exhibit, "Life in a Roman Town in Egypt from 30 B.C. to 400 A.D." Tuesday through Fri- day, 9-12, 2-5; Saturday, 9-12; Friday evening, 7:30-9:30; Sun- day 3-5. Coming Events Dr. Yuen-li Liang will hold the third of four conferences on the United Nations, Tuesday, July 29, at 3:10 p.m., East Conference Room, Rackham Building. These conferences are part of the Sum- mer Lecture Series, "The United States in World Affairs." Dr. Robin A. Humphreys will hold the third of four conferences on Latin America, Wednesday, July 30, at 4:10 p.m., East Confer- ence Room, Rackham Building. These conferences are part of the Summer Lecture Series, "The Uni- ted States in World Affairs." Dr. Gottfried S. Delatour will hold the third of four conferences on European affairs, Thursday, July 31, at 3:10 p.m., East Confer- ence Room, Rackham Building. These conferences are part of the Summer Lecture Series, "The Uni- ted States in World Affairs." The annual summer meeting of the Linguistic Society of America will be held Friday and Saturday, August 1 and 2 in the Amphithe- atre of the Rackham Building. Sessions for the purpose of read- ing and discussion of research papers will be at 2 and 7:30 p.m., Friday, and at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m., Saturday. The sessions are open to members of the Society, the Linguistic Institute and the inter- ested public. Churches First Presbyterian Church: 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship and Communion Service. Sermon by Dr. Lemon "Unfair - To Our- selves." 5:0 p.m. Summer Program for Students. Prof. Bennett Weaver will speak in the Social Hall on "As the World Looks to a Man of Letters." Supper will be served at the Council Ring following the meeting, at 6 p.m. Everyone wel- come. The Lutheran Student Associa- tion will meet Sunday at 5:30 p.m. in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall, 309 E. Washington Street. After a so- sial half hour supper will be serv- ed at 6 and the program will follow. The Rev. Robert A. Boett- ger, Assistant Student Pastor and pastor of Christ Lutheran Chapel, Willow Run, will be the speaker. Bible Class-9:15 a.m. at the Cent- er, 1304 Hill Street. Church wor- ship services in both Zion and Trinity Lutheran Churches at 10:30 a.m. First Baptist Church: A r r A BOOKS GENTLEMEN'S AGREEMENT, by La'ura Z. Hobson "1C ENTLEMEN'S AGREEMENT" is a best seller; like most, it is not a great book. But it is worth reading because Laura Z. Hobson has a lot to say about anti-Semi- tism that is worth saying. The plot concerns a Gentile writer who is assigned the job of doing a series of articles on anti-Semitism in the United States. After toying with numerous ideas of how to go about it, and discarding them all as useless, he finally decides that he will be Jewish for a period of time. And it's when Philip Green becomes Jew- ish and learns precisely what anti-Semitism is and what it can mean that Miss Hobson is good. She is able to penetrate the various degrees of bigotry from the Rankins and Bilbos to the more refined type who deplore such mouthpieces but practice anti-Semitism in other potent ways. Miss Hobson doesn't suffer from anything resembling a "magnificent oppressed" com- plex. Nor is she out to gain tolerance. She' is aiming at a gar greater goal than that. The people she likes are the people who judge others for what they are as individuals, a seemingly simple objective. She counters, the famous defense of "some of my best friends . . . " with the answer that "some are Methodists, too, but you don't bother telling anyone about it." "Gentlemen's Agreement" naturally can be compared to Sinclair Lewis' "Kingsblood Royal." Like Lewis' latest, it is a book that should be read. It might wake a few people up. If it does, Miss Hobson has accomplished something worthwhile. -Fred Schott "< c BARNABY... On the other hand 1'm loathe to leave I'll disguise myself as Bob. As night falls 11 ___________________ II