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August 18, 1946 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1946-08-18

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Fortnight Show
Will Highlight
Special Event
(Continued from Page 1)

the newly created position of social
chairman, directing League House
dances and cooperate with Panhel-
lenic Association in sponsoring fac-
ulty teas. Exchange dinners and teas
between houses are also under the
direction of the social chairman.
New Post Created
Phyllis Pettit, Mosher, as project
chairman will supervise the various
money raising activities for the Uni-
versty Fresh Air Camp, Assembly's
project for the year.
Inaugurated last fall, Assembly
Fortnight will run from Sept. 23
to Oct. 12. Highlight of the pro-
gram is the Fortnight Show to be
presented Oct. 2 in Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre, featuring skits and
entertainment presented by League
League house groups. During the
Fortnight, members of the Board
will visit dorms and houses to ex-
plain the functions and programs of
'Assembly and League activities.
Traditional events of Assembly
include Assembly Recognition Night,
scheduled for Oct. 24, which has
officially replaced annual Assembly
Banquets. Margaret Thompson,
Stockwell, is chairman of the affair
this year. Talks and awards to out-
standing independent women are
made at Recognition Night, and a
dessert is served in place of the
former elaborate banquets.
Assembly Ball Set for Spring
Another annual event is Assembly
Hall, which will return to its origi-
nal status as a separate dance this
Spring. During the war, Assembly
cooperated with Panhellenic Associa-
tion in presenting the ball. The affair
is the only coed-bid dance for inde-
pendent women.
House presidents installation, to
be held Oct. 16, is another annual
event of Assembly. At this time, all
campus house presidents are official-
ly installed by taking an oath to
fulfill the duties of her office. Minia-
ture gavels in Assembly blue and
white are given to all new house
Coke bars at all campus dances
are managed by Assembly women as
a money raising project. Positions of
chairman and assistant chairman of
coke bars will be filled this fall by
the regular League system of peti-
tioning and interviewing before Ju-
diciary Council.
Dances Will Be Continued
Also instituted last year, the series
of League House dances will be con-
tinued, on Saturday afternoons in
the League Ballroom. "The project
was begun because many campus
residences are too small to hold their
own dances and parties. Petitioning
.and, interviewing for the central
committee will be held this Fall.

'U' Was First C(
To Attend Alur
The University was one of the first
of the large universities to become
coeducational and was the first of
them to be represented at an early
national alumnae conference, spon-
sored by the Association of Collegiate
Alumnae, now known as the Amer-
ican Association of University Wo-
Although Michigan alumnae have
been active since the first woman'
Judiciary ..
(Continued from Page 1)
ing the week if the affairs are given
on the week-end also. Chief among
the violations which bring offenders
before Judiciary are latenesses of
one-half hour or over and five late-
nesses in one semester.
Other important house rules are
as follows: Any student expect-
ing to be out of the house after
7:30 p.m. must register the oc-
casion and place (if out of town,
the complete address.)
Closing hours Monday through
Thursday are 10:30 a.m., 12:30 a.m.
Friday and Saturday, and 11 p.m.
Any woman wishing to be out of
her house overnight during the week
must register her plan in the Office
of the Dean of Women before 4:30
p.m. of that day.
All late permissions must be ob-
tained from the Office of the Dean
of Women. House directors are not
allowed to' give out late permissions.
Women who attend certain Uni-
versity sponsored events must be in
the house one-half hour after their
Judiciary Committee also is re-
sponsible for the enforcement of
quiet hours within the houses.
Tutoring Services
Offered by League
Council Committee
Incoming students who wish to be
tutored after five weeks' grades come
out have the opportunity to use the
services of the Merit-Tutorial Com-
mittee of the League, chairmanned
by Judy Rado, Martha Cook.
Tutors must have received an A
or B in the course they wish to teach
and preferably have taken the course
within the last year. Announcements
concerning the registration of pros-
pective tutors will be carried later
in the term in The Daily.
The Merit-Tutorial Committee al-
so keeps a catalog of activity cards,
pictures of each student, and infor-
mation on their extracurricular ac-
tivities. This catalog is used as a
reference by campus honor societies,
Judiciary Council, and by the Social
Director of the League when answer-
ing requests for recommendations.

red Institution
nnae Meetings

graduated in 1871, they did not org-
anize into a group until 1917, when
the Central Correspondence Com-
mittee began directing work "to do
more for Michigan women and to
stand loyally by all interests and
achievements of the University as
expressed through her Alumni As-
Purchase Self-Help House
The first project of the alumnae
was to purchase a self-help house, to
be maintained by women students.
A house on Washtenaw Avenue was
occupied until it was razed, and in
1926, the Regents asquired the pres-
ent Mary Markley House, earlier
known as Alumnae House.
With the growth of alumnae
groups, the name Central Correspon-
dence Committee was no longer rep-
resentative of the function of the
organization, and accordingly, in
1920, it was changed to Alumnae
Council of Alumni Association.
Until 1928, headquarters of the
alumnae, as well as of all women's
organizations, were housed in Bar-
bour Gymnasium, which had been
built to accommodate about 400 wo-
men students.
Aided League Fund
The Women's League began the
fund for a separate women's building
in 1921, and the Alumnae Council
embarked on a campaign to raise
$1,000,000 for it. When half the sum
was accumulated, the Regents donat-
ed the land on which the building
now stands, and in June 1929, the
formal dedication took place.
The Council has a national chair-
man and a Board of Directors. About
50 local groups are represented di-
rectly on the National Alumnae
Council, which meets annually in
Ann Arbor. In addition, the Council
is represented by two alumnae on the
Board of Directors of Alumni Associ-
The first executive secretary of the
Alumnae Council was Mrs. Mary
Bartron Henderson, '94, who served
from 1917 until 1930. Mrs. Margue-
rite Maire held the position until
1932, and Mrs. Lucille B. Conger suc-
ceeded her.
Edited Bulletin
During the war, Mrs. _onger edited
the Alumnae News Bulletin, which
was sent to more than 500 Michigan
women in Service. In the past, the
Council has sponsored surveys of
housing facilities for women. Last
year's project, that of selling engage-
ment calendars decorated with Mich-
igan scenes, and playing cards, ash-
trays, and leather billfolds carrying
the Michigan seal, will be continued
this year in the Alumnae Council
Office at the League.
Among the permanent projects of
the Council is a program of student
aid based on broad lines, awarding
of current scholarships and fellow-
ships, and the establishment of per-
manent endowments in $10,000 units
as basic funds for graduate fellow-

. . '{




Has Records Galore for Campus
Concerts or Private Proms


If record breakage runs high in your "dorm" or
house, stop in at Lyon & Healy for one of our
sturdy, new racks or extra albums ... and - while
you're in - "browse" through our comprehensive
music folios or listen leisurely to your favorite selec-
tions on Victor and Columbia Records from the
large Lyon & Healy Collection.
Music of Tchaikovsky (Tchaikovsky). Andre Kostelanetz con-
ducting the Robin Hood Dell Orchestra. Col. M-601. $4.04
Concerto in A Minor for Piano and Orchestra (Grieg). Artur l
Rubinstein and the Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene Or-
mandy, Conductor. Victor DM-900...............$4.04
Symphony No. 5 in E Minor, Op. 95 "New World" (Dvorak).
Eugene Ormandy conductfng the Philaedlphia Orchestra.
Columbia MM-570. ...................................$6.14
Gems from Sigmund Romberg Shows Volume I (Selections
from New Moon, Desert Song, Student Prince, May Time,
and The Night Is Young). With Orchestra conducted by
Sigmund Romberg. Victor M-1051..................$3.95
A Cole Porter Review (Music featured in the Warner Bros.
Technicolor production "Night and Day"-Night and Day,
In the Still of the Night, Begin the Beguine, What is This
Thing Called Love, and others). David Rose and his Orches-
tra. Victor P-158. ...................................$2.91
Favorites (Let's Fall in Love, I'll See You in My Dreams, Adios
Muchachos, Imagination, and others) Andy Russell.
Capitol BD 13. .........................................$2.91

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Peerless Record Rack: Stout wooden
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Metal-base Record Rack: Rigid base
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50 records. Gold color~........ $3.50

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