I. e Lw 4UflF~l a i4l CLOUDY WIT SHOWERS See Page 2 -- [vz, No. 7S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS I WAolotov Urges Yew Reich Rule Russia Opposes France On Ruhr Question, Demands Central Control By The Associated Press PARIS, July 10-Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov flatly opposed night any plan for Germany's future which would dismember, federalize reduce the Reich to the status of an agricultural state. He called for the setting, up at once of a central German administration s a transitional step toward the establishment of a future German govern- Ient" with which the Allies could sign a peace treaty. In a lengthy speech to the four-power foreign ministers council, Moo- Senate Upholds OPA GrainControl; 'U' Launches Hosing Drive for Fall 400 Rooms e4 .Qv 't E ~xpertLearn ew Language ?la Bri it o~ue Tme Ger demanded: astablishmnent of a system of four- wer interallied control over all Ger- n industries and over the key Ruhr ants in particular. The Ruhr now administered' exclusively by the tish. rman Reparations )rafting of a plan to assure Ger- a reparations deliveries to Allies a means of furthering the "com- te military and economic disarma- nt" of the Reich. /olotov's statement on the need German centralization placed him arely at odds with Georges Bidault, nch President and Foreign Minis- w Linguistic Method monstrated by Pike Prof. Kenneth L. Pike, linguistics expert from the University of Okla- homa, proved to a skeptical audience last night that he could grasp the essentials of an unknown language after a bare hour of hearing it spoken. Presented with an informant who spoke a language unknown to him, Prof. Pike began the demonstration, sponsored by the Linguistics Insti- tute, with an attempt to draw from the informant the words for various articles he had gathered beforehand for' the purpose. Among these were a rope, several leaves, rooks, and two scarves--each of a different color. Uses Mexican Dialect Speaking to the informant only in Mexteco, language of a native group of south-western Mexico, Prof. Pike obtained from the informant, who could understand only his gestures, the names of the articles presented. He then went on to extract from the informant names of verbs and differ- ent ways of using them. As he obtained answers to the questions which he implied from the gestures and the tones of the Mexte- can language, Prof. 'Pike hurried to the blackboard to set down in phonet- ics what the informant had said. On several occasions the informnant in- dicated a knowledge of phonetics by following the professor to the board and repeating a syllable which Prof. Pike had failed to catch. Sums Up Methods After 40 minutes of this gesture- answer procedure Prof. Pike turned from the boards and proceeded to explain what he had accomplished. He touched first on the sound system which he had discovered, although in many cases he was unsure. He said, however, that a longer period with the informant would have cleared up the uncertainty which appeared. The language structure was revealed both by presence of suffixes and verb con- struction, Prof Pike continued. In summing up his methods of con- tact with the informant, Prof. Pike compared them with the game of "30 Questions", except that in this case, he said, gesture situations are substituted for words in the attempt to get an answer. White House Mourns Death Of PAC Leader POINT LOOKOUT, N.Y.- (/P) - Sidney Hillman, 59, died Wednes- day. An immigrant garment worker who became a $15,000-a-year union executive, he was a symbol of la- bor's rising influence in national political affairs. Hillman was vice-president and one of the founders of the CIO, head of the CIO Political Action Commit- tee and president of the Amalga- mated Clothing Workers of Ameri- He suffered an acute heart at- tack at his Long Island summer home and died at 7:40 a.m. From the White House came one of the first expressions of regret at the passing of the political-la- bor leader whose word had influ- enced the selection of presidents. "Sidney Hillman was more than a distinguished labor lead- er," said President Truman. "He was a great humanitarian and an outstanding statesman in the field of labor-management relations." One of Hillman's last public ac- tions was a congratulatory telegram sent to the President on his veto of the OPA bill. Bidault declared that France would discuss centralization of the Reich only after Germany's western bound- aries have been fixed. The French have asked that the Ruhr, Rhineland and the Saar be separated from Ger- many. 'Germany Needs Ruhr' Molotov declared it was "easy to understand that without the Ruhr Germany cannot exist as an inde- pendent and stable state." Proposals to federalize Germany have been discussed as a method of lessening the centralizing power of a future German government. Discus- sing these proposals Molotov said: "There have been not a few in- stances in which Allied authorities in the western zones of occupation of Germany have encouraged the idea of a federal structure for Germany. The attitude of Allied authorities is one thing, whereas, a real desire of the German people, or at least a de- sire of the population of some part of Gernan territory is another thing. "We, the Soviet people, hold that it is incorrect to impose upon the Ger- man people a solution of this ques- tion. Such an imposition would not in any case produce any good if only for the reason that it will be precari- ous." Willow Pastor Charges Racial Discrimination The Rev. David A. Blake, minister of the Isabelle Rogers Memorial A.M.E. church in Willow Village, last night charged that property owners in the vicinity of the Village are discriminating against negro buyers seeking homes. He told members of the Willow Village AVC chapter that cases of discrimination had been reported to him. He also urged that the chapter members join in concerted action to improve electricity supply at the village. Chapter Chairman Allen D. Wea- ver distributed petitions demanding effective price control. 3,000 signers are sought . before the community OPA rally next Tuesday. Leo Skull was appointed chair- man of a committee to investigate establishment of a cooperative res- taurant for students living in the Village. Needed in City Homes A drive to obtain "at least 400" more rooms for fall term faculty members and students was launched today by University housing authori- ties as official estimates of housing needs were revealed by a University spokesman. If student enrollment is held down to 17,000, it will be necessary to se- cure 300 rooms in city residences to provide for the increase over the spring enrollment's 14,350, and in addition, places are sought for 100 faculty members of "junior level" status, for whom residences must be found. Through increased housing fa- cilities, principally at Willow Vil- lage, the University will be able to accommodate most of the 3,500 new students expected in the fall. The crucial point in the housing problem will be finding rooms in local residences. Last spring, 3,747 students lived in private homes in the city. Rooms for at least 4,000 will be needed if a 17,000 enrollment is to be accommo- dated. It is extremely likely that the housing shortage will hold en- rollment to the 17,000 figure, unless additional living quarters are found. A breakdown on student residence capacities in various units besides privately-owned homes shows that 5,000 will be housed in residence halls, 1,600 in fraternity and sorority houses, 2,000 in League houses and other approved residences, 3,200 at Willow Village and 250 in the ma- ried veterans apartments now under construction near University Hos- pital. University officials revealed 50 of 292 apartments at the vet pro- ject will be reserved for faculty members. Plansare tinderway to house 20 others in the Michigan Union and 30 in houses acquired by the University for the business administration building. Home-owners with rooms available for faculty members are urged to contact Mrs. Ethel Hastings in the University business office immediate- ly so that arrangements can be com- pleted. There are approximately 900 faculty and staff members now and the fall term additions will give the University 1,100 members, a ratio of about one teacher for every 17 students. Authority to build four additional apartment buildings for married vet- erans, bringing the total to twelve, was granted yesterday by Civilian Production Authority officials in Washington. The new units will be built concurrently with those already begun, Plant 'Superintendent Walter Roth said. Inter-Racial Group Elects 7 to Board The Inter-Racial Association at its first meeting last night in the Union elected seven members to its execu- tive board. IRA leaders for the summer ses- sion will be Victorial Cordice, Chair- man; Hanny Gross, secretary; Sam Shepard, Clarence McGivins, Sam Kaplan, Toyoaki Yamada and John Blue, Jr. Law Openings Many, Says School Dean There will be enough places in the legal profession for veterans now planning to become lawyers, Dean E. Blythe Stason of the law school pre- dicted yesterday, commenting on the over-crowded conditions prevalant in the nation's law schools. With law school graduating classes down to only 10 or 15 per cent of pre-war totals during the war years, even three years of graduating classes twice the pre-war size would barely fill the gap, Dean Stason pointed out. Viewing with alarm expanded en- rollment in his own and other law schools, Columbia University's Dean Young B. Smith said last week that, ". the professional schools ought not to train more than the profession can absorb. (A glut of lawyers) creates unemployment and frustrat- ed desires . . . It would be mistaken patriotism to train too many . . . A disappointed lawyer is just smart enough to make trouble for everybody., He is likely to become a sourbelly and a revolutionary." Dean Stason pointed to increased opportunities for lawyers, however. "The ever increasing complexity of current business and government le- gal affairs has materially increased placement opportunities and assured that larger graduating classes will readily be absorbed in active prac- tice," Dean Stason stated. "The grand total of. legal problems demanding solution is greater than ever before and is growing every year", he said. The University law school like all other American law schools is "inun- dated with veterans", Dean Stason said. Limitations on available housing have made it impossible "to accom- modate all who wish to enroll". "All properly qualified Michigan residents are being accepted by the inw school, but there is no room for many hund- reds of highly qualified non-residents of the state", he said. Michigan, Cornell, Columbia, and other law schools which previously admitted approximately one out of every two applicants have been forced to reject three out of every four. State Vet Bonus To. Be Financed' By Bond Issuej LANSING, . July 10-(P)-Legis-, lation providing for a popular vote next November on a $270,000,000 bond issue to pay World War II veterans a bonus went through the House of Representatives today while in the Senate 60-day emergency rent mor- atorium bill passed and went to the House. The Representatives approved the bonus by a vote of 87 to 1. The one vote against the bonus, legislation was by Rep. Lewis G. Christman of Ann Arbor who said the issue was "ill conceived, not , timely, and has not been thoroughly investigated or discussed." The Senate vote on the rent mor- atorium, limited to those areas where OPA rent controls were previously in effect, was 23 to 5. As finally passed, the House reso- lution provided for a $500 maximum payment to every ex-serviceman or woman on the. basis of $10 monthly for domestic and $15 monthly for overseas service. Maximum to Beneficiancies Payment would be made for ser- vice between Sept. 16, 1940, and June 30, 1946, and the beneficiaries of de- ceased soldiers or sailors would re- ceive the maximum payment. The House defeated two attempts by Rep. James B. Stanley, Kalama- zoo Republican, to write into the measure some method of financing the bond issue. First, Stanley proposed that one- fourth of sales tax receipts be set aside to retire the bond. They drew only four votes. UNRR A Suspends Shipments to Chin NANKING, July 10-- (A") - China, faced a new crisis today, that of sus- if and when it is revived. v PROF. ARTHUR W. BROMAGE of the Political Science Department who will speak on "Total War and the Presrvatiara of Democracy" at 4:10 p.m. today. Bronmage To' Begvin Lecture Series Today "Total War and the Preservation of Democr'acy" will be discussed by Prof. Arthur W. Bromage, of the political science department in the first of the summer lecture series at 4:10 p.m. today in Rackham Am- phitheatre. Prof. H. R. Crane, of the phy- sics department, will speak on "Re- cent Advances in the Physical Sci- ences" at 8:10 p.m. today. Ralph Barton Perry, professor of philos- ophy at Harvard University, will lec- ture on "What Is the Good of Sci- ence" at 8:10 p.m. tomorrow in the Rackham Lecture Hall. 0 i Exchange, Rallies Planned' By Legislature Committees to plan the Student Book Exchange and to set up a series of pre-football game pep rallies in the fall were established, yesterday by the second summer term meeting of Student Legislature. Hank Kassis, chairman of the Book Exchange Committee said that the Exchange will begin operationnthe first day of the fall term to enable students to buy and sell used books at nominal rates. Kassis stressed that this is a pro- ject of major importance to the stu- dents and will require "a great deal of support" from the student body. He asked that all students interested in working on this committee, partic- ularly those who have worked in previous years, contact him at 6284 this week. The committee will meet next week to make plans for the fall and to select a salaried manager and cashier for the Exchange. The "Varsity" Committee, headed by "Wink" Jaffee and Lynne Ford will also meet next week to make arrangements for at least three pep rallies next fall. Students interested in any phase of the pep rallies can contact Lynne Ford at 5663. The Legislature's Charity Drive Committee headed by Lou Orlin is to make a survey this week of the var- ious fund-raising programs now in effect on campus. A couple of hours earlier the Sen- ate had- adopted a similar exemption for cottonseed, soy beans and pro- ducts made from them. That vote was 42 to 34. Livestock Goes Off Livestock, meat and poultry con- trols came out of the bill yesterday by a 49 to 26 rollcall. Majority leader Barkley (Dem.- Ky.) led the successful battle against the grains amendment tonight by as- serting that it would affect the price of bread and other foods on every American table. But other attempts to write ex- emptions into the measure were in the offing. A number of senators wanted specific decontrols on tobacco, gasoline and petroleum. Eighteen Democrats balloted to bar controls over milk and its products. The only Republican who voted with Barkley was Senator Revercomb of West Virginia. Barkley declined to express an opin- ion as to whether President Truman would reject a measure loaded down with specific decontrols. But Mr. Truman gave strong hint of his atti- tude June 20, when he vetoed the first price control extension bill. President May Veto Barkley warned there would "be nothing left" to the price control leg- islation "except plastic and metals" if the Senate exempts broad classes of commodities. Senator McMahon (Dem.-Conn.), supporting Barkley, observed that the Senate was "rapidly writing a bill that the President can do nothing but veto." Nation Refugee Quota Unfilled Investigator Assails British Jewish Policy DETROIT, July 1-(M)-Earl G. Harrison, who was named last year by President Truman to investigate conditions of misplaced persons abroad, said tonight this nation has not carried out the President's De- cember directive for admission of a full quota of European refugees. Harrison, speaking before the 78th annual convention of B'nai B'rith district Grand Lodge No. 6, also assailed Great Britain for failing to permit 100,000 Jewish refugees to enter Palestine. "I wish President Truman could find time to call for a report on why progress in carrying out his directive has been so slow. I say with utmost confidence we could have done bet- ter," Harrison said. He continued, "The thing that dis- turbs me, as I know it disturbs others here, is wondering whether here again, there is not a determined re- sistance to doing the right thing." By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 10-Administration forces scored their first major victory in the battle to reinstate price controls tonight when the Senate rejected, 40 to 32, a proposal to exempt all grains from price ceilings. Previous voting lines split apart as the Senate rejected the grain amend- ment, offered by Republican Senator Reed from the important wheat pro- ducing State of Kansas. Previously the chamber had tied a veto invitation to the OPA revival bill by voting 51 to 27 to exempt milk and dairy products from price control Army Will Need 800,000 Men =-Eisenhower 600,000 Increase Over '39 Force Urged By The Associated Press WASHINGTON,' July 10 - Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower believes the United States must maintain an army of approximately 800,000 men for the next 15 to 20 years, compared with 188,000 in 1939. He expressed that belief today to the House Military Committee as he pleaded for prompt approval of legis- lation permitting a doubling of the officer personnel of the regular army -from 25,000 to 50,000. Committee Approves Bill The committee approved the bill, already passed by the Senate. "I can see no possibility in the next 15 to 20 years" of the army's going below 800,000 men, the chief of staff told the committee. That figure, he explained, would result from a gradual tapering off from the 1,070,000 officers and men expected to be in uniform on July 1, 1947. Half for Air Forces . Half of the 800,000, he estimated, would be in the air forces, To direct such an army, Eisenhow- er estimated, will require 80,000 of- ficers, of whom 50,000 would be regu- lars, 27,500 would be assigned to the airforces, 11,000 to ground forces and 11,500 to the service forces. Must Rise From Ranks Many of the new officers, Eisen- hower said, would be products of the ROTC and officer candidate schools. He asserted his belief that every op- portunity should be given to men to rise from the ranks and become offi- cers. Only in that way, he declared, can the army be truly democratic. The general said he does not be- lieve the West Point Military Acade- my should be enlarged to provide all the additional officers. General Admits Ma y 'Influence' Representative 'Sought Aid for Illinois Group' WASHINGTON, July 10 - () - Brig. Gen. Roswell Hardy testified to- day that Chairman May (Dem-Ky) of the House Military Committee ex- erted "influence" on behalf of an Illinois munitions combine but that the Congressman sought only an "equal opportunity"- for it with other war contractors. Hardy, wartime chief of the Ord- nance Depar.tment's Ammunition Di- vision, told the Senate War Investi- gating Committee that May had in- tervened on several occasions on be- half of Batavia Metal Products Com- pany, a dominant concern in what Chairman Mead (Dem.-N.. has termed a "sprawling paper empire." In response to a question from Senator Ferguson (Rep. - Mich.), Hardy said he knew of no occasion when My had sought more than an "equal opportunity." Under Ferguson's pressing exami- nation, Hardy related that he be- came aware that "outside influence" was being exercised in behalf of Ba- tavia in late 1944 or early 1945, and that it was "generally known" in the War Department. Hardy's testimony was the second reference to May during the day. His account of May's activities was cut short by summons to committee mem- bers to the Senate floor for OPA roll- Meat, Milk Exempt; Others May Follow GRAIN OUTLOOK GOOD: Near Record Crops Indicated By Dept. of Agriculture Survey VETO INVOKED: Russia Tries To Bar Canada From Atomic Energy Talks' WASHINGTON, July 10--(A)-A record corn crop and near record crops of wheat, oats, potatoes and rice were indicated by a govern- ment report today which said this year's farm production outlook has seldom been surpassed. The condition of all crops on July 1 was the best in seven years ex- cept for 1942. The combined acreage of all crops has been exceeded since 1932 only in the past three years. Further, the indicated yields per acre of most crops are above average. Perhaps the brightest part of the report was the forecast for grain, for supplies have been reduced to dangerously low levels by exports to 341,646,000 bushels, compared with the previous record of 3,228,000.000 in 1944. Last year's crop was 3,018,- 410,000 and production for the ten year (1935-44) average was 2,608,- 499,000. The wheat crop was indicated at 1,090,092,000 bushels, compared with 1,033,000,000 forecast in mid-June, a record of 1,123,143,000 produced last year, and a ten-year average of 843,692,000. Despite the bumper crop, wheat will be insufficient to meet both unrestricted domestic demands and foreign commitments for the year ahead. The winter wheat crop was put at NEW YORK, July 10-(P)-Soviet Russia sought unsuccessfully by in- voking the veto today to bar Cana- da, one of the nations which helped build the atomic bomb, from taking part in discussions of atomic energy questions in the United Nations Se- curity Council. Canada's tenure at the council table might be temporary, however, for Soviet delegate Andrei A. Grom- yko reserved his right to raise the question again. He did not choose to carry his stand on the veto to the showdown stage at this meeting. V. Evatt of Australia, chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, pro- posed formally that Canada be in- vited to sit with the council in dis- cussions on atomic matters but without a vote. Gromyko, who invoked the veto three times at the last council meet- ing on the Spanish question, im- mediately objected. He said it was a new question requiring time for study and asked that it be post- poned. Dr. Castillo Najera, council chair-