Fifty-Sixth Year H MVICIAUANNDAILY BILL MAULDIN IYI p. "1~ Vdited and managed by students of the University of Wchigan under the authority of the Board in Control (d Student Publications. Editorial Staff Managing Editors .. Paul Harsha, Milton Freudenheim ASSOCIATE EDITORS City News ................................ Clyde Becht University ............................ Natalie Bagrow sports .................................... Jack Martin Women's .................................. Lynne Ford Business Staff Business Manager..................... Janet Cork Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use or re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newpaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by car- tier. $4.50. by mail, $5.25. "PREOMTED POR NATIONL AOVETIBING BY National Advertising S&eie, Inc. Colege Pblisers epresntatie 420 MADsO N Ave.NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO . BOSON . LOs ANGELS * SAN FNCRAICMO member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: CINDY REAGAN Editorials published It The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Revolution STUDENTS and workers overthrew the Bolivian dictatorship of President Gualberto Villarroel ljonday after a four-day purge and revolt. A re- ported 259 persons were killed in the fighting and Dictator Villarroel was hanged. While the revolution was regrettably bloody, it should be remembered that Villarroel left office in the manner in which he took it. He came in as a dictator in a military coup, and ruled Blivia as a totalitarian state. On Dec. 20, 1943, Villarroel ousted President Enrique Penaranda. Eleven months later, No- vember 20, 1944, he ordered a massacre of Boli- vian political leaders which has rested like a firecracker under his window ever since. A week ago Thursday, he was responsible for the tragic death of a group of university students who voiced their opinion of his regime. These stu- dents, at the national university at La Paz, spearheaded the rebellion which threw the dic- tator out. Placing a justice of the supreme court in of- fice, the rebels formed a provisional govern- ment healed by representatives of labor, the university faculty, and of course, the students, The government has proclaimed democratic aims, promising general elections as soon as lfossible. Civil rights were immnedigtely restored to ousted political leaders, and political prison- ers of the Villarroel regime were freed. Although a week old, the Bolivian student- worker revolution has already had far-reaching repercussions. In Washington, an official of the Pan American Union has bitterly accused the U.S State Department of making a "conspicu- otis contribution" to the revolt in its charge that the December, 1943 revolution was "foreign in- spired and Nazi in character and intention." At the same time, a Chicago Sun correspon- dent in Buenos Aires claims that the Villarroel dictatorship was always on shaky ground, and that it was maintained in office only through the recognition of our State Department! This re- port charges that the United States recognized Villarroel after an American investigator report- ed that Bolivians were not yet ready for democ- rac and urged that the U.S. continue its Argen- tine policy of playing along with the man on top for reasons of military security. If this is so, the student and labor-inspired revolt this week should be a warning to the groip in the State Deirtment which seems. always ready to find othir nationals "not yet ready for democracy." 1"ects of the revolt in neighboring Squth A !crican countries are showing themselves. Ti re are rumors of Argentine intervention which might combine the return to office of IF&ivian dictator-militarists (by Argentine ditator-militarist Peron) with usurpation of Bolivia's lucrative oil and tin supply (20 per cent of the world's tin).a More concrete and a good deal more promising are ,he effects of the Bolivian revolution on Para- guay. There, President Higinio Morinigo has anounced the resignation of his cabinet in ord r to permit the entrance of two previously: out'3wed political parties into the government. Th Paraguayan National Republicans and Feb-erista, which have been barred from parti- W HILE REP. ANDREW MAY'S illness has re- lived him from the necessity of testifying immediately about his role in the Erie Basin war contract scandels, he is simultaneously suffering defeat on another front. Military control of atomic energy, one of Rep. May's favorite causes, seems to be a dying threat. The Senate-House conference committee which is now considering this subject has decided that all members of the atomic energy control board shall be civilians. It has also provided that any acts of the military man who will direct military aspects of the atomic bomb shall be subject to the control of the civilian commission. These decisions must be attributed to the un- precedented public concern about the threat of atomic war. Groups which ordinarly evince only the slightest interest about such questions of public policy became very vocal in this in- stance. When the Senate was first debating the sub- ject, there was a national conference held in Washington to influence opinion in the Senate. Besides the usual labor and liberal delegations, such social organizations as the YMCA and the American Association of University Women sent representatives to this conference. In spite of the I'DRATHER BE RIGHT: PeacemChange By SAMUEL GRAFTON JOS ANGELES-During the war we did develop a certain heightened social sense, a kind of concern about each other, which was one of the few sweet and lovely products of a horrid time. But the social sense is not one of the strong characteristics of our postwar mood; it has been fading. While it would be wrong to accuse the nation of having become entirely callous with the coming of the peace, it remains true that we show a certain obtuseness today, in human and social relations, which we would not have permitted ourselves during the war. One thinks, for example, of those newspaper editorials which say so cheerfully, that even if butter does cost from 80 to 90 cents today, it is, at least, thank goodness, available. Well, it isn't really available, unless the 80 or 90 cents are al- so available, with which to purchase it, and for many Americans the 80 or 90 cents are not available. The smug tone of this approach, which places the entire problem, not on the level of the sound social distribution of butter, but on the level of the convenience of the well-heeled customer, is postwar in feeling. During the war we would not have thought in these terms; and if we had thought in these terms, we would not have spok- en our thought. In other words, we are no longer a com- mittee of the whole, in the same sense in which we were one before peace came and there are many illustrations of this subtle change in our mood, this peace-change which resembles a sea-change. A special mid-July crop survey by the govern- ment seemed to indicate the other day, that we can expect a record *heat harvest, and immed- iately an anonymous Department of Agricul- ture official gave the glad news to the press that this might mean a return of lighter-colored bread to American consumers. The return of lighter-colored bread stands about ninety-fifth on the list of hot issues of the moment; and this happy prophecy,.which was printed everywhere, must have made odd reading in Britain, which has just gone on bread ration- ing with riots and dismay. It must have been made even stranger read- ing in India and China, both of which are suf- fering hunger (the Indian rations is now below 1,000 calories a day) and both of which countries we have sort of by-passed, because to have ac- cepted their food problems fully would have kept us from being able to say, statistically, that the world's hunger crisis was over. I do not' blame the Agricultural official for thinking first of lighter-colored bread; one thinks what one must think, according to one's chem- istry, and the chemistry of the times. But the point remains that during the war we would not have thought in these, terms, and if we had, we wouldn't have spoken in them. And some of the labor unions have mourn- fully proposed a new government-sponsored labor-management conference, to work out wage scales at which a sound nutritional level could be maintained under current prices; and while a group of economists, engineers and educators, led by Mr. Morris L. Cooke, has, in effect, endorsed this idea, the general reaction is rather cool. Yet this is exactly the kind of problem (how to get enough to eat) whih, during the war, we solved firmly by price con- trol and rationing; and one feels again the curious, clammy touch of the postwar mood in our masive indifference to this same prob- lem, newly presented after the peace. For our mood has changed; we, who were joined together in the fight for victory, have lost each other's hands in the hour of suc- cess; our thoughts turn inward, and we seem bent on accomplishing the dubious miracle of breaking up the great, mutual triumph into a proliferation of tiny, individual defeats. (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate) assertion of Senator Joseph Ball of Minnesota that "only Communist organizations want civil- ian control of atorfiic energy," these groups stuck to their program. The effect of this campaign can not be under- estimated. At one stage in the Senate fight Sen. Vandenberg introduced an amendment which would, it was charged, have given the Army vir- tual veto powers over the decisions of the civil- ian control commission. Sen. Vandenberg re- ceived over 70,000 letters protesting his action, and consequently withdrew the amendment. Right down the line, the people's organizations fought for their point of view. One of the major developments was the organization and active lobbying of scientists' groups all over the nation. The fear that Army bungling and controls would enter the research laboratories brought the sci- entists out into the street, shouting their heads off. When the bill emerges from the conference committee, it must then be passed by. both Houses of Congress. It seems fairly certain that the Senate will approve the new bill with a. minimum of debate, but there is a real danger that it .will not be approved by the House of Representatives. For that reason, the campaign must be renewed, and it must be continued until the bill is safely signed into law by Pres. Truman. Unfortunately, this matter has to a large ex- tent lost public attention during the recent con- cern about OPA. But where the OPA extension bill represents a defeat for the forces of progress, the atomic energy control bill can be an almost complete victory. There is certain to be a bitter fight when this bill gets to the House. Rep. May, even though his heart may be too bad to permit him to testify on his alleged corrupt practices, is perhaps well enough to throw his weight against this bill. Rep. Thomas of N.J., who doubles as hatchet-man for the Committee on Un-American Activities, has announced his in- tention of opposing the bill. The final decision will depend on the votes of such men as Rep. Michener from this district. -Ray Ginger ',]elerJto (le,(2 cIor To the Editor: WIH MOST OF US facing a more difficult economic struggle in the near future to maintain our effort to complete our education, only an infinitely small number: of students thought it worthwhile to attend the pro-OPA meeting which was held here last Tuesday. Has moral decay overcome the once proud student body of the University? Naturally, not much can be expected from stu- dents who have been weaned quite recently, but has lethargy set in among the vets? Surely, there must be some fight left in you-or did we fight for years for the privilege of selling apples? There is still time to realize that you have a stake in the future-so get the lead out of your pants and get busy. (I don't belong to A.V.C., in case you think this is a disguised membership drive.) -Peter Shick Sidelines SEVERAL ANGLES of the Mead Committee's investigation of war profiteering should be relentlessly explored. The public should insist on vigorous exposure both of profiteers and of their political partners. There is some danger that Congressmen will try to head off the latter line of investigation. This is shown in the measure of sympathy 'nd support given in the House of Representatives to Andrew J. May's claim that hry is being per- secuted in contection with his activities on be- half of the Garsson companies .. . Congressmen quite often helped firms in their districts to obtain war oders. In many cases this was a legitimate service, simply putting the Army and Navy in touch with plants padly needed for specific jobs. In such cases Congress- men should not fear investigation. And if there were many who went beyond that, the country ought to know about it. As a matter of fact, it would be a healthful thing if the public became a bit more aware of the business or professional interests which some Congressmen pursue on the side. A more meti- culous standard of ethics about this sort of thing should be established. Aside from whatever further value may come out of the following May case, we hope the inquiry will dig deep. -The ChristianScienceMonitor Pessimists' Attitude If civilization is, the art of being civil then the pessimists are right in assuming that the western civilization is nearly ended, over and done with. I found more courtesy among the pagan tribes of northern Nigeria, indeed among all native tribes of West Africa, than..... anywhere in Great Bri- tain which-to me at least-now seems to be the home of the law of the jungle. -Clarence Winchester in Knickerbocker Weekly In the red-clay country around Marietta, Ga., an old story was re- told. An ancient and destitute woman had scrabbled for years in one of the town's back streets. One day she took sick and a squad of church ladies moved in, tidied her shack, bathed her, dressed her in clean clothes and tucked her into a clean bed. When they called next day, they found the old women and her bed back in the familiar rags. "I just wasnt comfortable," she explained. "I'll have to get used to them clean clothes gradual." Last week, rural Georgia was com- tortable again. After nearly four years of wearing the laundered government of chubby Governor Ellis Arnall (who cannot succeed himself under state law), she had gone back to his skinny, wild-eyed predecessor, 6 - year-~old ex-Governor Eugene Tal- madge. Talmadge's onceudiscarded political union suit still smelled of demagoguery, Klan support and white supremacy. But it felt easy in the seat. ... Gene had always had the farmers by their pet prejudices. Once more, he snapped his red galluses at them, borrowed chaws of cut plug from crowds, ranted about the Negro men- ace, the labor menace, the new car- petbaggers-and promised little but a return to normalcy, Georgia style. Listening to Gene, the farmers had suddenly realized what it was that had been binding them so long. It was them damn clean clothes. -Time Magazine " 1 Zotsa To...r g Dse U. 5,th Oa s t,'ra49 " 46..It was a big supercharged Diesel job with a semi-trailer." A / DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN i t' Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of 'the Summer Ses- sion, Room i213 Angell Hall by 3:30 p.m. on the day preceding pubilication (12:00 a.m. Saturdays). SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 18S Notices Notice to Faculty and Veterans: Requisitions for Veterans' books and supplies will be honored only through Wednesday, July 31, for Summer Session.. University Women Veterans As- sociation: There will be a meeting of all service women at 7:00 Monday evening, July 29, Michigan League. Because By-Laws for the organiza- tion are to be submitted for adoption, it is requested that all women vet- erans be present in order to partici- pate in this and other features of the program. State of Michigan Civil Service An- nouncements have been received in the. office' for: 1. Student Psychiatric Social Work- er A, $174-$190. 2. Psychiatric Social Worker AL' $180-$200. 3. Psychiatric Social Work Admin- istrator I, $200-$240. 4. Psychiatric Social Worker Ad- ministrator II, $250-$290. Closing date is August 14, 1946. For further information, call at the Bureauof Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. City of Detroit Civil Service Com- mission Announcements have been received in this office for: 1.. Occupational Therapist, $2,591- $2,936. Closing date is Aug. 9. 2. X-Ray Technician, $2,373-$2,- 769. Closing date is Aug. 8. 3. Trained Nursing Attendent, $2,- 315-$2,385. Closing date is Aug. 8. 4. Nutritionist, $2,657-$2,930. Clos- ing date is Aug. 7. 5. Student Technical Assistant Specialties: Engineering, Business Administration, General Science, Physical Education, Social Science, $1,928-$2,080s Closing date is Aug. 7. 6. Student Social Worker, $2,109- $2,295. Closing date is Aug. 6. 7. Social Case Worker, $2,475-$2,- 835. Closing date is Aug. 6. 8. Medical Social Case Worker, $2,898-$3,312. Closing date is Aug. 6. For further information call at the Bureau of Appointments and Oc- cupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Veterans' Wives' Club will not meet during the remaining summer months. The next meeting will be on October 7. Thelectures There will be a lecture by Francis D. Curtis, Professor of Education, on Monday, July 29, at 4:05 p.m. in the University High School Auditorium. The topic will be "Ways of Improv- ing Classroom Practice." The pub- lic is invited. There will be a lecture by Mark W. Bills, Superintendent of Schools, Flint on Tuesday, July 30 at 4:05 p.m. in the University High School Audi- torium, The topic will be "The 'Cov- er-up' Policy in School Administra- tion." There will be a lecture by Warren S8. Thompson, Director of the Scripps Foundation for Research in Popula- tion Problems, Miami University on Tuesday, July 30 at 8:10 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The topic will be "The Impact of Science on Population Growth." The publiq is invited to attend. Professor Eugene A. Nida of the Summer Institute of Linguistics at the University of Oklahoma, will lec- ture on Wednesday, July 31, at 7:30 p.m., at the Rackham. Amphitheatre. The topic will be, "Systems of For- mal Syntactic Structure." This lec ture is under the auspices of the Linguistic Institute of the University of Michigan, and the public is in- vited to attend. There will be a lecture by Sumner H. Slichter, Professor of Economics, Harvard University, on Wednesday, July 31 at 8:10 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The topic will be "Economic Changes Produced by Modern Technology."' The public is invited to attend.' Professor Slichter's lecture was changed from August 13 to July .31. Academic Notices Graduate courses dropped after the fourth week of the Summer Session will be recorded with a grade of E, by a recent action of the Executive Board of the Graduate School. History Language Examination for the M.A. Degree: Saturday, July 27th, 10 o'clock, Room B, Haven Hall. Each student is responsible for his own dictionary. No other language examination to be given this summer. Doctoral Examination for Dorothy Irene Marquart, Psychology; thesis: "The Pattern of Punishmesnt and Its Relation to Abnormal Fixation in Adult Human Subjects," Saturday, July 27, at 10:00 a.m. in Rm. 4128 Natural Science. Chairman, N. R. F. Maier. Students, College of ,Engineering: The final day for dropping a course without record will be Saturday, July 27. Courses may be dropped only with the permission of the classifier after conference with the instructor in the course. To Graduate Students in Educa- tion. The preliminary examinations for the doctorate in the School of Education will be. held on August 26-27-28. Anyone desiring to take these examinations should notify my office, 4000 University High School on or before August 2. Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate for August: A list of candi- dates has been posted on the bulletin board of the School of Education, Room 1431 University Elementary School. Any prospective candidate whose name does not appear on this list should call at the office of the Recorder of the School of Educa- August 7, English Literature 1500- 1700. August 10, English Literature-Be- ginnings to 1500. The examination will be held from 9:00 to 12:00 on the days indicated. Candidates should report to 3221 A.H. for instructions. Anyoe desir- ing to take the examinations should see Professor Marckwardt immediate- ly if he has not already done so. dCM 210eminar meeting on Tues- day, July 30 at 4:00 p.m. in Rn. 3201 East Engineering Building. The speakers will be S. A. Genden: Study of Plastic Flow of Resins at High Rates'of Shear and D. E. Hawkins: Fischer-Troppch Fluid Catalysts. Doctoral Examination for Waldo Emerson Blanchet, Education; thesis: "A Basis for the Selection of Courses Content for Survey Courses in the Natural Sciences, Tuesday, July 30, at 4:00 p.m. in the East Council Room, Rackham. Chairman, F. D. Curtis. Concerts Faculty Concert Series: Yves Tin- ayre, baritone, will present his second program, Sunday evening, July 28, at 8:30 in the First Presbyterian Church. Washtenaw Avenue. Mr. Tinayre's program will include Chancon, "Ver- gine bella" by Dufay, Motet for East- er, "Confltemini Domino" by Gom- bert, "Mit ganzcem Willen" by Pau- mann, Sinfonia and Motet "Erbarm dich mein" by Schutz, Salve Regina by Porpora, and Kirchenkantate No. 4, "Die Engelein" by Kriedel. By request Mr. Tinayre will perform, in addition to the announced program, an unknown work of de Pres. The public is cordially invited. Faculty Concert Series: On Mon- day evening, July 29, in Rackham Lecture Hall at 8:30, Lee Pattison, pianist, will present his fourth pro- gram in the current series of lecture recitals. Mr. Pattison's program will include: Barcarolle, Op. 60, Polon- aise. in F-sharp minor,,Op. 44, Six Etudes, and Sonata in B-fiat minor by Chopin. The recital is open to the public without charge. University of Michigan Summer Session Band: The University of Michigan Summer Session Band, con- ducted by W iliam D. Revelli, will present a concert in Hill Auditorium, Tuesday evening, July 30, at 8:30. The prodgam will include March Dunedin by Alford, Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring by Bach, Overture to La Dame De Coeur by Gagnier, Stars in a Velvety Skay by Clarke, Entr' actefrom Orestes by Taneyev, Trop- ical by Gould, Newsreel by Schuman, Spanish March Bravada by Curzon, First Movement from Second Sym- phony by Borodin, Percussion Melee by Ganz, Symphonie Moderne by Steiner, Marcho Poco and Rhyth- metic by Moore and March of the Free Peoples by Darcy. The public is cordially invited. Vronsky and Babin, distinguished performers of music for two pianos, will be heard in a special summer ,concert Thursday night, August 8, in Hill Auditorium. They will be pre- sented under the auspices of the Uni- versity Musical Society. Tickets may be purchased at the offices of the University Musical Society, Burton Memorial Tower, at : I A 4 I A t I BARNABY By Crockett Johnson ...................... All those in favor ... ? Mr. Mayor, ! object. This bill to- erect tents on the green is being railroaded through the Council- vi~?-~-- .. . , [,e newvw- PM, I.x. S Pa: Qri ' i 1i t t t _ _ / I I I'm worried about O'Malley. It was his idea. And he's not getting any credit. Suppose he kicks up a fuss? Let him