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July 13, 1946 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1946-07-13

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itnesses in
nate Probe

cU' Students from 50 Countries
To Appear in Festival in Fall

laim Bights
May Accepts Call,
With Reservations
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 12-Henry
Garsson, promoter of a munitions
combine, and Benjamin Franklin
Fields, press agent and-former con-
vict, refused today to waive consti-
tutional immunity, so the Senate
War Investigating Committee de-
clined to accept their prepared testi-
Both have been named by previous
witnesses as key figures in operations
of a munitions combine now under
war profits investigation.
Clain Rights
Garsson and Fields separately
claimed their rights after being re-
minded by Chairman Mead (Dem.-
N.Y.) that the constitution's fifth
amendment prohibits any person
from being required to testify against
himself in a case which may lead to
criminal prosecution.
Mead asked whether they would,
in the face of that provision, agree
to answer "all questions frankly, ful-
ly and completely."
Fields' decision to stand on his
constitutional rights came in the
midst of an angrily-sputtered pro-
test that he had appeared volun-
tarily, without an attorney, before an
obviously hostile committee-a dec-
laration which drew from Mead a
retort that he was there as a result
of a subpoena.
Senators Protest
A few minutes later the diminutive
and dapper Garsson more quietly
made the same decision on the advice
of his, lawyer as Mead and Senator
Ferguson (Rep.-Mich.) protested that
they were not interested in "pretty
speeches and self-serving state-
Both were promptly excused from
the stand.
The dramatic interruption in the
committee's inquiry ,came only a few
hours after it had sent a politely-
worded, but firm, invitation to Rep.
May (Dem.-Ky.) to testify in public
on the wartime help he gave Gar-
sson and the Illinois industrial com-
May Replies
May replied late today saying he
would be "only too glad to consider"
the invitation but stipulated that
he -should have the right to cross-
examine witnesses who have testified
about his activities, and to call wit-
nesses of his own.
He also said his willingness to ap-
pear would be conditioned by assur-
ance from Mead that "the public in
turn may be given the full benefit
of the purpose for which you assert
you are holding public hearings in
this matter."
May has denied that he profited
personally from his activities on be-
half of the munitions makers, and
declared that what he did was de-
signed to aid the war effort.
On Campus
Carillon Recital.
A carillon recital will be present-
ed by Prof. Percival. Price at 3 p.m.
His program will include selections
from Bach, Fiocco, Brahms, Boro-
din, and three French-Canadian airs.
See 'Papa Is All' .. .
Tickets .are still available for
the matinee performance of "Pa-
pa Is All" in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Box office of the League.

Briggs To Speak.. .
The fourth lecture in the Univer-
sity summer series, "Social Impli-
cations of Modern Science," will be
delivered by Herbert W. Briggs, pro-
fessor of government at Cornell Uni-
versity, at 8:10 p.m. Tuesday in
Rackham Amphitheatre.
. Prof. Briggs will speak on "The
Problem of World Government."
* * *
Schubert Concert ...
The second in a series of four
chamber music programs devoted
to the music of Franz Schubert
and contemporary composers will
be presented at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow
in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Regular and guest members of
the faculty of the School of Music
presenting the concert are Gil-
bert Ross and Lois Porter, violin-
ists, William D. Fitch, oboist,
Louise Rood, violist, Oliver Edel,
cellist, Albert Luconi, clarinetist
and Joseph Brinkman, pianist.
The program will be composed
of Schubert's Quartet in E-flat
major, Op. 1 5, No. 1, Fantasie in
C major; Op. 159, for violin and
piano, and Alvin Etler's Sonata for
oboe, clarinet and viola, which was
composed in 1945.

NO SAYE ... Morris J. Pierce rests under his hefty supply of lamb in
Philadelphia as he waits for customers at the Reading Terminal Mar-
ket, picketed by CIO officials and members in an effort to promote
a buyer's strike against rising prices. Union pickets said they picked
the market only as a symbol of retail food prices..
Bromages Will Discuss Total
War and Democracy on Radio

Prof. and Mrs. Arthur Bromage
will present a discussion of the as-
pects of "Total War and the Pre-
servation of Democracy over WPAG
in a program sponsored by the Ann
Arbor Citizens Council which will
include a reading of the contempor-
ary dramatic poem, the "Curd Sel-
ler" by Gunvant M. Shah of Bom-
bay, India, at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow:
Prof. Bromage, of the political sci-
ence department, and Mrs. Bromage,
Assistant Dean of Women for the
University, have been associated
with civic affairs for some time. In
1943 Prof. Bromage obtained a mili-
tary leave of absence from the Uni-
versity to enter the Army where his
first service was at the School of Mil-
itary Government. Upon completion
of his courses he served on the staff
and faculty of the Provost Marshall
General's School at Fort Custer.
Prof. Bromage began his over-
seas service in 1944; first in Eng-
land, followed by duties in France
and' finally as Administrator and
Local Government Officer with a Re-
gional Military Government De-
tachment for the State of Bavaria.
He left the Army in September 1945
with the rank of lieutenant colonel.
While Prof. Bromage was in Ar-
my service, Mrs. Bromage, who for-
merly taught English at the Uni-
versity, began work with the United
Nations Relief and Rehabilitation
Administration, training overseas
personnel for relieftwork in the Bal-
kans. She left UNRRA after about
a year's service and returned to
take up her present position as Assis-
tant Dean of Women.
Prior to the war, both Prof. and
Mrs. Bromage served in various phas-
es of state and community programs.
Prof. Bromage was a member of
Governor Murphy's Commission for
the Reorganization of State Govern-
ment and has served actively on the
Community Fund Board. Mrs. Bro-
mage kwas president of the local
Community Fund, a member of the
Board of Family Service, and at
present is with the Public Health
Nursing Program and the Y.W.C.A.
Interested in the Irish govern-
ment reform, Prof. and Mrs. Bro-
mage conducted work in Ireland

which led to the publication of about
20 articles dealing with such im-
provements as housing, city man-
agement, and the spirit of Irish Na-
tionalism as expressed in literature.
Mrs. Bromage is at present con-
tinuing this work. Prof. Bromage is
now on the commission in charge of
the Institute of Public Administra-
A graduate of Harvard University,
Prof. Bromage taught there before
taking up duties here. Mrs. Bromage
obtained her B.A. at Radcliffe College
and her M.A. here..
The "Curd Seller," according to
Shah, is one of the wandering street
vendors who imparts wisdom through
homely, and often satirical epigrams.
Shah, a graduate of the University
qf Bombay, is now completing his
vork in chemical engineering at the
Wheeler's Daughter
Leads CIO Strikers
MT. CLEMENS, Mich., July 12-
(P)-Mrs. Frances Sayler of Detroit,
who identified herself as a daughter
of Senator Burton K. Wheeler (Dem.
Mont.), today led pickets at the
Whyte Electric Co. where workers
have been on strike since June 28.
"Father and I no longer agree on,
labor matters,' she told newsmen.
Mrs. Sayler is a field organizer
for the CIO United Electrical, Radio
and Machine Workers which called
the strike in a dispute over union

An "International Festival," the
first large postwar function sponsor-
ed by the International Center, was
announced yesterday for Nov. 26 in,
Hill Auditorium, with students from,
the 50-odd countries represented in
the University participating.
The purposes of the festival, ac-1
cording to Eddie Kozera, assistantl
to the director of the International
Center, are twofold-to raise funds1
for the Emergency Fund for Foreign1
students and to present to the public
British Loan
Vote In House
Is Tomorrow
WASHINGTON, July 12 - (A') -
Russia loomed large in the closing
House debate tonight on the $3,750,-
000,000 British loan, as proponents
declared the crucial vote tomorrow
will determine whether the world
will look to America or Moscow for
The long debate ended with Rep.
Clare Boothe Luce (Conn.) declaring
that Britain is "America's buffer
state" against aggression-that "she
is the oldest and most-to-be-trusted
World Watches
Previously, the Democratic leader,
Rep. McCormack of Massachusetts,
had told the House the whole world
would be watching its vote and if
America turns to isolationism many
nations will enter the orbit of the
Soviet Union.'
Mrs. Luce quoted from a previous
speech to the.House in which she
said Britain serves as a buffer against
Russia because Russia could not
reach American soil without first
passing through or above British
Many House members applauded
when Rep. Wadsworth (Rep.-N.Y.)
called for approval of the huge credit
as* a boon to foreign commerce, free
enterprise and world peace.
Both Claim Victory-
On the eve of the crucial decision
both sides claimed victory. Speaker
Rayburn (Dem.-Tex.) predicted the
ratification bill will pass. The Sen-
ate approved it May 10 by 46 to 34.
Speaking for the opposition, Rep.
Landis (Rep.-Ind.) declared that
"this loan is more likely to promote
war than it is to preserve peace."
He voiced confidence, after a poll of
Republican members, that it will be
The first test probably will come
on a amendment by Rep. Dirksen
(Rep.-Ill.) proposing that Britain
put up full security for any funds.
The amendment likely will follow
suggestions of Jesse Jones, former
commerce secretary,. who has termed
the credit in its present form a sub-
sidy for the British Empire.

aspects of the cultures of the differ-
ent countries.
During the war, the opportunities
of foreign students to portray their
cultures were limited mainly to
speeches and a few special perform-
ances. However, now that most of
the wartime restrictions have been
lifted, Kozera explained, it is again
possible for these students to fur-
ther understanding and good will by,
bringing to other students and to
townspeople the color and character-
istics of their native lands.
Dances, songs, and other acts typi-
cal of the various countries are to
be featured at the festival. Students
from India, the Philippine Islands,
China, Turkey, the Union of South
Africa, Brazil and Russia will be
asked to participate. The Latin
American Society will present an act
typical of Spanish-speaking Latin
America, Arabic countries will be
represented, and probably five Polish
dances will be given.
In addition, an Egyptian dancer,
from Hollywood will be asked to par-
ticipate as a special attraction, Ko-
zera said.
There willbe an unusual set of
scenery for the event, he added, and
the costumes will be typical of the
nations represented.
European VD
Rate Climbing
FRANKFURT, Germany, July 12
-(oP)-The U.S. Army said today the
veneral disease rate among its troops
in Europe "is probably the highest
in American military history." A
medical officer reported more than
half the troops in some areas'were
infected in the course of a year.
"The trend is still upward," the
report said, despite three months of
strict discipline ordered by Gen.
Joseph T. McNarney, theatre com-
mander, in an effort to check the
rising rate.
"The rate of veneral disease infec-
tion among U.S. troops in the Euro-
pean Theatre is the highest since
the beginning of the war, and prob-
ably the highest in American mili-
tary history," the office of the chief
surgeon in the theatre said.

Battle Prejudice
For World Unity
Educator Says
Claims Teachers Have
Primary Responsibility
By helping to battle race and re-
ligious prejudices, educational in-
stitutions can contribute to world
unity, Dr. Edgar G. Johnston, as-
sociate professor in the School of
Education said yesterday in a lec-
ture on modern teaching trends.
Calls Prejudices Acquired
"Since prejudices are learned, not
inherited, teachers have a primary
responsibility in promoting national
and international tolerance and un-
derstanding," Dr. Johnston said.
As an example of a nation popu-
lated by different peoples fused into
one culture, the United States can
take the lead in showing how inter-
national unity can be accomplished,
he asserted.
,classified Into Types
However, our first task is to over-
come minor internal discords arising
from prejudices that he classified
into the following types:
1. Against foreigners, even the sec-
ond and third generation American.
2. Against minority religious faiths,
particularly Jewish and Catholic.
3. Against the economically under-
4. Against the minority racial
groups, particularly the Negro.
Until we completely overcome these
prejudices, we will not be able to
have full effect in our international
affairs, Dr. Johnston said.

LANSING, July 12-(P)-Michi-
gan liquor licenses paid $23,406 in
fines imposed by the State Liquor
Control Commission durng the first
six months of 1946.
During the period, 404 establish-
ments were penalized, 41 were elimi-
nated for violation of the liquor laws
and 161 licenses were suspended for
a total of 3,790 days.

Robert Butler of St. Paul, Minn.,
shipbuilder and banker was named
by President Truman as our first
ambassador to Australia.

State Liquor
Fines Heavy


.... .


Administration Building - Third Floor, Gate 10









Dressmaking, Tailoring
and Alterations

at our


Telephone 3906

Hours: 9:00 to 5:30

i' .

State and William Streets
Minister, Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D.
Director of Student Work, Rev. H. L. Pickerill
Asst Director of Student Work, Miss Patricia
Director of Music, Howard B. Farrar
Organist: Mary Porter Gwin
10:45 A.M.: Public worship. Dr. Parr will speak
on the second of his series of sermons on
"Great Sayings," the subject being "I must
have another continent." (Columbus)
4:30 P.M.: Congregational Disciples Student
Guild will meet at the Guild House to go
together to the Arboretum for a picnic sup-
per and worship.
Summer School program of the Cooperating
University churches, Sunday evenings, 7-8
P.M. at the Congregational Church:
July 14: "How Shall We Think of God?"
Rev. W. P. Lemon
July 21: "How Does Jesus Save Us?"
Rev. J. Brett Kenna '
July 28: 'The Life After Life,"
Rev. Leonard A. Parr
For National Lutheran Council Students
Henry O. Yoder, Pastor
1304 Hill Street
Lutheran Student Association
9:15 A.M.: Bible Study Class.
Student Center, 1304 Hill St.
9:15 a.m. Bible Study Class at the Center, 1304
Hill Street.
3:30 p.m. Meet at Zion Lutheran Parish Hall, '
309 E. Washington St., and leave from there
for a picnic supper and outdoor devotional
service at West Riverside Park.
Zion Lutheran Church
Cor. of S. Fifth Ave. and E. Washington St.
The Rev. E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor
10:30 a.m. Outdoor Worship Service at West
Trinity Lutheran Church
Corner of E. William St. and S. Fifth Ave.
The Rev. Walter Brandt, Pastor
10:30 a.m. Worship Service.
State and Huron Streets
Harold J. DeVries, Pastor, Phone 21121
10:00 A.M.: University Bible Class. Edward G.
Groesbeck, leader.
11:00 A.M.: Morning Service. The pastor will
conclude a series of messages on the Person
and Work of the Holy Spirit, speaking on the
subject: "Sins Against Him."
12:45 P.M.: "Your Radio Choir," a studio pres-
entation over WPAG.
7:30 P.M.: Evening Service. Sermon: "The Two

(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Tappan (2-4245)
F. E. Zendt, Minister.
Miss Madeline Jones, Director of Music.
Congregational-Disciples Student Guild
Guild House, 438 Maynard Street (5838)
H. L. Pickerill, Director of Student Work
Patricia Kelly, Associate Director
10:50 a.m. Morning Worship. Nursery for chil-
dren ages 2-8 years.
9:45 a.m. Church School.
Guild Bible Study Seminar-9:30 a.m.
4:30 p.m. Guild Sunday Evening Hour. Meet
at the guild house to go in a group to riverside
park where we will have recreation, sing-
ing, picnic supper, and worship. The meet-
ing will conclude at 6:45 so that those who
wish to attend the interdenominational
programs may do so.
7:30 p.m. Christian Youth Fellowship. A pro-
gram of worship, study, recreation and sing-
ing for high school students.
Division at Catherine
The Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D.. Rector
8:00 a.m. Holy Communion.
11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer. Sermon by pastor.
11:00 a.m. Nursery and Kindergarten, Tatlock
5:00 p.m. Canterbury Club.
During the Week
Wednesday, 7:15 a.m. Holy Communion (fol-
lowed by breakfast at Student Center. Reser-
vations, 5790).
Friday, 4:00-6:00 p.m. Open House, Student Cen-
409 S. Division St.
10:40 A.M.: Sunday Lesson Sermon. Subject for
July 14: Sacrament
11:45 A.M.: Sunday School.
8:00 P.M.: Wednesday evening testimonial
This church maintains a free Reading Room
at 706 Wolverine Building, Washington at 4th,
which is open daily except Sundays and holidays
from 11:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Here the Bible and
Christian Science literature including all of Mrs.
Mary Baker Eddy's works may be read, borrowed
or purchased.
1511 Washtenaw Avenue
Rev. Alfred Scheips, Pastor
(Missouri Synod)
Sunday at 10:00 a.m.: Bible Class.
Sunday at 11:00 a.m.: Service, with Holy Com-
munion. Sermon by the pastor, "Christian
Sunday at 5:15 p.m.: Supper Meeting of Gam-
ma Delta, Lutheran Student Club, followed
by volley ball, and other outdoor games.


Want those
home addresses of-.your
campus friends?

ICA complete list in the

1432 Washtenaw
W. P. Lemon and James Van Pernis, Ministers
Frieda Op't Holt Vogan, Director of Music
and Organist.

William and Thompson Streets



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