Fifty-Sixth Year I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Production i'eray BILL MAULDIN i ,ac I Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Managing Editors .. Paul Harsha, Milton Freudenheim ASSOCIATE EDITORS City News ................................ Clyde Recht University ...........................Natalie Bagrow Sports .................................... Jack Martin Women's .................................. Lynne Ford Business Staff ' Business Manager..... .............. Janet Cork Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it Or oth-erwise credited in this ntewbpaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription daring the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONALU ADVERTIlNG S1 National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. - NEW YORK. N.Y. CNICAGO BOSTON * LOS ANGELES - SAN PUANCISCO NIGHT EDITOR: WILL HARDY Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Farm Prices 'J"HE COMMERCE DEPARTMENT has ex- pressed concern over the current agricultural boom which has doubled the farmers' net in- come and piled up a ten billion dollar backlog in cash and bonds. Some dotbt is already ap- pearing that this period of prosperity can extend beyond 1948, and a recurrence of the 1921 farm bust is becoming a real threat. The factors which led to the first depres- sion following World War I are present again, and to a much greater degree. Then, as now, American farmers were called on to feed the war-ravaged countries in addition to the de- mands of 'millions of newly-prosperous people at home. When the foreign exports fell with' the revival of the world's agricultural economy, thq resultant decline in demand of food pro- ducts was felt throughout the entire coun- try. Agriculture has long been referred to as the backbone of our economy. Representing as it does the largest single group, of workers and the largest amount of invested capital, the lot of the farmer must have a direct bearing on the welfare of all. This has been the basis of legis- lative measures to stabilize farm prices and to provide some permanent security for the farmer. The farmers have become the strongest ad- vocates against the reinstatement of price control through the failure of food prices to rise with the recent increases in factory wages. To overcome this injustice would be difficult but possible; to offset the inflationary ten- dency. of rising food costs approaches the im- possible. Speculation in farm land reminiscent of that which followed the first World War has already begun, and will keep pace with each increase in farm prices. The solution to; the farm problem is, perhaps, the most elusive of all. The tremendous drop in' demand which is bound to come must be recognized and a defense prepared to meet it. Foyr the present, the restoration of food subsidies will break the spiralling price increase if it is accompanied by adequate general price control. No measure can be too drastic if it holds the hcpe of disspelling the farm "bust" that looms ahead. -Ken Herring. By SAMUEL GRAFTON LOS ANGELES-The real reason for the dif- ferences between the Russian and American attitudes toward German reparations is that the 'Russians can afford to accept enormous quantities of German goods, while we cannot. The Russian economy is like a sponge, which can soak up unlimited imports from Germany, and count them all as a net gain; while these same imports, coming into America would merely represent competition with our own manufac- EP. ANDREW J. MAY of Kentucky may be tentatively defined as a guy in a spot. The Mead Committee To Investigate War Contracts is snarling around his pant-legs. . the bark is fearful and the bite may be deadly. This Senate Committee, the chairmanship of which started Harry Truman on his way to the White House, declared in a letter to Rep. May last Saturday that it has concluded that he is "unable to explain or contradict" testi- mony linking him to a ring of war profiteers. This group of industrialists is accused of set- ting up several dummy corporations, which were awarded millions of dollars in war con- tracts. These dummy corporations, MANY OF WHICH HAD NO PRODUCTIVE FAOIITIES OF ANY KIND, then sublet the contracts to actual producers and picked up rich profits for themselves in the process. It is alleged that Rep. May as Chairman of the House Military Affairs Committee exerted pres- sure on the War Department to assign large and lucrative contracts to this group of industrialists, who had no equipment but a few typewriters and a desire for profit. As Chairman of the Military Affairs Committee, May had great influence on all appropriations bills for the Army, and was doubtless in a key position to influence their awards of war contracts. It is charged that May has mis-used his position and violated a public trust. Rep. May was first sent to Congress in 1931, and his accumulated seniority since that time served to place him automatically in his present key position. We can safely say that he was sent to Congress by a certain group in his home dis- trict . . . the business interests, the political clique, and the farmers whom they had deceived. He is not a particularly wicked man; his ideas and ideals would doubtles find a great many adherents among those classes who sent him to Congress. His actions in the interests of businessmen and reactionaries have been both varied and brave. During 1944 the War Department and the USO were widely distributing pamphlets and movies based on "The Races of Mankind" This simple but scientific approach to the race question was one of the best weapons the Army had to fight racial prejudice, Rep. May succeeded in having it withdrawn from circulation by both the Army and the USO. About the same time Mayhwas striving to sur- pass Rankin's record in the hunt for "Com- munists" and alleged Communists in the Army. These two salwarts vied to gather the honor of stockpiling more Comunists than the Com- munist Party haever claimed to have members. May's greatest moment was when he coined the phrase "premature anti-fascists" and ap- plied it to those men, Communist and noh.- Communist, who had fought in the Republican Army during the Spanish Civil War. More recently Rep. May has been leading a fight to secure military control of atomic energy, President Truman, Gen. Eisenhower, Secretary of War Patterson, and the Senate have all decided that control of atomic energy should be in civiian hands. Nearly every sci- entist in the country has argued and pleaded for civilian control. But Rep. May, unwilling to see power over this crucial matter pass from the hands of his committee, has as much as said to Gen. Eisenhower: "Tut, tut, my boy, we shall have it." . This is the record of Rep. Andrew J. May, a leader of the United States. This is a problem which must be solved, and a tentative analysis will be suggested in this column Saturday. -Ray Ginger Studying the UNO Nothwithstanding that it came from an ad- mittedly interested group-the Inter-Collegiate Institute on the United Nations-it is a good suggestion that a course on how the United Na- tions works, be made compulsory in all Ameri- can schools and colleges. The Institute should know. It scarcely needs saying that the more widely the United Nations is understood, the better for all of us. General public understanding and comprehension of this intensely important world experiment is a type of support, a source of strength, which cannot be foregone. Something more than a vague awareness of U. N.'s existence and its difficulties is demanded of us all. We hope the schools and colleges of the na- tion carry out this idea. -The Christian Science Monitor turers, and would be attacked for putting Ameri- cans out of work. Far from wanting reparations we do not even like to bring our surplus Army supplies home, for fear they will hang heavy over our markets. Russia, producing for. consumption, not for profit, has therefore a massive advantage over us in dealing with the German economy and she is exploiting this advantage with skill. The huge Zeiss optical works at Jena, in the Rus- sian zone, are described as employing more men now than before the war, producing a huge output of instruments, most of which are go- ing to Russia as reparations. But the rebirth of the German optical industry meets with disfavor in / some American optical circles, which have protested to the Russians. Jena repr'esents an expansion of industry; to us, an expansion of competition. It is'only on this basis that we can under- stand the Molotov plan for Germany, which otherwise seems curiously contiadictory, both too soft and too harsh. Molotov says that Ger- many must be allowed to keep the Ruhr, which seems kind in him, and also that Germany must be allowed to produce more than the Allies want her to produce, which also seems kind in him. Simultaneously, he asks for ten billion dollars of German reparations, which is not kind. Yet the two approaches go together; they amount to a proposal for Russian annexation of German industry and if German industry is to be annexed by Russia, ssisia naturally has little interest in limiting its size, or in letting the Ruhr be clipped off. The West objects owlishly that the sum de- manded by Russia is too large, since it might take Gemany a hundred years to pay off; but that is, to Russia, perhaps the best feature of the Molo- tov plan. For Molotov says (being harsh) that the occupation must continue for years, and then he adds (being kind) that an independent cen- tral German government should meanwhile be established; and this touch of harshness and of kindness can be reconciled too; for if a new, independent German government, feeling these heavy pressures, decided to go Socialist as the easiest way of carrying the reparations burden, and of reaching a new accord with Russia, the Russians would perhaps not be displeased. It will be seen that the Russian plan is full-fledged, massive, weighty and formidable. The West is curiously helpless against this approach. We have several alternatives, none very good. We could destroy German industry; but this would make Russia, which wants Ger- man industry to revive, appear to be Germany's bestfriend, and would lead to a rise of Soviet influence. We want some of Germany to re- main, as a bulwark against Russia, and so we have hit upon the notion of letting Germany produce and export just enough goods to pay for her food. But even here there are complica- tions; a New York Times dispatch reveals that the British have played with the idea of letting the Germans produce their small, cheap auto- mobile, the Volkswagen, for export, only to real- ize finally that this would compete with British exports of small cars, a trade which Britain des- perately needs. We can't use reparations, we don't want competition; our uneasy choice is between a Germany producing for Russia and a Ger- many producing against the West; and the crazy upshot is that we and the British are spending $520,000,000 a year to feed the Ger- mans, while the Russians are certainly tak- ing a net profit on their occupation. The great struggle boils on to its obscure climax and it i easy to see why it cannot be resolved merely by a couple of talks or a form of words. (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate) I! f \K -t . S J ll!!( (f 11 Rte( I '1 .... . , C1 ' li l _.._ r lapm I e-7 I Clow~4 b t i "Careful, Charlie . ." --- . DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Summer Ses- sion, Room 1213 Angel Hall by 3:30 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 11S Notices Phi Beta Kappa: New members may obtain keys and certificates at the office of the Secretary, Observ- atory, on Monday and Wednesday, 2-4 p.m. Hazel Marie Lash, Secre- tary-Treasurer Phi Beta Kappa. Spanish Teas: Every Tuesday and Friday, language tables will convene in the League cafeteria at 4 p.m. for informal conversation practice. On Thursdays, the group will meet at the International Center at 4 p.m. All students interested in practicing Spanish conversation are invited to attend. The YWCA is looking for women graduate students and senior under- graduates with sociology, group, health and physical education majors who would be interested in working in an international, interracial and inter-faith organization. There are openings for teen age program direc- tor, business and industrial health education, and executive director. All those interested, in talking to Miss Lois McColbeh of the National Staff call the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, ext. 371, for further in- formation. Mathematics: Copies of the Alex- ander Ziwet Lectures given by Dr. Kurt Friedrichs, My 6 to 15, on the Mathematical Theory of Gas Flow, Flames and Detonation Waves, are now available and may be had by applying at the office of the Depart- ment of Mathematics, 3012 Angell Hall. Summer Session Choir: There are vacancies in the soprano section. All qualified students on campus are in- vited. Please report Room 315,hHill Auditorium, at 7:00 p.m. TWTh. The Museum of Art presents "Pio- neers of Modern Art in America." an exhibition from the Whitney Mu- seum of American Art, at the Rack- ham Galleries, weekdays, 2-5 and 7-10 p.m., through July 20. The pub- lic is cordially invited. Dependents Schools Service: Representatives: from Headquar- ters, United States Forces, European Theatre, Dependents Schools Service will be in the office of the Bureau of Appointments on Monday and Tues- day, July 22 and 23. They will inter- view candidates for teaching posi- tions in Germany. Candidates are re- quired to have two years of teaching experience and should have in hand the following information: 1. Proof of citizenship, personal data such as age and marital status, photograph, and any requirements for the procurement of a passport. 2. Complete statement of school- ing, giving dates, degrees, honors, majors, etc. 3. Description of teaching experi- ence, giving dates, location of schools, age levels taught, characteristics of groups, typical as well as unusual instructional procedures employed in directing classroom activities. 4. Brief description of self, stres- sing personality traits, health status, hobbies, reading interests, social and community activities. 5. References and letters of re- commendations. 6. Copies of teaching certificates. For appointment, call the Bureau of Appointments - Extension 489, Miss Briggs. Lingnan University, Canton, China has an opening in its Department of English for the autumn semester. Term of service is three years and candidates may be either men or women, but must be unmfarried. A Chinese teacher is neededafor the Department of Physical Education. Detailed information may be had upon request at the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 201 Mason Hall. Pre-Activity Conference for all members of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Sunday, July 21, West Par- lor, Mosher Hall, 3:00 p.m. State of Michigan Civil Service An- nouncements have been received in this office for: 1. Traffic Analyst I, $200-$240. 2. Traffic Analyst II, $250-$290. . 3. Psychometrist Al, $180-$200. 4. Vocational Rehabilitation Field Agent, $250-$290. 5. Geologist I, $200-$240. 6. Rural Property Assessment Ex- ecutive III, $300-$360.1 7. Property Assessment Examiner I, $200-$240. 8. Property Assessment Examiner II, $250-$290. 9. Property Assessment Examiner IV, $380-$440. Closing date is August 7, 1946. For further information, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Lectures Colton Storm, Curator of Manu- scripts and Maps. at the Clements Library will give three lectures on the Collecting of Rare Books, July 22, 23, 24. In the Rare Books Room, Clements Library, 5:00 p.m.' There will be a lecture by Donald G. Marquis, Professor of Psychology, Thursday, July 18 at 4:10 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The topic will be "Psychology of Social Change." Lecture. William F. Ogburn, Pro- fessor of Sociology, University of Chi- cago, will give a lecture Thursday, July 18 at 8:10 in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The topic will be "How Technology Changes Society." There will be a lecture by George C. Kyte, Professor of Education, Uni- versity of California, Thursday, July 18 at 4:05 p.m. in the University High School Auditorium. The topic will be ' 'Children's Attitudes Toward Poetry." Professor E. H. Strutevant will con- 1,'1n~ + n-vz -in+ fvn DRAMA K2 T WO divergent views of science and research were made clear in the three days of 'Senate debate which resulted in the passage . . . recent- ly of the Natural Science Founda- tion Bill. One view is that science is for the people, who act through their gov- ernment to support the creation and application of scientific knowledge. What is discovered is important to all and should be freely available to all. The other view seems to consider science as a useful but very special mechanism that can be best left in the hands of large boards of scien- tists appointed for long terms and remote from democratic control. The people through their government shouldtnot be concerned with the application of science. The bill, passed 48-18, embodies the science-for-the-people viewpoint.. Except that social science research provisions were eliminated on the floor ... it is essentially as it emerged from many hearings which combined earlier science bill versions . . . How soon the House can act is problematical.Two days of hurried hearings have been held on a House science bill recently introduced that differs from the Senate bill and re- sembles one of the earlier Senate bills . . . But the chances now seem to be good that a science founda- tion bill will be enacted by Congress this session. -By Watson Davis Science News Letter Academic Notices The Institute of Public Administra- tion of the University offers five re- search assistantships in public ad- ministration. The $500 stipend for the academic year 1946-47 will be given for work on selected projects in the Institute's Bureau of Govern- ment. This work will enable the stu- dent to satisfy the internship for the M.P.A. degree. Interested graduate students should make application to the Graduate School not later than August 1. Political Science 2 make-up final exam will be given Thursday, July 25 at 1:00 p.m., Room 2037 Angell Hall. Library Tours: Library tours for students in Education courses will begin at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday, July 16 and 18. The group will meet in Room 119 University General Library for a short lecture to be followed by visits to the de- plar ments. History Final Examination rle- Up: Friday, July 19, 3 o'clock, in Room B, Haven Hall. Students mut come with written permission of in- structor. Seminar in Applied Mathematics: Thursday, July 18, at 2:10 to 4:00 p.m. in Room 312 West Engineering. Professor Rothe talks on Singular Points and Integral Curves as they Apply to Non-Linear Differential Equations. Visitors are welcome. Concerts Carillon Recital: Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will present a recital at 7:15 Thursday evening, July 18, on the Charles Baird Caril- lon in Burton Memorial Tower. His program will include three short ori- ginal compositions, songs by Franz Schubert, Liebestraum No. 3 by Franz. Liszt and a group of Scotch airs. Yves Tinayre, baritone, will pre- sent the first of two recitals at 8:30 Sunday evening, July 21, in the First Presbyterian Church. A well-known interpreter of vocal art, Mr. Tin- ayre has planned a program to in- clude medieval and renaissance sacred and secular songs. A guest lecturer in the School of Music, he will be as- sisted in the program by Emil Raab and Margaret Detwiler, violinists, Elisabeth Lewis, violist, Mary Oyer, cellist and Frieda Op't Hlt Vogan, organist. The second program will be given the followingSunday, July 28, in 'the same church. The general public is invited. Events Today The Student Government Commit- tee will meet Thursday afternoon, July 18 at 3 p.m. at the. Michigan Union. Agenda: modifications of all- campus elections; Student Legisla- ture committee system; apprentice- ship; central council of organiza- tions; student government judiciary system. All interested in contribut- ing to the discussion are urged to attend. French Tea todiay at 4 p.m. at the International Center. Anichigan Youth for Democratic Action today, July 18, Michigan Un- ion, 3:30 p.m. T elect summer oni- cers and plan series of educatl oals nn fVinV~ P 3Virts1 int+~rna ~tiniV a1 0"- PIGEONS AND PEOPLE, the second produc- tion of the Repertory Season was delivered amusingly and with emphasis last night in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre at the League. Maintaining laughter in all forms the cast ably put over Cohan's theme: that diplomacy is the root of all trouble in the world. Ray Pedersen, playing the part of a lovable little philosopher who preferred the society of pigeons to people, was convincing and entertain- ing. Robert Thompson as the intermittently an- noyed and touched Joseph Heath did a good job. The voice and accent of John Babington as Gilroy, the Irish detective, added variety to the play. The supporting cast was able, including Ken Garlinger as Doctor Frisby. The stage management and set design were well integrated, concentrating attention on the character and keeping the play running smooth- ly. A quick explanation of the cause of inflation' by Parker, the philosopher who was able to at- tribute it to diplomacy was amusing. , The scenery, done by Herbert Phillippi, com- bined yellows, light greens and browns and used block glass walls in producing an effective mod- ern bachelor's apartment. The audience seemed to like the play, and especially applauded Pedersen. -Marilyn Koebnick Indian Freedom, 4CCOMPANYING the formation of free con- "titutional government in India would be a =e ptant loss of power for the long existant li;'redoms. Under British rule, the Indian rulers who avTid excessive abuses are allowed an almost free reigning hand. Many of these maharajas enbody the fabulous opulence portrayed in the mrvies, and their territories are remnants of the old Indian empires. Due to the threat of a national government, some of these autocratic states are preparing m re democratic forms of government and com- bining into larger territories. Since one of the main deterrents to Indian in- dependence is the rigid caste system that binds tbans~irne the iaolition of the old nobility in i BARNABY You are .prejudiced against the1 tent, Gus. And merely because your ancestors have always had a hankering for musty attics.'; Bu# take the long view. If we can't build houses for people,;- let therm have tents- Surely,± La most healthfal existence-' By Crockett Johnson Where will you put them up? In a convenient location. Handy tonmrket. n r npr tation. tinu ni lecturthe first part gven yesterday, under the title "The An- atolian Languages of Greek Times" in Room 302 of the Michigan Union at 1 :00 p.m. today, July 18. All guests i