THE lV ' sponsors Photo Aid Study For Librarians Two Public Lectures, Exhibits, Are Planned Librarians from some of the na- tion's leading libraries will attend a University-sponsored conference on photographic aids to research here Friday. The general aims of the conference according to Prof. Warner G. Rice, Director of the General Library, will be to acquaint scholars with the products and apparatus which are or soon will be available as aids to re- search, and the consideration of problems relating to the use and in- vestigation of these techniques for research in various fields. Open to the public are two public lectures in the Rackham Amphi- theatre given in connection with the conference. C. Z. Case, executive of a leading photographis firm, will speak on "The Economy of Photocopying" at 4:10 pm. Friday, and V. D. Tate, director of photography of the National Ar- chives, will discuss "Photography and Research-Postwar" at 8 p.m. An exhibit of the various photo- graphic aids will be open for an hour after each lecture in the East Con- ference Room of the Rackham Build- Conference delegates will include librarians from Princeton, Harvard, Chicago and Minnesota universities, and representatives from the Rocke- feller Foundation, The Carnegie Cor- poration and the Library of Congress. Kelly Signs Bill To Make1 August 14 Legal Holiday LANSING, July 16-OP)-August 14 will be "Victory Day," a legal holi-1 day in Michigan this year. Governor Kelly today signed legis- lation passed in the recent special" legislative session fixing that day- the annversary of Japan's accep-. tance of surrender terms-as a state holiday to mark war's end. It coincides with plans of veter- ans' organizations to stage "wel- come home-ceremonies honoring ex-r servicemen.- IDENTIFY JEWELS ... Countess von Hesse (right), 74-year-old granddaughter of Queen Victoria of Eng- land and sister of the late German Kaiser, and her daughter, Princess Sophie Hesse (second from right) identify some of the crown jewels of the House of Hesse which disappeared from the Hesse castle and which were recovered in America, after they had been returned to Germany and held at U.S. Army headquarters at Frankfurt. Behind the table are (left to right) Maj. John D. Salb and Lt. Col. Ralph W. Pierce, both of the Provost Marshal General's office. 'Socia} Studies Stress Habits' Stephenson Says New Ideas Help Students A shift in the objectives in teach- ing social studies was described by Orlando W. Stephenson, associate professor of education, in an address to education students yesterday. The change from presenting unre- lated facts to the acquisition by the pupil of habits, skills and apprecia- tions that will enable him to study for himself is evident, Prof. Stephen- son said, in the textbooks of recent years, as well as in the emphasis on subject matter and in objectives. "The shift," he said "has been in the direction of using the social studies as a means of developing the child to the end that he may be a well-balanced citizen of a democra- cy." MORAL UPHEAVAL: Detroit Police Figures Show Upswing in Crime Last Year Student Group Will Consider Rules Changes ThP Student Government Commit- tee of the Student Legislature will discuss ways of modifying and en- larging the structure of the Student Legislature and formulate proposals to submit to the Legislature at the initial summer meeting of the com- mittee at 3:00 p.m. Thursday at the Union, Chairman Bob Taylor an- nounced yesterday. Items on the agenda for Thurs- day's meeting include: 1. Proposed modification of the all- campus election system. 2. Strengthening of the Student Legislature committee system. 3. Methods for drawing new stu- dents into the work of the Legisla- ture. 4. Establishment of a central council of student organizations, school councils, and dormitory groups to coordinate student activities and secure cooperation of various organ- izations in undertaking projects of interest to the entire campus. 5. Establishment of a student gov- ernment judiciary system. All students interested in working on these problems are urged to attend the meeting, Taylor said. Student organizations which are interested in the establishment of a central coordinating council are invited to send representatives to the meeting to contribute suggestions. Pep Rally Plans Plans for the pep rallies to be held for the Indiana, Army and Illinois (Homecoming) football games this fall will be reported by the Varsity Committee when the Student Legis- lature convenes at 7:30 p.m. today at the Michigan Union. The Legislature will consider fur- ther plans for the establishment of a Student Book Exchange and Lou Orlin will present the findings of a survey of campus fund-raising acti- vities. County and State Combine Hamtramck Investigation DETROIT, July 16--(P)-County and state investigators will make a joint probe into suburban Ham- tramck's allegedngraft situation, it appeared likely today. Wayne Prosecutor Gerald K. O'- Brien said he planned to meet with Meredith H. Doyle, assistant attorney general, to discuss a unified inquiry. This announcement came as it be- came known that each office was making a separate investigation of the confused Hamtramck situation. Neither knew of the other's work. ,. a , w=- -- i 45Perfectionl .f Suits that are ice-cube cool -simply divine and detect- able for sizzling hot days. Well-tailored by Joselli for summer comfort in Ara- lacs, Strutters, and Rayon Gabs. In white, cool grey, 11 SUITS By The Associated Press Murder-up 20 per centj rape-up 28 per cent; robbery armed-up 81 per cent. Cold figures mimeographed in the Detroit Police Department for the guidance of top officers tell the story of crime's upswing over last year in this industrial city of nearly two million. Yes, lawlessness is on the march- evidenced by minor as well as major offenses. Police officials make no Lffort to minimize that fact. Any increase in crime is serious, they say, but they hasten to add a word of explanation. 'The whole nation is experiencing a postwar moral upheaval," said Jack Harvill, deputy chief of the Detroit Police Detective Bureau and one of the ace plain-clothesmen on the squad for years. .® f "Add to that fac, tnat Detroit grew in population more than most cities during the war and it's easier to ac- count for the crime increase here." This city has a larger "floating population" than most others, he added, and its assortment of races, nationalities and sectional groups compares with any. In an interview Harvill calmly reviewed the files covering the first six months of this year com- pared with January-June, 1945. Murders and non-negligent man- slaughter cases have jumped from 40 to 48, "but a couple of good months still could keep the total be- low last year's." Reported rape cases have gone up from 92 to 107, "but 15 more are not enough to get excited about." Robbery armed offenses have leaped from 307 to 557--"quite alarming, I admit, but partly be- cause more guns are in circula- tion." The number of unarmed robberies has dropped from 569 to 465, he pointed out. While their own record is relative- ly clear, many war veterans unwit- tingly have facilitated holdups and other crimes in which firearms are used, according to Harvill. Special records are kept on crimes committed by World War II veterans themselves, and Har- vill says they prove as "vicious and false" reports that ex-servicemen are more criminally-inclined than others. Of the 2,755 veterans arrested during the first six months of 1946 only 6 were charged with murder, 18 with robbery armed and 11 with rape. Harvill produced reports showing that the number of felonies has fluc- tuated greatly in years past. In 1942, for example, there were only 23 mur- ders in Detroit. The next year there were 47, -but in 1944 the total fell back to 34. "Mwaybe we're just having another of those bad years," Harvill opined. Ii I _t _" July Clearance Spring Coats, Suits, Dresses, Playclothes, Blouses, Dickies, Purses, Gloves and Costume Jewelry Group of Shortie Coats $14.95 Two groups of short and long Spring Coats . . $19.95 Two groups of Spring Suits at ....... $16.95 and $25.00 Handbags in white, multi- colored plastics and fabrics, dark colors, too......... .... ....$3.98 and $5.00 Group of Sisal and Hemp Bags at .... $1.98 and $2.98 Costume Jewelry - Earrings, necklaces, and pins .. .49c, 98c up to $5.00 Includes summer jewelry, too. Values from. $1.00 to $12.95 Dresses.....$7.95 and $10.00 Better Cottons, Prints, and Crepes .,. .........$14.95 Group of one- and two-piece play suits with matching skirts ......$7.00 and $8.95 White crocheted string and nylon Gloves by Greta Plattry at ........... $2.98 Odds and ends in colored fabric gloves at 79e and 98c Special group of two-piece sun suits .............$3.98 Shortalls ... .$2.88 and $3.98 I And pastels... Sizes 10-20. Priced 22.95 and 25.00. II Etizatet& DIltA Shop 1 'Round the Corner on State "Sea Glamour" by As . . whether your bathing is in sun or water, you'll surely take to this femi- nine suit . . . in exciting floral prints on white and pastel jer- sey grounds . . . Misses sizes 9. 95 . . . other Annis suits from 8.95 to 10.95-' 4y COLLEGE .S I'' H OP 1 __ I T- i" Classic t . . . interchan anyone's leisur an active spc parallel, flick tailored skirt f *