THE MICHIGAN DAILY tin- r- OLD TRADITION CONTINUES: JGPlay, Senior Night Headline Junior Plans By LYNNE FORD W E HEARD about a rookie infan- tryman making his first amphi- bious landing. The silence roared and the tension was like a tight rub- ber band as the craft approached the beach. No one said a word, until finally in a plaintive little voice, the rookie whispered, "Please, won't somebody say 'This is it!" Well, this IS it. In less than a month you'll be striding down the Diag, feeling that you'd been in A square for years. But the really ex- citing time is right now, with shop- ping, planning, and interesting let- ters to write and receive from your roommate-to-be. Your approach will be a lot dif- ferent than that of your older sister a few years ago, because there's a lot more to University life now than coke dates, cutting classes, and a wardrobe planned to make the cam- pus sit up and take note. It's a seri- ous business, this college stuff, but it is true that your appearance has to sell you first before people can learn to know your scintillating personality: S IMPLICITY may not be a sixty- four dollar word; but it will be worth ten times that much to you if you keep it in mind when choosing the clothes you'll bring with you. U. of M. is a casual campus in every sense of the word, casual but NOT sloppy! The well groomed and tail- ored gal will leave her bedizened sir- en sister in the dust. Choose the basic and fundamental- ly practical type of clothes. Make sweaters and skirts, preferably the newer look of sweater blouses and tucked in sweaters, smooth skirts, and high wide and handsome belts, the piece de resistance of your class- room wardrobe. A dog may be man's best friend, but every gal knows a classic tailored suit fills the same niche in her needs. Practical for classes because it can be worn in so many combinations, tops for casual week-end dates at the P-Bell, and perfect for week-end jaunts to the nmwon, you're safe in al- locating all the precious shekels you can scrape together for a really good-looking suit. As for purely extra-curricular clothes, casual tailored dresses and the ever-present suit you can dress up or down in will meet the demands of most A square week-ends. (Note of caution: Most freshmen women can be spotted immediately at a Fri- day Union Dance by their sequins and devastating glamor garb.) Of course, as on all good campuses, there Is a time for that really sophisticated dress your mother finally consented t-with much pleading on your part and misgivings on hers. FOR THE FIRST time in approxi- mately five years, the ratio of men to women this fall is expected to en in the right direction, from the coed viewpoint, that is. Social life will definitely come out of the last traces of its duration-hiberna- tion, so plan to have at least one all out formal for the really big dances and another for the semi- formal functions. Beyond this mini- mum, better wait until you know exactly the sort of dream dress you want for that special-extra night in your life. Two should fill the bill ad- mirably for at least the first semes- ter. Formal rushing does not begin un- til the second semester, so you need- n't worry yet about the all-impor- tant matter of dress. In the main, the well dressed rushee adheres to the Word at Michigan-casual. First teas call for hats and dressy suits or dresses. After that, it is up to the respective houses. "Informal" means a tailored dress or sweater and skirts and flats. "Formal" is an overstate- ment, for all it means is heels and hose in combo with the same tailored dress or suit. There are no strictly formal rush parties. On the truly practical side, a warm winter coat is a necessity. Local thermometers have no respect for those cute but lightweight little top- pers. By the end of the football sea- son, you will no longer begrudge your fur coat the extraordinary amount of space it seems to require in your proverbially small closet. Moreover, you will find a fur coat a top rank- ing investment to see you through icicle days over suits and dresses as well as for an evening wrap. And remember, if it rains any- where in Michigan, it is raining in Ann Arbor, so be prepared with a raincoat, babushka or souwester, rub- bers or boots. Umbrellas didn't go out with Chamberlain. On the first rainy day, the campus will look like a landing of the 102nd Airborne in miniature. The Arb is as fine for skiing and tobogganing as it is for its more famous warm weather vir- tues, so if you are material for the winter sport's queen candidacy, bring the appropriate togs. CONFINE YOUR blue jeans and slacks to the dorm and Arb- ambles. That phenomenal creature, the Michigan coed, may have her vices, but she DOES NOT appear in her eight o'clock with pajamas tucked up under her blue jeans and a babushka covering the hardware on her hair. You'll find a wrap- around skirt and pullover sweater a more graceful solution to the problem of making your early Saturday class when your roommate finally wakens you five minutes after the lecture began. One word sufficeth in the matter of footnote. Mechanization has not hit this fair campus and bicycles are prohibited on the campus proper. All of which means self-propulsion on your own two feet, no matter where. Flats are the only answer for every- day wear, and the more festive vari- ety are frequently s'een at the semi- bright light spots and week-end dances. Junior Girls Play and the tradi- tional Senior Night program will be the focal events of the junior wo- men's activities during the coming yeal.1 An annual event since 1904, this year's JGPlay will be the third of the completely original presentations, written, directed and- produced solely by junior women. The script is be- ing prepared this summer by the 23 members of the central committee, working in geographical groups. t According to tradition, the first prescntation of the play will be at Senior Night, in honor of Senior women. A banquet in, the League Ballroom precedes the event and women attend in caps and gowns. Before curtain time, everpts from the last JGPlay are presented by the original cast. Novel feature of Senior Night ac- tivities is the parade in which mar- ried women light candles, engaged coeds suck lemons, pinned women wear straight pins and unattached women throw as many pennies as they are old into the wishing well. The theme of the play is kept se- cret until its initial prt: entation on Senior Night. Chairman of the 1947 JGPlay isDoris Miller, Kappa Alpha Theta, who will be assisted by Ca- mille Ayo, Delta Delta Delta. The play is financed by class dues. A mass meeting will be held during the fall semester for all women who wish to assist in com- mittee work or appear in the pro- duction. As usual, the event will be presented three consecutive nights. The date has not been set. Central committee members in- clude Kathleen Watson, Kappa Kap- pa Gamma, director; Betty Steward, Delta Delta Delta, assistant direc- tor; Cynthia Cotes, Pi Beta Phi, sec- retary-treasurer; Janet Osgood, Al- pha Omicron Pi, assistant secretary- treasurer; Avis McCrillis, Alpha Omi- cron Pi, music composer; Nancy Schiller, lyrics; Betty Spillman, Betsy Barbour, choral director; Nancy Neu- mann, Kappa Kappa Gamma, dance; Janet Cork, Pi Beta Phi, tickets; Ar- lene Cadiff, assistant ticket chair- man; Audrey Bernard, costumes; Gloria Baron, costume assistant; and Pearl Klausner, Sigma Delta Tau, scenery. ELLEN HILL.E JEAN LOUISE HOLE. President of League Council Judiciary Council Chairman GAY SPECTACLE: GlIasstrophob ia Coed Figures Ii Iit Tell Sad Tale I s No Ailment If Dorothy Parker's often quoted crypticism, "Men never make pas- ses at girls who wear glasses." has you completely squelched-forget it! Opticians have come through with a gay spectacle and the outlook for fall is bright indeed, if viewed through the masterpieces of lense art now available. In fact, one squint at the new crop of glasses will con- vince even the most dubious that the gal who meekly settles for con- tact lenses is missing a lot of fun. Outstanding for casual wear with- tweeds are the wooden frames of polished maple and applewood. Some are painted in clear, vivid shades of blue and red, while others hold to their natural color. More daring for festive occasions are the gold flecked plactic rims and black frames cir- cled with tiny pearls. Lucite works*a magic circle even around the thickest lenses, and can be had in every shade conceivable. Newest are the stark white frames bearing monograms on the bows. Most of, the novelty frames are thicker than ordinary rims and spe- cialize in unusual shapes. With designs like these, glasses are fare from hard on morale. In- stead they are a necessary part of a wardrobe. Michigan coeds may have fallen prey to the peculiar post-war inflation that has added two inches to the average hip measurement credited to juniormisses all over America by the Associated Press. Several Ann Arbor corsetieres have agreed with the New York fashion stylist who reported that Miss America's hips have bewilder- ed girdle manufacturers by con- siderably out-growing the pre-war model. Wasp waists still are the vogue in campus corset shops, but trim hips may be a disappearing curiosity if this girth-gaining continues, add these local stylists. lMichigan coeds, they say, have managed to keep their svelte waist lines, but fitting the buxom modern misses into girdles of pre-war mea- surements is becoming a real tussle. Before this seam-popping ten- dency began, one local fitter called 26-34 the average coed waist-hip proportion. But now, she said, 26- 36 is a more accurate figure. Do you believe in .Equalinty for Women? A 0 If you do, the women's staff of The Daily offers an amazing opportunity to assert yourself. There is more to a women's page than weddings and engagements-plenty morel Being a member of the women's staff means that you will get practical experience in writing both news and feature copy, you will learn all the mysterious steps in "making up" a page, and find out and learn to do all the things that happen from the time you interview someone until your v Famous Painting, Sculpture Exhibitions Are Part of 90-Year-Old Art Collection The Fine Arts Collections, located in for the most part Alumni Memor- ial Hall, were* begun in 1855 and have been added to ever since that time. Painting and sculpture exhibits in- elude valuable original works of the nineteenth century and the con- temporary period, particularly from the American school. Portraits by Gari Melchers and sculpture by French, Bitter, and Weinmann are on exhibition. In the Fine Arts Study Room there is a collection of 17,500 mounted photographs, a collection of original etchings and engravings and a stan- dard collection of textiles acquired by the University through a grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York. Complete Beauty Service DISTINCTIVE HAIR STYLING O 5 NICKELs ARCADE Phone 2-6696 U' -o -y<-ye -o o m e-o -y .- 0 -. i1 r .- Round the Year Favorites t, ' ' r , r / s ; , ,,. . ' , .. , ,,,,' SUITS . ..SKIRTS.. . SWEATERS ... BLOUSES COLLEGIATE CASUALNESS is the word at Michigan through all the seasons. Outfit yourself from head to toe - from suits to anklets - at The Campus Shop. Choose from a selection of Henry Rosenfeld makes of dresses. , ., Ili Forget your packing woes. The CAMPUS SHOP has your clothes problem solved. Everything is here from the sophisticated date dress to those extra- large sweaters in all styles from $3.95. Angora sweaters in all pastel shades at $16.95. I 0 ; tiI I i4" II