H. ICi 11 Ur Z L -Fifty.Sixth Year uii Femininity Fights Pro: Con, A7 Ii x: I f Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Managing Editors .. Paul Harsha, Milton Freudenheim ASSOCIATE EDITORS. City News .............................Clyde Rechit University ........................... atalie Bagrow Sports ............................,....... Jack Martin Women's .................................. Lynne Ford Business Staff Business Manager ........................ Janet Cork Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newbpaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mall matter. Subscription during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. TIE WOMEN'S equal rights amendment has suffered its annual defeat at the hands of Congress, but it will undoubtedly be brought up again at the next session. Supporters of this bill claim that it is the duty of a democracy to recognize the equality of sexes under the law. Many opposers of the bill argue that women have more than equal rights in many instances. This may be true, but these instances are far outweighed in impor- tance by the cases where discrimination against women is practiced. This is not democracy; it is benevolent despotism of a kind that was outlawed centuries ago. Among the court privileges where women are. given superior privileges over men is in the in- stance where, in case of death, a husband must bury his wife, but the wife is not compelled to bury her husband. To the unmarried working girl who has been slaving at the same underpaid .job for ten years while male fellow workers get higher salaries and more rapid promotions for the same work, this dubious privilege must seem rather useless. The fact that a great many of the rights given to women are not equal, but allow women to have an advantage, is no more desir- able than discrimination. Perhaps when women first entered the business world, they were ex- ploited and needed legal redress. This resulted from lack of experience due to cultured back- ground. However, women today are just as cap- able of handling themselves and making de- cisions in the business world as any man. Wo- men no longer need legal protection, but they do need legal equality. It is primarily in the field of business that women are discriminated against and it is pri- marily in this field that their needs are most pressing. There are few times in the life of the normal women when she benefits from superior privileges in a court of law. (fow many times can she bury or be buried by her husbands?) This example may seem ridiculous, but it. is no more ridiculous than citing this privilege as an example of female emancipation and superior rights. In contrast with this, there are a very great number of women who would benefit from equal- ity in the matter of obtaining and holding jobs at equal salary and advantage with men. The working women may have as great or greater responsibilities than the working man. She may be as capable or more capable. Therefore, it is grossly unfair to her not to be offered the same. jobs and at the same salaries as -her male com- panions. Women played their part in winning this war and the men accepted their help gladly. Now, the ladies are not going to crawl back into their kitchens and take the few favors the boys dole out. They want equal privileges ac- cording to the law of the land and they will fight until they get them. The female of the species is neither "weaker" nor "more deadly than the male." She is equal to him in all im-' portant respects. -Phyllis L. Kaye INCE 1923 the National, Women's. Party has espoused the cause of equal rigts for women by means of a constitutional amendment. Each effort has failed including last week's when the Senate rejected a proposal to submit the amend- ment to the states. Ostensibly the arguments by the Senate against such a measure were to prevent a re- sulting chaos in state laws which the amend- ment would occasion. This is true, since the 'states have countless laws on such subjects as labor, alimony, divorce and property rights. H wever, if the need for this amendment was as pressing as its proponents clain, objections to undergoing this legal chaos would probably fade. But the underlying question is what rights could women gain by this amendment? Would women be as well off, with this new grant'of free- dom? Even a cursory examination would show they are likely to lose more than they gain. Probably the greatest bone of contention is the double standard of wages. But just pass- ing a law will, not guarantee equal wages for women any more than the passage of a law which has guaranteed suffxage rights to Ne- groes in the South, However, this double standard is justified in many instances as statistics gleaned by manu- facturers during the war readily show. This in- formation indicates that in jobs where women are able to equal the output of men (such as inspection in factories), women have made great gains and are already being paid an equal wage. But in most jobs the average margin of produc- tivity by men justifies the higher wage. Further, the rates of sickness and absenteeism are greater among women. Much of the special legislation- for women is founded on the idea that she is a member of the weaker sex. Thus, these laws would be nullified by the amendment. Among such laws are in- cluded restrictions on hours of work and night- work and provisions for special safety appliances in factories for women. But, assuming this amendment would gain the desired end, are women willing to shoulder the added responsibilities it would entail? Are women willing to be subjected to a draft in time of war and fight side by side with men? Are they willing to undertake with men the ob- ligation under law of having to support and provide for a family? Sociologists point out that an influx of wo- men into industry lowers the birth rate and seriously endangers the family as an institution. This is something to be reckoned with in itself. From this it would appear that women could profit more by continuing to operate behind the skirts of feminity making small gains from time to time and thus avoid having to take the bitter with the sweet. -Clyde Recht BILL MAULDIN J -4 Police Discouraged with results of ruse to capture park "wolves." (News Item.) 1T IS PART of the tragic story in Palestine that violence of the kind that took nearly 100 lives in a single act of terrorism . . . in Jerusalem is self-defeating. It cannot be expected to modify the position of the Manda- tory Power: British opinion in all ranks will not stiffen under the im- pact of such news. It cannot be ex- pected to encourage our own Govern- ment to press still more strongly for an increase of immigration into Palestine. Nor can we expect that terrorism of this kind will have any other consequence, within Palestine itself, than to set still more at odds the two groups of people upon whose ability to live in friendly understand- ing the peace and progress of this little land must ultimately depend. There is no gallantry in a bomb that takes life indiscriminately. Whoever commits such acts, or for whatever purpose, the acts are indefensible. In the long run, the victims of these tactics of terrorism seem likely to in- clude many of the harassed refugees whose escape from Europe may be postponed still further. We ourselves have strongly favored the immediate admission of 100,000 of these refugees to Palest-ine ... We have urged that the United States use it influence to assist homeless refugees . . . But to none of these questions andaissues will . . . -the violence provide an .an- swer. -The New York Tines DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL. AOVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVe. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * BoSTon - Los AhuLE.s * SAN FRANciCO Mlember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: CLYDE RECHT Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Peacetime Energy T HE TESTS in progress today in the Bikini Islands are not "warmningering" as some lay- men have charged. They are being conducted from two points of view, the military and the sci- entific. The military is primarily interested in determining the design of naval vessels in re- lation to the atomic bomb; the scientists are con- cerned with the reaction of the bomb on the water, effect on the ocean floor, effect .on marine life, effect on living creatures and on their "an- tiflash" ointments, effect of the radioactivity on. metal, wood, and chemicals, and measurement of the radioactive intensity in the mushroom- ing atomic cloud formed after the detonation. These tests will bear on peacetime energy ap- plications. The uranium or thorium fission pile seems best suited for peacetime applications. To engage in speculation for the moment, these are the possibilities: If water coils are piped through the pile, the prodigious amount of heat energy will heat the water and turn it to steam which can then be utilized to turn machinery, generate electricity, heat whole cities, and supply other types of mo- tive applications with power. The pile is capable of careful control. When bars of cadmium or boron steel are inserted into the pile, they re- duce the neutron density by absorption to a point which may render the pile completely in- active or mildly active. The. pile's radioactive intensity is moderate or it is tremendous; the chain-reaction is barely self-sustaining or it explodes with the devastation of the bomb or it hums smoothly, all depending upon the area of neutron-absorbing material inserted. Although there is no immediate prospect of powering cars, trains, or airplanes by nu- clear energy, it may prove possible to establish central heat and light power plants in major cities. Such an arrangement would, if practi- cal, repay its initial cost of several million dollars in coal savings alone. The radio-ac- tive by-products, such as activated phosphor- ous, could be used in the hospitals and radio- logical laboratories. A great amount of re- search needs to be performed and evaluated before even a trial powerhouse can be in- stigated. Estimates of the composition of the earth's crust shows uranium and thorium to be pre- sent both in considerable quantities (about 4 parts per million of uranium and 12 parts per million of thorium). According to the H. D. Smyth Report, deposits of uranium ore are known to exist in Colorado, in the Great Bear Lage Region of northern Canada, in Joachi- matal in Czechoslovakia, and in the Belgian Congo. Many other desposits are known but their extent is in many cases unexplored. Early esti- mates showed that the nuclear energy available in known geological deposits of uranium was ade- quate to supply the total power needs of the United States for 200 years, assuming utiliza- tion of U-238 as well as U-235. Although only a few per cent of the available energy per unit quantity of uranium is ac- *ivily a~vrontiad.it is onceivble thatitmeth-. f I con tpoeepAial /1¢porter II ACCORDING to the Michigan Daily of July 18, Prof. John W. Lederle of the political science department believed that a "more conserva- tive, American-born labor leader than Sidney Hillman should be appointed to"head- the CIO Political Action Committee. Prof. Lederle was quoting as stating that this view merely con- sidered the "public relations" viewpoint. The Daily story states: "In addition, Prof. Lederle said, Hillman was criticized because he was foreign and there is no reason to believe his, successor would not also receive unfavorable comment if this were the case." Prof. Lederle fails to state that the director of the PAC will receive unfavorable comment WHETHER HE IS FOREIGN-BORN OR THIRD GENERATION AMERICAN. When a man is director of the most powerful political arm of la- bor, a wife who was a descendant of John Win- throp would not shield him from attacks. There are many famous Americans whose foreign origin is never mentioned. General William Knudsen became famous as a Gen- eral Motors executive, and therefore he is widely publicized as "an immigrant who made good." Sidney Hillman became famous as a labor leader, and therefore he is widely pub- licized as "a foreigner who ought to go back -where he came from." In such a.situation, we may conclude that Hillman's birthplace might have been the vehicle for attacks on him, but was definitely not the reason for those attacks. For the last fifty years attacks on the foreign- born, the Jews, the Catholics, the Negroes, have been prompted and financed by those powerful business groups who seek to destroy democracy in this country, to split and break down labor unions. The CIO has refused for ten years to make its decisions on the basis of racial or re- ligious distinctions. In spite of Prof. Lederle's seeming advice to the contrary, it seems likely to continue to follow this policy. It is quite true that the big business publica- tions gave constant publicity to the fact that Hillman was not born in this country, that he was Jewish and had once been a student for the rabbinate. Time Magazine during the 1944 elec- - tions campaigns used the phrase "foreign-born Sidney Hillman" as if that were the man's name. In fact, Hillman finally became known to my company in the Army as F.B.S. Hillman. At the same time, many of these soldiers cancelled their subscriptions to Time Magazine, which was a correct response to such open Know Nothingism. In calling for a more conservative, Ameri- can-born PAC director, Prof. Lederle is asking the labor movement to yield to racediscrimin- ation, to split its ranks on the basis of birth- place in order to appease big business. It is doubtful that big business can be appeased by anything short of the complete dissolution of trade-unions. The search for a man who would represent both labor and capital is somewhat futile, like searching for a women who would make a suitable wife for both a tenant farmer and Tomnny Manville. It's like looking for a man who could ride two horses at the same time, even though the horses were going in opposite directions. The plea for a more conservative man than Hillman is open to the same criticism. It is simplya plea for a man who would be less effec- tive than Hillman, and would therefore not an- noy the business interests. A more conservative man than Hillman would never have founded the Political Action Committee, and wouldn't have known what to do with it if somebody else had founded it for him. There is no sign that the CIO paid much atten- tion to Prof. Lederle's criteria in appointing the five-man board which will decide policy for the PAC. Of these five men, George Addes of the UAW is a Catholic; Julius Emspak of the United Electrical Workers is Jewish; and Phillip Mur- ray, born in Scotland, seems unlikely to resign as President of the CIO. -Ray Ginger Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent In typewritten form to the office of the Summer Ses- sion, Room 1213 Angell Hall by 330 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 16S Notices Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate for August: Please call at the office of the School of Educa- tion, 1437 University Elementary School, on Thursday afternoon, July 25, between 1:30 and 4:30 to take the teacher's oath. This is a require- ment for the certificate. _ Notice to Faculty and Veterans: Requisitions for Veterans' books and supplies will be honored only through Wednesday, July 31, for Summer Session. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority meet- ing at Lark House, 507 Glen Ave., Thursday, 8 p.m. Summer Session Chorus: Sopranos and altos may apply Thursday of this week. See Miss Muldowney at 7 p.m. in Rm. 315 Hill Auditorium, back entrance nearest to the Tower. Art Cinema League presents "Mar- riage" and "Jubilee" Anton Chek- hov's plays filmed with artists of the Moscow Art Theatre. English sub- titles. Thursday and Friday, 8:30 p.m., Rackham Auditorium. Tickets available at Wahrs and Ulrich's Book stores and in the lobby of the League 45 minutes before the show. State of Michigan Civil Service An- nouncements have been received in the office for: 1. Student Psychiatric Social Work- er A, $170-$190. 2. Psychiatric Social Worker AI, $180-$200. 3. Psychiatric Social Work Admin- istrator I, $200-$240. 4. Psychiatric Social Worker Ad- ministrator I1°, $250-$290. - Closing date is August 14, 1946. For further information, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. City of Detroit Civil Service Com- mission Announcements have been received in this office for: 1. Occupational Therapist, $2,591- $2,936, Closing date is Aug. 9. 2. X-Ray Technician, $2,373-$2,-' 769. Closing date is Aug. 8. 3. Trained Nursing Attendent, $2,- 315-$2,385. Closing date is Aug. 8. 4. Nutritionist, $2657$2930 Clos- ing date is Aug. 7. 5. Student Technical Assistant Specialties: Engineeing Business Administration, General Science, Physical Education, Social Science, $1,928-$2,080. Closing date is Aug. 7. 6. Student Social Worker, $2,109- $2,295. Closing date is Aug. 6. 7. Social Case Worker, $2,475-$2,- 835. Closing date is Aug. 6. 8. Medical Social Case Worker, $2,898-$3,312. Closing date is Aug. 6. For further information call at the Bureau of Appointments and Oc- cupational Hall. Lectures There will be a lecture by John W. Lederle, Assistant Professor of Poli- tical Science on Thursday, July 25 at 11:00 a.m. in the University High School Auditorium. The, topic will be "Current Trends in Government." There will be a lecture Thursday, July 25 at 4:10 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The topic will be "Recent Advances in Medicine," giv- en by Albert C. Furstenberg, Profes- sor of Otolaryngology and Dean of the Medical School. Robert E. Custman, Professor of Government, Cornell University, will give a lecture on "Civil Liberties in the AtomicuAge," on Thursday, July 25 at 8:10p.m.in the Rackham Am- phitheatre. Lecture: "Probable Developments in Education." Panel discussion by Raleigh Schorling, Eugene B. El- liott, George Kyte, Howard Y. Mc- Clusky, and Charles Sanford Friday, July 26, 11:00 a.m., University High School Auditorium. There will be a lecture by Profes- sor Ralph L. Beals, Department of Anthropology, University of Cali- fornia at Los Angeles on Friday, July 26 at 4:10 p.m., held in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The topic will be "Modern Indian Problems in Latin America," The public is invited to attend. Academic Notices Political Science 2 make-up final exam will be given Thursday, July 25 at 1:00 p.m., Room 2037 Angell Hall. Makeup Final Examinations in Economics 51, 52, 53, and 54 will be given Thursday afternoon, July 25, at 2:00 p.m. in Rm. 207 Economics Building. History Language Examination for the M.A. Degree: Saturday, July 27th, 10 o'clock, Room B, Haven Hall. Each student is responsible for his own dictionary. No other language examination to be given this summer. To Graduate Students in Edtica- tion. The preliminary examinations for the doctorate in the School of Education will be held on August 26-27-28. Anyone desiring to take these examinations should notify my office, 4000 University High School o nor before August 2nd. Graduate Students; Courses may be dropped with record from July 8 until July 27. By a recent ruling of the Executive Board of the Graduate School, courses dropped after July 27 will be recorded with a grade of E. Students, Sollege of Engineering: The final day for dropping a course without record will be Saturday, July 27. Courses may be dropped only with the permission ofthe classifier after conference with the instructor in the course. Graduate courses dropped after the fourth week of the Summer Session will be recorded with a grade of E, by a recent action of the Executive Board of the Graduate School. Student Recital: Ruby Joan Kuh- man, pianist, will present a program at 8:30 Thursday evening, July 25, in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Building. Given in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the regree of Master of Music, Miss Kuhlman's re- cital will include Tocatta D minor by Bach, Etudes symphoniques by Schumann, Sonata K. 333 by Mozart, and Sonata Op. 30 by Scriabine. The public is cordially invited. Student Recital: Robert Holland, tenor, will present a program at 8:30 Friday evening, July 26, in the Pat- tengill Auditorium. Given in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music; Mr. Holland's recital will include songs by Mozart, Chausson, Brahms, and Besley. The public is cordially invited. Lecture Recitals: Yves Tinayre, baritone, Sunday, July 28; Lee Pat- tison, pianist, Monday, July 29. Vronsky and Babin, distinguished performers of music for two pianos, will be heard in a special summer concert Thursday night, August 8, in Hill Auditorium. They will be pre- sented under the auspices of the Uni- versity Musical Society. Tickets may be purchased at the offices of the University Musical Society, Burton Memorial Tower, at popular prices. Ushers . for .Vronsky-Babin .two piano concert (August 8): Students wishing to usher for concert may apply at Hill Auditorium on Friday, July 26 between 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. Former Choral Union ushers report 4-4:30, others 4:30-5. Carillon Recital: Thursday eve- ning, July 25, at 7:15, Percival Price, University carillonneur, will present a recital on the Charles Baird Caril- Ion in Burton Memorial Tower. His program will include "The Harmon- ious Blacksmith by Handel, "Se- lections" by Couperin, "Sonata for 43 Bells" by Professor Price, and Welsh folk songs. His next recital will be on Sunday afternoon, July 28, at 3:00. Events Today French Tea today at 4 p.m. at the International -Center. International Center: Weekly In- formal Tea, 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. today. Foreign students and their friends cordially invited. The Russian Table at the Inter- national Center Tea provides an op- portunity to practice Russian con- versation. Everyone interested is in- vif-,A 4,' t.n -.ffanr a. 4-1F nn.i iir,.. Information, 201 Mason order to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the ap- propriate official in their school with Room 4, U.H. where it will be trans- mitted. Seminar in Applied Mathematics: Thursday, July 25, 2:10-4:00 p.m., 312 West Engineering. Mr. Frank D. Faulkner talks on "Examples' of the Geometrical Analysis of Solu- tions of Non-Linear Differential Equations." There will be a further discussion of the subject of organizing applied mathematics in America. Visitors are welcome. Concerts BARNABY No, m'boy. Don't ask me to look on the bright side. That story in the paper is Blear. True, the Council talked of erecting tents for our DECISION DEFERRED! What are yoU' IF , qoinato do Act! Organize the voters. Put on the pressure. But wait- A five cent call ;ight suffice. . .A word t -. ..' . - - - 1- - - By Crockett Johnson O'Malley again. He says he'll give the Council one more chance. I'm worried. Look. If the people want