CAMPAIGN See Page 2 Sir uyr Dati FAIR AND CONTINUED COOL LVI, No. 178 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1946 PRIJCE FIVE cmCES MaySuffers Hea rt Attack on Eve of Senate Testimony Will Be Unable To Testify Tomorrow On Connection with Munitions Combine Truman Signs Bill To Revive OPA; Ceilings on Most Items Restored President Suggests He May Call Special Session to Raise Taxes By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 25-President Truman signed the new Price Con- trol Act "with reluctance" today-and with a notice to Congress that if it proved inadequate, he will call a special session to strengthen it and perhaps raise taxes. The bill was signed into law at 4:05 p.m. (Central Daylight Time). At e .> .that moment the rent and price ceilings which lapsed June 30 went back- into force, except on items specifically exempted. Two hours later the President sent a message to Congress to place on Sk l,.*the "record a statement that the measure "falls far short" of being one with which his administration could guarantee "stable prices." But he said that "while the present measure by no means guarantees that inflation can be avoided," it offers enough promise that he was willing to accept it and try. Then, he declared that because of its "defects" and "the months of delay" by Congress in passing it, "it is all the more apparent that nore "t extensive use of the power to allocate scarce materials may be required and WASHINGTON, July 25-(R)-The Senate War Investigating Committee announced tonight that it had been notified Rep. May (Dem.-Ky.) had suffered a heart attack and would be unable to testify tomorrow on his connections with a midwest muni- tions combine. Chairman Mead (Dem.-N.Y.) said the information came to the com- mittee through May's attorney, War- ren Magee. Magee told the Commit- House To Raise Salaries Grant Retirement Pay Number of Conferenct. Committees Reduced WASHINGTON, July 25-(A)-The House tonight passed, 229 to 61 a bill to boost salaries of Congressmen, make them eligible for pensions, and overhaul the machinery by which they work. The tradition-shattering measure, among other things, slashes the num- ber of House committees from 48 to 19 and of Senate committees from 33 to 15. The Senate passed similar legis- lation June 11. The two versions will be sent to a Senate-House confer- ence committee for adjustment of differences. The Senate measure would increase the yearly pay of members from $10,- 000 to $15,000, but the House voted to limit the raise to $12,500 annual- Under the House version, however, a $2,500 yearly, tax-free expense fund for members would be retained. Un- der the Senate's bill this allowance would be abolished. The Senate measure also provided for an $8,000-a-year administrative assistant for each legislator, but the House refused to accept this pro- posal. The House rejected by a voice vote an amendment by Rep. Judd (Rep.- Minn.) to provide a $6,800-a'year as- sistant. It also turned down by a 116 to 32 standing vote an amend- ment by Rep. Poage (Dem.-Texas) for a $5,000-a-year additional clerk. The House decision on the measure as a whole was by a voice vote. Earlier the supporters of the meas- ure had won a series of test votes. Dr. E 'G. Huber, T' Alumnus :dies in Boston tee that May was rushed to his home where he would have to remain "quietly for several days." May had been expected to appear at that time for questioning under oath on reports that he lent his in- fluence to the combine in obtaining contracts, advance payments, mater- ial and manpower. Call Executive Session Sources close to the Mead Com- mittee said that it would note for- mally May's absence at its early' morning hearing tomorrow, and then probably go into executive session to decide upon whether to call May's physician for a first-hand report on his condition. These sources said that there was a possibility that the Committee may then decide whether it will designate a physician of its own to examine May. The report of May's illness came as Senate- investigators probed into a story that he appealed to Gen. Eisenhower on behalf of a muni- tions maker's son facing courtmartial for disobedience. Committee Quizzes Generals Meantime, President Truman, com- menting on the investigation into the Garsson munitions combine, said at a news conference that he was sorry to see some of the things that have happened. Switching suddenly from its in- quiry into May's part in the war- time business affairs of a munitions combine, the Committee called two generals to a private session to find out more about the case of Capt. Joseph H. Garsson, who was granted clemency after being found guilty. Typhoid Scare Hits Detrtoit Truman Names, Leaders to Key Economic Posts INDIAN LEADERS . . . Pandit Nehru (left) and Moh andas Gandhi enjoy a chuckle at the AJI-Indian Con- gress meeting in^Bombay, where Nehru took office as congress president. Complete Results Of A-Bomb Explosion Not Yet Dete-rmined Beginning of Epidemic Traced to Reception DETROIT, July 25-0P)-The most severe epidemic of typhoid fever in the Detroit area in more than a decade has resulted from a church reception in suburban Highland Park last June 24, Dr. Charles J. Barone, Director of the Highland Park Health Department, disclosed today. Twenty-two typhoid cases have been traced to the reception and one 11-year-old boy died of the disease, Dr. Barone reported. "We think we have it pretty well under control now, however," hes added, although one new case has been reported in the last 24 hours. Dr. Barone said all 210 persons who came into contact with the car- rier have been examined and an elderly woman believed to be the carrier has been found. Emphasizing the difficulty of checking the epidemic, he said the bride and groom now are in Min- nesota and the other contacts are in Detroit, Dearborn and Traverse City as well as Highland Park. Get Your Ensian Distribution of the Michigan- ensian will continue today from 10 to 12 a.m. and from 1 to 4 p.m. sales manager Carol Siebert an- nounced yesterday. Additional distribution of the college yearbook is scheduled for next week, Miss Siebert said. She asked students to bring with them identification or receipts. Aboard U.S.S. Appalachian, Bikini, Friday, July 26-(P-To what ex- tent the 'giant hand of the atomic bomb laid its deadly grip on 75 target ships 'anchored* in' the radioactive waters of this lagoon was still being .determined today. This much was known-ten sips including the battleship Arkansas and aircraft carrier Saratoga were Beals To Speak At Rackhcim "Modern Indian Problems in Latin America" will be the topic of a sum- mer University lecture by Prof. Ralph L. Beals at 4:10 today in Rackham Amphitheatre. Prof. Beals, professor of anthro- pology at the University of Californ- ia, has recently been appointed to the Joint Committee on Latin Ameri- ca Studies, sponsored by three ma- jor research councils. He has made numerous field studies in Latin America, particularly of Mexican In- dian groups, and has had a mono- graph published recently by the Smithsonian Institute. Jews Protest Planned Meeting LONDON, July 25 - (P) - Britain announced plans today for an early conference of Arab and Jewish lead- ers on problems of Palestine and European Jewry, but the Jewish. agency declared it would boycott any talks making immigration of 100,000 Jewish refugees contingent on Arab consent. Meanwhile, Arab sources reported Anglo - American negotiators had reached virtual agreement on a plan to split Palestine into communal units of Jews and Arabs, similar to American counties. resting on the bottom, sunk by yes- terday's first underwater atomic ex- plosion. Six more, including the battleships New York and Nagato, the light car- rier Independence, heavy cruiser Pen- sacola, destroyer Hughes and trans- port Fallon, were damaged. Observer ships carrying scientists and Navy men eager to assess the full damage to the guinea pig fleet re-en- tered the lagoon ThursdaX, some less than nine hours after the under- water blast was touched off. Crews were alerted, however, to move out to high seas again should radioactive waters drift south from the northeast section of the lagoon where the bomb was detonated. Two tugs attempting to beach the mortal- ly wounded Saratoga were frustrated by radiation of lagoon waters. Preliminary damage assessments showed, however, that the 15 target ships sunk or damaged were all close to the detonation center. There was no way to estimate the blast pressure on ships' hulls until official observers had free access to lagoon waters. At Kwajalein, Rear Admiral Ralph A. Oftsie, member of the joint Chiefs of Staff Evaluation Board, pointed out that until divers complete their investigation it will be impossible to determine whether a capital ship such as the Arkansas was sunk by pressure exerted from underneath on the com- paratively weak bottom or from abeom on her far stronger side armor. He had just flown over Biki- ni. BLAKEMAN U' Religious Counseling Is success Civilians May Supervise Newe AtoMic Power Joint Conference Agrees On Measure WASHINGTON, July 25-(IP)-Ad- vocates of civilian control of Atomic Energy won a victory today as a Sen- ate-House Conference Committee reached an agreement on a bill for domestic control of the awesome new power. The conferees accepted a Senate provision that all five members of the Control Board shall be civilians. The House had voted to make at least one a military man. Also approved by the conferees were Senate provisions giving the government a virtual perpetual mon- opoly on patents and inventions in the atomic field. The Senators accepted 'a House clause permitting the military, if the President so decides, to make casings for atomic weapons. Some of the House conferees ex- pressed dissatisfaction with today's decision, and indicated they would fight when the conference report comes up for ratification in the House. It is subject to Senate ap- proval also. Burton Chosen Head Of Book Exchange The Student Legislature appointed Dick Burton as the manager of the Student Book Exchange which will be operated for the benefit of the student body this fall. Burton anounced that the Book Exchange will begin at the end of the Summer Session to collect books for sale at the beginning of the Fall Term. "Each student will place his own sale price on the books he turns in," Burton said. "Payment will be made after the book has been sold and a 10 per cent maintenance charge has been deducted."f Webb Succeeds Smith As Budget Director WASHINGTON, July 25- (W) - President Truman all but completed the administration's new economic high command set-up today with selection of James E. Webb as Budget Director and these other announce- ments: 1. Appointment of John Davidson Clark of the University of Nebraska and Leon H. Keyserling of the Feder- al Housing Agency as members of the three-man economic -advisory council. The third member is to be named later. 2. Transfer of the functions of the Office of Economic Stabilization, headed by Chester Bowles, until Bowles resigned in the recent Con- gressional OPA fight, to the Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion under John R. Steelman. 3. Plans to go outside OPAA for the members of the new Decontrol Board, set up to give OPA instructions on where price ceilings may be imposed. The President said he was doing that to make sure the jury wouldn't ce packed. 4. Assignment of George W. Tay- lor, former chairman of the old War. Labor Board, as chairman of the OWMR Advisory Council. Webb, from Oxford, N.C., and for- inerly an assistant to Undersecretary of the Treasury O. Max Gardner, succeeds Harold D. Smith. 'Buyer Strike Will Continue,' Says Reuther tha~t sterner fiscal and monetary measures than would otherwise be called for may prove to be neces- sary." He called upon consumers and bus- inessmen to cooperate with the gov- ernment's efforts in "the battle against inflation," and delivered this closing remark: "If it appears that all the efforts of the government and the people will not be enough under the present legislation, I shall have no alterna- tive but to call the Congress back in Special Session to strengthen tbe price control laws and to enact such fiscal and monetary legislation as we need to save us from the threat of economic disaster." Tax Rise Possible The President clearly had a pos- sible tax rise in mind in this connec'- tion. Discussing the measures neces- sary to fight inflation, he mentioned "further reduction of federal expen- ditures" and then went on: "if, despite such measures, infla- tion still threatens, consideration must then be given to the formula- tion of a more rigorous tax policy. Such a tax program would, I realize, be unpalatable at a time when we are doing our utmost to increase pi:o- duction. but if it is the only alterna- tive to the ravages of inflation, we would have no choice." Reiterates Opposition The President reiterated his op- position to the provision retained in the final act which gives the 1Secre- tary of Agriculture instead of the OPA the final say on agricultural prices. "I pledge the Administration to do its fill part in this struggle," the President's message continued. "But it, imst not be forgott en that the battle against inflation is not the government's battle alonic--it is the people's battle as well. "Consumers must vigorously resist exorbitant prices. Black markets cannot be suppressed solely by en- forcement measures. Businessmen must, as controls are progressively re- moved, exercise self-restraint and forego the opportunity for short-run gain from profiteering in savor of long-run advantage in stable prices and fair profits." Dr. Edward Godfrey Huber, an alumnus of the University and As- sociate Dean of the Harvard School of Public Health, died Tuesday in Boston at the age of 64. Dr. Huber received'his medical de- gree from Michigan in 1903. After a short rural practice, he joined the Army Medical Corps and graduated with honors from its medical school in 1908. , After retirement from the Medical Corps in 1938, Dr. Huber joined the faculty of Harvard University. In the following year, he was appointed to the administration division of the Massachusett's department of public health. He assumed the active dean- ship at Harvard in 1942 and was made a, full professor this year. Funeral services will be held in the Harvard Memorial Church, Cam- bridge. Burial will be in the Arling- ton National Cemetery, Washington. Argentine Will Leeture Today A lecture in Spanish will be given today by Prof. Juan Mantovani, pro- fessor of philosophy at the universi- ties of Buenos Aires and La Plata. Prof. Mantovani will speak on "Sarmiento, the Michigan Doctor" at 3 p.m. today in Rm. 108 of the Ro- mance Languages Building. In his DETROIT, July 25-(I)-The CIO United Auto Workers announced to- night that they would continue their buyer strike despite President Tru- man's signature of the new OPA bill today. Walter P. Reuther, UAW President, declared, "Enactment of the price control bill which President Trumar signed today emphasizes the neces- sity of consumers continuing their buyer strike in order to stop infla- tion." Reuther said the UAW's 800,000 members are "continuing their buyer strike in full force, with the cooper- ation of veterans, civic, church, com- munity and other labor groups." 1 , 1 C a r Rent Controls Reestablished CIVIL LIBERTIES THREATENED: Cushman Criticizes Military Control Of Scientific Research The University of Michigan's uni- que experiment in introducing relig- ion into the state-owned institution is reaching a climax of 15 years of development, according to Edward W. Blakeman, University counselor in religious education. First inaugurated at the request of President Alexander G. Ruthven two years after he was appointed, the program was designed to show "that religion can return to the University through a 'staff' or advisory office whereas it could never return through a 'line,' or administrative office, Dr. Blakeman said. "In this respect, Michigan has been exploring a new field and the results are extremely gratifying," he assert- ed. "We expect to produce a thorough report showing the comparative merits nf nr stem with those of 96 PER CENT RECOVERY: Dean Furstenberg Cites War Record of American Doctors' Evictions Must Comply With OPA Regulations WASHINGTON -July 25.-(W -- July 25-Following up President Tru- man's approval of the OPA Revival Bill, Rent Administrator Ivan D. Car- son also announced that the new act supplants all state and local rent controls which went into effect since July 1. All OPA eviction controls are also reestablished, Carson said. He added that all uncomplete eviction procef- ings by landlords who did not comply with OPA regulations "are banned." Carson said the ban applies in all cases where the tenant still is occupy- ing living quarters. He emphasized, however, that tenants actually evict- ed under local law during the period when federal controls were not in effect "cannot regain possession." Carson announced that effective August 1, eight more areas will be brought under Federal rent control. He said these areas had been sched- uled for control beginning July 1, but that this plan had to be post- poned when the law lapsed. .ra ,vw, sad +h + w n nnvmvn+, Prof. Robert E. Cushman, of Cor- nell University, classed military con- trol of scientific research as one of the "most, serious threats to civil liberties" in a lecture here last night. Political "witch-hunting" of the type done by Congressional investi- gations of un-American activities was Alen nn+waa nndeirable hv Prnf. he declared, and fear in the public mind can produce a panic-stricken disregard of the rights of others. The House Committee on Un- American Activities has "directly threatened and suppressed freedom of speech and press and has made bi- gotry and intolerance respectable by insisting that it is un-American to rrifa ininc t,, ct.ra_ c n n n ,.-nnn Surveying medical progress of the past decade, Dean A. C. Fursten- berg of the Medical School said yes- terday that American surgeons have a distinguished record of 96 per cent recovery of all the wounded during the war. Names Research Fields At the outset of the war, he stated, research in medicine was distrib- uted mainly between three fields: 1) tion and cooperation on new re- searching methods. Penicillin Praised The success in the care of the wounded was attributed to the dis- covery of penicillin by Sir Alexander Fleming. "The effect of penicillin on meningitis is phenomenal," Dean Furstenberg declared, adding that it is of great value in the treatment of syphillis and gonorrhea. Another wonder drug which made its annearance during the war. is