Ll JRE wY SwujtrnF Pate 6 VOL. LVI, No. 6S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1946 I mmmmmm Senate Rejects Ceilings on Meat, Poultry Disarmament Cause for New U.S.-Red Rift Move Blocks Truman's Plan Terminal Leave Bill Reada Byrnes Seeks Study Of German Problem By The Associated Press PARIS, July 9-Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov and Secretary of State James 'F. Byrnes clashed today over America's proposed 25-year German disarmament treaty, informants re- ported, and Byrnes proposed that special deputies be appointed to study all German problems. Byrnes asked that the. special de- puties be named now to consider all phases of the German problem for a report to the next series of meetings by the Four-Power Foreign Ministers, presumably next autumn. French and American informants said there was no immediate response from the other ministers. Byrnes circulated his proposal at the end of today's meeting of the ministers. Meanwhile, the French Govern- ment issued formal invitations to 17 other Allied nations for the general European peace conference here July 29, and the ministers asked the Uni- ted Nations to postpone its general assembly session in New York until Sept. 23 to allow, tinme for diplomats to attend the Paris conference. The general assembly had been scheduled for Sept. 3. Trygve Lie, U.N. General Secretary, had asked the ministers for advice so there would be no conflict with the Paris Peace Conference of 21 nations. The United States and Britain ap- peared to urge federalization to break down inter-zonal barriers in Germany as the conference turned to longe-rnge problems of the Reich. The real enigma was the Soviet Union. Both the United States and Britain are known to favor a federal structure for the eventual unification of Germany, and French officials gave increasing importance to fed- eralization as a possible solution of major issues. DiplomAts eagerly awaited the "important declaration"-on Germany pronised last week by Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav M. Molotov, which, according to speculation here, could be ariythlng from bk forth-right acceptance of federalization on the American model to a denunciation of what some Russians have called "se- cret negotiations" by Britain and the United States. .- The United States already is prac- ticing federalization in its own oc- cupation zone of Germany, and ac- ceptance of this procedure by the other powers would be a step, in the American and British view, toward removing the trade barriers between the zones. In Frankfurt today, Gen. Joseph T. McNarney, U.S. commander in Eur- ope, underscored the problem when be announced that the United States was prepared to seek special eco- nomic agreements for Western Ger- many unless the foreign ministers achieved agreement. Legislature To Meet at Unm6n The Student Legislature will hold its initial meeting- of the summer session at 730 tonight at the Michi- gan Union, according to President Ray Davis. Davis urged students who are in- terested in any phase of the Legis- lature's activities to attend this meet- ing at which plans for the summer session will be determined. One of the Legislature's functions this summer will be to plan a coordi- nated program for the various fund- raising activities on campus which include the WSSF and India Famine Relief Tag Days. Plans to establish a Student Book Exchange, the publication of a "Frosh Bible," and the promotions of a series of pep rallies to precede the fall football games are some of the other items to be considered this evening. Thye's Victory Hailed By Supporter tassen By The Associated Press Washington and Utah picked nom- inees for the United States Senate and House yesterday, climaxing com- paratively dull campaigns. Meanwhile. Harold E. Stassen SCHOOL IN THE NORTHWOODS-Students from 46 states and seven foreign countries are studying music this summer at the University's world-famous music camp at Interlochen. Part of the 1,300 students enrolled are shown as they arrive for the 19thseason of the camp in northern Michigan. Prof. Preuss Leaves Today For Washmton Prof. Lawrence Preuss, of the poli- tical science department, will leave today for Washington where he has been invited to appear before a series of hearings of the Senate Foreign Re- lations Committee. The hearings start Thursday and concern a resolution introduced by Sen. Wayne Morse (Rep., Ore.) which provides .for adherence by the United States to the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Jus- tice. Prof. Preuss was in charge of the legal section of the State Depart- ment which drafted the initial pro- posals for the court. In addition, he was principal secretary of the Com- mittee of Jurists which met in April, 1945 and drew up the statute for the court approved at the San Fran- cisco Conference. The International Court of Justice has replaced the former world court at The Hague, and the United States joined in when it signed the charter of the United Nations last August, Prof. Preuss explained. In approving the Morse Resolu- tion, he said, the U.S. would recog- nize in advance of any specific dis- pute the compulsory jurisdiction of the court in any controversies of a legal character. This movement would recognize the full authority of the court. Great Britain is the only great power which is now bound by the compulsory jurisdiction of the court, Prof. Preuss declared, the adher- ence of France and China having ex- pired. More Coaches Despite Losses Although the University Bus Ser- vice operated at a loss equivalent to more than $50,000 a year, Willow Vil- lage veterans will be served with almost twice as many buses in the fall, a University official announced today. With more than three times as many veterans expected to live at "The Village" next semester, the new program is intended to fill their transportation needs. There are now 21 buses on the line between the campus and the housing project, but next semester 35 are ex- pected to be in service. The bus service operated at a loss because of the low fares charged the veterans and due to the fact that on almost all round-trips, one run would be made with no passen- gers. There will be 16 round trips each school day. As many as 20 busses will make the trip during rush hours. Present plans indicate that the last scheduled trip for week days will hn af11,~10 , n * _ n Sstgoriiva smr oi Michigan Law-Makers Ponder Rent Control and Veteran Bonus G Moratorium Asked For 60-Day Period v LANSING, July 9-W)-The twin controversies of veterans bonus and state rent control occupied the Mich- igan Legislature as it met today in a special session. Before the law-makers, Governor Kelly laid a request that they order the bonus issue placed on the Novem- ber general election ballot and enact an emergency 60-day moratorium on rents which would freeze all residen- tial rentals at the June 30, 1946, level. The legislators immediately differ- ed in some respects with the chief executive's recommendations. A caucus of the Senate Republican majority proposed that the bonus question to be submitted to the people include a provision showing how it would be financed. This, Kelly has opposed. House leaders said that if that provision meant a new tax they would defeat it, but that if it mere- ly amounted to a generalization they probably would accept it. % While the senate caucus took no vote on rent controls, leaders said the sentiment appeared to oppose Kel- ly's plan for a state-wide rent con- trol. Instead, theasenators were re- ported to favor applying controls only in those areas which had OPA controls or to governmental units in which the local governing body formally imposes it. .At a House hearing, representa- tives of veteran organizations sup- ported the bonus principle but argued against financing the proposed $270,- 000,000 bond issue by increased taxes. HAINES ADDRESSES TRY- OUTS Prof. Donal H. Haines of the journalism department will lec- ture to Daily editorial staff tryouts at 3 p.m. today in The Daily con- ference room. Students interested in working on The Daily editorial staff will be welcomed at the lecture. AVC Asks Adoption Of Revolving Fund By TOM WALSH The American' Veterans Committee has taken a stand in opposition to the veterans bonus proposal now be- ing considered by the special ses- sion of the State Legislature and is urging the adoption of a veterans housing -and business loan program instead. Neil Staebler, Ann Arbor resident and spokesman for the state AVC has presented to Governor Kelly a plan which calls for the establish- ment of a state "revolving fund" to make available low-interest loans for cost housing and to enable veterans to set themselves up in businesses or on farms. Staebler explained that "the $270,- 000,000 bonus proposal is little more than a gesture of good will since the $300 or $400 average payment will not be sufficient to materially aid the veteran. Once a bonus has been paid to the veterans, we realize that any future assistance from the state will be highly improbable," he said. "We feel," Staebler continued, "that the finest thing the State can do for the veterans is to establish a "re- volving fund" from which the veter- an can borrow money to buy a home, get a start in business or purchase a farm. Within his lifetime nearly ev- ery veteran will want to buy a honie, start his own business, or own his own farm, and the aid that a loan at a low, one per cent, interest rate would give him is far more impor- tant to his future than the bonus now under consideration. "The fund proposed by the AVC," Staebler stressed, "also takes into consideration the larger welfare of the state by making available to cities, towns, and other governmental units, loans for the construction of low-cost housing in local areas where serious shortages exist. "The AVC '*feels that the state should face the problem now of how any bill to aid the veterans is to be See AVC, Page 2 Staggered Payment Is Planned For GI's By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 9-A so-call- ed "anti-inflationary" plan for stag- gered payment of about $3,000,000,- 000 to some 15,000,000 veterans reach- ed the Senate today with blessing from its military committee and President Truman. "This will be ready for Senate action before the OPA bill is finish- ed," Senator Edwin C. Johnson (Dem.-Colo.) told reporters after the military committee gave approval. Cash and Bonds The payments-part in cash and the bulk in treasury bonds payable five years after the veteran's dis- charge and bearing 22 per cent in- terest-are a substitute for an im- mediate cash outlay for terminal leave pay already approved by the House by a 379 to 0 rollcall. All commissioned officers who ser- ved during the recent war received cash terminal leave payments on re- lease at the rate of 2%/2 days for each month of service, less time actually spent on leaves. The substitute is intended to grant all enlisted men and women these same payments, except that cash would be paid only on claims of less than $50, with some exceptions, while the five-year bonds would be issued for payments above $50. President's Idea Assistant press secretary Eben Ayers told White House reporters that the bond payment substitute "was the President's own idea." The bond payments would be made to all enlisted men and women al- ready discharged and to those still in service who are discharged before July 1, 1947. Payment by bonds also would be made to officers discharged between the time the law is enacted and July 1, 1947, replacing the cash payments they now receive. None After Next July No provision is made to pay for unused leave accumulated after July 1, 1947, either by officers or men. The leave to be paid for under the plan is all that has accrued since Sept. 8, 1939, the date when the first naval reservists were called up. Undersecretary of the Navy John L. Sullivan appeared before the Sen- ate committee to explain the scheme. He said the President opposed im- mediate cash payments because of the "serious inflationary effect." The Senate committee gave speedy and unanimous approval at an exe- cutive session after Sullivan's testi- mony. Professors To Open Shummer Lectures Prof. Arthur W. Bromage and Prof. H. R. Crane, will deliver the first two lectures of the summer series on the general topic, "Social Impli- cations of Modern Science," tomor- row in Rackham Amphitheatre. Prof. Bromage, of the political sci- ence department, will speak on "Tot- al War and the Preservation of De- mocracy" at 4:10 p.m. and Prof. Crane, of the physics department, will lecture on "Recent Advances in the Physical Sciences" at 8:10 p.m. "What Is the Good of Science?" will be discussed by Ralph Barton Perry, professor of philosopihy at Harvard University, at 8:10 p.m. Fri- day in the Rackham Lecture Hall. All lectures are open to the public. JUNIOR COLLEGES PROPOSED TO EASE BURDEN: 'U' Officials Study Plan To Accommodate 30,000 Students Long-range planning to accom- modate from 20,000 to 30,000 stu- dents and involving a network of subsidiary colleges throughout the state is now under study by univer- sity authorities, President Alexander G. Ruthven revealed yesterday. Principal objective of the expansion is to avoid threatened "provincial- ism", maintain the university's in- ternational reputation and, at the same time, provide higher education. on a superior level for almost three dents in their home localities and eliminate over-crowding here. Both President Ruthven and Mayor Wil- liam B. Brown, Jr., have asserted that Ann Arbor is not large enough to accommodate prospective enrollment. 'U' Students "The important thing, if such a plan is developed, is to impress the idea that students at these proposed subsidiary colleges, if they are open- ed, are actually students of the uni- versity," President Ruthven said yes- University uses these schools, either a cooperative administration or a transfer from the department to the University's control would be neces- sary. Need Instructors One top-ranking University official expressed the opinion that to main- tain sufficiently high academic standards in a junior college net- work set-up, the University would have to furnish instructors. Current practice is to lower all grades at-