0 tHE MICHWAN D$AIIL Fifty-Sixth Year I Contro ereial e aorter II BILL MAULDIN I .. --. _ Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff .Managing Editors .. Paul Harsha, Milton Freudenheim ASSOCIATE EDITORS City News ................................ Clyde Recht University ............................ Natalie Bagrow Sports .................................... Jack Martin Women's ............................... Lynne Ford Business Staff business Manager ........................ Janet Cork Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newapaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as secnd-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by ar- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 RPREOENTO FOR NATIONAL ADVERTSING W National Advertising Service, Inc. ' College Pblisers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. ( NEW YORK N.Y. CNICAGO - BOSTON LOS ANGMS - SAN FANCISCO NIGHT EDITOR: ELINOR MOXNESS Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and -represent the views of the writers only. A rgentm Puzzle T HE ARGENTINE seesaw is still rocking. Moving upward favorably in the eyes of the Allied nations, the country's Appellate Court last week issued to 41 accused Nazi spies a denial of the right of habeas corpus in order to fight for their liberty. The alleged spies were denied this right even though a lower federal judge had granted it to them. The situation is a precarious one. On one hand the decision is capable of being overruled by the Argentine Supreme Court. Some of these Nazis may have sufficient funds to take their cases to the highest courts. Other so-called Nazis, sought out by the United States and Great Bri-. tain, are still at large, undoubtedly maintain- ing not-considerable influence in the area, some with Argentine citizenship. Nevertheless, this ruling by the Argentine Appellate Court indicates a step toward both international Allied unity and hemispheric soli- darity in that the government would now be able to act concerning all cases in ousting Germans wanted by the Allies for war crimes or for repatriation to Germany. Included in this accused group were Hans Harnisch and Johannes Siegfrid Becker, whom the Febr- uary Blue Book said "operated in closest team- work" and accused of acting as intermediaries in attempts to obtain arms from Germany. This is not the first indication of Argentine willingness to cooperate in hemispheric defense plans. Several months ago the Argentine govern- ment expelled to Germany 30 people and a num- ber of Graf. Spee sailors. In addition, several German and Japanese schools were closed. But the other end of the seesaw stubbornly hugs the ground. The overall picture on this side includes the fact that the countries of the Western hemis- phere have asked of Argentina, as a tangible gesture of her affirmed intention of upholding inter-American solidarity, the ratification by her government of the Chapultepec and San Francisco agreements. At present, even though she has newly inaugurated her drive to rid the country of potential Nazis, there is still no indication that she has sent either of these epoch-marking declarations to the Argentine Congress. We have begun to wonder if the Argentine Republic is trying to eat its cake and haveit, too. We have wondered also how long it will be before she will drop her avowal of "participa- tion" for international unity, tinged as it is now with surreptitious indications of Nazi sympathy, and issue a clear-cut, non-vacillating foreign policy. In other words, will the seesaw gain a stable equilibrium? --Joan de Carvajal Educational Opportunities The younger students on campus are missing one of the best opportunities of their education- al lives in not attending the summer lecture series, according to Prof. Harold M. Dorr of the political science department. SCANDALS such as that involving Rep. May have been an important aftermath of every war in which the United States has fought. During the Revolutionary War such men as Robert Morris and James Wilson used their positions to accumulate fortunes. It is a house- hold byword that the Morgan fortune owes its origin to profits made by selling condemned muskets during the Civil War. A disclosure of widespread profiteering after World War I I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Iie lIce-cream ' By SAMJEL GRAFTON. LOS ANGELES-There is a drift to the right, and conservatively-minded Americans show a natural tendency to greet this change in our affairs with uncritical joy, as if a swing to the right must necessarily always be good, like strawberry ice-cream. To be sure, the stock market has, on several recent days, greeted the great conservative vic- tory of the mangling of price control with a strange melancholy air; it has slumped badly, and has been as disconsolate as if a new Roose- velt had been elected. It has been odd to see stock prices going down while the hats of con- servative commentators are being thrown up, high into the air. But the stock market is un- happy about buyers' strikes, inflation, potential labor distress, and general economic uncer- tainty; and its behavior is a warning that some victories can be extremely costly, even while they make glad the heart of right-wing men. It is too much, perhaps, to ask the conser- vatively-minded to be suspicious of the swing to the right, for that is a gift horse whose teethb will not be counted; and yet it might be useful to have a look at the content, the inner mean- ing, of this development, in an effort to assess its total cost. One clear possibility is that we may have, as a result of the new rightist tendency in policy and opinion, a Republican House, a De- , mocratic Senate, an average man in the White House, and an inflation cooking; and we may have to live under this enchanting combina- tion for two years. It is wrong to expect to turn conservatives into liberals on the basis of such an argument; and most conservative commentators would regard this development as good, clean fun; progress on the road to a reorganized government. But there still re- mains the practical problem of getting through the next two years; and the stock market has just shown what it thinks of only two weeks of confusion and deadlock. If we cannot change minds, perhaps we can at least change moods, and curb the undis- criminating exultation with which the rightward drift is being greeted. The exultation is in itself a danger, for it leads to excesses, like the shock- ing arrogance shown by the conservative major- ity of the Senate in putting together a price con- trol bill which takes the ceilings off necessities, such as food, but leaves them on luxuries, such as fine cars, and which puts a really firm ceiling on only one item-rents, while tolerating infla- tion in many other fields, and finally, which blandly continues food subsidies after removing food ceilings, though the one purpose of sub- sidies is ,to enable food producers to keep their prices below ceilings. ! When a swing to the right leads to this kind of cheerful grabbing, plus a terrifying unconcern about thinking up a story to explain it, or a theory on which to rest it, one is perhaps en- titled to ask right-wing opinion to pause in its snake-dance, and do a bit of political and eco- nomic cost-accounting. There are other melancholy vistas which open up as the result of over-enthuiasm for the rightward drift. One might mention the danger of "a growth of cynicism in American life if we succeed in botching our prospects now, after a victorious war; as the stock mar- ket seems to think we are botching them. These illustrations are perhaps enough to in- dicate that a swing to the right is not exactly the same thing as a fiesta, that it is not necessarily to be equated with peaches and cream and all manner of goodies; that it is only one more com- plicating factor in the intricate struggle before us, carrying, as it does, the very special danger of willful self-defeat. (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate) was a partial cause of the public disillusion and cynicism. One of the major public scandals arising out of World War I was the disclosure of huge profits made by the shpplig companies. These revelations of 8 ator hugo Black's In- vestigating committee of 1935 nqw prolse to be repeated on much l ger scg4e $er Wrl War I. Such is the opinion of Griffing Bancroft of the Chicago Sun Washington Bureau, wvho is currently writing a series of articles on the gigantic profits amassed in the last few years by the sippng corporations. When Senatr' Mead's committee finisWs its investigaWn of the scandal involving Rep. May, it plas to launch an investigation of the shippng indus- try during war-time. Mr. Bancroft states: "When the full investigation now promised by Sen. ?ead is held, however, it will show that the ship- ping scadal does not stem from the activities of these (maritime) unions, or the political be- liefs of the 5,579 American merchant se,.,en who gave up their lives in the war, but from the huge profits, without risk, earned by the shippng companies." To substantiate this statement, Banroft cites numerous cases and conclusive statistcs. he stats that one ship was purchased from the government for $76,000; received $3$4,00 in charter fees; ad was then .re2o.l to t y ment for $560,000. The shipping company made over $800,0000 from the Government on this one ship, a profit of over 2,000 per cent. Pay a dollar; make $20. What a racket. Comptroller General Lindsay Warren has charged that some $8 billion in Maritime Com- mission and War Shipping Administration funds are improperly accounted for. It is to be dubted that the entire $8 billion .was carried from the WSA building in a briefcase by three masked gunmen, hlut it does seem to have illegally changed hands. Thus it is to be doubted that Rep. May is a I sinner of any particular stature; he seems to be simply one of the boys. In a society which is admittedly b ed on the search for Wofits; ,are we to be shcokd taten should ne their profits in strange and mral ways? In 1943 an Ohio firm was apprehended de- livering faulty electric wire to the Army in the radios which it manufactured. In many battle situations, a faulty communications system may have cost the lives of hundreds or thousands. Are we to say that May is any worse than the owners of this Ohio company? Yet three months after it was caught, the Ohio company was awarded the Army-Navy "E" for its production record. The Ohio company did what it was forced to do . . . it sought to increase its profits to the maximum. A company with an inferior profit record will soon go bankrupt. Rep. May did what. he was sent to Congress to do. He sought to increase the profits of his businessmen con- stituents to the maximum. When we subject men to such pressure, it is difficult to condemn them. The fault lies not in the men, but in the system. Sumner Slichter, a nationally-known economnist, recently stated in a speech at this University that certain labor leaders :are more powerful today than indus- trialists have ever been in this country. The facts are that not one element in the CIO legislative program has been enacted into law during this session of Congress. But every day brings new disclosures of the ways in which Congress has aided the business class of the country. The tax' rebates, the anti-labor laws, the smashing of OPA, these new scandals are all evidence that business still controls government. It is' not a case of corrupt politicians; it is rather a case of business corrupting government. If we answer this new wave of scandals by a cynical shrug of the shoulders, or by a frenzied witch-hunt against a few individuals like Rep. May, we shall not have made pro- gress on the basic problem. So long as the pro- fit motive continues to dominate the country, there will continue to be new wars and each new war will bring new scandals. A man does what he must do. -Ray Ginger The border dispute between Siam and French Indo-China, which the Siamese Government has now submitted to the United Nations Security Council, would seem to be exactly the sort of controversy which the Security Council was or- ganized to handle. And the present time would seem the right time to intervene ... It is to be hoped that the Council will act promptly to accept jurisdiction --- -The New York Times II Deportation? WHILE American-born Nisei of the most decorated contingent in the annals of American military his- tory, the 442d Regiment, proudly paraded in Washington following their recent return from the battle- fields of Italy, the D-Day of depor- tation to Japan for the Japanese- born parents of many of these cour- ageous men has inexorably drawn nearer. These unfortunate pro-American Japanese are faced with deportation because they originally entered the United States under the "treaty mpr- chants" classification of the conmmer- cial treaty with the Japanese which the United States abrogated in 1940. When the plight of these people became generally known, members of Congress and many private citizens espoused their cause with the result that Attorney General Tom Clark temporarily halted all deportation hearings in meritorious "treaty mer- chant" cases until a House Immigra- tion subcommittee could work out a more permanent exemption. Under the leadership of Repre- sentative George P. Miller (D) of California, this subcommittee began hearings on two bills which woul permit the Attorney General to per- manently suspend deportation pro- peedings against "meritorious" or "personal and family hardship" cases. Due to committee delays, neither of these bills has been enacted. Is this the manner in which a grateful America repays the ut- stinted devotion of the Nisel of the 442d Regiment? --Joseph Frein "Red, pink, left of center, colorless, careful, conservative or reactionary?" , _.... .. .. ,. ., DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Summer Ses- sion, Room 1213 Angelli Hall by 3:30 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). SATUIDAY, JULY 20, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 138 Notices Pre-Activity Conference for all members of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Sunday, July 21, West Par- lor, Mosher Hall, 3:00 p.m. The Museum of Art presents "Pio- Peers of Modern Art in America." an exhibition from the Whitney Mu- seum of American Art, at the Rack- ham Galleries, weekdays, 2-5 and 7-10 p.m., through July 20. The pub- lic is cordially invited. The YWCA is looking for women graduate students and senior under- graduates with sociology, group, health and physical education majors who would be interested in working in an international, interracial and inter-faith organization. There are openings for teen age program direc- tor, business and industrial health education, and executive director. All those interested in talking to Miss Lois McColbch of the National Staff call the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, ext. 371, for further in- formation. Dependents Schools Services: Rep- resentatives from Dependents Schools Services, recruiting teachers for Ger- many, will meet with al those inter- ested in these opportunities, on Mon- day, July 22, at 10 a.m. in 2,16 Haven Hall. At this time full information about conditions of employment, etc. will be discussed. Individual appoint- ments will be scheduled on Monday and Tuesday. Call Bureau of Ap- pointments for interview - Miss Briggs, Extension 489. Members of the Summer Session Staff: If you have. not filled in the Employe's Withholding Exemption Certificate it is necessary to do so at once if you expect a check at the end of the month. Lectures Colton Storm, Curator of Manu- scripts and Maps at the Clements Library will give three lectures on the Collecting of Rare Books, July 22, 23, 24. In the "Rare Books Room, Clements Library, 5:00 p.m. Dr. Preston W. Slosson, Professor of History, and. radio commentator, will give a series of discussions of current events, each Tuesday, of the Summer Session in the Rackham Amphitheatre at 4:10 p.m. under the auspices of the Summer Session. The public is invited to attend. Gaylord W. Anderson, Professor, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, will give a lecture Tues- day, July 23 at _8:10 p~m. in the Rackham. Amphitheatre. The topic is "The Political Impact of Modern Science on Public Health." There will be a lecture by Preston W. Siosson, Professor of History, Monday, July 22, at 11:00 a.m. in the University High School Auditor- ium. The topic will be "Is Democracy Retreating or Advancing in the World?" The public is invited to at- tend. There will be a lecture by Bernard Brodie, Associate Professor, Insti- tute of International Studies, Yale University, on Monday, July 22 at 8:10 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi- theatre. The topic will be "The Ab- solute Weapon-Military versus Soc- ial Invention." The public is invit- ed. Academic Notices . , .. ..__, Political exam will 25 at 1:00 Hall. Science 2 make-up final be given Thursday, July p.m., Room 2037 Angell Events Today Michigan Sailing Club. All mnm- bers, officers, and those who have applied for or have shownter 'in- tention of applying for memberst There will be an important meet- ing Saturday, July 20, at' 1 p.m. at the Michigan Union. All members of pre-war standing must show their intention of maintaining their mem- bership on or before this time. Mi- bers from last semester will be ex- pected to pay their summer session dues of five dollars at this time or they will be dropped from the roll. Applicants and' those who have shown their intention of applying must be at this meeting if at all possible. An excuse for absence will be honored only if received on or be- fore this time. Any messages should be left at the Union desk in care of the Miehigan Sailing Club. Saturday Luncheon Discussion group will meet at Lane Hall at 12:15 on Saturday. Reservations may be made by calling Ext. 2148 before Sat- urday morning. Coming Events The Graduate Outing Club has scheduled an afternoon of sports and a picnic for Sunday, July 21. Ord- uate students planning to attend should pay the supper fee of 50c at the checkroom desk in the Rackham building, before' Friday night and shouldmeet atrthe club rooms in th Rackham Building at 2:30 p.m. Sun- day. Use the northwest entrance. French Club: The third meeting of the French Club will take place Mon- day, July 22, at 8 p.m. in room,30 of the Michigan Union. Mr. Philippe Roulier, a French student in the School of Forestry and Conservation, will tell his experiences in France during the war: his informal talk is entitled: "Paris sous l'occupation.'' Group singing and social hour. Spanish Teas: Every Tuesday and Friday, language tables will convene in the League cafeteria at 4 p.m. for informal conversation practice.. On Thursdays, the group will meet at the International Center at 4 p.m. All students interested in practiclg Spanish conversation are invited to attend. The Russian Circle (Rus*ky Kru- hok) will meet at 8:00 p.m., Monday, July 22, in the International Center. Features of the evening will be th showing of slides depicting the vari- ous nationalities of the Soviet Un- ion, recordings of Russian songs, and tea served from the samovar. Every- one interested is invited to attend. Bridge Night: The International Center announces Bridge Night in the International Center, Wednes- day, July 24, at 7:30 p.m. Foreign students, their friends, American stu- dents and faculty interested in play- ing bridge are -cordially invited. Graduate Students in Speech: A symposium on practical theatre will be held at 4 p.m. Monday in the West Conference room of the Rack- ham Building for graduate students in the Department of Speech. At- tendance is required of applicants for advanced degrees who are spec- ializing in theatre. College of Literature, Science and the Arts, Schools of Education, Fores- try, Music and Public Health. Stu- dents who received marks of I or X at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by August 1. Students wishing an ex- tension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the ap- propriate official in their school with Room 4, U.H. where it will be trans- mitted. Speech Assembly: Charles H. Mere- dith, Director, Le Petit Theatre du Vieux Carre, will speak on "Theatre" at the Speech Assembly Wednesday at 3 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Attendance is required of all Speech concentrates, teaching majors and minors in Speech, and all graduate students working to- ward degrees in Speech. Open to the public. Concerts Yves Tinayre, baritone, will pre- sent the first of two recitals at 8:30 Sunday evening, July 21, in the First Presbyterian Church.. A well-known interpreter of vocal art, Mr. Tin- ayre has planned a program to in- clude medieval and renaissance sacred and secular songs. A guest lecturer in the School of Music, he will be as- sisted in the program by Emil Raab and Margaret Detwiler, violinists, Elisabeth Lewis, violist, Mary Oyer, cellist and Frieda Op't Holt Vogan, organist. The second program will . BARNABY By Crockett Johnson The O'Malley Plan is extremely simple. I'll put bp a thousand tepees on the green. Conveniently adjacent to the business district- A concesssion to the merchants. You have one duty . .' 00 7-19 r As our representative on the Council, Mr. O Sodumn, yqu are memorialized to get busy on the housing problem. Face it! The canvas tegVis here to stay, A crank ... - t . . i I L K \1 -- - .0- T- t _a .n 1 -"", -- 4p ab 96 h Hwr~~ M ~,. Have we met, Mr. O'Malley? Rrobably.' At an outing of the Little I Men's.Marching and Chowder Society. But enough of this chit-chat. Do 1, get the green light? Yes or no. ..? 0 -t i . . _. _ /'ll talk to the Mayor about it ;O 'Mallm,--Sure A tent I A crack-pot, Chief. Forget I Jim a n I I ,nMaUe v r Slt s crazy. I know. A mosf safisfactory conversation. 'I T1a ,rnclm,, sl rJmrfhv4I,, t,. *