Crisler Calls College Meeting 'Beginning' As Tigers Nip Machmen, 4-3 By The Associated Press DETROIT, July 26-Virgil (Fire) Trucks rode out a three-run Phila- delphia storm in the first inning, Stopped the A's with six hits and batted in the winning run todayaas tie Detroit Tigers nosed out the Athletics, 4 to 3. Their three-run outburst in the opening inning, featured by Warren Rosar's big triple, was the Athletics' only gesture as Trucks steadied to scatter three hits over the last eight innings and record his 11th victory. Yankees Down Chicago CHICAGO, July 26-The New York Yankees scored four runs in the sixth inning tonight to beat the Chicago White Sox, 6 to 2, before a crowd of 34,118. * * * - Sox Shell Browns, 8-5 ST. LOUIS, July 26--The Boston Red Sox who had but one victory to show for five previous outings at Sportsman's Park shelled their old jinx with a 15-hit barrage tonight to wallop the St. Louis Browns 8 to 5 Betty Courtright Victor Betty Courtright crushed Suz- anne Kessler 8 and 6, in the cham- pionship finals of the Ann Arbor Women's Golf Tournament, yes- terday, to annex her third title in the annual event. Miss Court- right has not competed in the tourney since 1941 when she achieved her second successive title. Highlights - from the Sports World By The Associated Press FOR THE RECORD... By DICK KRAUS, Daily Sports Staff SO THE WAR is over and the intel- lectual is back in his ivory tower. The housewife stays away from movies that are "too inuch like life." But what about the poor old guy who used to get away from it all by bury- ing his schnoz in a sports page? Ile will have to look elsewhere for his escape from the troubling problems of the world. When he turns to his favorite sports sheet these days he finds himself face to face with the' same kind of stuff he turned away from when he threw away the front page of his paper. On today's sport pages, this erst- while escapist finds himself con- fronted with athletic world counter- parts to such national issues as the Labor situation and the Chinese civil war. He even has an international. problem to worry about and in a few days he can follow an experi- ment paralleling the United Nations.. The center of the athletic world's labor troubles is still Pittsburgh, where the baseball worker is in the midst of a maze of organizational fervor. He's just as much up in the air as the boys in the coal mining league used to be. THE SPORT'S World's civil war isn't as bloody as the one in China, but many a bucket of bucks will be spilled before the National Professional Football League and the All-Americas kiss and make-up. Even Joe Stalin has his counter- part on the current sports scene. A lot of loyal baseball fans in St. Louis and New York are inclined to think that Jorge Pasquel is a far more menacing international figure than Joe. Some of them even argue that while Pasquel has lifted Max Lanier, Ace Adams and a host of others, Sta- lin hasn't stolen anything more tangible from this country than Re- presentative Rankin's peace of mind. Baseball's UN is scheduled to get underway on July 29, and the sports enthusiast is already looking on it in much the same puzzled semi- expectant fashion with which the rest of the world first looked at the United Nations. This athletic experiment is, of course, the con- ference between the Major League magnates and player-representa- tives from each of the teams. If a guy sticks to the sports page exclusively, these days he's not go- ing to miss many of the trends this strange, still-new, post-war world is taking. About the only thing he'll miss is new information 'about super weapons; but if he's from Washing- ton, he'll .swear that Hal Newhouser is deadlier than the atomic bomb ariyway.--And then there's Ted Wil- liams. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 9 South Declines Vote -on Michigan Coach's Plan Refuses Decision on Subsidization; Crisler Says Some Lost Meeting's Original Theme Returning from the historic meet- ing f colegite cnfernceshe.dintely to operating on the paid-player g of collegiate conferences held basis. "They didn't believe in staging Chicago at the start of the week, arace with the professional teams Coach H. O. "Fritz" Crisler declared after the nation's athletic talent," yesterday that, although the get-to- he observed. gether had no authority, a good be- In general, the Wolverine sports ginning had been made toward clan- director was pleased over .the re- sults of the meeting, but felt some- y h smt s what disappointed over the evident ' >sports. hesitation of some schools, especially It was Coach Criser who intro- in the South; to turn away from the . duced the motion stating that the paid-player policy. COACH CRISLER American conferences represented in the assembly were of the opinion 1a that college athletic staffs should not Micil'an Car s R proceed directly or indirectly on a e- paid-player basis. Football Series vp g~i~ ~ Southerners Abstain To Olrt SereCrisler's motion came after some debate, and was passed without a dis- .anl ord BOSTON July 26-)-Angelo senting vote .cast. However, . the . Bertelli became the storm center of Michigan coach revealed that some Stanford's Indians invade Michigan a new pro football battle as the Los of the Southern representatives Pre- Stadium Oct. 4, 1947, to engage the Angeles Dons went to court here to- sent abstained from voicing a decision Wolverines in their first gridiron bat- on the resolution. tle since 1901, Coach H. . Crisler mey Notre Dame quarterbackfrom The conference also passed a sec- revealed yesterday. playing with anyone but them. tnd declaration later to the effect It will be the first of four contests, A test case of all pro football play- that "a boy should seek the college, but the location and dates of the ers' contracts appeaed developing instead of the college seeking the ther three have not been determin- as the Dons of the All-America + ed, Football Conference claimed they Comm enting on the atmosphere of Coach Crisler declared further that gave Bertelli a $1,000 bonus while he the meeting, Coach Crisler said he the Stanford series will be the only was in the Marines and then signed came away with three definite im- football games played against West him to a $10,000-a-year contract last pressions in his mind. . Coast elevens for at least the next March. Subsidization a 'Defense' three years. This scotched rumors Since then, the Boston Yanks of "First of all," he stated, "all the of a meeting with Washington in the rival National Football League institutions which had departed from tie near future. announced Bertelli would play for Article 3 of the NCAA Constitution, Michigan's 1901 conflict with the them. the clause dealing with subsidizationInisofPlAtosfa usn hhand sedeingfathltes, defended football history. Led by the immortal their action on the grounds that i Willie Heston, and coached by the M "or League was purely 4 defensive measure. They equally immortal Fielding Yost, the aJ rdid it because forced to by the policies Wolverines' pont - a - minute outfit Standings of other schools." blasted Stanford's touted eleven with Crisler continued further that these a 49-0 hurricane. schools lost the original point of AMERICAN LEAGUE view of the meeting. The conference W L Pt. GB . was called for the purpose of de- Boston... 67 27 . termining just what college athletics should look like twenty years from New York ......55 37 .598 11 now, he declared. North Main Opposite Court House' Washington .... 47 43 .522 18 Abandon Original Line Today, Sun., Mon., Tues. Cleveland.. ..44 48 .478 22 "However,"' he continued, "many of Kirby Grant St. LouisC........39 52 .429 2 the representatives, instead of follow- in Chicago .........36 55 .396 29 ng this original line, became inclin- THE SPIDER WEMAN Philadelphia .... 26 64 .289 39 ed to look at the question from the STRIKES BACK YESTERDAY'S RESULTS point of view of their own teams, and Bill Elliott DetER Pild'e SULTS what it would do to them individual- in Detroit 4, Philadelhiia 3 y." SUN VALLEY CYCLONE NewYork , Cho 2 Finally, Crisler declared that most News and Serial No. 7 Boston 8, St. Louis 5 Washington 5, Cleveland 4 of the conferees were opposed defin- NATIONAL LEAGUE Playing W L Pet. GB Brooklyn ........55 35 .611 Through Saturday St. Louis ........ 54 36 .600 1 Chicago .........47 41 .534 7 Cincinnati . ......43 44 .494 11 Boston .........42 48 .467 13 New York.......40 50 .444 15 Philadelphia .... 38 48 .442 15 MARK LUCILLE WILLi Pittsburgh.......36 53 .404 18 STEVENS -" BALL -"BENDIX YESTERDAY'S RESULTS in Pittsburgh 5, Brooklyn 0 New York 3, Cincinnati 2 Philadelphia 2, Chicago 1 with -Ta :CLIFTON WEBB Last Day Today ' PERILOUS HOLIDAY with Pat O'Brien-Ruth Warrick -and GIRL OF THE LIMBERLOST Starts Sunday THE SAILOR TAKES A WIFE Mats. 30c Eves. 43c Also Cartoon and News -and THEY MADE ME A KILLER Sunday - "TWO SISTERS FROM BOSTON" The University Musical Society Presents Card Owner Fined ST. LOUIS, July 26-Sam. Breadon owner of the St. Louis Cardinals, was fined $5,000 by Baseball Commission- e'r A. B. (Happy) Chandler for re- fusing to re ort personally on his June visit with the Pasquel Brothers of the Mexican Baseball League, but the penalty later was rescinded Breadon said he harbored no hard feelings. "As far as I am concerned it is a closed incident," he said, "and I have only the most friendly feeling for Commissioner Chandler." The white-haired president of the Cardinals said a reconciliation was effected in Boston at a dinner given July 7 by Red Sox owner Tonz Yaw- key just before the annual All-Star game. The rescinded penalty also was re- ported to have included a suspension of all rights of theSt. Louis club for 30 days. * * * .« Barron Takes Lead CHICAGO, July 26-Chunky Uer- man Barron of White Plains, N.Y., today tapped a second-round 71 to hold a one-stroke lead at the 386-hol mark in the $45,600 All-Americar Open Golf Tournament from which U.S. Open champion Lloyd Mangruin was eliminated with a feeble 155 ag- gregate. Barron, playing before a crowd estimated by promoter George S. May at 32,285 was five-under-par for Tam O'Shanter's festooned course with 139, a notch ahead of plugging Ells- worth Vines, formal national tennis star. COMF2ORTABLY COL! Continuous from 1 P.M. - Last Times Today - 'Fst-Moving OAIONC w~ DANE CLARK JA N IS PA1G E ZACHARY a SCT T & Tha M --...C)ANE! Tha( Wom .gy, .. That menace ..SCOTT ------Starts Sunday -- , i- A (Continued from Page 2) E Tod ayseries an Tuesday, July 30 at 4:00 p.m. South Ferry Field. and fugue for Carillon by Sir H. All Alpha Kappa Alpha women are Harty, a group of songs by Schubert invited to come to the Conference Phi Delta Kappa supper and ini- and Two Victory Rhapsodies by Pro- room-third floor of the Rackham tiation on Tuesday, July 30 at 6:30 fessor Price. Building-Saturday afternoon from p.m. in the Michigan Union. 3-4. Concert of Operatic Arias and tin-.Pi Lambda Theta initiation and reception on TuesdayAJuly 30dat 7:3 sembles: A concert of operatic arias CEventsepio" o" esa'' ly 30 at 7:30 and ensembles presented by the Opera Coming E ves p.m. in the West Conference Room, Laboratory Course, under the direc- The Graduate Outing Club has Rackham Building. tion of Thor Johnson and assisted by scheduled hiking and swimming for Flying Club. There will be a regu- the University Summer Session Sym- Sunday, July 28. Those interested lar meeting for the members of the phony Orchestra will be presented in should meet in the club rooms in University Flying Club Wednesday, Pattengill Auditorium, Thursday eve- the Rackham Building at 2:30 p.m. July 31, 1946 in Rm. 1042 East Engi- ning, August 1, at 8:30. The pro- Sunday. Use the northwest entrance. neering Building at 7:30 p.m. All gram will include: Marriage of Fig- students interested in flying are in. aro; Don Giovanni, and The Magic French Club: The fourth meeting sten. Flute by Mfozart; La Traviata, Simone of the French Club will be held on vited. Boccanegra, La Forza Del Destino, Monday, July 29, at 8 p.m. in Rm. Flying Club. There will be a meet- and Rigoletto by Verdi; Lucia Di 305 at the Michigan Union. Dr. ing of the Board of the University Lammermoor by Donizetti. Franci Gravit, of the Romance Lang- Flying Club Tuesday, July 30, at 6:45 The public is cordially invited. uage Department, will give an infor- p.m. in Rm. 1042 East Engineering mal talk entitled: "Souvenirs de Building. Student Recital: Samuel P. Dur- Provence". Group singing and social hour. If you like to speak and hear Students in Business Education: rance, Jr., baritone, will present a French, sing and have fun, come There will be a social meeting of stu- program at 4:15 Wednesday after- noor At 7, inehe Pateg- to, our meetings. dents in Business Education Monday Anoon, August 7, in pthePattengill- Pevening, July 29, at 7:30 p.m. in the Auditorium. Given in partial fulfill- Play: "Angel Street," by Patrick East Lecture Room, Rackham Build-: ment of the requirements for the Hamilton, July 31 to August 3. ing. There will be an opportunity to degree of Master of Music, Mr. Du-- . Tpre-view some films. Also refresh- rance will sing English, French, Phi Delta Kappa business meeting reients. Resefvations may be made Italian, and German selections in- on Monday, July 29 at 7:30 in tho at the University High School office. eluding songs by Debussy, Mendel- Michigan Union. Twenty-five cents per person. ssohn, Mozart, Schubert, and Strauss. The public is cordially invited. Men's Education Club baseball The Russian Circle (Russky Kruz- hok) will meet at 8:00 p.m. on Mon- day evening at the International Center. Professor Leonid Ignatieff CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING will show slides on "Nationalities of the Soviet Union." Tea will be served. Everyone interested is invited to at- tend. WANTED MEN'S USED CLOTHES wanted. Aa better price paid. Sam's Store. 122 'iumnl and studenEdu tion ,r We"ANTED: o Car to gs buySpebr outright or E. Washington St. (4 ihgnColg fEuctoMr hire fromAugust toSepember . W quette, Michigan, who wish to at- Apply Dadachanji, 921 South State FOR SALE tend a tea in the West Conference or phone 2-4634. FAL:Stdotoch9av Room, Rackham Building, Thurs- (FOR SALE: Studio couch, daVen- (Continued on Page 4) MISCELLANEOUS port style, maroon, new. Located at Willow Village. Call A.A. 2- .M.F.: Life is again marvelous and 4528 evenings. (7 worth living. You were right. Let FOR SALE: New male English Arm- ter follows. Love, J.L.C. (11 strong bicycle with generator, etc.' PLAN for your fall suits and formals Tel. 2-7220 after 5:30 p.m. now. Expert workmanship on cus- FOR SALE: Evening clothes, size 37 tom-made clothes and alterations. and accessories. Tel. 2-7220 after Hildegarde Shop, 116 E. Huron. 5:30 p.m. (5 Phone 2-4669. (10 WHAT? Only $3.00! I must haveLOTADOUD'V Dean McClusky of 417 8th Street, LOST: Black Waterman's fountain Ph. 2-7360 string my tennis rac- pen and yellow print kerchief. Re- quet. (27 ward offered. 9388. (8 . DANCING f' 4}4. at the Famous BLUE LANTERN t DANCE PAVILION to :. Buddy Bruce and Orchestra WLIImIDCIrAV TMDIIIi: CATiROnAY I SKY N L IN RECITAL FOR TWO PIANOS f -Fi- . y i .e, 'd'' f"Ml : A. 8 I.jr 8:30 P.M. HILL AUDITORIUM II III_. I