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August 17, 1946 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1946-08-17

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i n r lr.


CIO Threatens Further Wage
Demands Unless Prices Drop

'U' Hospital Library Brightens Young Lives

WASHINGTON, Aug. 16. - ()
The CIO gave formal notice to the
government today that a new round
of wage demands impends if eco-
nomic agencies fail to push prices
To implement this warning, the
executive board of the powerful CIO-
United Auto Workers authorized re-
opening of the Chrysler Corporation
wage agreement on Oct. 16. That
contract provides for new wage ne-
gdtiations on 60 days' notice.
The Auto Workers' board said it
will follow with 4"other companies
where contract provisions permit"
and President Walter P. Reuther
estimated 50 to 60 percent of the
union's 850,000 members are em-
ployed under such contracts.
Government Officials Notified
While the Auto Worker's board
was announcing its plans, commit-
tees of the CIO personally conveyed
the notice that new wage demands
(Continued fromn Page 2)
Fugue on a Theme of Handel by
Brahms and Sonata B minor by Cho-
The recital is open to the public
without charge.
Student Recital: George King
Driscoll, pianist, will present a recital
at 8:30 Tuesday evening, Aug. 20, in
Rackham Assembly Hall. Given in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Music, Mr. Driscoll's program will
include: Sonata, K. 332 by Mozart,
several selections by Debussy, Three
Intermezzi, Op. 117 by Brahms and
Sonata Op. 57 by Beethoven.
The public is cordially invited.
Events Today
Operetta. "The Bartered Bride,"
by Bedrich Smetana. Michigan Re-
pertory Players, Department of
Speech, in conjunction with the
School of Music today, and Monday,
Aug. 19, 8:30 p.m., Lydia Mendels-
Sohn Theatre.
Speech Luncheon. Speaker, W.
Norwood Brigance, Head of Depart-
met of Speech, Wabash College,
Saturday, Aug. 17, 12:30 p.m., Michi-
gan League Ballroom.
Open House at West Court, Willow
Village, Saturday night, Aug. 17-
dancing, bridge, ping pong from 8
to 11:30.
Coming Events
The regular meeting of the Uni-
versity Women's Veterans Associa-
tio~n will be held at 7:00 p.m. Mon-
day, Aug. 19, at the Michigan League.
Plans for the fall program will be
discussed, and all interested women
veterans are urged to attend.
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet Sunday at 2:30 p.m. in the
Club rooms in the Rackham Building.
Use the northwest entrance.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division Street.
Wednesday evening service at 8:00.
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Soul."
Sunday school at 11:45.
A special reading room is main-
tained by this church at 106 Wolver-
ine Building, Washington at Fourth
where the. Bible, also the Christian
Science textbook, "Science and
Health with Key to the Scriptures,"
and other writings by Mary Baker

Eddy may be read, borrowed or pur-
chased. Open daily except Sundays
and holidays from 11:30 a.m. to 5
The remaining Sunday morning
services are as follows:
Aug. 25-Mind.
Sept. 1-Christ Jesus.
Sept. 8-Man.
Sept. 15-Substance.
Sept. 22-Matter.
Sept. 29-Reality.
Lutheran Student Association-On
Sunday afternoon at 4:00 the Luther-
anStudent Association will meet at
Zion Lutheran Parish Hall and leave
from there for the home of Edith Ols-
son, Dexter Avenue, for a picnic sup-
per and short devotional service.
First Presbyterian Church:
Morning Worship, 10:45 a.m. Ser-
mon, "Some Things Fundamental"
by Dr. R. Worth Frank, Professor of
Philosophy of Religion and Ethics
at McCormick Seminary in Chicago.
The Summer Westminister- Guild
will meet for supper at 6:00 p.m. at
the Council Ring on the church
grounds. There will be a discussion
on "A Developing Religious Outlook."

may be in the offing to the three
officials most concerned in the job
of heading off inflation.
The committees saw Reconversion
Director John R. Steelman, OPA Ad-
ministrator Paul Porter and Secre-
tary of Agriculture Clinton P. An-
CIO Vice-President Allan S. Hay-
wood, director of organization, said
the committee told Steelman frankly
"that our unions will have to insist
on new wage increases as soon as
our contracts permit unless prices
are placed under a much firmer
control ."
Insist on Real Price Control
"We told him we would have to
seek redress if the government con-
tinues to let living costs soar," Hay-
wood toldereporters. "We insisted on
real price control instead of just
fooling the people with what we
have now."
Steelman's office had nothing to
say about the CIO visit.
The CIO also pressed with Steel-
man its demand that the President
call a new labor-management con-
ference, "with the delegates kept in
session continuously until they work
out some sensible and firm form of
inflation control."
Soviet. Writer
Gives Advice
MOSCOW, Aug. 16- (R) - New
Times, Soviet magazine on interna-
tional affairs, published a letter from
Nelson Perkins of Allerton, Mass'., to-
day and gave him a couple of thou-
sand words' advice on how he and
other Americans should view the
world situation.
To begin with, said New Times, all
the "Mr. Perkinses" in the United
States should understand that the
Soviet Union wants peace and should
insist that the United States govern-
ment proceed on that basis.
Perkins, describing himself as "a
free citizen of the United States," in
his letter gave the New Times his
viewpoint on a variety of topics, in-
cluding the atomic bomb, the Franco
regime in Spain, racial discrimina-
tion, military bases and industrial
All-State Chorus Will Give
Concert at Interlochen
The Michigan, All-State Chorus,
conducted by Marguerite Hood, di-
rector of the University Women's
Glee Club, will present a concert at
3:30 .p.m. tomorrow at the Inter-
lochen Bowl.

University Hospital is the com-
munity's response to the call of the
sick for aid. but it does much more
than that-especially for children.
Miss Dorothy Ketcham, Director
of the Hospital's Social Service
Divisions, points with pride to the
work done in the hospital through
the Library Service and the Hlos-
pital School, to brighten the lives
of children who are forced to re-
main in the hospital for even a
short period of time.
There is a school program main-
tained for all children who are able
to attend. Many of the children have
previously been handicapped in school
because of faulty hearing or poor
eyesight. In the hospital it is the
problem of the instructor "to meet the

child where he is and give him the
equipment to go back to his school"
when he is discharged from the hos-
Miss Ketcham. who maintains that
most of us want to learn, says that
"learning is important. If the child
can learn respect for good books, his
period of illness is not wasted."
Here the library service of the
hospital comes into play. The hos-
pital has always maintained a
children's library; last March, a
gift of the Kiwanis Club of Michi-
gan to the hospital established the
Forney W. Clement library which
will serve as a nucleus for a con-
tinuing children's library.
The library proposes to do more
than fill in time for the children. If
a child likes a book and appreciates
it, he is permitted to take it with

The ultimate aim of both of these
services is "to make the child rea-
sonably secure in school" when he
is discharged from the hospital.
"If this is done, then the child has
accomplished a lot. In addition, he
is now equipped to continue in
learning and to improve in his
work," authorities maintain.
The Galen Work Shop, financed by
the Galen Medical Society, also plays
an important part in the child's ad-
justment while at the hospital and
future adjustment upon release from
the hospital. Here the child is taught
some phase of work. A boy can build
a bird house, or anything else which
his imagination can make into reality,
For just as "education and play are
the objectives of the little child, so
work is the objective of the growing
child and the adult," Miss Ketcham

OUT OF TUNE-Show girls at the Copacabana in New York read
their notices that the supper club is closing in two weeks. The man-
agement said the show would close Sept. 1 "due to the demands
of the musicians' union for an increase in scale." Left to right-
Mara Williams, Randi Robson, Rosemary Williamson, and Julie Wilson.
War Assets Committee Upholds
Legality of UN Purchase Priority

WASHINGTON, Aug. 16 - (P) -
The War Assets Administration de-
nied today there was anything illegal
about an order giving the United
Nations and 11 other international
organizations priorities for purchase
of surplus government property.
Edgar A. Stansfield, acting counsel
of the ageicy which sells surpluses,
told the House Surplus Property Com-
mittee that the order was issued
after the Commerce Department had
UNRRA Transfer
To UN Announced
GENEVA, Aug. 16.-(-P)-UNRRA's
fifth council session adjourned .today
and Director General F. H. La
Guardia said the international relief
agency would be transfused into the
United Nations Organization.
The UNRRA council will meet
again this year, perhaps in New
York or Geneva, afterthesscheduled
September meeting of the U.N.
One of its closing actions was to
establish an International Children's
Fund for care of minors in liberated
countries. Money and supplies left
over from the liquidation of UNRRA,
beginning, in October, will be used
along with contributions from the
United States and the other 47
member governments on UNRRA's

brought up the subject of the world
organizations' rights.
Stansfield replied with a brisk "no,
sir," when Rep. Rizley (Rep.-Okla.),
member of the committee, asked
whether Secretary of Commerce
Henry A. Wallace had personally ini-
tiated the action.
Chairman Slaughter (Dem.-Mo.)l
declared the order, issued August 2,
put the international organizations
in line ahead' of American business-
men. The order allows the organiza-
tions the same priority granted to
domestic non-profit, public and gov-
ernmental institutions.
Stansfield Upholds Authority of Act
Stansfield entered a vigorous deni-
al when Slaughter asserted there was
no authority in the Surplus Property
Act for such an order. The- WAA
counsel declared it was based on an
interpretation of the act in relation
to other legislation granting certain
tax immunities to international or-
The committee, engaged in a gen-
eral inquiry into surplus property dis-
posal, also dug further into the af-
fairs of Benjamin F. Fields, Wash-
ington broker in surplus property.'
Fields was cited for contempt yester-
day when the committee decided he
wa's wilfully withholding from it some
of his records concerning a deal in
wire screening which netted him
and his associates $4,442.

New Witness
Wantted in Trial
At Nuernberg
NUERNBERG, Germany, Aug. 16-
(')-Dr. Otto Stahmer asked the In-
ternational Military Tribunal today
for permission to bring in a new wit-
ness for Hermann Goering, or to al-
low the former Riechsmarshal to take
the stand again.
The motion was one in a recent
series by defense attorneys for 22
individuals and six Nazi organiza-
tions on trial for war crimes to get
additional hearings for their clients.
The tribunal yesterday refused a de-
fense request to recall Hans Frank,
former Governor of German-oc-
cupied Poland, to the stand, but did
permit the open reading of a new
The court President, Sir Goeffrey
Lawrence, repeatedly has warned
counsel and witnesses that their testi-
mony was repetitious and roaming
afield, delaying the trial.
It was learned that several de-
fendants were preparing lengthy
statements for final speeches despite
warnings that such speeches should
be held to a "few minutes."

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Manchurian Puppet
Explains Position
TOKYO, Aug. 16.-(M----Henry Pu-
Yi of the Manchu dynasty told the
International War Tribunal today
that he became puppet ruler of Man-
churia because the democracies were
"not trying to resist the Japanese
militarists" and he could not do it


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