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_ _____

League Council Coordinates

Women's Activities

Heads of Coed
Are Members
Group Makes Final Decisions
Concerning Policies Affecting
League-Sponsored Programs
Housed in the Michigan League,
center of all women's activities, the
League Council is the central govern-
ing body for all women on campus.
Made up of the heads of all ma-
jor women's activities, the co-ordin-
ating body compromises 22 women.
All matters of policy and decision
coming before the Council are first
discused by the executive board. Their
recommendations and alternative
solutions are then passed on the
Council for final decision.
Resumes Former Name
Formerly known as "Women's War
Council, the organization officially
readopted its earlier name last year
when the reconversion from war ac-
tivities became complete.
Ellen Hill, of Martha Cook, will
serve as president of the League
Council for the coming year. Miss Hill
was chairman of Assembly Recogni-
tion Night and a night editor on the
Daily last year, and is well known for
her active participation in campus
Other members of the five woman
executive board include vice-presi-
dent Jo Simpson, Kappa Alph'a The-
ta; Jean Louis Hole, Pi Beta Phi, who
is chairman of Women's Judiciary
Council; Phyllis Wilman, Delta Gam-
ma, secretary; and Carolyn Daley,
Martha Cook, treasurer.
Presidents Serve on Council
Presidents of other women's or-
ganizations who are on the Council
include Margaret Gage, Gamma Phi
Beta, president of Panhellenic Asso-
ciation; Jean Clare, Martha Cook,
president of Assembly Board, and
Jean Brown, Kappa Kappa Gamma,
president of Women's Athletic Asso-
The position of hospital service was
created this year to replace the for-
mer job of personal administrator.
Olive Chernow, Martha Cook, will
hold the post this year, heading the
volunteer entertainment programs at
Percy Jones Hospital in Battle Creek,
and in wards in University Hospital.
The hospital'volunteer aid work, for-
merly Soph Project, will be handled
by the Hospital Service chairman and
her junior assistants.
New Positions Created
Also new this fall, will be the posi-
tion of drives chairman, to be filled
by Barbara Raymer, Alpha Epsilon
Phi. Miss Raymer will head and or-
ganize all national and coed drives
coming under the jurisdiction of the
Council. Among these are the Red
Cross, famine and clothing drives.
She will be assisted by a staff of
junior women.
The third of the newly created
posts, publicity, will be filled by Doris
Krueger, Chi Omega. Editorship of
the League Activities Booklet, of
the weekly League news sheet, and
organization of all League publicity
for projects and social events through
posters, skits, and The Daily will be
handled by Miss Krueger.
Social Chairman of the Council is
Ann Robinson, Pi Beta Phi, who will
See LEAGUE, Page 4
To New Coeds
A proposed tour of other Univer-
sity campuses is one of the projects
to be undertaken this year by the
Women's Glee Club, a League activ-
ity which is open to all women on

Headed by Barbara Everett, Gam-
ma Phi Beta, the Club offers prac-
tice and experience in group sing-
ing with an opportunity for solo
work. Miss Marguerite Hood, of the
School of Music, directs the group.
Tryouts are held early in the fall
semester and all second semester
freshmen and undergraduate wo-
men are eligible to tryout for the
Club. Tryouts will be held again dur-
ing the Spring semester for the bene-
fit of women entering school this
var Membershin is limited to ap-

Judiciary Body
Has Two-Fold
Task This Year
Headed by Jean Louise Hole, Pi
Beta Phi, Women's Judiciary Com-
mittee will continue its two-fold task
of supervising the interviewing and
petitioning system and enforcing
house rules.
Posts on the League Council, jun-
ior positions in the League, Assem-
bly and Panhellenic board positions,
and all class project heads are ap-
pointed by Judiciary through peti-
tions and interviews.
The committee consists of Car-
olyn Newburg, Martha Cook, sec-
retary; Harriet Shinnick, Delta
Delta Delta, senior member; and
Betty Hahnemann, Sue Lunden
and Jo Reuland, junior members.
Sophomore aids to the Council are
Eleanor Hoffmaster, Harriet Fried-
man, Lois Jean Hall, Dulcie Kras-
nick, and Eileen Scanlon.
Before any petitioning is sched-
uled, the Judiciary Committee holds
a meeting for all those who are eli-
gible for. the project in question and
at that time explains the proced-
ure and the qualifications necessary
for the positions.
The .petitions which incorporate
the applicant's ideas for the posts
plus any special qualifications she
has for the job are due one week
after the opening of petitioning has
been announced in TheDaily. The
applicant then signs for an inter-
view at which time she explains fur-
ther her definite plans for the job
in question.
After consideration of all appli-
cants, Judiciary submits its recom-
mendations to League Council for
In its capacity as a "court," Ju-
diciary Committee hears all the
cases of infringement of house
rules recommended to it by house
directors and the Office of the
Dean of Women.
According to Miss Hole, each
freshman woman will be given a
pamphlet of house rules during ori-
entation and each woman in the
University is responsible for know-
ing and abiding by the house rules.
"Any violation of the rules due to
not knowing the rules will be hand-
led as any other violation," she
Of special importance to fresh-
men is the rule that freshmen are
not given automatic late permission
for University sponsored events dur-
Women's Staff
Needs Workers
The staccato of typewriters, the
click of the teletype as the news
comes in, the thrill of hearing the
sharp series of bells when big news
comes over the wire, and the roar of
rolling presses all go to make up the
unique atmosphere at The Daily.
There's more to a women's page
than weddings and engagements-
plenty more. Fashions and social af-
fairs now are crowded off the page
by news and features on campus pro-
jects. Student reporters and editors
complete every step in the process of
putting out a paper.
Opportunities Limitless
The Daily women's staff offers an
opportunity to gain a toe-hold in
campus activities. Members of the
staff learn to know people, and more
important, people learn to know them.
Tryouts write assigned stories and
work on the editor's desk one night
each week, writing heads and rewrit-
ing copy. As soon as tryouts grasp the
fundamentals, they are automatical-
ly promoted to sophomore staff.

Beats are assigned and sophs con-
tinue to work desk until they are
ready to tryout night edit a page.
Night editorship, a paid position,
is the next step toward the top. Night
editors make up one page a week,
check heads, and prepare the page
for publication. Two senior positions,
women's editor and associate, are
open to qualified women.
Experience Unnecessary
Experience is not necessary to try-
out for the women's staff, but wo-

Sept. 17 Set as Beginning Date
For Transfer Coeds' Program
Special Activities Designed To Acquaint
New Women with University Facilities
For the first time in the history of University Orientation Weeks, fresh-
men and transfer women will participate in two separate programs of
The freshman program will open Monday, Sept. 16, and the transfer
program is scheduled to begin Tuesday, Sept. 17. All incoming women are
expected to take advantage of the special week which is designed to famil-
iarize new students with the facilities of the University. Women will be
divided into small groups under the supervison of upper class advisors.

COEDS RELAX ON ANGELL HALL STEPS: Angell H all is the home of the College of Literature, Science and
the Arts and the majestic front steps make a popular p lace to relax between classes.

Panhellenic, Assembly Govern
Sorority, Independent Women



Central Organization
Heads 20 Sororities
Panhellenic Association is the cen-
tral organization which governs ap-
proximately 1000 affiliated women,
members of the 20 sororities on the
Michigan campus.
Headed by Margaret Gage, Gamma
Phi Beta, the Panhellenic Executive
Board is made up of six women. Bet-
ty Pritchard, Pi Beta Phi, will serve
as first vice-president, and Louise
Patrick, Alpha Phi, as second vice-
president. Secretary for the coming
year is Monna Lee Clark, Alpha Omi-
cron Pi. Lois Cothran, Alpha Chi
Omega, is Panhel rushing secretary,
and Patricia Pontius will be treas-
Weekly meetings of chapter pres-
idents and delegates, sponsored by
Panhel, provide opportunities for
group discussion of house prob-
lems concerning activities and
scholarship, as well as a means to
contact houses with announce-
ments of League and campus func-
Improvements in rushing systems,
active participation of sorority wom-
en in campus activities, cooperation
with Assembly and more efficient
integration within Panhellenic itself
are the major aims of the Associ-
ation. Open forums are occasionally
held in which suggestions for the
betterment of the governing body
are received. Recommendations
which came out of the forum last
year have been incorporated in the
plans for the coming semesters.
In addition to the meetings of
house delegates, rushing chairmen
from all houses meet to formulate
formal rushing rules. Regulation of
rushing is the primary executive pur-

Group Represents.
Unaffiliated Coeds
Every independent woman on cam-
pus is automatically a imember of
Assembly, the organization estab-
lished in 1932 to provide a central
group representing unaffiliated wo-
Membership cards, issued to all.
members, are necessary to gain ad-
mittance to Assembly functions.
Headed this year by Jean Clare,
Martha Cook, the organization
strives to promote higher scholarship,
and increased participation in ex-
tra-curricular activities, as well as
representing independents on the
League Council.
Weekly Meetings Held
Each League house, dormitory,
auxiliary dorm, and - cooperative
house on campus is represented*by
its president at weekly meetings at
the League. Announcements of
League and campus activities, dis-
cussion of house problems, and As-
sembly business are handled at these
Executive duties of the social and
business organization are performed
by the seven members of Assembly
Board. Serving on the board this year
are two vice-presidents, Audrey Wes-
ton, Mosher, who is in charge of
dormitories, and Allene Gollinkin,
Stockwell, in charge of League
houses. Vice-presidents conduct the
weekly house presidents meetings.
Pamela Wrinch, Martha Cook, is
secretary-treasurer of Assembly.
Sarah Simons heads up the Per-
sonnel Committee, which keeps a
file on the interests and abilities of
every independent woman and sup-
plies workers for various campus ac-
tivities. Sue Smith, Mosher, will fill
See ASSEMBLY, Page 5

Beckon Future
Coed -Leader's,
If you wagon is hitched to a star
or if the term BWOC strikes musical
chords on your ears or if campus ex-
tra-curricular activities have a magic
appeal for you, then you will find
that Michigans many honor societies
are looking in your direction.
Alpha Lambda Delta
Most of the honor societies are for
junior and senior women although
'freshman women are eligible for
membership in one honor society, Al-
pha Lambda Delta. Members are
chosen on the basis of their scholastic
achievements only, requirements be-
ing half A's and half B's in the first
semester. Other purely scholastic
achievements such as Phi KappaPhi
or Phi Beta Kappa are attained only
by those juniors and seniors who
really have solved the mysteries of
Ec. 51 or English 2.
Of course, the societies which rec-
ognize BWOC's also have scholastic
requirements. Mortarboard, national
honorary society for senior women,
has a scholastic record of 3. above
campus average for a standard re-
quirement. Other than this, its mem-
bers are chosen on the basis of ser-
vice in campus activities and char-
acter. Members wear a miniature'
mortarboard of black and gold as
their pin.
Senior Society, Scroll
Unaffiliated senior women are eli-
gible for membership in Senior So-
ciety, while sorority women may be
elected to Scroll. These three so-
cieties have as their main function
that of service to the campus as a
whole. For instance, in past years
Mortarboard members tutored re-
turning veterans in difficult sub-
jects. Senior Society works in close
cooperation with Assembly.

* * *
Freshmen Program
Freshmen women advisors, headed
by Joan Schlee, Chi Omega, will meet
their groups for the first time Mon-
day morning, Sept. 16. Succeeding
days will be spent taking physical
examinations, aptitude tests, tours of
the campus, and hearing explana-
tions of various buildings and sys-
A mass meeting Monday night will
acquaint freshmen women with Pres-
ident Alexander Ruthven, Dean Alice
Lloyd, and Dean Joseph A. Bursley.
Prof. David Mattern of the Music
School will lead community singing
and student leaders will expla'iz the
functions of campus organizatns.
Entertainment Planned
On following nights, freshmen
women will be entertained by exerpts
from last year's Soph Cabaret, an-
naul sophomore variety night, and
scenes from "There's Room for All,"
the 1946 Junior Girls Play which was
written, directed, and produced sole-
ly by junior women. They will also
be guests at a style show presented
by the Women's Athletic Association.
"Our Orientation Week was plan-
ned to give freshmen women a chance
to become acquainted with the Uni-
versity more easily. Upperclass ad-
visors are able to steer freshmen
clear of many stumblingblocks which
they themselves encountered not so
very long ago," explained Miss Schlee.
Junior members of the freshmen
orientation supervisory committee are
Carla Mullendore,.Betty Lou Zwemer,
and Nancy Robertson.
Advisors Listed
Freshmen advisors include Joyce
Agalstein, Mary Aschenbrenner, Ca-
mille Ayo,' Janice Bernstein, Betty
Lou Bidwell, Libby Bloomstrom,
Jeanne Boyle, Mary Jane Brender,
Ernalee Brutschy, Audrey Burnard,
Jeanne Busch, Janice Carter, Phyllis
Chapel, Helen Cole, Viola Converse,
See FRESHMAN, Page 2
Unapproved House
Facilities Require
Special Permission
Special permission cards must be
issued to all women undergraduate
students living outside University-
approved accommodations: that is,
all undergraduates living in private
homes or houses not officially inspec-
ted and approved. This includes un-
dergraduates, no matter what age,
married or single, veterans, girls liv-
ing with relatives including girls liv-
ing at home.
Special permissions may be issued
by the Office of the Dean of Women
for the following reasons: financial
need, marriage, health factors, liv-
ing with parents or near relatives
and special cases decided in the dis-
cretion of the office. Undergraduate
women who do not have cards to pre-
sent at the time of registration and
whose circumstances do not clearly
warrant the permission will be re-
quired to call at the Office of the
Dean of Women before completing

* * *
Transfer Program
Headed by Lois Iverson, Alpha
Delta Pi, transfer advisors will meet
approximately 200 incoming upper-
class women for the first time Tues-
day morning, Sept. 17.
Orientation material will be given
out at this time and transfers will
take health exams, tours of the
campus, .andmet faculty advisors
on the first day.
Special Night Planned
A special entertainment for up-
perclass women and veterans is
scheduled for 8 p.m. Tuesday at
Rackham Auditorium. Football coach
Wally Weber will emcee the show.
Provost James P. Adams will wel-
come students and explain Univer-
sity system.
Community singing of Michigan
songs is to be led by Prof. David Mat-
tern of the Music School, and cheer-
leaders will be on hand to teach and
lead cheers. Heads of various stu-
dent organizations will explain the
purposes and functions of their
groups at the meeting.
In addition to the orthodox ori-
entation program, a system of pro-
viding dates has been organized
through cooperation of women's and
men's orientation service.' Ages and
interests will be taken into consi-
deration and a definite effort will
be made to match dates well, ac-
cording to Miss Iverson.
Still tentative plans for transfer
orientation week include a possible
special dance to conclude the week,
which would be open to alL transfer
women and upperclass veterans on
Advisors To Aid Registration
Classification and registration will
begin Wednesday, Sept. 18 and will
be supervised by advisors. Veterans
participating in the summer refresh-
er course will also be given aid in
registration by transfer advisors.
Junior assistants to Miss Iverson
include Jerry Gaffney, Jean Harris,
Naida Chernow, and Margaret Par-
ker. Transfer orientation advisors are
Elizabeth Adams, Gloria Baron, Mary
Battle, Elizabeth Birkluck, Patricia
Bromley, Olive Chernow, Janet Cork,
Alice Dallmeier, Jean Deibel, Betty
Eaton, Jeanne Feldman, Gretchen
Geigenmuller, Audrey Goldberger,
and Carlene Gormsen.
Others include Pearl Handelsman,
Kate Hearst, Karen Holmes, Marilyn
Holton, Helen House, Sally Hughes,
Ranonda McGarry, Sylvia Meier,
Alice Miller, Reta Narotsky, Marilyn
Neff, Catherine Oilson, Eleanor Reed,
Betty Rhode, Mary Jane Sehoff, Car-
ol Siebert, Barbara Sisson, Sarah
Jane Stevenson, Dorothy Strauss,
Jeanne Thorne, and Katherine
Night Club Sets
Opening Date
The Campus Casbah, long-awaited
student soft drink night club, will
open Sept. 27 in the ballroom of the
Michigan League, sponsored by the
League Council.
Designed to relieve the dearth of
entertainment facilities on weekends,
the Casbah will be open every Friday
and Saturday night during the year,
according to Miss Ethel A. McCorm-
ick, social director of the League.
At least one floorshow will be fea-
tured weekly, presented by student
and outside talent. An orchestra will
be on hand to furnish music for
dancing, and tables will be placed
around the edge of the floor. Re-
freshments will be served in the
In addition to the entertainment
provided by the Casbah, other facil-
ities of the building will be opened

for student use on Friday and Satur-
day nights. Hours in the League Grill
will coincide with those of the Cas-



flssembly T
Raising funds for the University
Fresh Air Camp, a camp supported by
the University for the benefit of un-
der privileged boys from the Detroit
and southeastern Michigan area, will
be a major campus project under the
direction of Assembly this year,
The first benefit affair to be staged
for the camp will be annual cam-
pus dance, Oct. 12, at the Intramural
Building. Plans include featuring a
name band for the affair which will
he one of the activities of the Armv-

o Raise Funds for Fresh Air Camp

a three-fold purpose; to remedy the
abnormalities of small boys, who
have difficulty in adjusting to home
environment, by offering a vacation-
land among other youngsters; to sup-
ply referral agencies with informa-
tion and further guidance, in the
child's behavior; and to provide stu-
dents of sociology and education with
opportunity to make immediate ap-
plication of theoretical classroom
Originated 24 years ago as a pro-

In 1935, by act of the Board of Re-
gents, the camp was placed under the
supervision of the University, there-
by broadening its immediate objec-
tives to include remedial and in-
formation services.
Placed under Institute Supervision
Recognizing the need for students
to have actual observance of hu-
man behavior as supplement to lab-
oratory and textbook work, the Uni-
versity, in January of this year,
made the camp a subsidiary of the

basis with sociologists, psychologists,
and psychiatrists all contributing to
discussion from their aspect of a
specific problem.
Student Counselors Assist
In addition to receiving instruction
in the various fields concerned with
human adjustment, each student is
required, under supervision of tu-
torial staff members, to write up case
reports on the children for which he
is responsible.

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