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July 17, 1946 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1946-07-17

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RIiftyga-Sx ilya
Fifty-Sixth Year

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Editej and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publicatiogs.
Editorial Staff
Managing Editors .. Paul Harsha, Milton Freudenheli
City News ............................ Clyde Recht
University ...........................Natalie Bagrow
Sports ....................................Jack Martin
Women's .............................Lynne Ford
Business Staff
Rosiness Manager ........................ Janet Cork
Telephone 23-24=1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dimpatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newbpaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mal matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mall, $5.25.
M!ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-46
National Advertising Service, I.
College Publishers Representatise
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

AVC Leadership


"Save OPA" rally being held today marks
a new milestone in Michigan's history.
For the first time the University's veterans
have assumed the leadership of the campus in
attempting to unite the entire student body on
a national political issue.
The desirability of adding the unified campus
support to the increasing country-wide pressure
on Congress to restore OPA is widely recognized.
What is of particular signifigance about today's
rally is that the veterans who have fought and
sacrificed for America are demonstrating that
they have an acute personal interest in the
affairs of the nation and are willing to fight for
the things in which they believe.
Perhaps, under the leadership of the older and
more seriously interested veterans, American
university students can achieve a position com-
parable with the students of other nations
where the students are actively interested in
the nation's political situation and the first to
agitate for needed reforms. .
The American Veterans Committee is provid-
ing a great service to the student body by spon-
soring this rally in support of a matter of the
utmost concern to all of us.
The veteran's "Save OPA" rally this afternoon
merits the full support and attendance of the
entire campus.
--Tom Walsh

Defending Hlond
To The Editor:
T WAS ALMOST amusing to read college boy
Milton Freudenheim's ill considered damna-
tion of Cardinal Hlond as a "priestly hypro-
crite." Cardinal Hlond has symbolized the light
of Western Civilization in Eastern Europe since
1939, when Freudenheim was undoubtedly still
crawling around in his journalistic diapers. The
criterion which the world judges the Cardinal
is the amount of hatred which the Nazis dis-
played toward him and not by the musings of
the fourth estate's Freudenheim.
The recent pogroms in Poland are indeed
deplorable. However, Freudenheim made abso-
lutely no mention of the mass rmurders and
Voters Apathetic?
LOS ANGELES - the Democratic party is
slowly but surely throwing away the elec-
tions this year and in 1948. Daniel Tobin, one
of the teamsters, is utterly right; it is not that
Democrats are turning to the Republican Party
they are losing interest in their own party, and
they will stay away from the polls.
The great change that has come over our
national political life during the last year is
that the idealistic voter has been made home-
less; the Democrats have thrown him out, the
Republicans don't want him, and he is on the
streets. By the idealistic voter, I mean the voter
whom Mr. Roosevelt was able to attract by his
promise of a fairer and more abundant life
domestically, and whom Mr. Wilkie was some-
times able to interest in his promise of a more
abundant life internationally. Americans are an
idealistic people, and the political leaders who
show some insight into their dreams often pros-
per. But this year nobody seems even to be
making the effort, and the political campaign,
nationally, is a battle between tired profes-
Mr. Henry Wallace, in the days of his fervor,
used to be able to arouse a high note of en-
thusiasm among Americans addicted to good-
will toward mankind; but Mr. Wallace has
gone into a long silence. On the Republican
side, only Mr. Stassen tries now and then to
bring a note of warmth and idealism into his
discussions of international affairs; but the
difference between Mr. Willkie's passionate
delarations in this field, and Mr. Stassen's
careful utterances, is as the difference between
a boy's first love poems, and a middle-aged
man's cautious letters, designed to be read by
a jury.
The passion of the American people is dor-
mant, waiting for the touch which will rouse it.
None of the major political "lines" of the
moment attracts the independent and idealistic
voter very much. He is not stirred, for example,
by Mr. Truman's and Mr. Byrnes' "tough" stand
against Russia; and Mr. Truman's popularity
has been falling in the public opinion polls right
along through the months during which he has
been receiving more and more favorable edi-
torials in the isolationist press.
The idealistic and independent voter, of the
kind who once mobilized himself behind Roose-
velt.or Willkie, may appreciate some of the
reasons for our current differences with Russia,'
but that fact does not stimulate him; it throws,
him into a depression, and he does not really
care greatly which party comes to power just to
quarrel with the Kremlin.
An American political leader who could give
us reaffirmation of world accord and who
could (which would be essential) elicit a simi-
lar reaffirmation from Russia, could blow the
lid off the next elections; but failing the
emergence of such a one, Americans will vote
without soul-searching and as if absent-
It is a dark moment; the spirit uncurls not,
and neither does it stir. The American people
have grown bored and are not even listening;
it is an ideal time for the election of some such
pedestrian candidate as creeps in occasionally
while the nation is tying its shoe, or examining
its chin in a mirror. The applecart could be

upset by some man who would express the silent,
aching hope for a future of nore peace and
dignity, at home and abroad, than now seems
to lie ahead of us. But the words are unspoken,
and these will be -quiet elections, emotionally
potent only as reminders of what could have
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
Sigler Praised
Not the least of Kim Sigler's drawing cards
in the coming Michigan gubernatorial election
is his determination to replace some of the bad
bearings in the state Republican machine.
Sigler named names in his campaign to re-
gear the party machine by publicly inviting
"Boss" Frank D. McKay to "render the Republi-
can party a great service by retiring." This dis-
avowal of a leading light in the Michigan GOP
speaks well for Sigler's sincerity.
-Paul Harsha

mass expatriations of thousands of Poles which
have been going on since the conception of the
so-called Provisional Government. When the
number of murders during the highly advertised
pogroms are compared to the toll of day by day
slaughter of Poles by the Provisional-Russo-
Zionist Government at Warsaw matters come to
a different focus. For every Jew killed in Poland
there has been a score of Polish deaths and a
hundred "trips" to Siberia. However, I realize
that when an editor decides to write an erho-
tional article he must ignore all facts which
do not confirm his biased view.
At any rate, top notch journalists, historians
and leaders of the world hold Cardinal Hlond's
valient and active resistance to Nazi and Soviet
oppression as a source of inspiration for the
Polish people who have suffered as much-or
more than the Jews. The "shaky ground" upon
which the Catholic Church stands is a thousand
times more stable than the foundation of half
truths upon which Freudenheim bases his co-
-Henry Kowalczyk
* * *
Attend the Rally
To The Editor:
THE RALLY which AVC is holding today for
the reinstatement of price controls is not
important in and of itself. But when you view
it in its proper context and realize that it is a
part of the organized protests which are being
registered throughout the nation, its essence
assumes mountainous proportions.
Therefore, I urge all people on this campus,
student, instructor, office assistants, everyone
to be on hand at 4 o'clock this afternoon in front
of the Rackham Building. The rally is going to
be covered by Detroit papers as well as Ann Ar-
bor papers. It will receive much post-publicity.
To be effective, we must have crowds of people,
people vitally concerned, people who resent this
betrayal of the consumer's purchasing power.
I strongly urge all AVC members to talk the
meeting up to their friends and attempt to bring
at least two acquaintances with them. I urge
all others who are deeply interested to do the
And in closing, I wish to thank all those who
with their work and their money made this
rally possible. To those members of the faculty
who announced the rally to their classes my
sincerest gratitude. And to the administrative
officials of Rackham Building, once again let
me express AVC's indebtedness to you.
It behooves us, then, to make this rally an
example of orderliness without detracting from
any enthusiasm which might attend it. We owe
such conduct to the University and to all other
campus groups which may in the future seek
permission for staging similar demonstrations.
-Jack Weiss
Chairman, Univer-
sity ChapterAVC
Police Vacancies
To The Editor:
To better race relationship, the City of Ann
Arbor should place two Negro policemen upon
its force to fill part of the now existing vacancy.
I believe in merit, but oftimes because of de-
finite policy they are not put on in this and
similar jobs.
It is being brought to the attention of the
Negro voters of the county that the present
sheriff would only put on Negro deputies pro-
vided they arrest only Negroes. People blended
by race hatred and race superiority should not
be in office.
Adult education is difficult. Why hamper it
with such obstacles?
-Rev. David A. Blake, Jr.
* * * *
History's Value?
To the Editor:
IN THE FALL OF 1929 a great crash occurred
in the stock market. It was the most spectac-
ular phenomenon of The Great Depression. (If
that was a "depression", the Grand Canyon is a
heel-print!) Shortly after, President Hoover
recognized that there was danger of a downward
spiral of wages, purchasing power, prices, and
employment. Within the limitations of his phil-

.osophy, he understood the economic "facts of
life". So he called a White House meeting of the
leading industrialists and financiers to "hold the
line" by informal agreement not to cut wages
and prices. History now attests the efficacy of
that approach.
Today we are faced with a possible-nay,
probable-upward inflationary spiral of prices
and wages which may have equally disastrous
President Truman has avoided President
Hoover's error and has recognized the necessity
of action by representatives of the entire nation.
Many others have not.
Now we see groups of realtors, manufacturers,
wholesalers, and retailers rushing into print with
statements that prices will be held by individual
action and that OPA or other action by the en-
tire social group is not necessary.
Maybe-one wonders. Is it true that "the only
thing we learn from history is that we learn
nothing from history"?
-Carroll H. Clark



"Son, it was hell out there on Bikini!


(Continued from Page 2)

the Collecting of Rare Books, July
22, 23, 24. In the Rare Books Room,
Clements Library, 5:00 p.m.
"The Wagner Act, Its Meaning and
Operation": a panel discussion spon-
sored by the student chapter of the
National Lawyers Guild. David Kar-
asick, Woodrow J. Sandler and Harry
N. Casselman, senior attorneys for
the National Labor Relations Board
in Detroit, will be the speakers Wed-
nesday, July 17, at 8 p.m. in Room
120, Hutchins Hall. All students and
faculty interested are invited to at-
Spanish Club: The first in a series
of summer lectures will take place
Wednesday evening, July 17, at 8
p.m., in the East Conference Room
of the Rackham Building. Jose Or-
tiz will speak on "La Poesia Afro-
cubana" and will recite some selec-
There will be a lecture by William
H. Blatz, Director of the Institute of
Child Study, University of Toronto,
Wednesday, July 17 at 4:05 p.m. in
the University High School Auditor-
ium. The topic will be "Preschool
Education-A State Responsibility."
There will be a lecture by George
C. Kyte, Professor of Education, Uni-
versity of California, Thursday, July
18 at 4:05 p.m. in the University High
School Auditorium. The topic will
be ' 'Children's Attitudes Toward
There will be a lecture by Donald
G. Marquis, Professor of Psychology,
Thursday, July 18 at 4:10 p.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. The topic
will be "Psychology of Social
Lecture. William P. Ogburn, Pro-
fessor of Sociology, University of Chi-
cago, will give a lecture Thursday,
July 18 at 8:10 in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. The topic will be
"How Technology Changes Society."
Professor E. H. Sturtevant will
speak on "The Anatolian Languages
of the second Millennium B.C." at the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Bldg.
at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 17.
He will continue his lecture, under
the titlek"The Anatolian Languages
of Greek Times" at Room. 302 of
the Michigan Union at 1:00 p.m. on
Thursday, July 18. All guests are
Academic Notices
The Institute of Public Administra-
tion of the University offers five re-
search assistantships in public ad-
ministration. The $500 stipend for
the academic year 1946-47 will be
given for work on selected projects
in the Institute's Bureau of Govern-
ment. This work will enable the stu-
dent to satisfy the internship for the
M.P.A. degree. Interested graduate
students should make application to
the Graduate School not later than
August 1.
History Final Examination Make-
Up: Friday, July 19, 3 o'clock, in

Room B, Haven Hall. Students must
come with written permissiofl of in-
Library Tours: Library tours for
students in Education courses will
begin at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday and
Thursday, July 16 and 18. The group
will meet in Room 110 University
General Library for a short lecture
to be followed by visits to the de-
Mathematics: Copies of the Alex-
ander Ziwet Lectures given by Dr.
Kurt Friedrichs, May 6 to 15, on the
Mathematical Theory of Gas Flow,
Flames and Detonation Waves, are
now available and may be had by
applying at the office of the Depart-
ment of Mathematics, 8012 Angell
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, Schools of Education, Fores-
try, Music and Public Health. Stu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will,
receive a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made up
by August 1. Students wishing an ex-
tension of time beyond this date in
order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to theap-
propriate official in their school with
Room 4, U.H. where it will be trans-
Lingnan University, Canton, China
has an opening in its Department of
English for the autumn semester.
Term of service is three years and
candidates may be either men or
women, but must be unmarried. A
Chinese teacher is needed for the
Department of Physical Education.
Detailed information may be had
upon request at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall.
Graduate Students: Courses may
be dropped with record from July 8
until July 27.
By a recent ruling of the Executive
Board of the Graduate School,
courses dropped after July 27 will
be recorded with a grade of E.
Political Science 2 make-up final
exam will be given Thursday, July
25 at 1:00 p.m., Room 2037 Angell

French Tea today at 4 p.m. in the
cafeteria of the Michigan League.
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
Tonight, Wednesday, at 7:30, the
Michigan Christian Fellowship will
again hold its weekly Bible study in
room 302 of the Michigan Union.
This notice supersedes a previous an-
nouncement that the meeting this
week would be in Lane Hall.
Coming Events
Art Cinema League presentation,
The Wild Flower, with Dolores Del
Rio in her major dramatic triumph.
A picture of the Mexican revolution.
Spanish dialogue; English sub-titles.
Rackham Auditorium, 8:30 p.m.
Thursday and Friday. Single tickets
available at Water's and Ulrich's
bookstores and 45 minutes before the
show in the lobby of the League.
Spanish Teas: Every Tuesday and
Friday, language tables will convene
in the League cafeteria at 4 p.m. for
informal conversation practice. On
Thursdays, the group will meet at
the International Center at 4 p.m.
All students interested in practicing
Spanish conversation are invited to
Conference on Photographic Aids
to Research, July 19:
Faculty members and students in
the Summer Session are cordially in-
vited to attend the public lectures
on Friday, July 19, which will be
given in connection with the Confer-
ence on Photographic Aids to Re-
"The Economy of Photocopying"
by C. Z. Case, Vice-President of
Eastman Kodak Company, 4:10
Rackham Amphitheatre.
"Photography and Research-Post-
war" by V. D. Tate, Director of Pho-
tography, the National. Archives.
8:00 p.m. Rackham Amphitheatre.
An exhibition of microfilm, micro-
print, lithoprint, readers and projec-
tors will be open for an hour after .
each lecture in the East Conference
Room of the Rackham Building.
French Club: The third meeting of
the French,Club will take place Mon-
day, July 22, At 8 p.m. in room. 305
of the Michigan-Union. Mr. Philippe
Roulier, a French student in the
School of Forestry and Conservation,
will tell his experiences in France
during the war: his informal talk
is entitled: "Paris sous l'occupation."
Group singing and social hour.
International Center: The Inter-
national Center in conjunction with
ANCUM announces the renewal of
the Friday afternoon tea dances in
the Center. Music will begin, on rec-
ords, at 4 p.m. and all interested
persons are invited to attend. An
opportunity to meet foreign students
as well as American students is of-
fered to all interested.

4 I.


American troops guarding the
Morgan Line in Venezia Guilia and
Yugoslav patrols is the most serious
episode which has yet occurred in
the mountain tension over Trieste.
Why the Yugoslavs, already half a
mile deep in our territory, opened
fire on our outposts is incompre-
hensible unless they were deliberate-
ly making a test of our readiness.
Such apparently provocative inci-
dents leave a bitter taste on both
sides of the Line. Propaganda ex-
pands and perverts them beyond
their importance and it becomes
doubly difficult to prevent their re-
currance. They sour international
relations and spread mutual distrust.
But they are inherent in the struggle
over Trieste, which is now a symbol
as well as a city. The compromise
agreement tentatively agreed upon by
the great Powers in which the United
Nations will administer the territory
for a term of years is likely to make
Trieste and its adjoining area another
Danzig. It satisfies no one and set-
tles nothing. No plan has been work-
ed out by which the United Nations
can police the zone, but it will ob-
viously have to be policed. As long
as this necessity remains the banked
fires will smolder.
-The New York Times

Cash for Vets?

T HE STATE LEGISLATURE has provided for
a referendum next fall putting the veterans'
bonus issue before the people.
However, the efficiency of granting a blanket
bonus to Michigan veterans is highly question-
able. It was shown clearly that the payment
of a cash bonus to the veterans of World War
I benefitted them little. In fact the GI Bill of
Rights was intended as a substitute for a cash
bonus for World War II vets.
If the people of Michigan feel an obligation
to their soldiers and are willing to open their
pocketbooks to repay this debt, why not do
something worthwhile with this money?
Wouldn't it be better to set up a fund as a
companion piece to the GI Bill of Rights filling
the discrepancies there to aid the veteran in
securing the necessities of life?
The American Veterans Committee has pro-
posed the adoption of a "revolving fund" where-
by veterans could get low interest loans for the
purposes of building a home or farm or setting
themselves up in business. Certainly this plan
offers more to the veteran than giving him sev-
eral hundred dollars in this period of rising
prices to fritter away without gaining any sub-
stantial benefits and calling the debt "square".
-Clyde Recht
The most hopeful word we have happened to
hear on the atom-bomb menace to the human
race comes from David E. Lilienthal, who says:
"It seems clear to me that we must sieze upon.
emphasize and make use of the affirmative, the
creative. opportunities if we would be practical

Student Recital: Mary Fay Slaw-
son, pianist, will present a program
at 8:30 Wednesd'ay evening, July 17,
in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham
Building. Given in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Music, Miss Slawson's re-.
cital will include Sonata in A ma-
jor by Bach, Prelude, Op. 32, No. 5
and Prelude, Op. 23, No. 3 by Rach-
maninoff, Postludium, Op. 13, No. 10
and Rhapsody, Op. 11, No. 3 by
Dohnanyi, and Sonata in F minor,
Op. 5 by Brahms. Miss Slawson is a
pupil of Joseph Brinkman.
The public is cordially invited..
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will present
a recital at 7:15 Thursday evening,
July 18, on the Charles Baird Caril-
lon in Burton Memorial Tower. His
program will include three short ori-
ginal compositions; songs by Franz
Schubert, Liebestraum No. 3 by Fran2
Liszt and a group of Scotch airs.
Events Today
Frolic for all students in educatiou


The Graduate Outing Club has
scheduled an afternoon of sports and
a picnic for Sunday, July 21. Grad-
uate students planning to attend
should pay the supper fee of 50c at
the checkroom desk in the Rackham
building, before Friday night , and
should meet at the club rooms in the
Rackham Building at 2:30 p.m. Sun-
day. Use the northwest entrance.
International Center: The Inter-
national Center announces the sec-
ond of its weekly teas this Thursday,
July 18, at 4:30 p.m. in the Inter-
national Center, 603 E. Madison.
Language tables will again convene.
Foreign' stude~nts.their frie~nds.and


By Crockett Johnson

Picture the tranquil scene. A city
of tents: And a thousand deserving
families happily bivouacked. Their /
,, lives snug and secure within the,

There you have it, m'boy ... A simple and
logical solution to the housing shortage.
Hmm. Your pater deserves some credit for
calling my attention to the time-tested

Co,-yi - naNn.po~iP^ V

A city of tents? I'm
sure people will be
crazy about the idea.

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