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July 27, 1947 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1947-07-27

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Latest Deadline in the State





Material Found
In Lincoln Papers
Openinu ofLong-Sealed Collection
Disappointing to Sensation-Seekers
WASHINGTON, July 26-(A')-A mine of background information
but a blank for sensation-seekers was the appraisal today of the Ab-
raham Lincoln papers his son collected and sealed until 21 years after
his own death.
Scholars and historians who began examining the Robert Todd
Lincoln collection at the Library of Congress as soon as they were
opened early today called then an indispensable mine of information
for students of Lincoln and the Civil War period.
"This," one enthusiastically reported, "is the richest collection of
Lincoln material."v

J_ Roy P. Basler, prominent Lin-
coln authority, said nothing was
found to support suggestions that
high officials in the Lincoln Ad-
ministration might have been im-
plicated in the plot to assassinate
There is one letter which schol-
ars say could be construed as a
refutation of stories questioning
Lincoln's parentage. It was writ-
ten to the rail splitter by John D.
Johnston, his step-brother, say-
ing that his father was dying and
wished to see him for you are his
only child that is of his own flesh
and blood."
1 Examination of the papers so
far has revealed virtually no new
Information on the three women
in Lincoln's life: Ann Rutledge,
his boyhood sweetheart; Mary
Ownens, the comely Kentucky
girl who rejected him; and Mary
Todd Lincoln, his unhappy wife.
Some Lincoln authorities be-
lieve that Robert Todd Lincoln,
4 who was zealous in guarding the
w good name of his mother, des-
troyed all of her letters which
came into his possession.
The period covered by the dat-
ed documents extends from May
1, 1833-six days before the job-
less, young Lincoln was appointed
postmaster of New Salem, Ill.-
to April 14, 1865, the day of his
murder. y
The collection contains nearly
1,000 papers, including official
documents penned by Lincoln
S The Lincoln experts who check-
ed the papers hurriedly today say
it is too early to attempt a final
appraisal of their value. They
emphasize that while the facts re-
vealed by the collection so far are
not necessarily spectacular, they
throw much light upon the man-
ner in which Lincoln handled the
tough situations in which he was
Senators Seek
Hughes' Aide
For Testimony
WASHINGTON, July 26--(P)-
Senators investigating Howard
Hughes' wartime plane contracts
enlisted State Department aid
today to find a missing witness
who previously had told of lavish
entertainment for a high govern-
ment official.
The witness is John Meyer, for-
mer publicity director for Hughes.
A Senate War Investigating Sub-
committee which opens hearings
Monday questioned him in pri-
vate June 3 and 4 but now has
lost track of him and believes he
is out of the country.
Senator Ferguson (R-Mich),
chairman of the subcommittee,
told newsmen the State Depart-
ment has agreed to ask Meyer to
return if he can be found and "if
he does not, they will cancel his
Ferguson said Meyer's passport
covers all countries except the
occupied ones and that he ap-
parently obtained visas for
France and England. He also has
been variously reported as in
South America and Canada.
Ferguson made public a letter
from committee counsel William
P. Rogers to Noah Dietrich, vice-
president of the Hughes Tool Co.
in which Rogers said he under-
stands that Meyer "is out of the
country on business for the
Hughes Aircraft Co."
Bid Out'- Stassen

Gov Dewey
Arrives Here'
Minus Fanfare


Attend Luncheon
'U' This Week

DETROIT, July 26--(JP)-Gov.
Thomas E. Dewey of New York
arrived in Detroit tonight to make
a quiet "second choice" bid for
Michigan's 21 delegate vote in his
campaign for the Republican pres-
idential nomination.
Dewey is scheduled to lunch at
the University of Michigan Thurs-
day, before leaving for Albany.
The New York governor, who
heard predictions of Nebraska
support when his train stopped at
North Platte early today, was ex-
pected to work quietly in Michigan
to try to corral the State's 41 dele-
gates in case Sen. Vandenberg (R-
Mich) does not figure seriously in
the 1948 running.
From Cheyenne
Dewey and his family arrived in
Chicago from Cheyenne, Wyo.,
three hours late, and were due in
Detroit late tonight.
They were met in Chicago by the
governor's cousin, Illinois circuit
court judge Leonard C. Reid.
Werner W. Schroeder, Republi-
can national committeeman from
Illinois, also greeted the party.
Illinois Sentiment
Asked how Illinois sentiment for
the New York governor stood,
Schroeder said, "Nobody can tell
at this time what the delegates,
yet to be elected, will do."
"I have made no study of the
situation," he added. "There is
not a great deal of political dis-
cussion at this time."
Dewey's midwestern drive began
auspiciously. He was hardly out
of Wyoming when he received as-
surances from Nebraska GOP
leaders at North Platte that he
held a commanding lead in Neb-
raska with its 15 delegate votes.
Keep Bonds
Vets Advised
WASHINGTON, July 26-(P)-
President Truman signed a bill to-
day allowing war veterans hold-
ing terminal leave bonds to cash
them any time after Sept. 1 but
advised them not to do it.
"I wish to emphasize strongly
that it is to the veterans' best in-
terest that they keep their bonds
if they do not absolutely need to
cash them now," his statement
"If veterans choose the wise
course, hold their bonds and con-
tinue to draw 21/2 percent inter-
est, their dollars will buy more
when they cash their bonds."

A rmy-Navy
Post Given
Heads Defense
Under Proposal
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 26-Pres-
ident Truman made unification
of the armed forces an actuality
today and named James V. For-
restal to head them as Secretary
of Defense.
The President signed into law
the bill Congress finally gave him
after two years of urging and is-
sued an executive order assigning
the functions and responsibilities
of the three co-equal branches-
the departments of the Army,
Navy and Air Force.
Delays Departure
So eager was Mr. Truman to
get the thing done that he de-
layed his departure for his dying
mother's bedside for 17 minutes
in order to sign the legislation
aboard his plane here. Even with-
out that delay, however, he would
not have reached Grandview, Mo.,
before his mother's death.
Chairman Gurney (R-S.D.) of
the Senate Armed Services Com-
mittee took steps to win speedy
confirmation after his committee
unanimously approved Forrestal.
Selection Expected
The pugnacious, square-jawed
Forrestal, as Secretary of the
Navy, was the last member of
the late President Roosevelt's
cabinet still in office. Hisselec-
tion as Secretary of Defense had
been, generally expected.
While the law and the execu-
tive order are effective immedi-
ately, officials said extensive con-
ferences among the Army, Navy
and Air departments will be ne-
cessary before the program can be
translated into terms of offices,
functions and men.
Gen. DwightmD. Eisenhower,
Army Chief of Staff, made this
evident in a message to all army
commanders t h rou gh o ut the
world. It said there will be no
change in the official status of
the Army and the new indepen-
dent United States Air Force un-
til "specific orders are issued."
Dutch Close In
On Indonesian
Army in Java
BATAVIA, July 26 - (P) -
Netherlands communiques indi-
cated tonight that Dutch troops
advancing in eastern and western
Java had caught the main body
of the Indonesian Republican Ar-
my in a vise-like operation against
the vast central section of the is-
Netherlands strategy, as out-
lined by a senior official, was to
set up civil administrations in the
areas already seized before decid-
ing whether to strike hard south-
ward from Semarang against the
Indonesian capital at Jogjakarta
deep in the-central interior.
American-trained Dutch ma-
rines and infantry, reported of-
ficially to be in full control of
strategic centers in the eastern
portion of the island, virtually
completed the first phase of their
operations and now were said to
be mopping up pockets of resis-
In the western section, mech-

anized forces landing swiftly along
the northwest coastal road have
captured the port of Tegal, the
Dutch said.
A broadcast Indonesian com-
munique said the Indonesians still
were resisting at Cheribon and
that Indonesian guerrillas of the
Laskar Rajat (peoples' army) had
begun operations in the Batavia



Last Rites for
President in
Airplanie As
Death Comes
Chief Executive's &
Motlier Was Long Ill
By The Associated Press
GRANDVIEW, Mo., July 26- ? ; .."
Mrs. Martha E. Truman, mother
of the President, will be buried at
Forest Hill Cemetery beside her $<
husband, according to her wishes,<
Charles G. Ross, White House
press secretary, said today.
The Rev. Welborn Bowman of
the Grandview Baptist Church
will hold private family services
at the Grandview Home at 3 p.m
Monday, to be followed by inter-
The President requested flowers
be omitted, He asked those who
would like to give flowers to send
them to some living person. Rossk
said this also was the wish of the
elder Mrs. Truman.
Died at 11:30 A.M.
The courageous, 94-y e a r-o 1 d }
woman died at 11:30 a.m. (Cen- SWITCH IN TIME SAVES GODSIL-
tral Standard Time) an hour af-
ter President Truman had taken to the top of a pole on a switch in a r
off from Washington. He was Ia., to escape the wrath of a heifer on th
notified of his mother's death The animal led a crowd through Ester
while speeding to her bedside in nered Godsil in the yards before captu
his private plane.-
Miss Mary Jane Truman, the
President's sister, and his broth- 'DAILY' ANALYST:
er J. Vivian Truman, were with
their mother when she died. '' -gu~n
The mPresident's planedilanded at Sen. ferguson Le
the Grandview airport at 4:24 pm.
(EST) time. The solemn-faced A roach to For
Chief Executive was met by hisN
wife and daughter, Margaret. They-
left immediately in a secret serv- By TOM WALSH Fergu
ice car for the nearby modest cot- special To The Daily outsta
tage where other members of the EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fourth oThe
family waited. Mr. Truman made in a series of interpretative articles
no statement and no pictures were on political trends and personalities igan s
-in Washington by a Daily staff cor- potato
taken. respondent. troduc
Drove to Mortuary WASHINGTON-His keen in- Person
A few moments later the Presi- terest and his sincere attempts to which
dent and his brother and sister introduce a positive approach in- ton B:
left the Grandview home and to the problems of our foreign re- would
drove to a nearby Belton, Mo., lations mark Michigan's Homer nonqu
mortuary where his mother's body of fou
lay. Sentin
The body, previously taken to O itlines W"or ld Ack
the E. L. George and Son Fuller- l strong
al home at Belton, will be returned 1 it, Fer
to the Grandview home this eve- B1.1 of Rights troduc
ning, ;_feels t
Mr. Truman, who drove to the soluti
mortuary within minutes after ar- Dr. Humphrey of UN proble
riving at his mother's home, re- the H
turned to Grandview and later Lectures in Series more
went to Independence to spend House
the night at the Summer White The prime task of the United at the
House. His wife and daughter ac- Nations Human Rights Division is pressu
companied him. to draft a "universal Bill of Fer
Mrs. Truman had been bedfast Rights" applying to all UN mem- Senat
most of the time since she had ber nations, Dr. John P. Hum- Unite
fractured her hip last February. phrey, director of the UN Human year t


Adjourns; Senate

* *

Ralph Godsil holds tightly
ailroad yard in Esterville,
e loose from a stock truck.
ville streets before it cor-
etgn Affairs
son as one of the Senate's
nding members.
junior Senator from Mich-
eized another political hot-
this month when he in-
ed an Emergency Displaced
ns Act. His bill, S. 1563,
is very similar to the Strat-
lill introduced in the House,
authorize the admission of
ota immigrants for a period
r years.
ment Against Bill
nowledging that there' is a
public sentiment against
'guson explained that he in-
ed the measure because he
that it is necessary for the
on of the displaced persons
In. The current feeling on
ill, he told me, is that not
than 100 members of the
would support the measure
present time because of the
ire from their home districts.
guson is a member of the
e group that wants the
d Nations convention next
to revise the present struc-
Believing that cooperation
iscussion are the only meth-
r preserving peace, the Sen-
s a staunch supporter of the
d Nations but he feels that
esent set-up is not satisfac-
He does not, however, favor
hing the veto entirely.
ithout Russia
am gradually coming to con-
" he told me, "that if Rus-
fuses to improve the opera-
f the UN we will have to do
it her just as we are now do-
thout Spain."
America heading toward iso-
? "My mail from home in-
s that a bad reaction to our
,n aid is setting in," the Sen-
admitteq. This attitude he
lutes to the fact that what
een given has not been giv-
der any set plan while the
have been denied tax relief
elief from the high cost of
the subject of taxes and the
of government, the Senator
sthat the public needs re-
We are-now taking one third
national income to meet a
lion dollar budget, he main-
guson defended the Republi-
ax bill as the right kind at
ght time. "Take all of the
comes and it won't help the
roblem because there are so
ew of them." he detlard.

been held on Sunday.
Congress does not plan to m
President Truman or its own Re
* * * *
Laws, Vetoest
Of Congress
Major Legislation
Covers Many Fields
WASHINGTON, July 26-(3)--,
The record of the first session of
the 80th Congress on major legis-
Domestic: It passed these bills:
The Taft-Hartley Labor Manage-
ment Act; the Presidential Suc-
cessionBil designating the speak-
er of the House as successor to
the presidency if the President3
and the Vice-President are unable1
to serve; the Portal-to Portal Pay
Bill, limiting future and nullify-;
ing most past claims for portal-
to-portal pay; continuing wartime
excise tax rates; freezing social
security payroll taxes at one per
cent; retaining the three-cent
rate on first class mail instead
of allowing it to revert to two
cents on July 1; establishing a
National Science Foundation; re-
storing price s port for wool;
continuing the RC and the Com-
modity Credit Corporation for an-
other year; continuing controls on
industrial users of sugar, on ex-
ports and imports of strategic ma-
terials, and on rents, with 15 per-
cent "voluntary" rent boosts al-
It deferred action on measures:
Boosting the legal minimum wage
from 40 to 60 cents an hour; out-
lawing the poll tax as a prerequi-
site to voting for federal offices;
creating a health insurance pro-
See SUMMARY, Page 2
World News
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO, July 26-Dr. Lowell
T. Coggeshall, former University
of Michigan medical professor
and Chairman of the Department
of Medicine at the University of
Chicago, has been appointed Dean
of Chicago's Divisions of Biologi-
cal Sciences, the school announced
July 26-The Illinois State Min-
ing board reported today the
explosion which killed 27 miners
here Thursday "was caused by
ignition of an accumulation of
methane gas.
26-The Benton Harbor News Pal-
ladium today quoted State Police
Commissioner Donald S. Leonard
as promising protection to any
employes who seek to return to
work at the strikebound Reming-
ton Rand Corp.
LANSING, July 26-The Detroit
Board of Education's invalidation
suit against the School Aid Act
was tossed out of court today.



Truman Set
Bickering Prolongs
Session to Sunda
Ferguson-Connally Clash on Floor;
House Finished Early This Morning
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 27- (Sunday)-The Senate bickered and
battled in a Sabbath session early today striving to finish its work
and follow the House in adjournment.
Capitol officials with more than 20 years of service said it was
the first time in their memory that a working session of Congress had

eet again until January-unless
publican leaders, in control on,
Capitol Hill for the first time
in more than 15 years, call it
The lawmakers decided to give
themselves power to reconvene
whenever they think it necessary,
in view of the state of the world.
But few members thing there
will be any need for a special ses-
sion and scores have arranged
trips to all parts of the world on
investigations and studies.
The House, winding up in an
outburst of song and fellowship,
passed its last bill last night and
quit formally at 12:32 a.m. (East-
ern daylight savings time)-to be
gone until January unless a spe-
cial session should be called.
But the Senate, nerves and
tempers on edge in its third
long night session in a row, en-
gaged in one row after another.,
It did confirm James V. Forres-
tal as Secretary of Defense by un-
animous consent. Forrestal's
nomination under the new act to
put theharmed services under a
single head had been submitted
just yesterday by President Tru-
man before he flew to Grandview,
Mo., where his mother died.
But the question of confirming
Philip B. Perlman of Baltimore for
Solicitor General brought on a
fight. In the course of it, Sena-
tor Brewster (l-Me.), objecting
to the nomination, moved that the
Senate quit. Senator Tydings (D-
Md.) demandad a roll call vote,
and the motion was beaten, 41
to 38. Five Republicans voted.
with the Democrats to defeat it
and Brewster then resumed a
speech against the nominee.
Another uproar came when
Senator Connally (D-Tex.) de-
livered a scorching attack upon
Senator Ferguson (R-Mich.) in
connection with the Republican
proposal to investigate Attorney
General Clark's handling of the
Kansas City vote fraud charges.
This proposal, made in a res-
olution by Senator Kem (R-Mo.),
died officially for this session
when the Senate quit its legis-
lative business to consider nomin-
Meanwhile, the House wound
up its work for the session tonight
in a mood which varied from po-
litical acrimony to friendly plea-
Rep. Taber (R-N.Y.) observed
that "the. Democrats opened this
session with a filibuster to save
Bilbo and closed it with another
to save the Pendergast machine
in Kansas City."
Rep. Cannon (D-Mo.) retorted
that the session "opened with the
Republicans on the offensive, it
closes with them on the defensive"
Temper Wind'
To BeGiven
"Temper the Wind," a drama
of American occupation of Ger-
many, will be presented Thurs-
day, Friday and Saturday at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre as the
fourth in a summer series of plays
by the Speech Department's Mich-
igan Repertory Players.
The play, written by Edward
Mabley, and Leonard Mins, con-
cerns the occupation problems as
they are reflected in the small
manufacturing city of Reitenberg
in northwestern Bavaria. It was
presented on Broadway last sea.

British Seize,
Ref ugeeShip
JERUSALEM, July 26--(I)-An-
other refugee ship carrying some
400 European Jews-another test
for Britain's new "get tough" pol-
icy to curb irregular immigration
-was reported to have been inter-
cepted by the British Navy late to-
day just inside Palestine waters.
The ship had been reported
cruising outside territorial waters
for three days and was believed
to have been taken into custody
as it made a dash for shore.

Rights Division, said last night,
in the eleventh lecture in the
summer series, the United States
in World Affairs."
This International Bill of
Rights, embodying the statement
of human rights as they are to be
recognized throughout the
world-such things as freedom of
press, speech and assembly-is to
be completed for presentation to
the General Assembly in Septem-
ber, 1948, Dr. Humphrey revealed.
A period of two years was allot-
ed. for the writing of this docu-
ment, in order that all nations
and all interested organizations
and individuals might have op-
portunity to contribute to it, he

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Lewis Contract Not Violation of Labor Act -- Smith


"The new coal contract recently
signed by John L. Lewis and the
mine operators conforms, on the
whole, to the Taft-Hartley Act,
although there are certain pro-
visions which might be open to
question," Prof. Russell A. Smith,
Secretary of the Law School, as-
serted in an interview yesterday.

"It allows the board to decide
on the payments to be made,.
whereas the Taft-Hartley Act in-
dicates that the conditions under
which allocations could be made
should be stated in the contract."
Welfare Clause
"One section of this welfare
fund clause provides payment for
'wage loss'; the Taft-Hartley Act

against the closed shop in the
Act, because the contract was
signed before the close shop re-
strictions of the Act take effect,"
Prof. Smith declared.
'Able and Willing'
"The clause which makes the
contract applicable to miners only
when they are 'able and willing'
to work has been cited as giving

procedure of the contract if local,
and by collective bargaining if
national. It may with some plaus-
ibility be argued that this im-
plies an obligation that this pro-
cedure will be used before resort-
ing to strike tactics, and that
awards made in the grievance pro-
cedure will be accepted."
Safety Code Adopted

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