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July 28, 1946 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1946-07-28

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___________THE MICHIGAN DAILY_ _ _

Auto Pioneer
Will Celebrate
83rd Birthday
DETROIT, July 27- (P) - Henry
Ford, famed elder statesman of the
world's automobile industry, comes
to his 83rd birthday anniversary next
Tuesday, active in mind and body
but no longer the guiding genius of
the fabulous empire he founded a
little more than four decades ago.
The slender, white-haired master
of mass production stepped down
from the presidency of the Ford
Motor Co. last September, asserting
he wanted to devote most of his
time to "many personal interests."
He turned the huge responsibility
over to his grandson, Henry Ford
II, eldest son of the late Edsel Bry-
ant Ford.
Today thite octogenarian pioneer of
the automobile industry spends most
of his time at his huge fenced-in
estate, "Fairlane," in nearby Dear-
born, across Federal Highway 112
from the Ford Engineering Labora-
tory. He makes infrequent visits to
the company's big main plant or to
his Greenfield Village where, over
the years he has assembled much
valuable Americana.
Although he retains a 58 per cent
interest, with Mrs. Ford, in the Ford
Company, the elder Ford apparently
is making no attempt to dictate any
of its policies. The only official
connection he retains with the com-
pany is as a member of its Board of
In Dearborn, Mr. Ford's home
town, the birthday anniversary next
Tuesday will be observed with a day
long civic celebration at all the public
playgrounds and in the evening at
Ford Field a civic tribute will be ac-
corded the industrialist.,

McKellar Will
Try for Sixth
Senate Term
WASHINGTON, July 27--(P)-Au-
gust's 13 state primaries start off
next Thursday with a No. 1 attrac-
tion in the race of 77-year old Sena-
tor Kenneth D. McKellar of Ten-
nessee for a sixth-term nomination
against a CIO-PAC-endorsed candi-
The CIO and McKellar's attitude
on the TVA have figured largely in
the Democratic campaign in which
Edward Ward Carmack, 46-year-old
Murfreesboro attorney and son of
the late U.S. Senator by that time, is
opposing McKellar.
McKellar and president pro-tem
of the Senate, heads the powerful
Appropriations Committee. He has
been in the Senate since March 4,
1917. He has left most of his cam-
paigning to his principal backer, Ed-
ward H. Crump, Shelby County De-
mocratic leader. Carmack has stump-
ed the state actively.
This is just one contest of many
in August which will be watched na-
tionally. Wet and dry issues are be-
ing fought out in Kansas and South
Carolina. Senator Robert H. LaFol-
lette, Jr., lone Progressive in the
Senate, who has turned Republican
to run for renomination, has a hot
fight on in Wisconsin. Senator Har-
ry F. Byrd is facing his first primary
opposition in Virginia since he went
to the Senate n 1933.
During the month-and the last
few days of July-candidates will
be chosen for nine places in the Sen-
ate, 122 in the House,.and 6 gover-
Besides the Tennessee primaries,
the coming week will also see Alaba-
ma Democrats choose a candidate
in a special senatorial primary.

'Angel Stree' Director Gives
Advice to Theatre Aspirants

"You've got to have it heah-the
ability to act," Mrs. Claribel Baird,
visiting director of Angel Street, said
placing her hand over her heart in
characterization of Don Marquis' be
loved cockroach, Archie.
"A talent for acting, or the capa-
city to learn to act, cannot be learned
as one memorizes theorems," she con-
tinued. The most intelligent person
in the theatre,she said, is often the
worst performer. "A high IQ is not
necessarily the first requisite of the
actor but rather aptitude, imagina-
tion, and an infinite capacity for
hard work."
High Aptitude Necessary
No one can succeed in this pro-
fession without pre-eminent apti-
tude, and since no other profession
has such odds against it for economic
security, the kindest director is the
one who discourages mediocre per-
formers. "I think one takes on him-
self a big responsibility in deciding
that a performer hasn't "got it heah,"
she said, but I think the director who
advises actors to have a try at Broad-
way takes on an even greater respon-
sibility. Ormont's line in "Two on an
Island," "Broadway is paved with the
little white psyches of renegade
school teachers," is all too true, she
I would advise young people with
a great interest in the theatre to di-
rect or to be teachers of acting, she
said. Many splendid teachers of act-
ing cannot act, and many excellent
directors are not performers."
Played in Varied Roles
Mrs. Baird as a graduate student
here, and as a visiting member of the
staff, has played in a variety of roles.
She was Zenobia in "Ethan Frome,"
Mrs. Borkham in "John Gabriel

Borkman," Ellen in "Ladies in Re-
tirement," the English girl, Rhoda,
in "Damasque Cheek" and Mama Au-
kamp in "Papa Is All."
Mrs. Baird has directed "Letters to
Lucerne," "Journey to Jerusalem,"
"Quality Street," and is now doing
"Angel Street."
"Angel Street" is a far cry from
"Quality Street" whose little ladies
were trim. and delicate, she said,'but


Drops Below
Wartime Level
Strikes Ineffectual in
Keeping Wages Static
WASHINGTON, July 27-(P)-The
last nine months have produced gen-
eral wage increases of 181/2 cents an
hour or thereabouts, but the average
factory worker is still taking home
less money than he did a year ago.
New government 'figures throw
some interesting light on what hap-
pened to wages in the major strike
settlements of last spring. Here are
the main points:
1. On a weekly basis, the average
factory worker is making about $3.14
less than he did a year ago. That is,
factory workers have failed in their
fight to restore "take-home" pay to
the wartime levels.
Factory Hourly Wages
2. On an hourly basis, factory
workers are averaging about six cents
more than a year ago-nothing like
18% cents an hour.
That information comes from the
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
The explanation of both points lies
in the heavy amount of overtime
performed by factory workers during
the war-a source of additional in-.
come which, in most plants, is virt-
ually a thing -of the past.
The BLS says the average factory
worker-call him Smith- had a
work-week of about 45 hours during
the last two-and-a-half years of the
war. But this year he has been work-
ing only about 40 hours. In June
he worked 39.9 hours.
Lower Than Wartime
As a result-and in spite of wage
increases - Smith's weekly pay is
lower than in wartime. According to
a preliminary estimate of the BLS,
Smith earned $43.10 a week in June.
In June of 'last year, he was paid
$46.24. The highest his p y ever
reached was $47.50, in January, 1945.
So much for his weekly pay. What
about his hourly earnings? Why
haven't they risen something like
181/2 cents?
Rates Not Earnings
The answer is that the 181/2 cents
was an increase in wage "rates." That
is not the same as actual earnings,
because when you calculate . a man's
average hourly earnings you include
both his straight-time hours and his
overtime hours. A worker' gets from
50 to 100 per cent more pay for over-
time hours than he does for straight-
time hours, and the high-paid over-
time hours pull up the average of his
hourly earnings..
According to the BLS preliminary
estimate, Smith was paid an average
of $1.08 an hour in June. That's the
highest hourly pay in history' yet
it's only about six cents more than
the $1.017 which was his average
hourly pay in June of last year..

400 Slightly Used, Large Ring,
Canvas Cover Note Books

\ x.
Elizabeth Arden's wonderful depilatory hat goes










it contains a highly dramatic situa-
tion that makes good theatre. "It is
a psychological drama in which an
idea is imposed upon the mind of a
Character Delineation
This play probably takes more
study for character delineation than
"Quality Street," she said. One must
understand the dramatist's concep-
tion of the characters and the rela-
tionship of the characters to one
another. It is also necessary to un-
derstand the mind and habits of the
particular characters in relationship
to other minds in the cast. Timing is
also an important element: A great
deal of the effect of "Angel Street"
depends on coordination between the
My interesting problem in this play
is that several of the actors have
seen Vincent Price and Leo Carrol
do this on Broadway and they are
wedded to those interpretations. A
key to good acting is building a char-
acterization upon one's own person-
ality, Mrs. Baird said.
Expansion of
Colleges Will
Be Considered
WASHINGTON, July 27-(P)--The
"whole future of higher education"
comes under the scrutiny Monday of
the newly appointed President's Com-
mission on American Education.
The big problem, is to decide if
and how the approximately 1800
American colleges can expand their
plants and faculties, almost over-
night, to accommodate up to 1,500,-
000 war veterans.
This means doubling the capacity
of campuses and buildings by 1950,
a several billion dollar job to be per-
formed during a period when build-
ing materials are going to be criti-
cally short. After 1950 college en-
rollment is expected to remain about
double prewar totals.
The commission is composed of '30
college presidents, business and labor
leaders. It was appointed July 13 at
the recommendation of educational
organizations and the Director of
War Mobilization and Reconversion.
The ;embers will hold their first
organization meeting on Monday and
Tuesday. They have set aside time for
an address by President Truman if
he can get around toit.
Mr. Truman told the commission
appointees in a letter that the gov-
ernment wants to assure all qualified
veterans of the opportunity of con-
tinuing their 'education.
He said he hoped the members
would study: ways and means of ex-
panding educational opportunities for
all able young people; the adequacy
of curricula, "particularly in fields
of international affairs and social
understanding"; the desirability of
establishing a series of intermediate
technical institutes; the financial
structure of higher education with
particular reference to requirements
for the rapid expansion of physical

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Love Will Find a Way
LEWISTON. Me., July 27-(P)-
Thirteen-year-old Lucille Perreault
received final permission today to
marry Armand Mecerview, 21-year-
old war veteran.

5.95 to 7.50

Its, ML


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