RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Y Sw 43~iant See Page 8 VOL. LVI, No. 19S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 28, 1946 Congress Plans For Early Recess By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 27-The 79th Co ngress slapped "unfinished" labels on many of President Truman's fa- vorite legislative proposals today and started heading homeward. The House today picked next Fri- day as the date for formal and final adjournment but there was little ex- pectation of anything more than formalities and non - controversial business after the week-end. Earlier there had been talk of quitting as early as Wednesday. The Senate has yet to act on the resolution. There had been some talk of quit- ting on a recess basis, so that thej House leaders could call the mem- bers back. Many members already have left, and others arranged for departure over the week-end, on the longest vacation Congress has had since 1938 when the 75th Congress quit on June 16. Behind them lies a record of coop- eration with two Presidents-Frank- lin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Tru- man---on the weighty problems of war, and of fierce bickerings with both on major domestic issues. Before them lie the'November elec- tions which Republicans insist will give them control of the House of Representatives for the first time since Herbert Hoover was President. The Democrats express an;opposite view Probably no. Congress saw or helped make more history than the 79th. During its tenure the nation's only four-term President died, the shooting phase of the world's worst war came to an end, and the nation started on the long and thorny road back to a peace-time basis. Certainly few Congresses ever have treated so coldly the legislative re- quests of a chief executive. President Truman got from Congress just about half the things he requested in more than a dozen messages to the law- makers. He had trouble even with his of- ficial appointments, the Senate re- fusing to confirm his nomination of Edwin Pauley, California oil man, to Gertrutde tein, Famed Writer, Dies In Paris PARIS, July 27- (M )-Gertrude Stein, 72, the beloved but puzzling American writer who opened her heart and her home to hundreds of American soldiers during World War II, died tonight in the American Hospital at Neuilly, a Paris suburb. There had been no earlier reports that Miss Stein was ill and hospital officials declined to state the nature of her illness or how long she had been confined to the hospital. A native of Allegheny, Pa., Miss Stein began writing while a student at Radcliffe College and published more than 20 books and other works -most of them so abstruse as to verbiage and sentence structure as to leave even professional critics in a quandary. Such typical phrases as "A rose is a rose is a rose" and "Pigeon on the grass alas" gained Miss Stein a world-wide-if headshaking-lit- erary reputation. Although Miss Stein lived in France for more than 40 years, she loved her native America and welcomed American tourists to her home as warmly as the hundreds of famous figures of the arts whom she knew as friends. She never married. Miss Stein's death came only a few days after the publication in the United States of her latest book, "Brewsie and Willie." Radioactivity' Shrouds Bikini ABOARD USS MT. McKTNLEY, Sunday, July 28--P)-Bikini Lagoon was so dangerously radioactive today, three full days after the atomic bomb explosion, that no one was per- mitted to make close-range inspec- tion of the damaged target fleet. Only fast-moving patrol boats made quick dashes to the edges of the invisible radiation "walls" that hemmed in the targets. To the list of apparently damaged ships was added the battleship Neva- da, which was seen to be listing. This red-painted bullseye of the aer- be Undersecretary of the Navy. The appointment stirred up a row that brought about the resignation of 'Harold Ickes as Secretary of the In- terior. SUMNER SLICHTER .. . * * * Noted Harvard Economist Will. Lecture Here Sumner H. Slichter, Lamont Pro- fessor of Harvard University and ver- satile economist, will speak on "Eco- nomic Changes Produced by Modern Technology" at 4:10 p.m. Wednesday in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Best known for his many publica- tionsandhadvisory and practical work in the field of labor relations, Prof. Slichter has been a leader in the worker's education movement, having arranged for various trade unions' to send representatives to Harvard for special study programs. Many University students are fam- iliar with his writings, especially his text on economic principles and his research work "Union Policies' and Industrial Management," which deals with union-management cooperation for improvements in production. Prof. Slichter has often spoken here, the most recent occasion being the alumni conference of the School of Business Administration last May. He is a past president of the Ameri- can Economic Association and has been active on many private and public commissions. 'U' May Set Up unior Colleges Through State If the University of Michigan de- cides to expand by establishing a network of junior colleges through- out the state, there will be no con- flict with the interests of the state department of public instruction, ac- cording to Dr. Eugene B. Elliott, sup- erintendent. President Alexander G. Ruthven revealed recently that the Univer- sity is "studying" the prospects of forming junior colleges in "strategi- cally-located" cities throughout the state-thus providing University of Michigan undergraduate work to stu- dents in their home communities. "I haven't talked to Dr. Ruthven about the University's plans for mov- ing out into the communities, but I'm sure that our department will not be concerned," Dr. Elliott said. He explained that junior colleges are maintained by local . boards of education and that negotiations will probably be conducted directly be- tween the University and the local groups. Details of administration of the various subsidiary schools have not yet been worked out by University authorities. One of the principal drawbacks will be developing existing junior college units to a satisfactory academic level for full accreditation at the University. Parking Meter Santa Chided Philetus Spear, 21, a University of IMihigan gentleman and schol- ar, of 1212 Willard Street, lea:ned yesterday that local police do not condone "good Samaritanism"- particularly after they have gone to the trouble of issuing an over- time parking ticket. But he did help to clear up a point of law. Officer William Marz, walking beat on State Street, ticketed a shiny, cream - colored roadster parked before an "expired" meter. A few minutes later he looked back and saw Spear insert a penny into the meter. He thereupon hailed the University student and began to reproach him. "But, officer," said Spear, "I didn't see the ticket and anyway it isn't my car and I only thought I'd do a good turn for the poor guy who owns it." Marz promptly dashed salt on this reply and before Spear could shake off the skepticism, he was in police headquarters explaining again to Sgt. Al Toney. "Friend," said the balding desk boss, "you ought to be more care- ful with your money. I like to see people do nice things, but if the owner of that car came back, saw time remaining on the meter and a ticket in-the windshield wiper, the police department would be in an inextricable predicament." Spear agreed that perhaps he was a little hasty and was re- leased. Toney then consulted City At- torney William Laird who opined that there was nothing the law could do in such a case and that if Spear wanted to play Santa Claus, he could place nickels and pennies in any or every meter in Ann Ar- bor whenever he got the urge. Truman Picks OPA Decontrol Jury Members WASHINGTON, July 27- W)- President Truman today named the men of "judgment and fairness" who will form the decontrol board set up 'under the new price control act: Roy L. Thompson is chairman. He is a Southern banker and economics professor and has been president of the Federal Land Bank of New Or- leans since 1938. Industrialist George H. Mead is a Middle West- ern industrialist, organizer and board chairman of the Mead Pulp & Pa- per Co. of Dayton, O. He was chair- man of the Industrial Advisory Board under the NRA and later an industry member of the War Labor Board and member of the advisory board of the Office of War Mobilization. Daniel W. Bell is a veteran treasury department official, he finally be- came acting director of the budget and treasury undersecretary, resign- ing to take a position with a Wash- ington Bank. These men, subject to Senate con- firmation, will have the final say on what items shall or shall not be under price ceilings. Determine Exemptions The decontrol board is charged with determining whether meat, dairy products and other items con- ditionally exempt from ceilings shall continue free of controls after Aug. 20. Mr. Truman, in his message to Congress after signing the bill Thurs- day, had promised that the board members would be "men in whose judgment and fairness the Congress and the country will have complete confidence." Clear View for Industry The OPA meanwhile gave indus- try and consumers their first clear view of sweeping exemptions which removed about half of all foods pro- ducts from price control under the OPA revival act. Ceilings are knocked out, Price Ad- ministrator Paul Porter revealed, on all items containing 20 per cent or more by volume of meat, poultry and eggs, dairy products, or cotton seed and soy bean derivatives. The law bars ceilings on anything made in substantial part" from these farm products and OPA decided 20 per cent is "substantial." C Warren Called" In 'War Profits Case Inquiry Ferguson Discloses Detroit Firm Involved By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 27 - Senate war profits investigators turned their scrutiny today on a reported sale of Washington influence on war contracts to a firm that did not get the help it paid for. Another focus of Mead Comiittee interest was a story that superior officers had instructions to shield the son of a munitions manufacturer from harm during his war service. Members disclosed that these re- ports had been turned over to the staff of the war 'nvestigating com- mittee with instructions to determ- ine the truth or falsity of both re- ports. At the same time Chairman Mead (Dem.-N.Y.) announced that Lind- say C. Warren, the comptroller gen- eral, has been summoned to a pub- lic hearing Monday to explore the possibilities of checking on improper war profits through facilities of the General Accounting Office. Senator Ferguson (Rep.-Mich.) dis- closed that a Detroit concern had been mentioned in the: reported transaction with a Washington pur- veyor of "influence." "If there's anybody in my state that was in on these deals," he said in an interview, "I want it exposed just the same as anybody else, and it doesn't make any difference what his politics were or are." From another member of the committee, who declined to be quoted by name, it was learned that the committee hadreceived a report that an individual had of- fered to obtain a war contract for a fee and had then reneged on his part of the transaction after get- ting -the :Honey. This member said that the contract was reported as not involving the companies in the Garsson munitions combine currently under investiga- tion by the committee, but he added that some of the same individuals mentioned in that investigation were concerned in the "entirely new" re- port. Committee members said the re- port did not say whose "influence" the Washington man had purported to use in obtaining contracts, but declared that this was one of the things they would seek to bring out in the investigation. Chinese Peace Proposal Meets Flat Rejection NANKING, July 27-1)-A new Communist - proposed unconditional truce for China, which apparently carried the blessing of U.S. Ambas- sador J. Leighton Stuart, faced flat rejection today by the National Gov- ernment. The government will reject un- conditional cessation of hostilities unless an agreement for reorganiz- ing China's armies and restoring railroad communications is effected at the same time, Minister of In- formati6n Peng Hsueh-Pei told a press conference in Shanghai. The spokesman's statement came shortly after Ambasador Stuart had declared, it "useless to discuss per- manent unification of China and other political questions until we are able to end the fighting." Stuart was hopeful of cracking the deadlock after conferring last night with the chief Communist ne- gotiator, General Chou-En-Lai, he said results would depend on the re- action he received from Chiang. k Di plomats Assemble for World Peace Conference Tomorrow; Senate Will1 Probe 'Influence Sale' STUDENTS MAKE MODERN MUSIC: Prof. Revelli To Conduct Sunumer Session Band at Tuesday Concert Prof. William D. Revelli will con- duct the University Summer Session of the Julliard School of Music and prominent composer. "Tronical" by Clarke's "Stars in a Velvety Sky." Snan. who was a cantain in the