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August 18, 1946 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1946-08-18

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c season

Opening Set
For October

F .: ;:.

Students of 50 Nations,
Congregate at Center
Wide Variety of Social Function Planned
By Program Directors for Fall'Semester




Program Includes
Melton, Horowitz

The University musical season, tra-.
ditionally climaxed by the May Fes-
tival, will open in October this year,
reverting to its pre-war schedule.
The program lists ten Choral Un-
ion series concerts, the annual Cham-
ber Music Festival and the Christ-
inas performance of Handel's "Mes-
siah." .
James Melton will open the Choral
Union series Oct. 10, followed by Egon
Petri, pianist Oct. 30. The November
concerts include the Cleveland Or-
chestra, conducted by George Szell,
Yehudi Menuhin, violinist, and the
Icelandic Singers.
Symphony Orchestra
The Boston Symphony Orchestra
under the direction of Serge Kousse-
vitzky will appear here Dec. 9, with
the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, un-
der the baton of Karl Krueger, sched-
uled for Feb. 17 and the Chicago
Symphony with Desire Defauw con-
ducting, on March 16.
Vladimir Horowitz, pianist, will be
heard in recital Jan. 17 and Lotte
Lehman, soprano, will appear Feb. 26.
The University Choral Union,
special orchestra, and Frieda Op't
Holt Vogan, organist, will participate
in the annual performance of Han-
del's "Messiah" Dec. 15. Soloists for
the performance will be Lura Stov-
er, Ellen Rapp, contralto, Ralph Lear,
tenor, and Alden Edkins, bass.
Chamber Music Festival
The Budapest String Quartet will
again provide the three concerts of
the Chamber Music Festival, to be
held Jan. 24 and 25.
The concert season will be climaxed
May & through 11, with the presenta-
tion of the 34th annual May Festival,
in which the Philadelphia Orchestra,
directed by Eugene Ormandy, will
again participate.
Men's Rights
In Home Urged
'By 1920 Woman
Twenty years ago in the Daily,
Mrs. Lillian Gilbreth, industrial en-
gineer and mother of eleven children,
declared that "the men of today are
fighting as hard for the right to do
the dinner dishes as the women of
yesterday fought for the ballot."
"Michigan, as usual, is far behind
kits competitors in the education in-
dustry," she continued. "How can
Michigan hope to keep its large en-
rollment if it ddes not give courses
in cooking and baby-care to its eager
sons? Men will have their domestic
rights if they have to fight for them.
Nothing can keep the American man
from getting what he wants. It is a
shame if a man cannot take any
career he likes."
"Men, learn to cook now," she said,
"so your marriage may be a success."
At the -same time R. Le C. Phillips
was pessimistically informing the
world that "scarcely more than 50'
per cent of women college graduates
Dr. Lee Alexander Stone was de-
fining a flapper as "a female who has
succeeded in living down thousands
of years of hypocracy, and who now
realizes for the first time that her
real mission in life is to be what
woman has desired to be throughout
the ages, just a natural human be-

UNIVERSITY MARCHING BAND-Pictured above is the University of Michigan Marching Band lined-up in
its most popular formation, the block 'M'. The band is made up of more than 100 pieces and is under the di-
rection of William D. Revelli.
Three Band Units To Form Nucleus
For Campus Spirit;_ Broadcasts Planned

The University Bands will once
again participate in every major all-
campus event at the University dur-
ing the coming year, and as in the
past, will form the nucleus around
which University school spirit finds
The University of Michigan Bands
.are composed of three units: the 128-
man Marching Band, the Varsity
Band, and the 110-piece Concert
Band. The Marching Band will play
at all home football games this year
and will accompany the team to
Minneapolis for the Minnesota game.
It is this band that has been ac-
claimed as "The All-American Band"
by Associated Press sports writers.
Calendars for Two Bands
Ater the football season, the
Marching Band will be divided into
two units: the Varsity Band, which
will play for basketball games and
present concerts of its own; and the
nationally known Concert . Band,
Male Glee Club
Gives Concerts,
Makes Tours

which has on its calendar this year
the following events: an All-Campus
Variety show, an annual Christmas
Program, Winter and Spring con-

certs in Hill Auditorium, a broad-
cast series over station WJR with an
N.B.C. hookup, out-of-town concerts,
a Spring tour, and a community sing
on the library steps during Com,-
mencement week.
Since the fall of 1935, the Uni-
versity Bands have been conducted
by Prof. William D. Revelli, who has
been largely responsible for the de-
-ree of success which the 'U' Bands
iave attained. Prof. Revelli has
studied under such outstanding men
of music as Felix Borowski, Leon
Sametini, George Dasch,. H. A. Van-
dercook, and Louis Victor Saar. Be-
fore coming to Michigan he conduct-
ed the Hobart High School Band of
Hobart, Indiana to five consecutive
national championships. Today he
is recognized as one of the -truly. o.ut-
standing figures in the cbncert band
world and makes many appearances
each year in all parts of the country.
Auditions for Membership
Membership in any of the Univers-
ity'Bands is determined by audition
with Professor Revelli. Auditions
for the primary organization of this
year's bands will be held during, reg-
istration week of the fall semester
at Harris Hall, State and Huron
Streets, from 9 to 12 and 1 to 4-each
day. Later auditions may be had at
any time during the year upon ap-
pointment. Membership is open to
men and women from all colleges of
the University, with the exception
of the Marching Band, which is open
only to men.
At the annual spring banquet, stu-
dents will be given awards for their
service in the University Band. A
silver watch charm is the reward for
one year's participation, a gold ring
for two, a band 'M' sweater for three,
and an 'M' blanket for four years.

The International Center, located
in the Michigan Union, is the gather-
ing place and social center for stu-
dents from about 50 nations and their
American friends.
Behind the many types of social
activity sponsored by the center are
the director and Counselor to For-
eign Students, Dr. Esson M. Gale,
and his staff. The center also pro-
vides academic, legal and personal
advice for foreign students.
Fall Reception Planned
The first annual activity of each
term is a reception for new and old
foreign students, for which about
500 invitations are issued.
Next of importance are the Sun-
day evening programs. At these, lec-
tures are given by experts in different
fields, designed to acquaint Ameri-
cans with foreign areas or foreign
students with America and its way
of life. Musical evenings, concerts
and entertainments are also among
these programs sponsored for stu-
dent groups.
Teas are given each Thursday
afternoon, with separate language
tables for Russian, French, Spanish
and sometimes even Chinese and
Turkish students and their friends.
University guests from foreign coun-
tries are often present at these teas.
Tea Dances Presented
Supplementing formal Center pro-
grams are the Friday afternoon tea
dances, occasional week-end dances
and the colorful International Ball,
sponsored by the All-Nations Club,
an organization which bases its acti-
vities-on the Center but is an inde-
pendent student social group.
Bridge nights, game nights, indoor
and outdoor sports contests and pic-
nics are also arranged by the Center
from time to time.
Thehfirst post-war International
Festival will be held Nov. 26 in Hill
Auditorium, under the auspices of
the Center. Students from many
countries will present varied acts at
the festival, and American students
and townspeople will be given the
opportunity to see and better under-
stand representations of the culture
of, many foreign nations.
Government. Regulations Explained
A, particular service of the Center
is the adjustment of foreign stu-
dents to government regulations in
this country, such as immigration
laws, selective service for men, and

The construction of an addition to
the East Engineering Building and
the introduction of a new option in
the field of electronics will highlight
the expansion program necessitated
by the greatly increased enrollment,
Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the School
of Engineering announced recently.
To be occupied by the aeronautical
and electrical engineering depart-
ments, the new south wing will pro-
vide classroom space for additional
students and laboratories to accom -
modate new developments in these
fields, Dean Crawford stated.
"Indications point to a fall enroll-
ment of 3,600 undergraduates, an in-
crease of 1,300 over the spring term,
and every effort is being made to ex-
tend present facilities to accommo-
date this number," Dean Crawford
Enrollment Closed
Enrollment in the engineering
school has been closed for the fall
term to all except former students,
Walter J. Emmons, Assistant Dean of
the engineering school revealed this
week. While qualified Michigan vet-
erans may still enter other schools,
lack of adequate space has forced
the restriction of entry into the en-
gineering school to all except former
Although engineering students are
required to take English and Econ-
omics, the opportunities for the study
of literature, languages, history and
other humanistic studies are limited.
If a student is seriously interested in
these studies, he is advised to spend
a few semesters on them before
entering the School of Engineering.
Special Courses Offered

Facilities for refresher ano brush-
up courses in the English language
are provided by the Center, in which
hundreds of foreign students have
been enrolled. The English Languages
Service, according to Dr. Gale, has
contributed much to making the Uni-
versity "one of the popular centers
for foreign student education in this
"The personal contacts between
young representatives of our country
and those of others do more to dis-
pel false notions about each other,"
Dr. Gale emphasizes, than any other
Crawford Tells
Engine School

First Formed
Back in 1845
Sponsors Reunions,
Publishes Magazine
"We believe that the student
should be trained as an alumnus
from matriculation," President Ruth-
ven declared in 1932, expressing the
present-day spirit of the University
Alumni Association.
The Association was formed in
August, 1845, when the eleven mem-
bers of the first Ann Arbor graduat-
ing class proceeded to organize im-
mediately after commencement.
Calling itself the Society of the
Alumni of the Department of Liter-
ature, Science and the Arts, the
group eventually evolved into the
present Alumni group of 1,750 life
members. The Association sponsors
local alumni clubs, Class Officers
Councils and class reunions every
year at graduation. In addition, it
handles the Alumni Catalog Office,
the Alumni Advisory Council and
publishes the "Michigan Alumnus."
This magazine is the oldest exist-
ing alumni publication in the coun-
try, with the exception of the "Yale
Alumni News."
Many other famous alumni and
their activities have been reported
through the Alumni Association. A
necrology file is published in the
"Alumnus" and its compilation is one
of the functions of the Alumni Cat-
alog; Office. The office possesses files
of approximately 99,000 folders con-
taining biographical material, regis-
tration cards, correspondence and
In contrast with the lifetime scope
of the present Alumni Association,
the early group covered a much smal-
ler part of alumni activities. Their
aim was to provide an opportunity
for former students to gather to-
gether, and it was not until 1860 that
the alumni participated in University
affairs in any capacity other than
that of critic.
At that time, the purpose of the
organization was restated - "im-
provement of its membership, per-
petuation of pleasant associations
and promotion of the interests of the
University and of higher education
in general."~
Unification of alumni of all de-
partments was begun in 1$71, and
the movement culminated in the org-
anization of all department alumni
groups into one united body.
During the administration of Wil-
fred B. Shaw, who was general secre-
tary of the Alumni Association from
1904 to 1929, the Association moved
from a room in University Hall to
Alumni Memorial Hall, where it car-
ries on its activities at present.

SPlans Performance
During Orientation

The Men's Glee Club is planning
to resume its pre-war concert trips'
this year according to Prof. Dave
Mattern, director of the club.
The trips, which were cancelled
during the war because of trans-
portation conditions, have included
performances at New York, Wash-
ington, Buffalo, Milwaukee, and other
large cities. They are sponsored by
the Alumni Association and usually
run about ten days.
The Glee Club is booked for two
performances during orientation.
week: Monday, Sept. 16th at Hill
Auditorium when President Ruthven
will greet all freshmen, and Thurs-
day, Sept 19th at the union ball-
room when it will lead the new-
comers in school songs.
Soloists Encouraged
The club, which usually, has a
membership of around eighty, is open
to every male member of the Uni-
versity whether or not he is enrolled
in the School of Music. In addition
to the varsity glee club, there is a
freshman glee club. Tryouts for both
will be held during the first week of
the term, exact dates to be an-
nounced. The club is especially on
the lookout for soloists, both instru-
mental and vocal.
In addition to the concert trips,
the Glee Club is planning to make
radio broadcasts, give campus con-
certs, and make' records which it
sells to alumni all over the country.
Awards Are Presented
Award keys are presented each
year to outstanding members of the
Officers of the club for the 1946-
47 season are Douglas Wilson, pres-
ident; Robert Pollock, secretary-
treasurer; Richard Courtwright,
publicity director; and Richard Mil-
ler and David Carpenter, librarians.


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D. Revelli, pictured above during a
rehearsal of the University Band.
New Program
300 Men May Enroll
For Naval Training
The University Naval Reserve Of-
ficers' Training Corps Unit, which
was established in 1940, and during
the war graduated 1,444 students to
serve as officers with the ships of the
fleet, will complete the shift from a
wartime to a peacetime program this
A maximum of 300 students will be
enrolled under the new program, no
more than 100 of whom may be en-
tering freshmen. The remainder will
be composed mainly of students qual-
ified for enrollment with advanced
standing because of previous military
or naval training.
If the H'oloway Plan, which has
passed the Senate and House and is
awaiting approval of a minor amend-
ment by the Senate, is put into effect,
two types of NROTC students will
be provided for. First are regular
NROTC students, who will be com-
pletely subsidized by the government,
and will be granted retainer pay of
$600 a year, tuition, fees, books and
laboratory expenses for a maximum
of four years.
The second group is composed of
contract NROTC students, who will
have the status of civilians who have
entered into a mutual contract with
the Navy, and will be commissioned
at the end of their course, but must
pay their own tuitionand expenses.
The NRQTC course of training
consists of Naval Science courses,
drills and exercises. The courses, one
of which the student ordinarily will
take each semester, are designed to
provide a basic professional Naval
education comparable to that pos-
sessed by graduates of the U.S. Naval
Academy. Military drills will take
place from time to time during a two
hour practice period each week.
Uniforms will be worn on special
occasions, but the student will be un-
der military discipline only when en-
gaged in activities connected with
Naval Science courses.
Regular NROTC students must en-
gage in three summer training cruises
of from six to eight weeks duration,
fand must assume active duty as an

ment plateau cannot last five years.
Others contend that there will be
no marked decrease for the next
One thing is certain-the Univer-
sity has never been confronted with
such a massive undertaking-it is
faced with the problems of space
and staff shortages, not to mention
the bogey of housing.
* But if you think it's crowded here
. . try Michigan State or Illinois.
Students are sleeping in the gym-
nasiums, in quonset huts and what
have you.
Seeking some plan to ameliorate
overcrowding, educators in the state
are working on a plan to deploy
Michigan veterans to smaller, less-
crowded schools throughout the state.
State educators point out that many
of the smaller schools have high rat-
ings and excellent liberal arts cur-

(continued irom Page 1)

TU' Expansion
Cost Estimated
At '$6,630,000,
(Continued from Page 1)
$14,000,000 worth had been paid
for by taxpayers.
Now under consideration are im-
mediate expansion of Angell Hall
and an addition to the General Li-
Early estimates of these two pro-
jects figure the cost at approximate-
ly $1,500,000.
Lack of materials, shortage of
labor and hold-up of activity pend-
ing federal approval all caused Uni-
versity officials considerable diffi-
In April, shortly after work on
dormitories was commenced, local
contractors complained to the fed-
eral government that the Univers-
ity building program had "sapped
up" all local bricklayers and that
none were left for work on needed
homes for war veterans in this
Aggravating this circumstance was
the policy of University contractors
to hire employees for a six-day week
with Saturday overtime pay. Home-
builders could not afford to compete
with wages paid on the University
projects and still remain within the
$10,000 home limit established by
federal officials, the complainants





Special engineering courses -are
offered in the departments of math-
ematics, physics, chemistry, econom-
ics, and business administration.
The accelerated schedule adopted
during the war has since been drop-
ped, and courses are currently offered
during two terms and a half-term
summer session each year.
The engineering faculty does not
encourage students to concentrate at
too early a point of study. Therefore,
during the first year of work the stu-
dent is not allowed to commit him-
self to a specialized program of study.


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