EQUAL RIGHTS FOR WOMEN 46 O L wv 4. t xi1 CLOUDY AND COOLER See Page 2 VOL. LVIH, No. 168 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1946 Arkansas Sunk in ubsurface Atom I PRIcE FIVE CENTS last _ ___ Senate Approves Revised OPA Bill Sen. O'Daniel Again Hinders Passage; Truman To Sign, Ask Appropriation BULLETIN - WASHINGTON, July 25-(P)-A weary Senate passed the revised; OPA bill early today and sent it to President Truman, who is expected' to sign it later in the day. WASHINGTON, July 24-(P)-Senators staged a last long debate over the OPA tonight before a final vote to send the revised price control measure to President Truman. Senator O'Daniel (Dem.-Tex.), who filibustered eight hours against the original extension measure which Mr. Truman vetoed, conceded that only "an act of God" could prevent passage of the new one. But he assailed it for two and a half hours. The White House announced that the President is set to act quickly, Without disclosing what the action will be, and that he will accompany it with a message to Congress. But < congressional leaders indicated the measure as 'it stands is acceptable to Mr. Truman and that he will sign it, and at least two other factors ap- peared to support the prediction: 1. A member of the House Appro- priations Committee told a rebuiter the President will request an addition- al $25,000,000 for the OPA and ther request may be made in the message% tomorrow. Congress voted $75,0"6,000 to run the OPA for the year, a cut of some $30,000,000 below budget esti- mates. The committee member, who - may not be identified, said Mr. Tru- man will contend that this will not be enough to run OPA until the new Congress convenes in January and has" time to consider a supplemental fund. 2. High officials, also asking anony- mity, reported Mr. Truman plans 'to - name Reconversion Director Jolin R. Steelman as Stabilization Director, succeeding Chester Bowles, in addi- tion to Steelman's present duties. ThisY course was recommended by Bowles when he resigned. Knowledge Is Dangerous Barker Says Learning Must Be Utilized Properly The potential danger in being well- informed was described yesterday by Prof. Ernest F. Barker in an address before the Education Conference now in session on campus. "The well-informed man is poten- tially dangerous," he declared, "be- cause information becomes valuable or significant only as it is put to use." "It is the task of the educators," he said, "to impart not only informa- tion but also moral discrimination, so that students may use their in- formation for proper purposes." Germany, Prof. Barker illustrated, did not have a "good" education sys- tem, but it had an effective one which instilled in German youth what the Nazi leaders desired. Thus, he pointed out, information was tem- pered with Nazi ambitions. A panel discussion on "Desirable and Undesirable Practices in the Se- lection of Textbooks" was led by Prof. Claude Eggerstein of the School of Education at the Men's Educa- tion Club meeting yesterday in the Union. Prof. John W. Lederle of the poli- tical science department will speak on "Current Trends in Government" at 11 a.m. today in the University High School Auditorium. "Probable Developments in Ed u- cation" will be the subject of a panel discussion led by Arthur Dondineau, Superintendent of Schools in De- troit, at 11 a.m. tomorrow in the University High School Auditorium. New Pledging Rules Adopted For Fraternities A new code of Inter-Fraternity Council rushing and pledging rules has been passed to supersede tem- porary regulations adopted during the war, IFC president Harry Jack- son announced yesterday. As required by a Student Affairs Committee ruling, the "preference- list" system of bidding will be used 1iext semester. "This means that both rushees and fraternities submit lists of their choices to the Dean of Students Of- fice," Jackson said. "The office will honor these bids and acceptances according to their respective posi- tions on the lists." "The advantage of this method," Jackson noted, "is that 'high pres- sure' rushing is made impossible. Everything considered, it's the fairest system for both the fraternities and the rushees." For the first time, all fraternities will begin the rushing period next fall with a day of open houses for the rushees. Rushing will last for thirteen days instead of three weeks as during the war years. It will begin the second week of classes. The new IFC rules will be sent to the Student Affairs Committee for final approval. Vet Supply Tickets Veterans who have supply tick- ets are requested by the University cashier to turn in their tickets by August 5 to their bookstore in or- der that their accounts may be charged for supplies purchased during the summer session. Churning Geyser Reaches 9,000 Feet Most of 75-Ship Target Fleet Remains Afloat; Saratoga Reported Damaged By The Associated Press The old battleship Arkansas and two small craft were sunk in Bikini lagoon yesterday by the subsurface blast of the world's fifth atomic bomb, Vice-Adm. W. H. P. Blandy announced officially. Most of the fleet of 75 target ships, however, rode through the atomic storm that rocketed a geyser of water to a height of at least 5,000 feet and vapors rose to 9,040 feet in a spectacular display. Blandy, in an official broadcast to the United States from his flagship, the McKinley, said the old carrier Saratoga, near the target center, was listing to starboard and was down by the stern. He listed the two smaller craft sunk as a concrete oil barge and a tank landing craft. The Japanese battleship Nagato had a "very slight list" he reported. The deadly radioactive waters of the lagoon still kept observer ships at bay outside, and Blandy said it was impossible to determine damage to other vessels. He said there was no reason to doubt the efficiency of the bomb, al- though it failed to generate the huge 100-footwaves predicted. Two Subs Sighted Instead, waves seven to 10 feet high lapped the shore of Bikini Island and swept entirely over a nearby is- let. ' Blandy said it was too early to tell how many of the six submarines Soviet Rejects U.S. Atomic Control Plans ARTIST'S CONCEPT OF ATOMIC BLAST-The subsurface explosion of the world's fifth atomic bomb, as depicted by AP artist John Carlton on the basis of advance data, presents a picture of what happened yes- terday at Bikini. The water spout ascended to 5,00) feet, and the mist, cloud above it to 9,000 feet, reports stated. 4nticipated 100-foot waves were not produced but first reports indicated that severe damage was done to ships in the "death circle," including the USS ARKANSAS, sunk in 20 minutes, and the USS SARATOGA, badly damaged. * * * * * * Bikini Island Unharmed; Eruption Does Not Cause Earth Tremor 1 UAW To Direct Strikes Agamst O ther Foods DETROIT, July 24-(P)-Describ- ing its first buyers strike--against meat-a success, the CI --United Automobile Workers today said it would soon center its attack on another commodity. UAW-CIO President Walter P. Reuther, who announced the union- sponsored meat strike at an OPA rally July 16, said at that time the union would center its attention of food items "one by one" in an at- tempt to hold prices down. The target of the next UAW-CIO attack was not disclosed. Reuther said the union recom.- mended resumption of meat buying today with purchases limited to items which had been reduced in price. He warned the strike would be re- sumed if meat prices start upward. "We will put the meat dealers and packers on trial for a few days, now that they have felt the pressure of mass consumer protest, to see how they behave themselves," Reuther said.. He declared the strike had forced prices of less expensive cuts of meat down as much as 20 cents a pound. The strike, he added, had "over- whelming support." Pittsfield OPA Meeting Urges Buyers' Strike At a spontaneous meeting organ- ized by the residents of Pittsfield Village in protest to rapidly rising prices of foodstuffs, three prominent campus figures urged the women to inaugurate a buyers strike. "Our Congressmen have failed in their duty to reflect the demands of the consumer public," Prof. Wesley H. Maurer, of the journalism depart- ment, declared. He continued by ad- vocating strong resistance move- ments to supplement the OPA price control bill which we are getting. Mary C. Bromage, assistant dean of women, stated that one of our mast nressini oroblems is in foreign CALLED BY COMMITTEE-Rep. John M. Coffee (Dem., Wash.), who has admitted acceptance of a $2,500 check from a defense con- tractor, will appear before the Sen- ate War Investigating Committee next week, it was announced today. War Profits Committee To Hear Rep. May WASHINGTON, July 24-0P)-The Senate War Investigating Committee arranged today to hear Rep. May (Dem., Ky.) explain on Friday his wartime aid for a munitions combine, and simultaneously ordered public hearings next week' on Rep. Coffee' k (Dem., Wash.) acknowledged receipt for $2,500 from a defense contrac- tor. Committee Counsel George Meader said that the "arrangements" for May's appearance were made through the Kentucky legislator's counsel, and that Coffee himself had asked for a "full and comtplete" inquiry in his case. Coffee has described the $2,500 as a campaign contribution and has said that the Department of Justice has cleared him of any wrongdoing. Both committee announcements came at the close of a 90-minute ses- sion behind closed doors during which the committee agreed to ask the Senate for an additional $65,000 to expand its hunt for corruption in the nation's unprecedented wartime ex- penditures. Asked directly whether there were "any strings tied" to the arrange- ment for May to testify, Meader said that Warren Magee, May's counsel. "didn't mention any, and we didn't agree to any." PASADENA, Calif., July 24-(P)- Powerful as was Bikini's underwater atom blast, it'didn't shake the Paci- fic's floor with strength comparable to an earthquake. Seismologists at California Insti- tute of Technology calculated that the shock, if registered, should reach here 11 minutes, six seconds after the detonation. That time passed without even a quiver of the delicate reading seismograph in the ,labora- tory's lobby. .Film Versions Of Two Chekov Plays Offered Members of the Moscow Art Thea- tre, one of the best legitimate dra- matic theatres in the world, will be seen in the films of Chekov's one-act plays "Marriage" and "Jubilee" when the Art Cinema films are shown for the first time in the Rackham Thea- tre at 8:30 p.m. today. Alexei Gribov, the father in "Mar- riage," will be the first to appear. Other members of the Moscow Art Theatre are Victor Stanitsin, who will be Bank President in "Ju- bilee"; Olga Androvskaya, his wife; Vasily Toporkow, the bookkeeper; and Anastasia Zuyeva, a gossip. Popular Russian movie and stage actors complete the casts. Fanya Ranevskaya, will be the mother in "Marriage." Others are Zoya Fyodorova, the bride; Ernest Garin, the groom; Vera Maretskaya, the flirt; and Sergei Martinson, the rejected suitor. An excerpt from Tchaikovsky's opera "Christmas Slippers" will be shown with the plays. Tickets will be available at the League 45 minutes before the film starts. Aboard U.S.S. McKinley off Bikini, Thursday, July 25-(P)-Bikini Is- land appears to be more or less in- tact after the atomic bomb subma- rine explosion. 'Five steel towers on the island were visible as this ship moved in toward the lagoon. Navy Lieutenant H. R. .Muether of Rosedale, N.Y., who was watching through the television set, said waves hit Bikini beach three to five min- utes after the explosion, which took place about three miles off shore. He said the waves rocked beached landing craft violently, but no more than a rough surf would have done. The waves did not roll over the island. Lieut. Muether said that he could see the blast on the television screen and then the mist obscured the scene. When it cleared he said that the pic- ture of the target array was un- recognizable. Vessels seen to be still afloat in- cluded the veteran aircraft carrier Saratoga, though part of her island superstructure seemed to be missing; the Japanese battleship Nagato, the U.S. battleship Nevada, and the hulk of the carrier Independence, which was badly damaged in the aerial atomic bomb burst 24 days ago. Medieal School Dean Will Lecture Today Dean Albert C. Furstenberg, of the University Medical School and Prof. Robert E. Cushman, of Cornell Uni- versity, will speak in the University summer lecture series today in Rack- ham Amphitheatre. Dean Furstenberg will discuss "Re- cent Advances in Medicine" at 4:10 p.m. and Prof. Cushman will spea: on "Civil Liberties in the Atomic Age" at 8:10 p.m. Prof. Cushman has been head of the department of government at Cornell since 1923, and is on the board of editors of the American Political Science Review. Possible Chain Reaction Denied by Physics Head In an interview on the dangers of the atomic bomb tests, Prof. Ernest F. Barker, chairman of the physics' department, declared that he was "not all all concerned about a chain- reaction developing in the water which would 'burn it up.' We have methods for estimating such things," he said. "Nothing we know points to this." He also stated that the world had placed itself in a "precarious,, almost fatal position" and that it was "hard to believe that intelligent human be- ings would ever place themselves in that position." Queried about earthquake possibil- ities set off by the underwater atomic concussions, Prof. Barker said that a quake would spoil the tests and if one were expected, the test would have been called off. t I I J 1 . s . 1 submerged for the test were sunk but "two have been sighted from the air in their proper submerged posi- tions." Of the Saratoga, whose durability outshone that of the Arkansas, which also was close to the target center, Blandy said: "Half of her smokestack is down on her flight deck and her elevator has dipped on one side below the level of the flight deck." Nevada Still Afloat The battleship Nevada still floated, however, despite the damage it suf- fered as the target bullseye in the first test. Palm trees on Bikini appeared to have been destroyed, although they came through untouched in the aerial test July 1. The giant 100-foot waves that had been predicted apparently failed to come off. Television observers on the Mt. McKinley said the waves emerg- ing from the atomic mist appeared to be five-feet high. Radio Roar Heard The bomb was detonated exactly on schedule at 8:35 a.m. Thursday, Bikini time, (4:35 p.m. Wednesday local time) with a tremendous roar heard clearly over radios in the Uni- ted States. Directory ay Kilroy Is Here' Students who have already pur- chased their copy of the latest Stud- ent Directory may not be aware of the fact that therein is listed the name, address, and phone number of the most talked of and, incidentally, the most elusive character in modern history. From the spice islands of the In- dies to the barren wastes of Iceland, from gay Paree to questionable haunts of Peoria, Ill., the world has inquired in vain after the where- abouts of an individual who is known solely and simply as "Kilroy." To our knowledge no one has ever seen Kilroy though his fame has in- NEW YORK, July 24-(IP)-Soviet Russia today flatly rejected the prin- cipal points of the United States plan for global supervision of atomic en- ergy and reiterated a demand that full control be vested in the United Nations Security Council, where five powers hold -the right to veto. Andrei A. Gromyko, Soviet dele- gate to the U.N. Atomic Energy Com- mission, categorically refused to ac- cept the proposals of Bernard M. Baruch, U. S. delegate, for elimina- tion of the veto in atomic matters and for setting up an atomic development authority outside the Council. In discussing a U.N. memorandum which outlined these and other points, Gromyko declared: "The United States proposals 'in their present form cannot be accepted in any way by the Soviet Union ei- ther as a whole or in separate parts. A member of the U.S. delegation, commenting on Gromyko's-statement, said it was in line with views he had expressed previously and did not come as a surprise to the Americans. American circles said they did not consider that the negotiations had reached "a crisis" or that the "ox was in the ditch." The U.S. inform- ant said Baruch had no intention of altering his proposals at present and added that he still was hopeful of bringing the other powers into agree- ment on the American plan. Britain Charges Jnewish Agency Ordered Plot LONDON, July 24-(/-British white paper tonight charged leaders of the Jewish agency for Palestine with or- dering underground acts of violence in a carefully planned program of sabotage which forced the British government to take firm measures.. The 10-page document, presented by the Colonial Secretary to Parlia- ment, said evidence gleaned from in- tercepted communications showed that Hagana, a huge Jewish under- ground organization, and its perma- nent military arm, known as Pal- mach, worked under political control of prominent Jewish agency members in the program of violence in Pales- tine carried out "under the guise of the Jewish resistance movement." Since last autumn, the govern- ment charged, the lesser underground organizations-the Irgun Zvai Leun and the extreme stern gang which originated as dissident Jewish fac- tions-worked in cooperation with fHagana's high command on cer- tain of such operations. A spokesman for the Jewish Agen cy in London said the Jews had no immediate comment. Get Your Ensian Michiganensian, the college yearbook, will be distributed today from 10 to 12 a.m. and 1 to 4 p.m. at the Student Publications Building, Carol Siebert of the 'En- %i avi. *2nstff a nnnced v- PEACETIME EXPLORATION OF NUCLEAR ENERGY: ... Atomic and Radiological Research Centers Organized By RICHARD W. FINK Atomic and radiological research will be carried on at four great reg- ional centers now being organized to serve American scientists and uni- versities. Prof. J. M. Cork of the phy- schools will be at Berkley, Calif., and a New England center, now being arranged, will serve the Northwest. Physicists may use the Chicago laboratory's facilities in one of three atomic center will sustain the ex- penses for work performed and funds expended. Commenting on developments and progress of the national setup, Prof. Cork pointed out that it soon will be Material such as radioactive phos- phorus, iodine, and strontium, now used in medicinal treatment of rare blood diseases, is much more satis- factorily produced in the fission pile.