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August 18, 1946 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1946-08-18

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I r


il Enrollment


Cut Due to Faculty Shortage
Applications Restricted to Veterans; Influx
Forces Tightening of Academic Standards

Literary School
Change Debated

Moseley Typewriter & Supply Co.
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Harvard Proposals
Basis for Discussion

Additional enrollment in the Col-
lege of Literature, Science and the
Arts is being curtailed because of
the shortage of instructors, and only
veteran applications are still being
accepted for the fall term, according
to Arthur Van Duren, head of the
Office of Academic Counselors.
Wartime depletion of graduate
schools has limited the faculty
strength, and as a result sections
of certain courses are apt to be
crowded while some instructors may
have to teach extra classes.
Academic Standards
Largely because of the greatly in-
creased number of admissions, a new
ruling has tightened academic stand-
ards. Non-veteran students must
maintain at least a C average during
their first semester in attendance;
veterans are permitted an additional
session in which to attain this mini-
mum standard.
Freshmenstudents will follow the
traditional policy of the literary col-
lege in the selection of courses. All
must take work in physical educa-
' tion for which no credit is granted,
and in addition must attend a series
of six hygiene lectures and demon-
strations. The English composition
course must be elected during the
first semester to fulfill the English
requirement for graduation. In ad-
dition students may select 12 other
credit hours of classes each semes-
Attendance Requirements
Attendance requirements are more:
lenient than in the past, however;
students are expected to attend class-
es regularly. Absences will be con-
sidered on an individual basis by the
instructor concerned and action will
be taken where absence is endanger-
ing satisfactory academic progress.
The large number of veterans are
provided special counseling services
at the Veterans Services Bureau in
the Rackham Building.
Freshmen are not eligible to par-
ticipate in extra-curricular campus'
activities during their first semester
here, but may thereafter, providing"
a C average is maintained.
The following system of grading'
is used by the University:l

A-excellent; 4 honor points per
hour of credit.
B-good; 3 honor -points per hour
of credit.
C-fair: 2 honor points per hour
of credit.
D--deficient, passed; 1 honor point.
E-not passed; no honor point.
X-absent from examination.
A minimum of 120 hours with at
least a two-point (C) average is re-
quired for the bachelor degree.
Academic Counseling Offered
All freshmen and sophomore stu-
dents, upon arrival, are assigned to
an academic counselor - a faculty
member who maintains direct super-
vision over the student's academic
Students consult with their counsel-
ors on all prqblems relating to their
study, such as selection of courses,
employment problems, student-fac-
ulty relations and study habits. It
is the purpose of the academic coun-
selor to aid the student in his trans-
fer from high school to college work
Students who plan on worki:
while attending school should cons-.,.
with their academic counselors at the
earliest possible moment, in order
that the possibility of a reduced pro-
gram of work might be determined at
an early date. New students are
urged by 'U' officials not to carry a
heavy work program..
Increased powers have been grant-
ed to the Office of the Academic
Counselors in supervisory work con-
cerning student programs. The office
is located in 108 Mason Hall.
Responsibility of Student
The policy of the college is to place
more responsibility for learning on
the individual student. Dean Hay-
ward Keniston says this policy must
be followed if academic standards are
to be preserved. The higher average
now required of students will relieve
the college faculty of a considerable
burden of special counseling.
Most of the courses in the literary
college are held in Angell Hall, facing
State Street. Romance language
courses are held in the Romance
Languages building. Classes in zoolo-
gy and botany meet in the Natural
Science Building while those in chem-
istry assemble in the Chemistry
Building. Classes in other depart-
ments meet in Mason Hall, Haven
Hall and University Hall.

When a committee of Harvard
University professors released a re-
port on "General Education in a Free
Society" one year ago this month, the
result was a whole series of changes
and proposed changes in the curri-
cula of several colleges and univer-
sities throughout the country.
Several weeks before the Harvard
report appeared, the literary college's
Joint Committee on the Curriculum
had submitted to the faculty a pro-
gram of curricularrevision. Debate
on the program was reopened in the
fall and continued throughout the
year, but no decision was reached.
Although the faculty has not dis-
closed publicly the nature of the
proposed curriculum changes, many
observers are of the opinionethat they
follow the trend exemplified by the
Harvard report and embody the gen-
eral education idea.
Trend Started in 1930
The trend started in 1930 when
the University of Chicago drastically
revised its freshman-sophomore cur-
riculum to include four "survey"
before the Harvard report was
issued, such universities as Columbia
and Minnesota inaugurated limited
general education courses.
In the aftermath of the Harvard
report, general education has been
advanced to a prominent position in
the curriculum at Harvard, Prince-
ton and Yale.
Any suggestion that the prevailing
curriculum be revised always evokes
strong comments, both pro and con,
and the Harvard report was no ex-
Faculty Reaction
Typical of the University faculty's
reaction were these statements to The
Prof. William Clark Trow, of the
School of Education, praised the Har-
vard report as the "best book of the
year on problems of secondary and
higher education" but warned that
the Harvard plan should not be adop-
ted anywhere except on an experi-
mental basis, as the Harvard com-
mittee recommended.
Prof. John Arthos, of the English
department, called the curriculum
changes at both Harvard and Chicago
a "step in the right direction" and
declared that the "usual college cur-
riculum is both too specialized and
too diffused."

GENERAL LIBRARY-A good place to go to meet friends, dig up copies
of old exams, read the hometown newspaper, and even study.
* * ** * *
General Library Has Varied
Function in Scholastic Activity




First in
in Ann Arbor
Dial 1050

Strategically situated in the center
of campus, the "Libe," more formal-
ly known as the General Library,
puts over 1,200,000 books at the dis-
posal of the students of the Uni-
Students who wish to take out ex-
tra reading books for certain courses,
who want copies of old exams, or who
just want to study there are ac-
commodated in the study hall on the
first floor.
The main reading room on the
second floor provides reference books,
ranging from the Encyclopedia Bri-
tannica to English-German dictionar-
ies and a quieter atmosphere for
TU' Textbooks'
.Are .Loaned to
Needy Students
The University Textbook Lending
Library, founded in 1938, serves the
Michigan student in need of financial
aid by lending him otherwise ex.
pensive textbooks
In the eight years of its function-
ing, the Library has increased its
collection more than 600 per cent.
Not only are textbooks lent from the
existing supply, but if the need is
judged great enough, books are pur-
chased in response to student re-
The Li' 'rary depends mostly upon
gifts to .icrease its collection. Alum-
ni, st dents who have been helped
by the library, and those students
who, rather than sell their books at
the end of the term, have contrib.-
uted them to the library. Another
principle source of supply is the lost
and found department, which also
contributes unclaimed slide rules.
Gifts of books and money continue
to be the main source of enlarging
the library. Even obsolete books are
of use since they can be sold and the
proceeds used for new books.

Card Catalogue Explained
The card catalogue, the key to
all the books in the library, and the
circulation desk are also located on
the second floor. The alphabetical-
ly arranged catalogue contains the
information needed to be filled out
on the call slips provided for that
purpose. The book is brought up from
the stacks upon presentation of the
call slip and identification at the
circulation desk.
The Periodical Reading Room on
the same floor provides invaluable in-
formation on home town news and
prospective tern papers. It contains
about 1,400 current periodicals and
newspapers from large cities through-
out the country. Information on mag-
azine articles may be found by look-
ing in the Reader's Guides placed on
the desks. Upon presentation of a
call slip and identification, the mag-
azine is brought up from the stacks.



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Study Hall Material
Collateral reading books for Eng-
lish, history, and political science
courses are found on reserve in the
Angell Hall Study Hall located on the
north end of the first floor of Angell
Hall. These books are to be read only
in the study hall and circulate only
for overnight use.
Specialized school and department-
al libraries are to be found all over
campus. The Medical Reading Room,
located on the second floor of the
General Library, has books pertain-
ing to the fields of medicine and
nursing. The Natural Science Library
is on the second floor of the Natural
Science Building, the Economics and
Mathematics Library on the third
floor of, Angell Hall, the Education
School Library at University High
School, the Engineering Library on
the second floor of West Engineering,
and the Legal Research Library is lo-
cated at the Law Quadrangle.
- - - - _ _- - - -

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"U' Extension
Enro*llent To
Rise in Future
American service men and women
from Guadalcanal to' Crsica have'
been encouraged to continue their
education through United States
Armed Forces Institute course ad-
ministered by the Correspondence
Study Department.
The University, in cooperation with
nearly 100 other colleges and univer-
sities throughout the nation, will con-
tinue to make these courses-by-mail
available to armed forces personnel
for several years, according to gov-
ernment plans.
During the war, USAFI courses
were sent from the University to al-
most 4,000 men and women in all
branches of the service-the eighth
largest enrollment in the country.
Many of the students completed the.
courses in which they originally en-
rolled and have elected new ones.
Some of them are now continuing
their education on the 'campus.
Both high school and college cre-
dit courses, including basic courses
in languages, mathemathics, social
studies and science, are listed by the
Another wartime product of the
CoI4'espondence Study Department
is aid to veterans. Since January 1,
the department has been providing
courses to veterans under the GI
Bill of Rights through a contract
with the Veterans Administration in
Washington, D.C.
The department has 26 full or part
time instructors, most of whom also
teach on campus.
Advice to Freshmen
Don't try to act like a senior be-
cause everyone will then know you
are a freshman. Only seniors act like
Don't call a professor an instructor
or vice versa. However, if you are to
make the error by all means favor
the vice versa.

The place for your visiting friends
and parents to stay-

Honors Program in Liberal Arts
Promises Individual Attention

The degree program for "Honors
in Liberal Arts," which will be-re-
sumed in the literary college this fall
after a four-year lapse, will bring
the benefits of intensive individual
development to a mass educational
Modeled after the famed Oxford
and Cambridge plans, the honors
program is based on individual work
under the direction of a tutor.
According to Prof. Stanley D.
Dodge, director of the Board of Tu-
tors, the honors program "does not
train for particular jobs but devel-
ops the individual per se."
Students enrolled in the program
will attend no classes but will meet
periodically with their tutors. Text-
books will be unknown to the honors
student, since he will be reading di-
rectly from the sources of know-
ledge - the "Great Books."
Nor will the honors student take
routine blue books. He will write
comprehensive examinations in his
field of concentrated study and col-
lateral fields and in his senior year
will submit an essay on a subject se-
lected by him in consultation with
his tutor.
As outlined by Prof. Dodge, the
honors program offers the following
1. Individual work in the student's
)wn line of interest.
2. Work in close association with
a tutor.

3. Marked intellectual stimulus.
Another advantage of the honors
program described by Prof. Dodge is
the doing away with the "course-
ification" of knowledge where there is
little continuity from course to course.



._ '
: '~_


-A vital part of every
Michigan student's fife!

(Across from Hill Auditorium),

Quick Breakfasts and Lunches

DELIVERED DAILY, except Monday - Read it each morn-
ing at breakfast and find out the happenings of the day!
Contains the University's Daily Official Bulletin, carrying




all important



the University

and its



Be they round, square, flat
-for that Michigan "Crew-
Cut" at the
Between State & Michigan Theaters

18,000 students. Also: Bill Mauldin's cartoons ... Bairnaby
comic strip .y.. Complete world news coverage ... Associated
Press Service.. . Columns by Samuel Grafton and Harold
Ickes . . Announcement of all campus functions and activities.

,9k thl(0 tlep ki"" a ack?





SUBSCRIPTIONS may be purchased at registration and at
several stations on campus, as well as at The Daily Office in
the Student Publications Building at 420 Maynard Street.

For a more successful university career, plan
now to take your notes in shorthand and to
type them and your themes, theses, and term
papers. Let us supply this practical training
during your freshman year.

and really



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