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July 28, 1946 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1946-07-28

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Reform Result of 'U'Research






Intensive research studies develop-
ed by the University's Bureau of
Government during the past 32 years
have resulted in important reforma-
tion of the State of Michigan's in-
creasingly complex governmental
Organized by the University in
recognition of the imperative need
for accurate and impartial analysis
of governmental problems, the Bur-
eau's research program is primarily
designed to assist and improve gov-
ernment in Michigan by furnishing
citizens and public administration
officers with extensive information
on leading questions in taxation and
Theoretical Projects
In general, the problems sele'cted
by the Bureau for investigation must
be timely and pressing to warrant
special study, but this does not pre-
clude projects of a more theoretical
nature which may prove of consider-
able significance in the fields of pub-
lic administration and finance.
Important studies analyzing the
various aspects of administrative or-
ganization of state government, tax-
ation, the electoral process, and lo-
cal government are indicative of the
nature of research activities con-
ducted by the Bureau in past years.
Many special projects are under-
taken at the request of state and
local officials desiring a better basis
for understanding and treating vari-
ous governmental problems. In order
to carry out this two-fold program,
the Bureau has assembled a regular
research staff and encouraged stu-
dents taking the Institute of Public
Administrationhcurriculum to serve
theirinternship with the Bureau of
Bureau Studies Published
Since 1934, results of the various
studies conducted by the Bureau have
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This column has
been established to provide veterans
with informationof concern to them.
_ ~All_ veterans are encouraged to submit
questions or topics for consideration.)
Veterans' families are entitled to
receive student rates for out-patient
treatment and hospitalization at the
Universiy Hospital.
Wives and children of students re-
quiring out-patient treatment at the
University Hospital should report to
the Registration Department of the
Hospital where they will be registered
for service as dependents of students,
upon identifying themselves as such.
At the present time a $5.00 deposit is
required at the time of Registration.
If the services rendered amount to
less than this deposit, a refund is
If hospitalization is required, an
estimate of the expenses will be given
based on the estimated length of stay
and the services to be performed. Ar-
rangements regarding the required
deposit for hospitalization will be dis-
cussed in each case with a member of
the Hospital Credit Department.
'The University Hospital is among
the hospitals now under contract
with the Veterans Administration to
provide immediate hospitalization for
veterans with service connected dis-
abilities when it is impractical to use
VA Hospitals ...
A new lightweight type of artificial
hand which operates without the use
of a harness is now available withoutt
cost to veterans with below the elbow
Inventor Bruce K. Vis of Detroit
expects to have ready within a couple
months an above-the-elbow adap-
tation which will also work on a new

pressure principle which makes the
use of the hand a simpler and more
normal action.
Expenses for the veteran's trip to
Detroit and his stay there while being
fitted for the hand will be paid by
the Ida Hibbard Fund, Inc.
For further information interested
veterans should apply at the Veter-
ans Counseling Service in the Ann
Arbor Armory. If application is made
by letter the veteran should include
his service serial number and his
"C" number, his home or temporary
address, his branch and length of
service, and the point of amputation.
President Creates
Emergency Board
WASHINGTON, July 27- R) -
President Truman today created an
emergency board to investigate a dis-
pute between the railroads and Pull-
man conductors, thus staying for 60
days a strike called for 6 p.m. EST
Aug. 7.
The dispute, involving 2,700 Pull-
man conductors represented by the
Order of Railway, Conductors (Inde-
pendent) is over interpretation of a
recent wage increase.
Members of the three-man emer-

been published in the form of bul-
letins and pamphlets as the Michi-
gan Pamphlets and the Michigan
Governmental Studies. In contrast
to the Studies which are longer and
more, technical, the Pamphlets are
primarily a condensed analysis of an
important governmental problem.
The Bureau's most recent study, on
the reorganization of county govern-
ment is now being printed and will
be issued on or about September 15.
This project is the sequel to an earlier
investigation of county administra-
tive organization in Michigan <vhich
was used by groups throughout the
state interested in county govern-
Library in Haven Hall
During the first 20 years of its
existence as a division of the poli-
tical science department, the Bureau
received only small appropriations
and utilized most of these funds in
developingda research library. Lo-
cated on the second floor of Haven
Hall, the Bureau of Government Lib-
rary now has over 25,000 books and
50,000 phamphlets which serve to
facilitate research and service activi-
ties. Although the scope of the col-
lection has been broadened consid-
erably in recent years, the emphasis
continues to be placed on Michigan
In 1934, a broad program of re-
search became possible through a
grant of funds from the Horace H.
Rackham estate and the Bureau was
made a separate unit of the Univer-
sity under the supervision of Dr.
Harold D. Smith, who recently re-
signed as Director of the Budget for
the federal government to accept a
position of great responsibility with
the International Bank.
The present director, Prof. Robert
S. Ford, of the economics department,
was appointed in 1937. Prof. Ford
returned to the campus last semester
after three years as special advisor
on wartime problems to the Governor.
Taxation, Finance Research
Early in 1938, the Bureau received
a grant of $50,000 from the Mott
Foundation for the purpose of ex-
panding research activities in the
field of public taxation and finance.
Under the leadership of Prof. Ford,
the program provided for in this
grant was completed in 1942.
During the war, all but one of the
Bureau's staff of 14 research workers
were lost to the service or the fed-
eral government, but Claude R.
Tharp carried 'on the work of the
Bureau with his report on County
Administrative Organization in Mich-
Since Prof. Ford's return, the
Bureau has been designated as the
research .division of the newly estab-
lished Institute of Public Adminis-
tration. At present, the Bureau is
conducting a study of the tax situa-
tion in Michigan and carrying out,
a project involving an investigation
of tax and governmental problems in
Grand Rapids, Michigan at -the re-
quest of the Grand Rapids Metro-
politan Planning Association.

Interlochen Concert...
The 70-piece Michigan All-State
'+chestra conducted by Elizabeth
.reen, instructor in music educa-
-ion, and director of orchestras at
"he University, will present its first
^odcert of the season at 3:30 p.m.
today at Interlochen.
The National Music Camp Sym-
honic Band led by Walter Welke of
seattle, with 'Franklin P. Inglis of
Greencastle, Ind., as guest conductor,
will also present selections.
The Youth Symphony Orchestra
will present its regular Sunday eve-
ning concert today with William E.
Knuth of San Francisco as guest con-
ductor. The program will include
Bizet's "Symphony in C Major," Had-
ley's "San Francisco Suite" and Ben-
jamin's "Overture to an Italian
'The Greater Chopin' .**
Lee Pattison, guest pianist and
lecturer in the School of Muise,
will present "The Greater Chopin,"
the fourth in his series of seven
lecture-recitals, at 8:30 p.m. to-
morrow in the Rackham Lecture
His program will include Cho-
pin's Barcarolle, Op. 60, Polonaise
in F-shaft rpminor, Op. 44, Six
Etudes and Sonata in B-flat minor.
The last three programs in Pat-
tison's "Survey of Piano Literature"
series will be presented on succeed-
ing Mondays. They are entitled
"Beethoven, the Perfect Synthe-
sis," "Mozart and the Youthful
Beethoven" and "Bach and the
Harpsichord Composers."

mann, Schutz, Porpora, Kriedel anc
de Pres.
* * *
Student Recital .. .
A wind instrument pregram in
the -student recital series will be
presented at 2 p.m. Friday in Har-
ris Hall.
The program will include com-
positions of Jeanjean, Dacquin,
Dewailly, Saint-Saens, Mozart,
Marschner and Gluck. Students
participating are Dwight Dailey
and Arthur Hills, clarinetists, Wil-
liam Poland, oboist, Lee -Chrisman,
flutist, and Milford Crabb, Joseph
Skrynski, Jean Rowell and Mar-
shall Penn, trombonists.
They will be assisted by Mildred
Minneman Andrews and Beatrice
Gaal, pianists.

ARCHITECTS' DREAM TAKES SHAPE--This 3_ a scale model of a nortion of the "Detroit of the future"
which is being planned by Eliel Saarinen. Model shows f our basic units, separated by horizontal and vertical
highways. In center of each unit is an elementary school and stores. In upper center is large group of build-
ings housing a high and intermediate school combined, a-community center, churches and business-center.
*, * * * *' *________

Finnish Architect Describes
Plans for 'Michigan Cities

DETROIT, July 27-A')-By 1990
Michigan's congested cities can be
pleasant clusters of small, self-con-
tained communities.
Slums, bleak and crowded streets
and kids playing in dirty alleys can
join open sewers in oblivion.
This vision is the motivation of El-
iel Saarinen's long-sighted plan for
the future development of the state.
Saarinen, who spent a year as visit-
ing professor at the University in
1924, enlisted the aid of his students
at the Cranbrook Academy of Art
some years ago in making a study
of population trends as a preliminary
to the detailed planning of Michigan
Detroit's Future Studied
The study was seized upon three
years ago by a group of Detroit archi-
tects. Using Saarinen's concept of
self-contained units, they formed a
voluntary organization to work out
the ideal for future of metropolitan
"Groups of architects in all of
Michigan's cities could be doing the
same," Saarinen said.
The original study predicted that
Michigan's population in 1990 would
be 6,250,000 with, 5,000,000 of that
number concentrated in the Detroit-
Port Huron-Flint-Saginaw-Bay City-
Lansing-Jackson areas.
"This growth," Saarinen says,
"need not be accompanied by pre-
sent-day blighted areas, traffic snarls
and intermingled factories, stores and
Interviewed recently on his depar-
ture for a summer in Finland, Saar-
inen betrayed a glowing enthusiasm
for the theme of city planning.

The remedy for the evils of urban
life, the short, energetic Saarinen
contends, is intelligent planning for
The architect is modest and re-
served. He holds his eyes half shut
as if protecting ,a deep sensitivity
from reality's shocks.
Saarinen World-Famed
Saarinen at 72 is world-famed. His
career started in Finland where he
was educated. His first work of con-
sequence, the Helsinki Railway Sta-
tion built in 1907, received wide ac-
He came to the United States in
1923 when he won second place in the
Chicago Tribune Tower competition.
In 1925 he joined the Cranbrook
His first major project in this
country was the designing of the
Cranbrook campus. His great influ-
ence of subsequent work has led ex-
perts to describe his influence on
American architecture as "inestim-]
The nucleus of Saarinen's plan for
the city of the future is a cluster of
some 200 homes around an elemen-
tary school and a business center.
In his vision, there are no high-
ways passing through -this cluster.
Four or five clusters, separated by
secondary highways, nestle around
an intermediate school.

Early Delivery
Prospects for
. -P
New Cars Slim
DETROIT, July 27-(P)-Prospects
for early delivery of a new passenger
automobile are little, if any, better
today than they were three months
ago, despite the fact that production
has crept forward steadily in recent
While output of trucks and com-
mercial units has increased to the
point where it is nearing pre-war
levels, passenger car assemblies still
are far below the volume needed to
even match currently placed orders.
Whether the backlog of unfilled
orders for passenger vehicles aggre-
gates 5,500,000 or twice that number
as some of the more optimistic of the
sales executives assert, the industry's
production chiefs cannot yet see the
point at which they can catch up
with it.
The industry as a whole undoubt-
edly will go into 1947 at least 2,000,-
000 passenger cars short of the sched-
ules set up when civilian production
was resumed a little more than a
year ago. In 1947 it comes also to
the problem of an almost industry-
wide change of models, an undertak-
ing which in normal times involves
a complete suspension. of assembly
line operations by each company for
periods varying from four to six

* * *
Operdtic Concert
A concert of operatic arias and en-
sembles will be presented by the
Opera Laboratory Course under the
direction of Thor Johnson and assist-
ed by the University Summer Ses-
sion Symphony Orchestra at 8:30
p.m. Thursday in Pattengill Auditor-
ium of the Ann Arbor High School.
The selections presented will be
the overture from the "Marriage of
Figaro," an aria and duet from "Don
Giovanni" and from "La Traviata,"
the sextet from "Lucia di Lammer-
moor," an aria from "Simone Boc-
canegra," a duet and quintet from
"The Magic Flute," a duet from "La
Forza del Destino," and an aria and
quartet from "Rigoletto."
* * *
Carillon Recital Today .. .
A carillon recital by Prof. Percival
Price, University Carillonneur, will
be presented at 3 p.m. today.
Three English country dances,
three songs by Schubert, Sir H;.
Harty's "A little prelude and fugue
for carillon," and Prof. Price's two
victory rhapsodies will compose the
U.S. Committee in Oslo.
OSLO, Norway, July 27- VP)-
Members of a joint U.S. Congression-
al Committee making a round-the-
world tour arrived here today for a

Tinayre WillSing ...
The second of two recitals devoted:
to the vocal music of the Medieval
and Renaissance periods will be pre-
sented by Yves Tinayre, baritone and
guest lecturer, at 8:30 p.m. today in
the First Presbyterian church.
Tinayre, who is best known for
his interpretations of the vocal art
of these periods, will be assisted by
Emil Raab and Margaret Kay, vio-
linists, Elisabeth Lewis, violist, Mary
Oyer, cellist and Frieda Op't Holt
Vogan, organist.
His program will consist of selec-
[tions from Dufay, Gombert, Pau-

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