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July 02, 1946 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1946-07-02

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J Extension
rvice Offers
aried Courses

Summer Activities
Mainly in Detroit
The University Extension Service
wil largely limit its summer session
activities to courses given in the
Rackham Building in Detroit, Dr.
Charles A. Fisher, director of the
extension service revealed yesterday.
Courses offered to 'extension stu-
dents include a course in business
management, planned in conjunction
with the School of Business Adminis-
tration; a course in cooperative field
experience in guidance which fur-
nishes qualified students with "on
the job" experience in factories, re-
tail stores and offices and provides
related instruction by the represen-
tatives of the employers and the
sponsoring universities; and other
courses in education dealing with
the principles and techniques of vo-
cational guidance and the legal and
industrial relations aspects of vo-
cational education. A course in Chin-
ese language for beginning students
is also offered.
The Extension Service will also
sponsor a lecture series which will
feature discussions on the post-war
problems of international relations,
the atomic bomb, democracy, and
the peace efforts of America. The
speakers will be drawn .from the fa-
culties of the University and from
Wayne University.
Guest and regular members of
the University School of Music will
present a series of six lecture-recitals
during the session.
The Extension Service will not of-
fer any courses on campus this sum-
mer in order to give the faculty a
rest, Dr. Fisher explained.
Rail 'Streamliner'
Features 'U' Colors
The Pere Marquette railroad's new
"streamliner" soon to go into service
between. Detroit and Grand Rapids
will feature the maize and blue colors
of the University of Michigan.
This is in line with the latest trend
in the exterior decoration of rail-
road trains. Local railways will ex-
hibit! the colors of leading educa-
tional institutions in their areas.
The University of Illinois is being
similarly honored by the Chicago
and Eastern Illinois Railway. These
two trains are expected to be operat-
ing by the time the football season
Back the
Famine Drive

New MEA President Contends
Graduates Are Better Citizens
S* * *
Today's high school and college
graduates are better prepared for
citizenship, according to Lee B. Dur-
ham,. who took office yesterday as
president of the Michigan Educa-
tional Association.
The M.E.A. is a state organization
composed of 31,000 teachers and
school administrators. Durham, who
has been connected with the Detroit
schools for 17 years, previously ser-
ved on the Board of Directors and
on several commissions.r

Exchange Facts
About Teaching,
Edmonson Asks

Legitimate birth certificates only
will now be accepted as proof of an
applicant's age for those desiring
liquor cards in Washtenaw County,
Louella Smith, county clerk, said
Recent cases of persons using forg-

ed army discharges for this
have caused more stringent
tions,'she added.


Liquor Card Cheaters Foiled


Durham expressed his faith in the
young men and women of today and
in the education they have received
in American schools and colleges.
Today's graduates "have learned
a great deal about planning and
working together," he declared.
"They are better informed on social
and economic problems and have had
greater opportunity to develop lead-
ership traits. They have facts and
skills, they have great energy, and
they have.vision!"
Parents and taxpayers should un-
derstand the needs and problems
of education, Durham declared, since
the people are really the "school
board" and teachers merely "spec-
ially trained personnel" to carry
out their will. The future efforts of

Classes Open
For Women
Classes included on the
program of the Department


of Phy-

sical Education for Women are or-
ganized -to meet the needs of women
interested in physical education and
recreation activities, Dr. Margaret
Bell announced yesterday.
The classes offered are archery,
elementary and recreational swim-
ming, golf, tennis, badminton, ele-
mentary and intermediate ridding,
and: posture, figure and carriage.
Equipment may be rented for a no-
minal fee-in Barbour Gymnasium.
Concentrated, four-week courses may
be offered if there is a demand for
All class registration will be held
in Barbour Gymnasium, Office 15
from 8:30 to 12 in the morning and
1:30 to 4:30 in the afternoon. Classes
will begin this week.
Women students participating in
these activities must have a special
medical permit which may be ob-
tained at Health Service. All wo-
men enrolled in the University may
elect these courses with no addition-

LEE B. DURHAM, of the Detroit
school system, who yesterday took
office as president of the Michigan
Educational Association, express-
ed faith in present-day education.
the M.E.A. will therefore be directed
to bringing about closer relations
between school and home and "build-
ing a stronger community life."
The M.E.A. president said that
the public schools are the nation's
best means of combatting the evils
that have resulted in worldwide
strife. Education will help the in-
dividual to be more useful to himself
and to society as a whole.
Durham also cited the importance
of adult education programs as a
service to the entire communtity.
Zintek Receives
U' Fellowship
Dr. Arthur R. Zintek of Milwau-
kee, Wis., has been awarded a one
year fellowship in poliomyelitis. at
the University School of Public Health
by -the National Foundation for In-
fantile Paralysis.
The fellowship, the third of its
kind awarded since the Foundation
allocated $15,000 for this type. of
study in 1944, provides $4,500 for
postgraduate work. Dr. Zintek did
field work in poliomyelitis in the
outbreak in Milwaukee in 1944 and
during the epidemic in Illinois last
year. He will concentrate on the epi-
demiology and public health aspects
of poliomyelitis atthe University.
A graduate of the Marquette Uni-
versity School of Medicine in 1933,
Dr. Zintec received his master's de-
gree in public health at the Uni-
versity in 1945.

International exchange of facts
concerning educational practices to
help, promote good-will was recom-
mended by James B. Edmonson,
Dean of the School of Education yes-
terday in the first of a series of sum-
mer session conferences on "State
and National Trends in Education."
He indicated that the United Na-
tions Educational, Scientific and Cul-
tural Organization, which is about
to function, will provide such an ex-
"The faith of the American
people in education makes a pro-
found impression on foreign visitors,
as does the fact that our school sys-
tem is planned for all children, the
bright and the slow, the normal and
the handicapped, the rich and the
poor, the rural and the urban," he
Many foreign visitors, surprised by
our system of school training, return
to their homes hoping that our prac-
tices may eventually be introduced
into their own lands, he declared.
Participation of pupils in educa-
tion by permitting them to choose
their own courses and to share in
the management of the school is one
of the great contributions to educa-
tion by the American system, he con-
Teacher organizations also sur-
prise visitors from other countries, as
groups are uncommon elsewhere, he
said. These organizations could be
more effective if they would choose
common objectives and work togeth-
er, he contended.
VA Operates
'Many Faciliftes
With 20 million potential custom-
ers, the Veterans Administration is
now running the largest insurance
business, the biggest chain of hos-
pitals, the greatest pension and
claims service, and the most exten-
sive educational and vocational re-
habilitation .program ever undertak-
VA reported 16,492,000 actual cus-
tomers taking advantage of its facil-
ities in the week ending yesterday.
In the three-state area of Branch
office No. 6 with headquarters in
Columbus, Ohio, the Veterans Ad-
ministration was serving an esti-
mated 763,000 veterans in Ohio, 595,-
000 in Michigan and 282,000 in Ken-
tucky. The potential veteran popu-
lation in the three states is over two
Hold Your Bonds

See Sofie Wagne
dream of a cool dre
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Swiss Simple a:
exquisite-a sheer j
on a hot summer da
Sizes to 20-
Priced $22.

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VETERANS-A special department has been organized to outfit
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