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July 02, 1946 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1946-07-02

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Long-Range Bit


* *

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g1st Present
.in Atoll Test
A. Sawyer, technical
)perations Crossroads,
ew Dean of the Horace
School of Graduate
ost James P. Adams
sterday at a special
e Universiity Senate.
cabled his acceptance
p from the atom bomb.
Bikini Atoll where he
activities of over 500
unday's atom bombing.
ne his new duties in
h the beginning of the
, filling the vacancy'
11 by the death of Dean
in 1944 as one of the
tanding scientists by
1 of Science, Dr. Saw-
ae Navy in 1941 to su-
perimental laboratories
I Proving Ground at
of 1943, he was pro-
imander and assumed
testing and research
m the Navy last Sep
tered into further Navy
ad of returning direct-
iversity where he has
ice Head
Nlavy felt his war ex-
particularly fitted him
he Ordnance Division
work on new weapons,'
nted head of the Ord-
mn of the Naval Ord-
ation at Inyokern, Cal-

Building Rate
Highest Since
192e5 Boom

First Wyatt Report
Shows Goal in View
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 1-Housing
construction has hit its highest rate
since the record building boom of
1925, National Housing Administra-
tor Wilson Wyatt reported tonight.
Some 406,000 dwellings of all types
have been started this year, or 34
per cent of President Truman's 1946
goal of 1,200,000 homes for veterans,
Wyatt's first formal report revealed.
Foresees Success
"We have finished the steepest
part'of the long uphill climb to reach
our goal of starting 2,700,000 houses
and apartments by the end of 1947,"
he declared. "The fact that we have
gone this far this quickly shows that
we can reach our goal."
However, the whole low-cost phase
of the drive is "seriously threatened,"
Wyatt said, by the precarious state
of price control. NHA's new-home
ceilings remain, but connot be held
if building materials go sky high.
Private Industry Helped
Of the total new homes started,
private industry came through with
the "unusually good" showing of
268,000 conventional, or traditional
houses and apartments, said the re-
port on the first five months of the
The rest were conversions, tem-
porary public housing, housing-type
trailers, and a fe wprefabricated
dwellings. Wyatt called the build-
ing record, "the biggest upsurge in
history, after years of low produc-
Because of shortages in materials
and strikes in the steel, coal and
lumber industries, Wyatt reported
thatt the emergency housing drive is
"just hitting its stride." He said
the likelihood is strong for starting
the rest of the 1,200,000 scheduled
for 1946.

DR. RALPH A. SAWYER will return to the University of Michigan as
Dean of the Horace Rackham School of Graduate Studies next fall
after serving as technical director for Operations Crossroads. He super-
vised 500 scientists in preparations for the dropping of the fourth
atomic bomb at Bikini Atoll. He fills the vacancy created last fall by
the death' of Dean Clarence S. Yoakum.
Atomic Bomb Test wrasks
ilavoc, Damage, SikstSips

DR. JAMES P. ADAMS, Provost of
the University, who extended a
welcome to all Summer Session
Students Greeted
I extend a cordial welcome to
all students who are pursuing
their studies during the first post-
war Summer Session of the Uni-
versity of Michigan. The fac-
ulties of the Schools and Colleges
have made a special effort to meet
your needs and serve your edu-
cational interests in the programs
of study which have been pro-
vided. These opportunities for
academic work will naturally re-
present the primary purpose of
your presence on the campus.
However, in addition to these
activities in the classroom, lab-
oratory, library, and clinic, the
University provides a wide range
of special opportunities for the
pursuit of your intellectual and
aesthetic interests . during the,
Summer Session. I call attention
to the several series of public lec-
tures on subjects of timely im-
portance, the collections and,
special exhibitions in the librar-
ies and museums, the programs in
music and the drama. These and
other projects are a part of the
educational resources of this aca-
demic community. They are a
part of the commonwealth of
the mind and spirit which is rep-
resented by this University. We
hope that you will make them a
fruitful part of your own educa-
tional experience during this
Summer Session.
James P. Adams,
Provost of the University
7,834 Enroll
For Summer
Session Here

Occasional Rises
Set Record Highs
By The Associated Press
The nation's retailers-despite
lifting of Government controls--1
generally held prices at OPA levels
yesterday in the face of near record-;
high quotations in cattle and hog1
markets, grain, cotton and wool.
Industrial stocks on the New York
Exchange rose sharply in the morn-
ing but extrene advances were re-
duced ultimately and a number of
losers appeared at the close.
Rents advanced 15 to 33 1/3 per
cent in many places and soared out
of sight in a few in the first 24 hours
of freedom from four-year-old fed-
eral ceilings.
Prospects of early Congressional
action to restore some system of
'price control faded in a welter of
parliamentary difficulties and die-
hard oposition.
A rising clamor for emergency
state legislation was heard in some
sectors, especially where rents shot
up sharply.
Most disturbing to hold-the-line
adherents were market trends such
as $20 hogs at Indianapolis-highest
in 27 years, the first two dollar wheat
since 1925 at Chicago and an all time
$22 high for cattle compared to last
week's $18 OPA ceiling.
Such increases would be reflect-
almost immediately in the retail
price of meat and flour under nor-
mal conditions, economists said.
Similar advances were scored in
wool and cotton futures, certain to
be translated in increased clothing
prices if the trend continues.
The first reports of increases fol-
lowing OPA's Sunday midnight de-
mise came in rents and milk.

Governors Act To
Check State Rent
By The Associated Press
House tonight voted an "as you wer
to the OPA until July 20 but t1
Senate leadership decided to use t
bill as a basis for longer-range leg:
lation, leaving price controls dead
the interim-except perhaps on ren
Senator Byrd (Dem., Va.) intr
duced a measure to restore rent co
trol immediately for another yea
saying that "we ought to get start
on retaining these controls while
fight out the question of price ca
trols." A group of Republicans draf
ed a similar bill in the House.
Spence Blocks Vote
Rep. Wolcott (Rep., Mich.) soug
unanimous consent for an immedia
House vote on the rent bill but w
blocked by Chairman Spence (Der
:y.) of the banking committE
Spence insisted that rents be co
sidered with other controls in I
long-range legislation.
Stabilization Director Ches
Bowles at the same time telegraph
governors suggesting state action
rent control "until federal act
can be taken." Governors alrea
had acted in Alabama, Massach
setts, New Jersey and New York.
Senate Fails To Act
The House passed the stopgap
283 to 61, intending it to serve ul
Congress says its final word in
separate bill. But in the face
Senate opposition, Democratic Lea
er Barkley (Ky.) decided not to br
it to a vote, as such.
The House roll-call found 60'F
publicans and one Democrat, R;
Dudley G. Roe of Maryland, vot
against the bill. For it were
Demnrats. 105 Republicans andt

In the East, few cities reported suf-
ficient meat supplies to detect any
rising price trend but farther West,
at Phoenix, Ariz., for instance, one
meat wholesaler announced a 25 per
cent hike except on luncheon meats
which were boosted 10 per cent.
* * *

April of this year, he was select-
be the technical director of the
bomb tests.

Sawyer attended Atkinson
zy from 1907 to 1911 and re-
an A.B. degree from Dart-
College in 1915. He was a
rlin Fellow of Dartmouth Col-
the University of Chicago
915 to 1917 and became an
it in physics at the Univer-
Chicago from 1917 to 1918.

Aboard the U.S.S. Appalachian off
Bikini, Tuesday, July 2-(P)-The
atomic bomb - its wrath pitted
against a Naval fleet for the first
time - sank five of Bikini's target
Hears Atomic
Control Plans

array of 73 ships, wrecked six, dam-
aged 25 and possibly damaged every
other of the remaining vessels, of-
ficial and unofficial surveys showed


Joined Faculty In 1919
Fom 1918 to 1919, he was on
active duty as an ensign in the
United States Naval Reserve. After
completing the requirements for a
Ph.D. degree at the University of Chi-
cago, he joined the University of
Michigan faculty in the fall of 1919
as an instructor in physics. He was
promoted to assistant professor in
1922, became an associate professor
in 1927 and was made a professor
in 1930.
Dr. Sawyer specializes in the fields
of spectroscopy, radiometry,. extreme
ultraviolet spectra, series analysis of
line spectra, hyperfine structure of
spectral lines, and quantitative spec-
trographic analysis. He is a fellow
of the American Physical Society,
the Optical Society of America (serv-
ing as director from 1941 to 1945)
the society for Applied Spectroscopy,
and the research club of the Univer-
sity of Michigan.
May Technic Issue
Available at Office
Students who have not received
the May issue of the Michigan Tech-
nic can obtain copies of the magaz-
ine at the Technic office, 3036 E.
Engineering Bldg., any afternoon,
July 2-5, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
The Technic offices will be open
Monday and Thursday afternoons
from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. during the
summer session.
Assembly Scheduled
For Grad Students
Arar itaf Q+nmn.A acomh, wil

NEW YORK, July 1--P)-Six Pro-
positions on which a charter for con-
trolling atomic energy might be built
were laid before a special subcom-
mittee of the United Nations Atomic
Energy Commission at its first closed
meeting today by Dr. Herbert E.
Evatt of Australia.
Evatt, chairman of the atomic en-
ergy commission, announced this
morning that the United States, Rus-
sia, Great Britain, France, Mexico,
and Australia would make up the
Single Control
"1. There should be a single inter-
national instrument embodying:
(A) A comprehensive plan for in-
ternational control and development
of atomic energy,
(B) An international atomic ener-
gy authority to administer and carry
out the plan and to be vested with
discretionary powers,
(C) As part of the plan there
should be undertakings by member
nations not to use atomic energy
for purposes of war,
"2. For purposes'of carrying out
the plan an international authority
should be vested with all necessary
!rights relevant to raw materials,
processes, plans, and products of
System of Control.
"3. That effective systems should
be established for preventing breach-
es of the agreed restrictions and con-
"4. The international authority
shall be 'required to promote and
carry out plans for development of
atomic energy for peaceful purposes.
"5. That scientific information on
nuclear processes and their applica-
+,n +tn naefnii nuurnos hnuld be

Latest vessel to succumb to the
smashing power of the bomb was
the Japanese cruiser Sakawa, which.
sank quietly at its mooring this
nmorning. It was under completely
within 10 minutes after the stern
started down.
No Capital Ship Sunk
However, not a capital ship was
sunk by Monday's atomic blast-
man's fourth such experiment-and
goats chewed calmly on hay at the
rim of the target fleet as the first
observer craft poked into the lagoon
three hours later.
But the havoc wrought by the ter-
rifying. power of the bomb was evi-
dentgat every hand. Fires raged
aboard at least eight of the vessels,
including one ship two miles from the
target center.
One capital ship, the battle-scar-
red light carrier Independence, was
wrapped in smoke and convulsed by
internal explosions of ammunition
and gasoline, touched off six hours
after the bomb let go in a blinding
flash of light that outshone the sun.
Carriers Not Obsolete
Vice Adm. William H. P. Blandy,
task force commander, told a press
conference that despite the damage
there was no reason to conclude the
day of the carrier and the destroyer
was done.
Blandy declared that while the
fire-swept Independence; was "not a
carrier any more" with its flight
deck destroyed and its bridge struc-
ture over the side, he said he had
seen ships that were damaged worse
by raiders of the Kamikaze-the
Japanese suicide pilots.
He predicted it would require
months to assess the full facts of thej

Italo- Yugroslav
ondar Set
By Ministers
PARIS, July 1-(Y')-The four-
power Foreign Ministers Council ap-
proved tonight a French-proposed
boundary between Italy and Yugo-
slavia and apeared to be within
striking distance of a solution to a
companion problem-the disposition
of riot-torn Trieste.
Russia accepted a plan to place
Trieste under international control.
Britain and the United States asked
for further time to study this pro-
posal on the Adriatic city, but prom-
ised to give their answers tomor-
British and American acceptance
of the Trieste compromise, also of-
fered by the French, would remove
the last road-block to writing peace
treaties for Italy and the Balkans
and would pave the way for a Euro-
pean peace conference.
A British source said the foreign
ministers had made "dramatic pro-
Yank Troops Stoned
TRIESTE, July 1-()-American
troops were stoned tonight when they
broke up an attack by an angry mob
on the Communist Party headquar-
ters here, as a series of new riots
broke out in this strike-paralyzed
city claimed by both Italy and Yugo-

Incomplete enrollment figures yes-
terday showed that 7,834 students'
had registered for the University's
53rd Summer Session, according to
Registrar Ira M. Smith.
Registrar Smith said this total did
not include registrations in the Uni-
versity's five camps operating this
summer or of the many off-campus
activities in Detroit.
Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, director of
the Summer Session, reported that
the enrollment figure would be boost-
ed considerably in August when 1,-
800 veterans report for a refresher
Broken down, registration figures
showed 5,730, men and 2,104 women
are now attending school here in the
University. 4,725 of these are vet-
Figures comparable to those an-
nounced yesterday showed 1,586 had
registered for the eight week Sum-
mer Session offered last year and
1,723 for the 16-week SummerTerm,
offered as part of the University's
year-round wartime education pro-

Kelly Requested
To Freeze Rents
By The Associated Press
Michigan warily watched changing
price scales Monday in its readjust-
ment to doing business without the
Rents appeared to cause main con-
cern, rising in some isolated instances
in Detroit as much as a reported 300
per cent.
As a result, there were two appeals
to Governor Kelly for an execu-
tive order freezing rents or a spe-
cial session of the legislature for the
same purpose.
These came from the CIO United
Auto Workers Union, which proposed
a renters' strike as a counter move,
and a Detroit consumers group.
The auto union sought a meeting
with Governor Kelly Tuesday. The
union, which also suggested a buyers'
strike, was called on by a group of lo-
cal presidents in Flint to revise its
wage policy and demand pay boosts
from industry.
Kelly said at Lansing he would
await clarification, of Congress' at-
titude on an extension of OPA before
he would decide whether to seek con-
trols under state law.
Daily Tryouts
There will be a brief meeting of
all students interested in work-
ig on The Daily editorial staff
at 3 pm. today, ingthe Student
Publications Building.
Persons wishing to try out for
the business staff should see'Janet
Cork at the Student Publications
Building between 1 and 4 p.m.

Committee to be overhauled inte
new one-year extension-with as f
of the amendments which mov
President Truman to veto the ori
nal extender as may be possible.
No Brake on Prices
This will leave the country wit
out a statutory brake on prices
as long as it takes Congress to a
but with officials hoping that volu
tary restraints evident today will
Price Administrator Paul Pol
expressed the belief that the pr
line could be held by voluntary act
for two or three, weeks. He also vo
ed confidence that "we will get
kind of price control that meets
specifications laid down by the Pr
Catastrophe Predicted
House debate on the stopgap.
tension brought a prediction fr
Chairman Spence (Dem., Ky.) of
banking committee that "a gr
catastrophe will come to the Amn
can people" unless price controls
revived. On the other hand I
Allen (Rep., Ill.) asserted there
be "no compromise" unless Cong
"completely abdicates, comple
surrenders to the bureaucratic
ministrators of the OPA."
A chorus of boos greeted Allen f
the visitors' gallery. Speaker 1
burn sternly ordered them hus
Proposals by Rep. Dirksen (F
Ill.) to make the temporary ext
sion only 10 days and by Rep. Sr
(De., Va.) to make it 60 days u
A move by' Rep. Baldwin (I
N.Y.) to' continue the old law
changed until Jan. 20, allowing
new Congress to deal with the ma
after the elections, also lost.
Filpios Here
Will Celebrate
Festival Will Observe
National Independeni

Prof.Slusser, New Director, Announces Exhibit

Filipino students 'at the Univers:
will celebrate their country's fi
Independence Day with a progri
and .dance at 9 p.m. July 3 in t
Rackham Assembly Hall.
Highlighting the program will
a ."quasi historical pageant" depic
in.g the past history of the Phil'
pines directed by Leopoldo Tor
balla of the math department, a

Creation of a separate Museum ofI

1'ti _. YY.. .S ... ......... .1 .. ....i I-Y w. e+.L ew HVS+i..Vy.:Me!1._.ti'F WYff .

. r . . _ __ _ .. _!1- _-

+iiip. f the new museuim will be I the lUniversity, withshowings of Ma-I

an exhibition selected from the Whit-

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