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July 21, 1946 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1946-07-21

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VOL. LVII, No. 14S



Rep. Coffee Asked
To Explain'Funds'

WASHINGTON, July 20-(P).-
Senator Brewster, a member of the
Senate War Investigating Commit-
tee, said today that Rep. Coffee
(Dem., Wash.) would be asked to
"explain" a five-year-old $2,500
"campaign contribution" from a Ta-
coma, Wash., war contractor.
Already, at Tacoma, Coffee had de-
"I welcome an investigation on the
entire matter."
Brewster said that the committee
has already asked the Department
of Justice for its files on an investi-

Top Bankers
Indicted For
Graft Quiz

Ingham Grand Jury
Charges Bribery Plot
LANSING, July 20-(M)--Top offi-
cials of the Michigan National Bank
System and Byron L. Ballard, former
legal adviser to Ex-Governor Murray
D. Van Wagoner, were named today
by the Ingham County grond jury
in a warrent accusing 28 persons of
a bribery conspiracy to defeat the
1941 Anti-Branch Banking Bill.
Almost three years after the grand
jury was summoned to probe charges
of a "slush" fund spent to defeat a
bill to restrict branch bking in
Michigan, circuit Judge Louis E.
Coash, the grand juror, named 24
men as defendants and four others
as co-conspirators in the graft con-
Defendants Listed
Defendants are five representatives
of the Michigan National Bank, eight
present ani former state Senators,
and 11 present and past state Repre-
sentatives. Among them are.:
Byron L. Ballard of Lansing, legal
adviser to Van Wagoner and secre-
tary of the state board of law exam-
iners. The' warant alleges that he
"unlawfully" entered the emploly-
ment of the banking' interests.
Howard J. Stoddard of East Lan-
sing, president of the Michigan Na-
tional Bank system.
Charles Bohn of Detroit, chair-
man of the board of the Michigan
National Bank and chairman of the
board of the Bohn Aluminum and
Brass Corporation.
Simon D. Den Uyl of Detroit, secre-
tary-treasurer of the mihn Com-
Serves Contempt of Court Sentence
Francis P. Slattery of Grand Ra-
pids, assistant vice-president of the
Grand Rapids Branch of the Michi-
gan National Bank, who served a 60-
day contempt of court jail sentence
for giving evasive answers to justice
Leland W. Carr, Judge Coash's pre-
decessor. Before serving his sentence
he carried an unsuccessful appeal to
the United States Supreme Court.
The Ingham County grand jury's
indictment added a new chapter to
an amazing three-year tale of politi-
cal coruption in Michigan.
17th Education
Parley To Start
Approximately 300 Michigan teach-
ers and school administrators are
expected to attend the 17th annual
Summer Education Conference at
the School of Education tomorrow
through Friday.
Lectures and group meetings will
compose the program of the con-
ference which is held as part of the
instructional program at the educa-
tion school.
Lectures will be delivered through
the week by Prof. Preston W. Slosson
of the history department, Prof.
Theodore M. Newcomb of the sociolo-
gy department, Prof. Ernest F. Bark-
er of the physics department and by
Prof. John W. Lederle of the political
science department.
Sessions will be held in the Uni-
versity High and elementary school
The opening program tomorrow
will include an opening session at 9
a.m. on new developments in business
education, a demonstration of remed-
ial reading methods at 10 a.m'., and
a lecture by Prof. Slosson on the sub-
,.....j- "Te. Y,.rn.rva , .p.7 tt aoHnr n

gation which Coffee has said it made
of the contribution.
Brewster bluntly called Coffee's
definition of the $2,500 as a cam-
paign contribution a "belated albi."
Brewster said of Coffee's willing-
ness for an investigation:
"He certainly will be welcome. The
mdre quickly he appears, the better."
'No Basis for Action'
At Tacoma, Coffee said the cir-
cumstances had been widely published
in the state and that the Justice De-
partment, after its investigation,
found, "no basis for action."
Also at Tacoma, contractor Eivind
Anderson told the Associated Press:
"There was no evil purpose in the
payment of this money. I was merely
trying to achieve something that was
highly honorable at the time-re-
move handicaps as it was urgent to
get something done."
Anderson explained he had a big
building project then underway at
Fort Lewis, Wash., and "things were
not moving fast enough."
The check wnet to Coffee's secre-
tary at the time,,Paul O. Olson.
Financial Problems Explained
Olson wrote that "John" was
gratified "by reason of the assurances
you gave at the foot of the stairs
over in Capitol Building" and said
that if a few more people showed the
"same sense of appreciation and un-
derstanding then the going for John
as a member of Congress would be
made a lot easier."
The secretary discussed the finan-
cial problems faced by a Congress-
man and the various drains on his
Coffee himself wrote 16 days later
that "Paul showed me the slip of
paper you sent him a few days ago.
It is impossible for me to express
adequately my deep feeling of gra-
titude for your helpful cooperation."
United Nations
Will Cireulate
Weekly Bulletin
NEW YORK, July 20-(I)-The
United Nations Department of Pub-
lic Information announced tonight
that the United Nations Weekly Bul-
letin, first periodical to be issued by
the U.N., will begin publication Au-
gust 1.
The announcement said the publi-
cation will provide an objective re-
view of United Nations developments
together with factual background in-
formation. Besides interesting the
general reader, the announcement
added, it also will be designed to as-
sist specialists such as doctors, law-
yers, busines groups, labor organiza-
tions, teachers and students who may
be interested in the subjects covered
by the different organs of the United
The publication will be issued
every Thursday.
The announcement said distribu-
tion in North and South America
will be through the International
Documents Service of the Columbia
University Press, New York, 27, New
York. The price in the United States
and Canada will be 15 cents per copy,
with an annual subscription rate of
No Daily Tuesday
Readers are reminded that the
Summer Michigan Daily is not
published on Monday or Tuesday.
Publication will resume with the
Wednesday morning paper.

Astom Bill
Is Passed
Government Patent
Monoply Limited
WASHINGTON, July 20-(P)-The
Hous passed a much-amended atomic
energy control bill today, sending it
to a Senate-House conference for ad-
justment of differences between the
two chambers.
The vote was 265 to 79.
Nine Michigan Congresmen voted
with the majority as the House
today passed the amended M-
Mahon Atomic Energy Control Bill.
Five of the State's Democratic re-
presentatives were solidly behind the
measure which was passed 265 to 79.
Four Michigan Republicans opposed
it, while an equal number favored it.
Before finally voting, the House
turned down an amendment by Rep.
Clare Boothe Luce (Rep., Conn.) to
limit the life of the proposed law to
seven years, and upheld a technical
objection that knocked out authority
for the President to transfer to the
new commission unexpended funds
of the Army's Manhattan District, its
atom bomb project.
By voice vote it wrote into the
legislation a requirement that the
FBI make loyalty investigations of
"all persons associated in any ca-
pacity with the development and
control of atomic energy under the
commission. The FBI previously
had been give nauthority to inves-
tigate violations of the proposed
Stricken from the bill by a stand-
ing vote of 62 to 45 was a Senate pro-
vision for a $5,000 fine and two years
imprisonment for violations of com-
mission regulations dealing with re-
ports, inspections, records and safety
measures. ,
A new section defining nuclear
fission was approved without dis-
cussion or contest, several members
declaring that it was no more in-
volved than other sections of the
The House completely rewrote the
Senate's patents section which would
have given the government, through
the commission, a virtual monopoly
on patents and inventions, both new
and old, in the field of atomic ener-
gy. The House toned down the Sen-
ate language sharply, by a 151 to 90
Indus trialists.
Will Discuss
Job 'Openings
The University will offer students
a businessmen's view of job oppor-
tunities Tuesday at the annual Gui-
dance and Placement Conference of
the Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information.
Business and industrial leaders will
discuss immediate and future oppor-
tunities at a panel at 4 p.m. Tuesday
in the Rackham Lecture Hall. A dem-
onstration at 7:30 p.m. of right and
wrong dress, manner and speech
will furnish the second portion of
the Conference.
General Chairman of the confer-
ence is Dr. T. Luther Purdom. He
announced that three business lea-
ders will share the panel discussion:
Joseph Padgett of Toledo, John Haien
of Detroit, Harry J. Kelley of Grand
Rapids, Sara Ruane of Wayne Uni-
versity and Harry Hogan of Detroit.
Dean of Women Alice Lloyd will

preside at the evening demonstration
of "How Do You Look to An Em-

Smash Inflation
Parade To Be
Staged Tuesday
Women Vets To Staff
Write-Congress Tables
Roy Reuther, UAW-CIO official,
will speak for labor at the AVC spon-
sored "Smash Inflation" parade and
rally to be assembled at 3:45 p.m.
Tuesday at State and Huron streets,
opposite Harris Hall, local AVC heads
announced yesterday.
Reuther's intention to speak here
culminated a day of increased or-
ganizational support for the rally,
Jack Weiss, AVC chairman, pointed
out, adding that the Detroit labor
leader will join the anti-inflation
platform with Prof. John Brumm of
the journalism department, Neil
Staebler, local businessman, and Har-
ry Cole, secretary-treasurer of the
U.S. Agriculture Conservation As-
sociation. All four men will speak
after the parade at 4:30 p.m. Tues-
day on the steps of the County Court
House, Huron and Main streets.
Tables at the courthouse, equipped
with material for writing or wiring
to Congress, will be staffed by twelve
members of the newly-organized Uni-
versity Women Veterans' Association,
who are fully endorsing the "Smash
Inflation" parade and rally, Weiss
In announcing the pledged support
to the rally by the Pittsfield Village
Consumers League, a group of local
housewives who are organized for the
continuation of price control, Weiss
pointed out that consumer reaction
has already had tan appreciable effect
on Congress.
He cited the recent support for a
strong OPA by DAVchlgan Republican
Representatives Crawford and Wol-
cott and noted that the local Repre-
sentative, Earl Michener has now

Senate-House Committee Agree
On Niew OPA Compromise Plan

To Speak at, AVC Ral)

"A closer study of the measure military men the failures which con-
agreed upon by the Senate-House tributed to the 1941 disaster, declared
conferees is necessary before our today that the late President Roose-
special committee Ibn price can velt and his cabinet "discharged their
decide on its merit," Victor Baum, responsibility with distinction, abil-
local AVC chairman, said yester- ity and foresight."
day. That finding in an eight-man re-
Baum added that "the members port - signed by two Republican
of AVC won't count the battle as House members-brought a sharp
won until we have a decent law, dissent, however, from Republican
and the march will go on as
planned unless such a law is passed
before Tuesday." Law School
given stronger support to price con- Entrance Rules
trol than he previously expressed in
a letter to the AVC.
An escort from the Ann Arbor elec
police department will clear traffic
for the paraders. The following is the The policy of the University Law
route of march: from the assembly Sc ilol on admitting new students in
point at State and Huron, south to the fall will continue to be "highly
Liberty street, west on Liberty street selective," Dean E. Blythe Stason
to Fourth street; north on Fourth said yesterday.
street to William street; west on All upperclassmen, including vet-
William street to Main street; north erans who took a portion of their
on Main street to the County Court- law training before the war, com-
house. posing a majority of the school's
The Veterans Organization, a fac- quota of 875, may, of course, return,
ulty committee and local business, Dean Stason stated. To the' first
labor, and agriculture representatives' year class all academically qualified
have previously pledged help in the Michigan students will be admitted,
rally, Weiss concluded, adding that leaving a few places for non-resident
"all other groups that wish to 'jump students. About 1,000 applications
on the anti-inflation' bandwagon are have been submitted for the first year
strongly urged to join the assemb- class, he said, but only about 350
lage." can be admitted.
for Peace Talks - EhrMann

Trieste Solution Opens Way

The most difficult problem of many
that had to be dealt with before a
peace conference could meet was the
problem of Trieste, Prof. Howard M.
Ehrmann, of the history department,
declared yesterday.
Only after this and related prob-
lems connected with Italy, including
Italian boundaries with France, Aus-
tria and Jugoslavia, the Adriatic and
Dodecanese Islands, reparations to
Russia and the question of colonies,
were settled early this month was it
possible to plan a peace conference
for July 29, he pointed out.
French nundiiarv

agreed that the boundary should re-
main at the Brenner, where it has
been set in 1919. a
Other territorial settlements con-
cerned the concession of Italy's Ad-
riatic islands to Jugoslavia and the
Dodecanese Islands to Greece. "There
was no difficulty this time about
Fiume and Zara," Prof. Ehrmann
noted. Both were given to Jugoslavia.
African Colonies Renounced
In the matter of colonies, Italy re-
nounced all claim to her African pos-
sessions, but no final determination
of ownership was reached. This prob-
lem was left to future settlement.
Russian insistence on renaration.

population and, prior to 1919, was
one of the oldest objectives of Ital-
ian "irredentism." Until the pre-
sent conflict of interests developed,
the validity of Italy's claims to Tri-
este had been widely recognized.
It is true that the principal railway
lines serving Trieste run through Ju-
goslavia. However, Prof. Ehrmann
said, "the port has long served a hin-
terland more extensive than Jugoslav-
ia, including the central European
area of upper and lower Austria, Bo-
hemia and Moravia."
Jugoslavia Claims Trieste
Jugoslav claims to Trieste and the
Istrian npnninsula. hnadthe "solid sunn-

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