, n '. THE MICHIGAN DAILY -I Fifty-Seventh Year dited and managed by students of the Uni- ity of Michigan under the authority of the rd in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff paging Editors ... John Campbell, Clyde Recht ociate Editor .................. Eunice Mintz rts Editor...............,... Archie Parsons Business Staff feral Manager............... Edwin Schneider ertising Manager .......... William Rohrbach ulation Manager...............Melvin Tick Tel'phone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it o otherwise credited in this news- paper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi- gan, as second class ail Matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Meinber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: FRED SCHOTT In memor-am H VUNEXPECTED DEATH of Dr. Mor- ris P. Tilley Tuesday night was a per- sonal loss to his many students who remem- ber him with great affection. Prof. Tilley retired from the University English department in February 1946 after serving on the staff for 40 years. The title "professor emeritus of English" was not, however, the end of his scholastic endeavors. Since his retirement, Prof. Tilley had be- longed to the Dunworkin Club, composed of University faculty and other members who have continued their activities along special lines of accomplishment although all have passed the emeritus age. For the past 20 years Prof. Tilley had been engaged in writing "A Dictionary of Pro- verbs in England", now ready for publica- tion. He had always been especially inter- ested in -Elizabethian literature and the teaching of courses in Shakespeare. His "Dictionary of Proverbs" gives special at- tention to Shakespeare's use of proverbs and proverbial ideas. It also includes Benjamin Franklin's sayings."because they are in the tradition of English proverbs." Prof. Tilley had served several terms as chairman of the board of directors of Cran- brook Academy in Bloomfield Hills. He was one of the original directors of the school and served as a director during the first 20 years of its existence. He also acted as assistant editor of the Early Modern English Dictionary for several years and was a member of the Modern Language Association of America, the Mih- igan Academy of Sciences, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Gamma Delta and the Asozels Club, a faulty dinner club. His passing is felt deeply by all those students who were privileged to share his knowledge, experience and warm under- standing. -Clyde Recht Foreign Poiey C OLUMNIST FRANK KENT to the con- trary notwithstanding, Senator Vanden- berg and Secretary of State Marshall may not always be seeing exactly eye-to-eye on foileign issues these days. At least, the Republican senator has asked President Tru- man to apjoint a bipartisan commission which would decide just how much the United States ought to extend in the way of aid abroad-just how much the nation can afford. This request now has been second- ed by former President Hoover. Anything which strengthens bipartisan support of United States diplomacy must be regarded with favor. American effective- ness i world affairs certainly would be weakened if the impression spread abroad that any given position was merely that of the administration, that it did not have the support of the opposition, and that it prob- ably would be reversed after the next elec- tion. The fact that our form of govern-, ment makes such a situation possible is a handicap to the State Department under any circumstances-a handicap which ought to be minimized as much as possible. Yet one may raise a question as to whether Senator Vandenberg's proposal is really feasible. What group of experts-no matter how representative of varying political points of view-can say exactly how much help the United States can "afford" to ex- tend to other nations over a period of years? The answer inevitably depends on the con- dition of our .internal economy.. In an era of prosperity, there is sure to be a very con- D RATHER BE RIGHT: PreTrouble By SAMUEL GRAFTON THE REPUBLICANS are in trouble on the matter of prices, and they are beginning to realize it. So far not much has been done, but a worried whisper runs through party ranks in Congress, much as a whisper will sometimes run through a boarding school. Senator Baldwin, of Connecticut ,a Re- publican freshman, has charged on the floor that the G.O.P. has failed to solve the price problem, and he has suggested that Congress set up a special committee to investigate prices. Senator Taft has answer- ed the brash youngster wiht a grunt to the effect that his own Committee on the Eco- nomic Report will start a price investiga- tion today. But long-drawn out investigations of high prices, resulting in legislative re- ports months from now, can only be des- cribed as great, pronounced with three t's on the end. Such probes may take just about as long as it may take an unbalanced price struc- ture to carry us into a recession. The re- sulting reports may be handed in just when the recession is well under way. They will have all the moral effect of a speech on floods, delivered by a man in water up to his neck. Something more urgent is needed. What is required is not a probe aimed at study- ilg high prices academically, or at listen- ing to the undoubtedly eloquent papers which will be prepared by trade associ- ation lawyers, but a probe frankly aimed at smashing high prices down. A Congress which has shown its willing- ness to send members and agents to the ends of the country to hunt down radicals and subversives, ought also to be willing where an unbalanced price situation exists. to send members and agents to any spot When, for example, it was charged recent- ly that certain fresh vegetables were selling in New York City at 300 per cent above wholesale prices, there should have been a Congressman on the spot the next morning, prepared to make a stink. This is not too much to ask of a Republi- can Congress, which is stuck with the theory that natural process must bring prices down, once controls go. Natural process has been at work for a year now, but prices are up, leaving the Republicans with the oddest looks on their faces, and forcing some of them, such as Senator Baldwin, to vocalize uneasily about the matter. Will the majority party act? It hardly looks like it. The party seems, instead, to be searching desperately for an out. Many of the party regulars have enthusiastical- ly adopted the theory that prices are up because Mr. Truman is sending so much food abroad. This is true only in pa'rt; it would be a little hard to show that bananas, which sell for 5.75 cents a pound, shipside, are selling at 19 cents in some stores, because we are sending surplus wheat to Europe. The majority party has a chance to show whether it has been seriously pursuing a certain ideology of freedom, which it really believed would bring prices down, or whether it has merely been using all this as a pat argument with which to butter the lives of traders and sellers. It would be fun to see the party get out of that chair, and really hot-foot it after the interests of consumers for once; it would be fun, and it would also be a novelty greater than any these eyes have seen on stage, screen or in the circus this last year. (Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation) MATTER OF FACT: Third Party By JOSEPH AND STEWART ALSOP t H FOMATION of a third political party in the next eighteen months is now a positive probability. That is the chief re- sult of Henry Agard Wallace's apocalyptic barnstorming tour across the United States. The Wallace trip has added the final ne- cessary ingredient-acute inflamation of the Wallace ego-which is necessary to a third party venture headed by Wallace. The skimpy reports in most newspapers have not sufficiently emphasized the great crowds that have turned out to see and hear Wallace all along his route. The crowds have everywhere been organized, of course, by the Communist party and the extreme left labor groups. Equally obviously, besides a large element of sincerely troubled, wooly- minded people, the crowds have included many who went along in the spirit of yokels gaping at a two-headed calf at a county fair. But to Wallace and his entourage, crowds are crowds. Their applause has in- dubitably sapped Wallace's remaining will to resist, whatever he may say about it. Therefore Wallace can be counted upon to yield to the intoxicating temptation, if the Communists, fellow travellers and fellow wanderers who now surround him really press him to raise the third party stand- ard. The formation of a third party, as soon as circumstances should be favorable, has been a conspicuous feature of the Amer- ican Communist line since the war. Work- ing out this equation, the only uncertain factor is seen to be whether the Communist high commaid considers that the time has come to put its plan into effect. (Copyright 1947, New York Herald Tribune) Pointed' Pen CLIFTON FADIMAN once said that you can classify people these days according to two types: those with pre-Hiroshima minds and those with post-Hiroshima minds. The differentiation is obvious. As is evi- dent today, unfortunately, many people in important positions have not developed post-Hiroshima minds. * * * THE UNIVERSITY is sponsoring the fourth annual summer lecture series again this session. The title, appropriately enough, is "The United States in World Affairs." Twenty lectures will be given in the series, each by men prominent in fields related to this general subject. Here is a chance for students to learn the most basic lesson they should get in college: that there is no dividing line between their "education" and events occurring everyday everywhere. The list of speakers, and the titles of their addresses, is impressive. Some of them are men who have worked in the State Depart- ment; others in the Foreign Service; some are university professors. Some of them will talk on the policies of the United States in Latin America, in the near East, in Europe. Some will dwell on the general problem of international understanding. Some address- es will be devoted to the problems of occu- pation. The final lecture is entitled "The Re- sponsibilities of the United States as a World Power." The speaker will be Nelson T. John- son, Secretary General to the Far Eastern Commission and former minister to Aus- tralia and ambassador to China. The lecture series will run from July 2 to Aug. 8. --Eunice Mintz ON WORLD AFFAIRS: New Squawks By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER THE TRUMAN-MARSHALL Policy toward Russia is beginning to work. The proof is the fenzied anti-American squawks being heard from Moscow. Alexander Werth, able correspondent of the Manchester Guardian in Russia, speaks of the "real ferociousness . . . presently reserved for the United States." Why? Simply Washington is blocking Soviet plans-and successfully. As Mr. Werth describes it: "The Soviet Union is expecting its influ- ence to be felt abroad increasingly . . . above all in conceptions of the 'new democracy,' planned economy and so on .. . "There is a feeling that America is trying to do Russia down wherever she can: in China, Korea, Japan, Iran, the Middle East and Turkey." Therefore, "all the big guns in Russian propaganda are being turned on America: radio, press, magazines, theater, cinema and satirical journals. A paper like 'Krokodil' has in fact two main themes for its jokes or denunciations-inefficiency inside Rus- sia and American 'democracy' and imper- ialism." This is good news. Quite obviously Amer- ican opposition to the unlimited spread of that minority blight the Russians miscall democracy, took Moscow by surprise. At first they simply refused to believe it. Then they became shrilly indignant. Now they are girding up their loins for an ideo- logical struggle which they foresee is likely to be decisive. Discontent was partially met by "scramb- ling." Whole European groups were scat- tered around Siberia. Asiatics were brought into Europe-like the "kalmuks" who alleg- edly replaced the exiled Poles around Lwow university. Dissatisfaction in the satellite countries was something else because-as Mark Eth- ridge stated upon his return from the Greek border-the majority of the Balkan citizens oppose the Soviet Union and look to the United States for aid and protection. But since Soviet troops must one day withdraw from these countries, Moscow intends to leave them in the hands of devoted sub- servient groups. This explains the Hungar- ian coup. At present the Russians allow the Czech- oslovaks virtually complete control of their own affairs. But if the non-communist ma- jority in the Prague parliament were to de- cide to act in opposition to Moscow, the numerous communists within and the Rus- sians without that country would doubtless take drastic steps to bring the rebellious Czechoslovaks to heel. Communist threats that the Soviets will never "make peace" with the present Christ- ian people's-Social democratic government of Austria indicate another form of Soviet pressure. Once the communist tentacles have with- ered and dropped off and the communist area has been stabilized, the way will be open for new, more successful negotiations with Moscow. Probably not until then. (Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.) I, 1 ri ,' t; -, M . ". - " + I j BILL MAULDIN . . ........................................... ........ ~1 lop Jo lotj C O FP . 1 94 7 b y U ni t d F e ef r * S y .d ik a f ,. I , DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213 Angell Hall, by 3:011 p.m. on the day pre- ceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). THURSDAY, JUNE 26 1947 VOL. LVII, No. 2S Notices The campus flag is at half staff because of the death of Morris P. Tilley, Professor Emeritus of Eng- lish. Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary Institute for Human Ad just- ment Demonstration.' The Insti- tute for Human Adjustment will present a demonstration of Insti- tute Research Projectsmin the Rackham Lecture Hall Thursday evening, June 26, at 8:15 p.m. The program, which is open to the public, will consist of a dem- onstration and discussion of the electronic pencil for the blind and the visible speech spectrograph. Student Adjustment Conference. The Bureau of Psychological Serv- ices will conduct a Guidance Con- ference on the Measurement of Student Adjustment and Achieve- ment in the Rackham Amphithea- ter on June 26 and 27. National leaders in the fields of psychology, education, and student personnel will appear on the conference pro- gram. Open to students and fac- ulty. Graduate Students: Preliminary examinations in French and Ger- man for the doctorate will be held on Friday, July 11, from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Dictionaries may be used. F. W. Peterson Examiner in Foreign Languages Married Veterans of World War II Terrace Apartments Opportunity will be provided Monday, Tuesday, and Wednes- day, June 30, July 1, and July 2 for students in the above group to file application for residence in the Terrace Apartments. No apartments available for the summer session, but these appli- cations will be considered for fu- ture vacancies. Student applications for resi- dence in these apartments will be considered according to the fol- lowing qualifications. 1. Only married Veterans of World War II may apply. 2. Michigan residents will be given first consideration. How- ever, out-of-state students may also register at this time. See Regents' ruling on definition of Michigan resident. "No one shall be deemed a resident of Michi- gan for the purpose of registra- tion in the University unless he or she has resided in this state six months next preceeding the date of proposed enrollment.") 3. Veterans who have incurred physical disability of a serious na- ture will be given first consider- ation. (A written statement from Dr. Forsythe of the University Health Service concerning such disability should be included in the application.) 4. Only students who have com- pleted two terms in this Univer- sity may apply. (Summer Session is considered as one-half term.) 5. Students who are admitted to these apartments may in no case occupy them for a period longer than two years. 6. Length of oversease service will be an important determining factor. 7. In considering an applicant's total length of service, A.S.T.P., V-12, and similar programs will be discounted. 8. If both man and wife are Veterans of World War II and the husband is a Michigan resident and both are enrolled in the Uni- versity their combined application will be given special consideration. 9. Each applicant must file with his application his Military Rec- ord and Report of Separation. Married Veterans of World War II who have filed applications for the Terrace Apartments prior to June 30, 1947 should not apply again, since their applications are being processed in terms of the above qualifications. Office of Student Affairs Room 2, University Hall General Placement: Attention Women: Mademoi- selle's first Job and Futures Award Contest is being held this sum- mer. Three first prizes each $500 plus an apprenticeship on Mede- moiselle to the best one of the three. The fields are Fashion, Writing or Editing, and Photo- graphy. Deadline for the June assignment is June 30. Call at the Bureau for fourther informa- tion. Teacher Placement: Dependents Schools Service in Germany will have a representa- tive in the Bureau of Appoint- ments in the near future. He will wish to interview candidates who are interested and qualified for elementary positions c h i e f1y. There is one vacancy for a man in general science, biology, chemis- try, and physics. It is desirable that this man be able tohandle physical education for boys. Abil- ity in typing or manual arts is also desirable. At least two years teaching experience is required. The State of Connecticut an- nounces an open competitive ex- amination for a Speech Teacher for Crippled Children. The last date for filing applications is July 10, 1947. Announcement may be sent at the Bureau of Appoint- ments. International Center: Due to the Reception to New Foreign Stu- dents on Saturday in the Rack- ham Assembly Hall, the Interna- tional Center will close Saturday, June 28th, at 5 p.m. and will re- open Sunday at 2 p.m. International Center: Because of the Reception to New Foreign Students in the Rackham Assem- bly Hall on Saturday Evening, the usual weekly Tea at the Inter- national Center will not be held June 26th. The 1947 Summer Registration Cards contain an erroneous state- ment on the coupon identifed as "Student's Receipt". This is of- ficial notice that the statement reading: "Students actually with- drawing after not more than eight weeks' attendance, may receive re- funds-", should read: "Students actually withdrawing after not more than four weeks' attendance, may receive refunds-". Certificate of Eligibility Participation in public activities. Participation in a public activity is defined as service of any kind on a committee or a publication, in a public performance or a re- hearsal, or in holding office or being a candidate for office in a class or other student organiza- tion. This list is not intended to be exhaustive but merely is indi- cative of the character and scope of the activities included. Before permitting any students to participate in public activities, the chairman or manager of such activity shall (a) require each ap- plicant to present a certificate of eligibility, (b) sign his initials on the back of such certificate and (c) file with the Chairman of the Committee on Student Affairs the names of all those who have pre- sented certificates of eligibility and a signed statement to exclude all others from participation. Blanks for the chairmens lists may be obtained in the Office of Student Affairs. Officers, chairmen and manag- ers who violate the Rules Gov- erning Participation in Public Ac- tivities may -be directed to appear before the Committee on Student Affairs to explain their negligence. Certificate of Eligibility. At the beginning of each semester and summer session every student shall be presumed to be inelibible for any public activity until his eli- gibility is affirmatively established by obtaining from the Chairman of the Committee on Student Af- fairs, in the Office of Student Af- fairs (Room 2 University Hall) a Certificate of Eligibility. Certifi- cates will be issued to those qual- ified as follows: 1. Second semester freshmen: 15 hours or more of work completed with (1) , at least one mark of A or B and with no mark of less than C, or (2) at least 2 2times as many honor points as hours and with no mark of E. 2. Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors: 11 hours or more of academic credit in the preceding semester, or 6 hours of academic credit in the preceding summer session, with an average of at least C and at least a C average for the en- tire academic career. Unreported grades and grades of X and I are to be interpreted as E until re- moved in accordance with Univer- sity regulations. (Students ineli- gible may participate only after having received special permission of the Committee on Student Af- fairs.) 3. Special Students. Special stu- dents are prohibited from partici- pating in any public activity ex- cept by special permission of the Committee on Student Affairs. 4. Physical Disability. Students excused from gymnasium work on account of physical incapacity are forbidden to take part in any pub- lic activity, except by special per- mission of the Committee onStu- dent Affairs. In order to obtain such permission, a student may in any case be required to present a written recommendation from the University Health Service. 5. Extramural Activities. Stu- dents who are ineligible to parti- cipate in public activities within the University are prohibited from taking part in other activities of a similar nature, except by special permission of the Committee on Student Affairs. 6. Special permissiorn. Special permission to participate in pub- lic activities in exceptions to these rules may be granted only upon the positive recommendation of the Dean of the School or College to which- the student belongs. 7. Probation and Warning. Stu- dents on probation or the warned list are forbidden to participate in any public activity. T ea ch e r's Certificate Candi- dates: Call at the office of the office of the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S., on Thursday, Friday or Saturday, June 26, 27 or 28, to take the Teacher's Oath. This is a requirement for the teacher's certificate. The University Chorus will meet Mon., Tues., Wed., and Thurs., at 3:00 p.m. in Haven Hall. Singers from all departments of the Uni- versity are eligible and welcome. Report to Haven Hall between 2:00 and 4:00 any day this week to consult with Miss Muldowney, the choral director. At present we need altos and sopranos. David Mattern Professor of Music Education Presidents of fraternities and sororities open during the summer term are requested to file a mem- bership report. Forms may be se- cured in the Office of Student Af- fairs, Room 2, University Hall. Approved student organizations planning to be active during the skmmer term should file a direc- tory card. Forms may be secured in the Office of Student Affairs, Room 2, University Hall. Automobile Regulation, summer session: All students not qualified for exemption from the Automo- bile Regulation may receive driv- ing permission only upon appli- cation at Rm. 2 University Hall, Those exempted are: (1) Those who are 26 years of age or over; (2) Those who have a faculty ranking of Teaching Fellow or its equivalent; (3) Those who during the pre- ceding academic year were en- gaged in professional pursuits; eg, teachers, lawyers, physicians, den- tists, nurses, etc. All other students desiring to drive must make personal applica- tion for driving privileges. Com- pletion of the Automobile Regula- tion section of the registration card does not fulfill this obliga- tion. Summer Registration will be held Tuesday, July 1, at 4:05 in Room 205 Mason Hall. This reg- istration with the Bureau of Ap- pointments and Occupational In- formation has to do with all types of positions. It is very essential that anyone interested in a po- sition in the immediate future at- tend this meeting. Registration blanks will be available on Wed- nesday and Thursday, July 2 and 3, and Monday and Tuesday, July 7 and 8. La Sociedad Hispanica will hold meetings during the Summer Ses- sion as follows: Every Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the East Conference Room in the Rackham Building. Every Tuesday and Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. in the International Center. Every Thursday at 4 p.m. in the International Center. All students interested are in- vited to be with us. All student groups planning so- cial events at which both men and women are to be present must se- cure approval from the Office of Student Affairs, Room 2, Univer- sity Hall, no later than 12 o'clock noon on the Monday before the event is to take place. Since these applications must include the signed acceptances of the chaper- ones, forms for filing an applica- tion for party approval should be secured well in advance of the party date. Forms may be se- cured in the Office of Student Af- fairs. Women guests. The presence of women guests in fraternity houses, men's rooming houses, or other men's rooming quarters, except when chaperones approved by University authorities are present is not permitted, except for e- change and guest dinners. Such dinners must be announced to the Office of Student Affairs at least one day in advance of the sched- uled date. Hours for week day guest or exchange dinners are to be from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.; for Sunday dinners, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Approved parties for the coming week end: June 27, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; June 28, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Sports Classes available for Women Students: Registration for Women's Physical Education classes will be held daily this week from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in Barbour Gymnasium. The follow- ing classes are open to graduate and undergraduate women for non-credit: Archery, Badminton, Golf (Elementary and Intermedi- ate), Life Saving, Posture, Figure and Carriage, Riding, Rythmic Fundamentals, Swimming (Ele- mentary and Intermediate), Ten- nis. Classes begin on Monday, June 30 except for Life Saving which begins this week. No late regis- trations. There are no instructional fees for these classes except in the case of riding classes which are con- ducted from a nearby stable, There is a small charge for Inter- mediate Swimming 'which is held in the Michigan Union Pool. Margaret Bell, M.D. Chairman, Department of Physical Education for Women Academic Notices History 180s, Roosevelt to Roos- evelt: Class will meet in Room 231 Angell Hall instead of 101 Eco- nomics Building. Concerts Carillon Recital: Percival Price, University Carillonneaur, will pre- sent a program on the Baird Car- illon in Burton Memorial Tower at 7:15 this evening. It will in- clude Prelude 1,. Well-Tempered Clavichord, and Air (Suite in D) by Bach; Ballet Music from Or- pheus, Act II by Gluck; Suite for Carillon by Barber; Rachmanin- off's Prelude, Op. 3, No. 2; and Miniature Overture, Dance of the Reed-Flutes, and Waltz of the Flowers from Tschaikowksy's Nut- cracker Suite. Student Recital: Virginia Den- yer, Organist, will be heard in a program of compositions by Bach, Reger, Karg-Elert, Sowerby, and Farnam, at 4:15 Sunday after- noon, June 29, in Hill Auditorium. Presentedin partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music, the recital will I 1 4 4 4 a A4 I BARNABY. .. - - - - ,, I I V -9 'may ¢P .gN '937. Ti , NC+sCaPe .kA( '.ac. i Pat 0& I -v II , r t I '. 1 -1 - I )" -- - 1 1 68CT OI* , { I