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July 02, 1946 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1946-07-02

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Danger Sign

Fifty-Sixth Year

1 >'


cN b w.t 1
lited and managed by students of the University of
ligan under the authority of the Board in Control
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
aging Editors .. Paul Harsha, Milton Freudenheim
News ............................ Clyde Recht
versity ..... .... ............ Natalie Bagrow
ts...... ......................... .Jack Martin
nen's ............................... Lynn Ford
Business Stafff
ness Manager ...................... Janet Corp
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
Le Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
'e-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
rwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
ication of all other matters herein also reserved.
tered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, an
ad-class mail matter.
bscription during- the regular school year by car-
$4.50, by mail, $5.25.

National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publshers Representative
420 MADIsoN Avw. NEW YORK, N. Y.

rember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are, written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

rundru m

EDITORS NOTE: The following editorial which
is reprinted by permission from the Saturday Re-
view of Literature will appear in two intalments.
The second installment will be in The Daily to-
THE WAR did not cost us enough. Not enough
Americans got killed or maimed or blinded.
Not enough American lives were wrecked. Other-
wise we.should not be ignoring the national cala-
mity that lies just ahead.,
What this country needs- is more Isaiahs and
Dr. Harold Urey Nobel Prize winner and
co-author of the atom bomb, has publicly de-
scribed himself as a "frightened man." Fright
jnay help a little. But if we are going to prevent
the catastrophe whose shadow is already gigan-
tic on tomorow's wall, we shall have to call on
The soldiers and sailors did their work and
moved on, leaving the greatest job of all time
to be finished by statesmen. Who moved in?
The money-changers, the hucksters, the
chiselers, and the hogs. More goods, right
away! More profits, higher wages, more buck-
ets of swill! Favors, favors! "The world owes
me .."
Talk about the Gadarene swine rushing
down the steep place to destruction!
The war has not been definitely won; there.
is as yet no peace . . . and the self-styled "great-
est people" in the world quits on the home stretch
to scratch and pick up peanuts ..
Nothing for which we fought has yet been
really attained. We are not yet secure.
Famine stretches a skinny finger across the
world. Me-firsters at home urge us to close our
bursting fists.
We know the danger of a new war and re-
fuse-flatly-to take the first real step toward
the only institution that could stop it.
Our demobilization breaks all records-seven
million men in a few months. This was not "re-
location," it was a riot. In addition, it was a
crime. For our armed forces were the scaffold-
ing of the peace we intended to build. Without
them the peace will not be built.
It seems easier to entice hungry dogs from
meat than A mericanis from the national
trough. In an electoral year it is easier to make
heroes of jakrabbits than patriots of Con-
gressmen. Feeble attempts by a few high-
minded leaders to explain that school is not
yet out beat vainly on the surface of our ego-
Nearly a year after the completion of the
first atomic scourge, we have still not agreed on
a sensible plan of control.
Why should we when our motto is, rumba,
bicker, and grab!.
I say these things in the name of the group of
American newspapermen who saw World War
II coming and who might, if heeded, have pre-
vented it.
All during those fateful thirties when the
Dope Sisters-Appeasement and Apathy-were
lulling innocent Americans, we predicted the
cacophonous finale. That finale-the war-cost
the world about half a century of progress.
There was nothing mysterious about Italian
vanity, Jap treachery, or Germany's attack on
civilization. But when we yelled and pointed
a finger, nobody heeded.
It's a hundred to one that nobody will listen
now. But we have got to try.
The price of this war is monstrous. Measured
in money, it is just too big to register. The loss
in suffering and moral slump defies calculation.
But maybe that loss was too low to create an
awareness of continuing danger.
What else ought one expect? Haven't we
Americans always done just what we are do-
ing now? Isn't it idiotic to, imagine that our
people-or any people-will suddenly behave
as fully responsible human beings?
Now just a minute. Thirty years of newspaper
work have given me a reasonably low idea of
the human animal. I have knocked around the
planet. I have gone through two great wars-
and some lesser ones. I have watched Nazis at
their hellish pleasures, seen healthy Chinese go-
ing unconcernedly about their business while
thousands of their fellows died of cholera, had
my own friends shot beside me, eaten lunheon
off a convenient corpse in a trench. A newspa-

perman comes in touch with every variety of
perversity, crime, and folly, catalogued and un-
BUT NOTHING in my experience convinces
me that a whole people must rush into self-
One exception-Sicily back in the twenties.
Mount Etna had just erupted. Prosperous vil-
lages, fertile fields and orchards, hundreds of
people, lay under molten lava. Yet there were
the survivors headed right back up the moun-

tain-foreordained victims of the next erup-
With the same frivolity, we Americans hav-
ing miraculously escaped Hitler and Hirohito,
are closing our eyes to greater perils.
First of all, Germany. Despite the great-
est battering of all times, German war poten-
tial is still enormous. The Germans can again
become a menace to mankind.
During the fighting we swore that we would
prevent this. The means we selected were (a)
the military occupation of Germany, and (b) the
reeducation of the German people themselves.
These were long-time measures.
What are we doing? Pulling out. Quitting
cold. Welshing!
We have weakened our police forces and our
corps of educators to the point where both are
Our gutted divisions, our grounded planes,
our immobile tanks no longer impress military-
minded Germans with our power. Huckster-
minded "want-to-go-home" kid soldiers mooch-
ing around army centers encourage German
comparison with their own stern, unbending
military-not to our advantage. While they
still fear the Russians, the Germans no longer
have much respect for Americans. For they see
us scampering and they have decided that we
will "never fight in Europe again."
At heart they are unchanged. They regret not
having started, but having lost, the war. If the
Allied -forces released their prisoners and with-
drew tomorrow, the Nazis under some new name
would come back.
Outwardly the Germans are servile. They
grovel and lick the tails of their conquerors.
But inwardly, as the daze of defeat wears off,
they are beginning to plan their comeback.
Give them another year or so and they will be
ugly. They will start bumping off the decent
Germans who want to make Germany demo-
cratic as they did after the last war.
Tenacious, aggressive, malevolent, they have
not accepted their defeat.
Unless we Americans stiffen, toughen, and
immunize our armed forces; unless we build
up an able corps of civilian educators; unless
we announce that we are in Germany for as
long as the job takes, whether two years or
fifty, the Germans may again become a world
If they do, then minor foci of fascist infec-
tion, like Spain and Argentina, will blossom like
"PIONEERS of Modern Art in America," which
opened yesterday at Rackham galleries, com-
memorates the opening of the newly-founded
University Museum of Art. It is a representative
exhibition of modern art as it first developed in
this country. Covering a period from 1908 to
1922 it represents many of the artists who ex-
hibited in the famed Armory Show of 1913 that
scandalized all America.
Nearly all of these artists were influenced,
directly or indirectly, by European painting, par-
ticularly French modernism. The work of Ce-
zanne, the Cubist and Fauvist groups provided
perhaps the greatest impetus. America did not,
however, develop definite schools with the at-
tendant manifestos and theories that made
France the center of experimentation. The "cra-
zy" abstract European influence acted rather as
a liberator from the restriction of naturalism
and dead photographic art, enabling them to
develop highly personal viewpoints.
The precise, angular forms of Charles De-
muth, as in his "Modern Conveniences" show
the influence of Cubism. Georgia O'Keeffe's
work developed a new objectivity as a result of
her experimentation with abstract art. In Max
Weber's "The Visit" one can see the influence of
both Cubist and primitive art.
These artists, who once shocked their country
so, genuinely expressed the American spirit in
their work as they developed their individualistic
styles. As modern artists escaped from the banal
sentimentality of "cows at sunset" they were
able to infuse new spirit in their art, even as they

experimented with new forms. They became able
to fulfill the true function of the artist in any
age, to see for us more clearly and sensitively
than we can see for ourselves. With the intro-
duction of modern art in America, we were able
to contribute, for the first time in our history,
to the main current of world art.
This.large collection of painting,.varying
greatly in artistic worth as well as in viewpoint,
succeeds splendidly in its immense task of show-
ing the beginnings of modern art in America.
-Brooke Weld

OS ANGELES-America's liberals
are looking for a leader. As to
who he might be, they have no idea.
One does not hear the name of Mr.
Henry Wallace mentioned in this
connection as often as one used to;
he has got himself somewhat hidden
within the Truman Administration,
and liberals have the feeling they
are waving to him through a fence.
Nor does one hear the name of Mr.
Justice Douglas; in a curious way,
Mr. Justice Douglas becomes less
well known to the public each year,
and he has been on the Supreme
Court long enough by now, to seem
a touch beyond earthly reach.
Meanwhile the liberals are a
headless body. They are divided
among a thousand groutps, each
acting on its own, each busily pur-
sing whatever objective happens
to enchant it at the moment. To
be for world government is to be
a liberal. To be for better child
care is also to be a liberal. Mr.
World Government, meet Mr. Child
Care; they used to meet once in a
while in Mr. Roosevelt's antecham-
ber. But he is gone, and now they
have only a nodding acquaintance.
Mr. Roosevelt gave American lib-
eralism a disciplining touch, as well
as a common meeting-place. When
he decided that a particular year
was not a good year in which to
press for housing reform, there would
be no major fight for housing re-
form in that year; advocates of
housing might grumble, and com-
plain, and be cross, but in the end,
they would accept the late Presi-
dent's strategic guidance and sup-
port the rest of his program.
Mr. Roosevelt gave liberalism an
agenda. This is liberalism's greatest
lack at the moment; it has no earthly
idea of what is first on the order
of the day. Liberalism today is a
kind of off-stage sound effect, a con-
tinuous hubbub in which one can,
if one strains, hear referencesto
price control and veterans' housing
and better international relations;
but the sounds blend, without much
differentiation, into something like
the roar of the Sea, a noise to which
the ear becomes so accustomed that
it cannot hear it.
In thesecircumstances, it is
emotionally easier to be a conser-
vative. Conservatism is a defensive
philosophy, and it is always sim-
pler to conduct a defensive strug-
gle than an offensive one.. Besides,
conservatism is self-organizing, to
a certain degree; it is the only
political philosophy which makes
Allies of inertia and apathy; no
other can use them. It is easier
on the psyche to be against a
thousand things than for them;
and, when one does not know
where to go, it is natural to sit
One wonders, then, what form, the
liberal movement is going to take.
There has always been a liberal
movement in America; there is no
question of its ending; the only ques-
tion is that of what shape it will as-
sume during the next chapter. The
inescapable first job of American
liberalism today is to find a substi-
tute for the gant figure of Mr.
Roosevelt. Intelligent conservatives
as well as intelligent liberals will be
interested in watching the process
closely; only the unintelligent will
assume that there is to be no pro-
cess, that things come to an end,
and stop dead. Perhaps there will be
an organization of organizations
among liberal groups; perhaps a na-
tional conference at which liberals
will come out of their back yards to
meet each other again. One senses
stirrings; one remembers the amal-
gamation of intellectuals and trade
unionists which became the British
Labor Party.
That liberalism will in some way,

still unseen, reorganize itself on a
different level to make up for what
it has lost in F.D.R. seems inevitable.
Even the current political apathy is
only a passage in the story; and the
apathy has already, to a certain ex-
tent, been externalized, and objecti-
vized. There is apathy, but more
and more people are ditting about,
not being apathetic, but talking
about apathy; and when apathy be-
comes recognized as a problem it
may cease to be a disease. We are
in for a complicated time, but it will
not be a frozen time, of immobile
figures quietly holding present poses.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y.. Post Syndicate)


Do you mean your American Way or my American Way, Senator?


...-, .




Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all me -
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten'
form to the office of the summer ses-
sion, Room 1213 Angell Hall. by 3:30 p.m.
on the day, preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays>.

VOL. LVI, No. 1S

WITH THIS ISSUE, The Daily resumes pub-
lication for the summer. During the eight
week sessions, we will strive to maintain our
half century-old tradition of bringing the cam-
pus news of itself and of the outside world.
The Daily Editorial Page will continue to pro-
vide in the Letters to the Editor columns a meet-
ing,place for the views of any and all in the
campus community who care to be read. Only
limits on letters are that they be in good taste
and less than 300 words. Those meeting these
requirements will be printed, with the editors
reserving the right to withhold letters reiterat-
ing points a}ready made.
Two features have been added to the Edi-
torial Page, in accordance with our policy of
bringing Daily readers the newest and best. In
addition to Samuel Grafton's famous column
"I'd Rather Be Right", and to "Barnaby", we
will carry Bill Mauldin's sardonically humorous
cartoon, and Harold L. Ickes' new column.
rfODAY, AS NEVER BEFORE, the University
is intimately connected not only to the state
and nation, but to the world. Any doubts as to
the small size and complete integration of news
events in Ann Arbor with those elsewhere may
well have been dispelled, conveniently for our
purposes, today, with the announcement of
Prof. Sawyer's appointment.-If it was difficult
to see last week, it should be apparent today,
that Bikini is in our backyard. The Daily will
endeavor to bring news of the more obscure and
distant sections of its readers' backyard to
them, together with the latest developments
nearer. at hand.
In harmony with this world in which one
can only barely survive without knowing,, the
University is bringing education now to more
students than ever before. This term, like the
last one will break all previous enrollment re-
The Daily welcomes its host of new readers,
and wishes them luck in solving the riddle:
Where does an ever-expanding University and
an ever-shrinking world meet?
-Milt Freudenheim
-Paul Harsha
Public Servants
their heads disgustedly at the curious high-
jinks of some of our public servants should take
heart when they read of the'establishment this
semester of the Institute of Public Administra-
tion, headed by Prof. John A. Perkins of the
political science department.
The Institute will take over the former cur-
riculum in public administration offered by the
Graduate School. Offering a two-year graduate
curriculum leading to the degree of Master of
Public Administration, it seeks to create efficient
administrators in a field where efficiency is
all too frequently at a premium.
Government as a profession can offer wide
opportunities today to young men who will
school themselves in public service. The Insti-
tute with a well-rounded curriculum will make
this schooling possible by including courses in
the School of Business Administration, the
College of Architecture and Design, the College
of Engineering, the Law School, the political
science, economics, sociology and psychology
departments of the literary college, and inter-

l ~Cope. 946 by U, *J Fat., Syi cm.Inc.
T 9 Rg. U. S. Pat, Off-All rights *ie:.od1 ! f
-I 141.A..t

Notice to Veterans: All veterans,
training under Public Law 16 or 346,
who have been in training for 30
days or more and have not received
their subsistence allowance checks
for the month of May, should con-
tact the Veterans Administration on
Wednesday, July 3, 1946.
A survey is being made by the
Regional Office of the Veterans Ad-
ministration to expedite payment of
delayed subsistence allowance due.
This survey will be conducted be-
tween the hours of 8:00- a.m. and
3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 3, 1946:
in Room 100 Rackham Building.
Flying Club: A special business
meeting will be held Tuesday, July
2, in room 1042 East Engineering
Building at 7:30 p.m. A few member-
ship openings are still available. All
students and members of the faculty
are invited to attend.
Summer Session Chorus, MTWTh,
7 to 8 p.m. Room 506 Tower. All stu-
dents on campus invited.
Full information regarding teach-
ing opportunities for dependents
schools service in Germany is now
available at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments. Persons interested in seeing
representative will be notified as to
his arrival if the Bureau has proper
addresses and telephone numbers.
The representative is scheduled to
be in Ann Arbor early in July.

graduate houses are expected to make
individual arrangements with their
housemothers if it is necessary to
be out after closing hours.
For other student government reg-
ulations, women students are referred
to the pamphlet "Campus Regula-
tions-House Rules" copies of which
are available in the Office of the
Social Director, Michigan League.
Housing. for women students for
the fall semester:
(1) Women students now enrolled
who have dormitory applications on
file in the Office of the Dean of
Women will be notified during July
of their assignments.
(2) Those who have applied
through this office for supplement-
ary housing and been referred are
advised to sign contracts with de-
posits immediately with the individ-
ual League Housemothers.
(OT"Those who are enrolled for
the summer session who still need to
apply for housing for the fall semes-
ter are advised to call at the Office
of the Dean of Women immediately,
provided their admission is not lim-
ited to the summer session only.
Academic Notices
College of Literature, Scietice and
the Arts, Schools of Education, For-
estry, Music and Public Health: Stu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will re-
ceive a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this- work is made up
by August 1. Students wishing an
extension of time beyond this date
in order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the ap-
propriate official in their school with
Room 4, U.H. Where it will be trans-

I've composed a simple advertisement, m'boy.
Which I'll telephone in-If you approve.
Available. Architect's dream house. Seven
commodious rooms. Two baths. Terraces. Sun
porch. Billiard room. Easy terms arranged.


Oh, we may be annoyed by the curious. And the
idle. People, with nothing better to do, who
will want to look at my masterpiece. And not
buy. However, your Fairy Godfather is an old
hand at separating the wheat from the chaff.



By Crockett Johnson
Hello, operafor . . .
But you haven't built the
house yet, Mr. O'Malley.

The Museum of Art presents "Pio-
neers °of Modern. Art in America,"
an exhibition from the Whitney Mu-
seum of American Art, at the Rack-
ham Galleries, weekdays, 2-5 and
7-10 p.m., through July 20. The pub-
lie is cordially invited.
State of Michigan Civil Service
Announcements have been received
in this office for:
1) School Administration Super-
visor III, $300 to $360.
2) School Administration Super-
visor V, $465 to $565.
3) Industrial Therapy Shop Fore-
man A, $170 to $190.
4) Industrial Therapy Shop Fore-
man I, $200 to $240.
5) Blind School Piano Instructor
AI, $180 to $200.
6) Hospital Physician III, $300 to
7) Hospital Physician IV,- $380 to
8) Hospital Physician IVA, $420
to $480.
9) Hospital Physician V, $465 to
10) Building and Loan Examiner
II, $250 to $290.
11) Building and Loan Examiner
III, $300 to $360.
12) Ferries Executive III, $300 to
13) Chemist I, $200 to $240.
14) Chemist II, $250 to $290.

Graduate Students: Preliminary
examinations in French and Ger-
man for the doctorate will be held
on Friday, July 5, from 4 to 6 p.m.
in the Amphitheatre of the Rack-
ham Building. Dictionaries may be
Corrections in Summer Session
Time Schedule pertaining to courses
in chemistry: Section 25 of Course
4 should be deleted.
The word "Lab." under Course 21
should in each, case be dropped one
The lectures in Course 169 are to
be at 11 instead of 9.
Events Today
Dr. Presten Slosson of the Depart-
ment of. History will speak in the
Rackham Amphitheatre at 4:10 this
afternoon on the topic Interpreting
the News.
French Tea: There will be a French
Tea today at 4 p.m. in the Cafe-
teria of theMichigan League. All
students interested in informal
French conversation are cordially in-
Coming Events

Advertising Department...
I have a house I'd like

Mind now- Make sure it gets a
prominent display. I don't want
the ad buried. Wait! Let's not

Believe it or not, he
even said he'd accept
a REASONABLE offer -.

r- .. -,

When the people come to
see the house ... What
are you going to show

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