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July 07, 1946 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1946-07-07

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Fifty-Sixth Year



Raging Verbal War




r _


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Purlications,
Editorial Stafff
Managing Editors .. Paul Harsha, Milton Freudenheim
City News.............................. Clyde Recht
University..........................Natalie Bagrow
Sports .......................Jack Martin
Women's................... ......Lynne Ford
Business Stafff
Business .Manager ...... .............Janet Cork
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of .e-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, an
second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by Car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.

National Advertising Service, Inc
^ College Publishers Representative

Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46


Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Education's Plight
DESPITE the fact that the United States dur-
ing the war and previous to it has been
called a center for great educational institutions
and a haven for learned educators, this country
is nevertheless in grave danger of not being able
to maintain this reputation.
That the United States is allowing its edu-
cational system to "deteriorate" may be subject
to debate on both sides. Yet a study of ex-
penditures during the past few years indicates
an alarming laxity of attention paid to America's
educational system in contrast to the rising at-
tention given to those in Great Britain and
At a recent meeting of the National Education
Association Dr. Randolph McDonald, the exec-
utive secretary of that group's department of
higher education, told the members that "Russia
spends the equivalent of $13,000,000, or 20 per
cent of her national income, for education. We
spend less than $3,000,000, or less than 2 per
cent of our income, on education."
Other reports during the war years have re-
vealed that Great Britain, Russia and other
countries exempted from the draft students pre-
paring for the teaching profession. In contras',
the indiscriminate measures practiced in this
country by selective service are all too evident
in this University alone where the problem of re-
gaining a workable faculty-student ratio has
been highly acute.
Dr. McDonald claims that while "low salaries
are helping to drive teachers out of the pro-
fession" the immediate problem to - be tackled
is -"to build public recognition of the importance
of teaching and the need for good schools."
Some of this recognition has already been
achieved: the thousands of veterans clamoring
toy continue or to begin their education in col-
leges and universities throughout the country
have done much to bring America's educational
systems before the public eye. Likewise have the
ever-increasing numbers Qf high school grad-
uates and financial contributors to educational
There is, however, one aspect of this problem
to which more and more pressure should be ap-
plied. It is not enough for the interests of
citizens and business corporations to be aroused
concerning America's education. Government-
federal, state and municipal-should also be
aroused from its apathy. Though the costs of
living, of food, of building and of numerous other
items have risen, the government cannot afford
to let them serve as an excuse for neglecting
the education of future Americans. To do so
could easily be a death blow to the United
States' future.
The various bureaus and departments in this
government would do well to examine the
budgets of other nations with respect to the
percentage allowed for education.
-Joan de Carvajal
British Bulldog Tactics
In spite of the sober language used by Sir Alan
G. Cunningham, in announcing the British
military drive in Palestine, there is a sharp note
of hysteria in the whole operation. To put the

LOS ANGELES - The veto of the ersatz price
control bill has started a dozen new propa-
ganda battles raging. One of the new lines
(which crops up often in newspapers which were
most bitter against price control) consists of a
warning to the effect that radicals and enemies
of the American way of life are going to try to
exaggerate price increases in order to give the
free enterprise system a bad name.
We're off, then, on a new war of words;
within a week, the enemies of price control
have set up the ethical doctrine that price
increases are to be minimized, and that to call
undue attention to them is somehow unpatri-
otic. This hasty mobilization of attitudes is
an indication that the end of price control
has not stopped the debate, as its opponents
hoped it would, but has only transformed it
into another kind of debate, at a different
The enemies of price control are being led
The Adventures of Wesley Jackson by Wil-
liam Saroyan. Harcourt Brace, New York,
1946. 285 pages.
WILLIAM SAROYAN'S name is not new to
the literate American public. A few years
ago his novel, The Human Comedy caused quite
a bit of comment. It was made into a very heart-
rending movie, but a good one. Saroyan is also
well known for much shorter fiction and some
plays. Two of his better known works are "My
Name is Aram" and "The Daring Young Man
on the Flying Trapeze." He has recently pub-
lished another novel which has aroused critical
interest. It is called "The Adventures of Wesley
Jackson" and is all about the things that happen
to a young man named Wesley Jackson while
he is in the army. But it is also about the things
Wesley and his friends think, that is, about the
things William Saroyan thinks. A great deal
happens to Wesley in the book, resulting in his
doing a lot of thinking. Unfortunately they
seem to happen in order to furnish an.excuse for
thinking rather than being the cause of his
The Adventures of Wesley Jackson is written
in the usual Saroyan vein. Its theme is really
"There is no truth excepting it is from love."
That this is the theme is obvious because he
repeats it in those words so many times. There
are a lot of characters in the book and a few
people. They do a lot of philosophizing about
life and the war and the reason for the war,
but it all comes down to universal love and no
one wants to kill anyone anyhow. A few char-
acters get killed in the war and Wesley finally
finds the wife who can give him a son so the son
can make good where he failed. Making good
means finding out who you are. And at the end
Wesley concludes that "The world's too sweet
for murder ... Human beings must not murder
one another. They must wait for God to take
them in His own good time." And with that plea
for peace, let us wait. All in the turning of
A few sentences written in the Saroyan style
may have a certain effectiveness, but after sev-
eral pages, the style becomes monotonous and
dull. Some of his characters are rather power-
ful and a few of the incidents are genuinely
moving, but in most cases both the characters
and incidents are too obviously constructed.
The philosophy is a little too sweet and there is
too much of it. There is something almost
appalling about loving the whole world. In
short, the book is not really very good, but it is
Saroyan at his usual. At his best he can be
very good, but he is not at his best here.
-Margery Wald
* * * *
General Library List
Brace, Ernest
Buried Stream.. .New York,
Harcourt, 1946.
Hanlin Tom
Once in Every Lifetime.

New York, V. King, 1946.
Lasch, Robert
Breaking the Building Blockade.
Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1946.
Walworth, Arthur
Black Ships Off Japan.
New York, Knopf, 1946.
Wolfe, Linnie Marsh
Son of the Wilderness.
New York, Knopf, 1946.
The problems of city and town planning are
gradually becoming a matter of wider concern.
The planning of satisfactory environments in
both urban and rural areas will become a more
generally recognized science in the not distant
future. In its total implications the matter is
one of long .range planning and expenditures of
large sums. Meanwhile there is opportunity for
most communities to institute immediately
clean-up campaigns that will add vastly to the
pleasure of traveling.
-The New York Times

on from error to error. Having weakened price
control to the point where one of the meekest
Presidents who ever lived could not sign the bill,
they are now going further, and attacking nat-
ural corrective processes against inflation. For
the American press, by and large, is doing a
splendid job of keeping the public informed of
price increases; it has taken over, to a certain
extent, the policing function of government,
.using the classical, democratic weapon of pub-
licity and exposure. The great question is how
long this will continue and how consciously the
press will exercise this function, once there has
been a subsidience of the initial excitement
which makes all new prices news. Suddenly the
press itself has a choice to make, between vigi-
lantly keeping price increases on page one, as
stop news, or muzzily filling its columns with
doubtful matter designed to reassure the public
that all is well; and now we see that the debate
over price ceilings has become enlarged into
debates over the nature of the American press
and over the future of the free enterprise sys-
tem. One thing leads to another; the opponents
of price control may have thought they were
stuffing the issue into a box, and closing the lid,
but, actually, they have, with great recklessness,
opened a dozen new controversies to replace
and include the one they had hoped to finish.
Another new comment line runs to the
effect that prices will remain fairly stable,
even without controls, if only the unions will
behave themselves. The union answer to this,
of course, will be that labor was behaving it-
self with fair restraint until prices became
unstable. This is the kind of talk with which
men always seek to pass the time while travel-
ling in an upward spiral; and it makes an-
other example of the avoidable controversy,
which was not avoided. The issue is being
drawn in a kind of unpleasant, .naked way,
with self-appointed spokesmen for the com-
munity challenging labor to save the country,
and with labor challenging the economy to
keep it fed and clothed.
We did not really need a new series of labor
controversies, and it is fantastic that this part
of the cost of messing price control was not more
seriously considered. The enemies of price on-
trol forgot that they were in a kind of poker
game which no one is ever allowed to leave,
regardless of the winnings or losings of the
We're off, then, into several new levels of
social controversy, having precipitated show-
downs of the kind which it is the special genius
of democratic government to avoid. This is
what those men who can see only price lists
couldn't see; and their delight is like the ecstasy
of a child pulling a table over on itself to reach
a cookie; cookies being, as everybody knows,
quite the most valuable and wonderful things
in this world.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
cLellerj to the c'o
To the Editor:
A university is ordinarily a place to which
one comes for an education. One's sojourn there
usually proves to be an eye opener. This is es-
pecially true of the University of Michigan.
I have never seen such gross inefficiency and
mismanagement as I have seen here since
around the first of June.
1. I applied for a room for the summer ses-
sion in March., I didn't know whether or not
I had one until June 19th-the day I left for
home. Many students heard much later. Surely
the rooming shortage for the summer session
wasn't as acute as that for the fall semester
and I was notified two months in advance of
my room for the fall semester.
2. I wanted to have my elections approved be-
fore exams. There was no summer school catalog
and none in sight. No one knew what would be
taught and when. The time schedule wasn't
even out before I left for home.
3. A deposit was required for one's room for
the Summer Session. All well and good-but
when I went to pay my room and board for the

summer months why couldn't that amount have
been deducted. No, I have had to chase from
office to office, from person to person attempting
to obtain my refund which I very desperately
I noted in the Daily for last week that the
enrollment didn't reach the high figure expect-
ed. No wonder-not everyone can wait until the
zero hour to have plans completed. If I did not
need the eight hours of University of Michigan
credit which I am now striving to earn I would
never have returned here this summer. Many
people, not regularly students here, became dis-
couraged by the way the summer session was
managed and went to schools where the stu-
dents are shown that they are wanted by effici-
ent administration. All this inefficiency tends
to pull down the great name the University of
Michigan supposedly holds. To my way of,
thinking it merely illustrates the need for edu-
cation within one of the alleged, "institutions
of higher learning."
-Grace Petingill

Education at 4:05 p.m., Monday, July
8, in the University High School Aud-
itorium. The topic will be on "The
Place of Vocational Education in
Lecture: There will be a lecture
on "Do Colleges and Universities
Contribute to Human Erosion in the
Small Community?" by Howard Y.
McClusky, Professor of Educational
Psychology, on Tues., July 9, 4:05
p.m. at the University High School
Dr. Preston W. Slosson, Professor
of History, and radio commentator,
will give a series of discussions of
current events, each Tuesday, of the
Summer Session in the Rackham
Amphitheater at 4:10 p.m. under the
auspices of the Summer Session. The
public is invited to attend.
Academic Notices
New Registration will be held for
all students not previously registered
with the Bureau of Appointments on
Monday, July 8 at 3:00 in Room 205,
Mason Hall. This applies to both
students and faculty interested in
either 'eaching or General positions.
Only one registration will be held
during the summer. All students who
will want appointments next year are
urged to come to this meeting.

(Continued from Page 2)

TWO STARVING Czechoslovakians, too weak to walk without the
aid of canes, look toward America for help-immediate help-to'
save them from death. You have a chance to aid them and millions
like them in famine-stricken countries. Give money or food in tin
cans to the Emergency Food Collection. Give that they may live.

program and the remaining in the
series, scheduled for Monday eve-
nings July 9 through August 13, are
open to the general public without
Coming Events
French Club: The first meeting
of the Summer Session French Club
will take place on Monday, July 8,
at 8:00 p.m. in the Michigan Union.
Professor Charles R. Koella, of the
Romance Language Department, will
talk informlally on: "Ou va la
France". Election of officers, French
songs. Social hour. Allstudents on
the campus are cordially invited to
our weekly meetings, which are free
of .charge.
Men's Education Club baseball se-
ries on Tues., July 9, 4:00 p.m. at
South Ferry Field.
Pi Lambda Theta welcome tea on
Tues., July 9, 7:30 p.m. in the West
Conference Room at the Rackham

recently published a poll which
shows that the first two requisites
of the people of the United States
as to the public schools are know- .
ledge and character. Both scored
thirty-four per cent. Traditionally,
we hold Home and Church, not the
Schools, for character. Also, our at-
tention has been called to the like-
ness and difference between charac-
ter education and religious educa-
tion by a Workshop which carried
both in one title. Many inferred that
the program used them synonymous-
ly. While not identical, religious
education and character education
do set similar goals, such as: fair-
play, respect for personality, purpose,
courage, kindness and loyalty. But
the procedures by which School and
Church aim to attain such values are
widely different.: The Church begins
far back in metaphysics or a theory
about the universe, while the School
begins with the Immediate situation.
The former would have parent and
child fix attention upon the spiritual
elements, eternal truths and hidden
causes. These, they hold, are grasped
by belief or accepted on faith, How-
ever, the School asks the Home to
concentrate attention at the point
of practice, not faith, and to act so
as to attain, in the responses of the
child, the attitudes which, if made
permanent, would spell Character.
Here then, are brought to the par-
ent and child the two disciplines es-
sential to personal character and
social conduct. How are our Ameri-
can homes meeting the situation?
The very fact that thirty-four per
cent of the people call for character
as a first product from the Schools
would suggest that the Homes need
to be supplemented. The juvenile
crime increase, also bears out that
conclusion, for most of the courts
plus practically all who deal with
crime, including J. Edgar Hoover of
the F.B.I., are appealing to the Home.
Thus the problem practically is a
phase of Adult Education. The whole
learning process for either the child-
ren or the adults is in the control
of adults, not of children. Hence,
the Home as the basic agency for
which School and Church, according
to our democratic state can be only
supplementary agents, is up for re-
view,. Homes are in control. But
homes are failing. Our own Wash-
tenaw County, this location of the
parent Normal of the commonwealth,
home of the State University, having
in its borders the State's largest
Mental Hospital, a Federal Detention
Home, a great University Hospital,
the StatehNeuro -Psychiatric Insti-
tute, the headquarters of t0e Mchi-
gan Children's Institute and a list
of lesser clinics too long to include,
makes its reply by admtting that
during the past year there werein
Washtenaw County as many divorces
as marriages. At that rate, the Dome,
as ail agency to produce the charac-
ter essential to a democratic nation,
cannot be called adequate.
If the Home is to solve its charac-
ter problem, unify its drive for speci-
fic goals and lead children and youth
forth to citizenship replete with the
necessary attitudes both to live suc-
cessfully in our culture and to correct
the evils inherent in it, Church and
School will have to move into a new
type of teamwork. Here is the central
Home problem of our decade. Should
any community convene the parents
and begin this teamwork, the Church
and the School immediately would
find themselves saying, first: the
Church is supernatural but School
natural; second: the Church seeks
unity of belief while School must
serve community regardless of vari-
ous beliefs; third: the Church has no
freedom unless its leaders can think
in historical perspective and move by
deductive processes but School finds
freedom in the contemporary life
of science and the focusing of atten-

tion on change by inductive proced-
At that point, it is customary for
the leaders of Church and leaders
of School to part company. Really,
that is the very place where those
leaders begin to agree. Here is dis-
tinctiveness of function. That de-
finiteness of function will enable
each to serve the other if the lead-
ers of both institutions can keep
their eyes on the goal. The goal
to be served is the Home. It is
not the child as such, nor the 'com-
munity, as such. The Church and
the School are supports of the
Home. When we admit this, as the
courts have decided, particularly in
the Oregon Case of 1811, that the
child belongs to the Home, and
accept the attitude that both the
School and Church are agencies
to teach parents who in turn teach
children, we shall more certainly
make progress in our democratic
Finally, we venture the belief that
religious education is the develop-
ment of attitudes of loyalty primar-
ily. Trust on the part of the children,
the basis for faith, is a "given" of
human nature. Did not the Master
say "Except ye become as little child-
ren ye shall by no wise enter into

Phi Delta Kappa supper
July 9, 6:30 p.m. in the

on Tues.,

Faculty Chamber Music Program:
Rackham Lecture Hall, Sunday eve-
ning, July 7, 8:30. Gilbert Ross and
Lois Porter, violinists, Louise Rood,
violist, Oliver Edel, cellist, Lee Pat-
tison, pianist. The program will in-
clude Schubert's quartet in A-Minor,
Op. 29, Quartet No. 7 for two violins
by Quincy Porter, a guest faculty
member for the Summer Session, and
will close with Schubert's Trio in
B fiat major, Op. 99, for piano, vio-
lin and cello.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will present
a recitalnat 4:1B5 Sunday afternoon,
July 7, on the Charles Baird Carillon
in Burton Memorial Tower. His pro-
gram will include compositions by
Handel, Verdi, Kamiel Lefevere, a
group of Finnish airs, and four
Student Recital: Beverly C. Queke-
meyer,apianist, will present a pro-
gram at 8:30 Tuesday evening, July
9, in the Assembly Hall of the Rack-
ham Building. Given in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Music, M'r.
Quekemeyer's recital will include
Sonata K. 576 by Mozart, Prelude,
Chorale and Fugue by Franck, three
piano pieces by Debussy, and Proko-
fieff's Sonata No. 4. The public is
cordially invited.
Lecture-Recital: Lee Pattison, pi-
anist, will be heard at 8:30 Monday
evening, July 8, in the Lecture Hall
of the Rackham Building, in the first
of a series of lecture-recitals. For his
first program Mr. Pattison will play
Schubert's Sonata in E Flat, Op. 122,
and Four Impromtus, Op. 142. This

International Center: The Summer
Session Reception to Foreign Stu-
dents will be held on Wednesday
evening, July 10, in the Rackham
Assembly Hall. The informal recep-
tion will start promptly at 7:30
o'clock. Foreign students, faculty,
and other American friends are in-
- Art Cinema League International
Film program, first presentation,
Heart of Paris, with Raimu, Michele
Morgan, four-star comedy. English
sub-titles. Rackham Auditorium, at
8:30 p.m., Wed., Thurs. Season tick-
ets available at all bookstores, Union
and League.
International Center: The first in
a series of weekly Thursday teas of
the Summer Session will be held
Thurs., July 11, at 4 p.m. in the In-
ternational Center. Language tables
will convene. Summer school faculty,
students, and others interested are
There will be a shortf meeting of
Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha
Fraternity, Tues., July 9, at 7:00 p.m.
in Room 302 Michigan Union. All
members are urged to be present.
A list of the Lesson Sermon sub-
jects for the Christian Science
church services for the quarter of
July, August, September, 1946, is as
July 7-God
July 14- Sacrament
July 21-Life
July 28-Truth
Aug. 4-Love
Aug. 11-Spirit
Aug. 18-Soul
Aug. 25-Mind
Sept. 1-Christ Jesus
Sept. 8-Man
Sept. 15-Substance
Sept. 22-Matter
Sept. 29-Reality.
First Congregational Church:
10:45, Dr. Parr will deliver the first
in a series of sermons on "Great
Sayings," the subject being "Time
Fights for Us." (W. E. Gladstone.)
4:30-6:45, Congregational Disciples
Student Guild recreation, singing,
picnic and worship at Riverside park.
Lutheran Student Association:
Bible Study Class will meet at 9:15


By Crockett Johnson

17 -

- - -

Your Fairy Godfather's heart was touched, m'boy.
All those people- And so eager to have a roof
over their heads. My, my ... How powerful is the
human instinct- How relentless its search for
protection annins tthe vnonarie J oftheelements-.

YOU drew a plan of a
house,Mr. O'Malley.
STrue. But one custom
b uilt mansion seems I

On the other hand, the immediate
construction of several thousand
dwellings-- Cushlamochree! What
an historical moment- Note the
rdnte. nrnnabv In vour diarv. . .

J. J. O'Malley,
architect, will
launch a vast
housing project!

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