1 i AL wommia" Iidtr ganD ail3 Fifty-Sixth Year cLteri to t(lie t BILL MAULDIN .y IE_ Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Managing Editors .. Paul Harsha, Milton Freudenhein ASSOCIATE EDITORS City News ............................... Clyde Recht University ............................ Natalie Bagrow Sports ....................................Jack Martin Women's ................................. Lynne Ford Business Staff Business Manager ........................ Janet Cork Telephone 23-24.1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited In this new,paper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, aI second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by or- tier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Aember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 REPRE9SNTEO FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. m' College Publishers Representative 20 MADISON AVE. *"NEW YORK. N. Y. CmicAeo . BOSTON . Los ANGELS . SAN FRANCISCO NIGHT EDITORS: MOXNESS and KAY Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Humanization LAST WEEK Richard Fink decried the current trend in education and denounced the University as a "diploma factory." This, however, is not the real point at issue. Few students here will disagree with Fink's condemnation of our "production line" edu- cation. The actual problem which faces us as students today is: "What can be done about it?" There is certainly no single or complete answer to this current dilemma; at the same time, there are definite concrete steps which can be taken to improve the situation. At present there exists a tremendous oppor- tunity for the improvement of student-faculty relatihs which now appear to be slightly above rock-bottom. The mass production aspect of our system is being accentuated because of the fact that'there is scant opportunity for the average student to meet or become acquainted with his instructors on a personal, outside -of the class- room, basis. The social barrier between instructor and stu- dent is apparently a good old Michigan tradition. This division, of course, has scant foundation in fact, particularly at the present time when a large portion of the student body consist of old- er, student-veterans. Last spring the Michigan Union was urged to reinstitute the pre-war practice of holding week- ly student-faculty "Coffee Hours" as one step to aid in the humanization of the University. Despite repeated requests, the Union took no positve action. Virtually untouched, also, are the possibilit- ies in the field of curriculum changes and the improvent of teaching methods upon the sug- gestions of the students themselves. One hears vague rumors of a select committee of fifty or so students meeting every now and then with a board of faculty members to talk over vari- ous problems. John Q. Student neither hears of, nor notices, any changes being made as the result of this group's action. To date there has been no opportunity for an individual student such as Richard Fink to pre- sent any constructive criticism, comments, sug- gestions, or recommendations to the University. The lone bright prospect at this cold, mass production "diploma factory" is that the Stu- dent Legislature has established an Academic Committee which, in the absence of any positive action from the University, is slated to work to- ward the improvement of at least some of the evils which Fink has elaborated. -Tom Walsh Shockley Letter To the Editor: To me the interesting connotations of Mr. Shockley's letter are, first, the writer's touching confidence in the ability of the Saturday Eve- ning Post to protect him from the twentieth century; second, his curious opposition to every- body and everything, and third, his somewhat arogant attempt to act as the spokesman of an unidentified group. -Joseph Golden * 0 Cheap Theater To the Editor: AFTER TWO YEARS of attending the per- formances of our University Play Produc- tion group, it is more in sorrow than anger that I feel the need of a gentle query: Have we a real theatre at Michigan, or are we producing only commercial successes? I have always been under the impression that a University theatre kept drama, real drama, alive, and did not serve up a ridiculous concoction of cheap commercial enterprisees to its gullible public-Henry Aldrich is an in- stance of such bad theatre, and "Pigeons and LABOR NEWS: PAC Prospectus By VICTOR RIESEL O NE AFTERNOON, just about the time the union politicos were setting up club houses in the big cities to drag out the vote which elect- ed Franklin Roosevelt for a third time, the staid Sen. Robert Taft, Ohio's Republican leader, ran into an energetic labor organizer named Jack Kroll. This pro-Roosevelt union man had been stumping through the state, building the politi- cal machinery which later was to become part of the controversial Political Action Committee. After some pleasantries were coolly exchanged, Taft,' who always has viewed the CIO as an overcharged dose of DDT, said: "Jack, you're pistaken about the American people, they're essentially conservative." There is no record of Kroll's retort but he did say something about some day proving that the man on the street was really a grass root liberal. Almost six years after that conversation, Sid- ney Hillman died. In Jack Kroll's hands was put a national political machine with which to show that 'he and the CIO were right and Taft and the Republicans wrong. This is still to be proven. For three weeks now Kroll has been the silent chairman of the Political Action Committee. For three weeks the nation's highest politital leaders have wondered whether PAC could oper- ate under a hard-boiled organizational wizard like Kroll without the magic of Franklin Roose- velt's name and the color and bargaining dexter- ity of Sidney Hillman. A few hours before Kroll walked into his first national strategy parley of CIO regional directors and PAC staff members in Washington Wednes- day, I asked him how the PAC machine would operate in tie future. "We'll work it like a ball team," he said, talk- ing in the earthy, sand-lot jargon Sidney Hill- man never used. "You know, I played baseball once-first base-and when I got too old to cover the sack I managed a team up in Chicago. We didn't have any stars but we did all right. We have no stars left here in PAC, but we do have a team." Kroll revealed that in the past three weeks he has discovered that Hillman had built a work- ing organization reaching into scores of small communities. From these political outposts come suggestions for PAC's propaganda experts, writ- ers, radio technicians and artists. Because these specialists are centered in New York, Kroll dis- closed he would keep PAC's national headquart- ers here. This settled the rumor that he would shift PAC to a Midwest city. PAC strategists and propaganda experts have the coming campaign figured this way: The only Congressional seats which the Republicans can win must come from the industrial areas. Since there is a wide spread "kick the rascals out" sentiment amongst the voters, this will be a rough year for the Democrats seeking re-election. So-.-PAC strategy will be to concentrate on carefully selected big' cities, bring out the vote there, and protect PAC Congressional friends- virtually all Democrats-by constantly passing their record on to the public. However, any resemblance that this PAC cam- paign in behalf of Democratic candidates has to fondness for President Truman is purely coin- cidental. Kroll says PAC is "neutral" in its at- titude towards the President. Neither Kroll nor any other PAC official has conferred with Mr. Truman since Hillman's death. "I don't know what our position will be in '48. Truman's actions will decide that. I can see myself supporting a Republican Presidential candidate if one of Franklin Roosevelt's calibre came along. I looked up to see if he was jesting. But Kroll was serious. He even mentioned a Republican he would back. But that name is off the record -for a while. (Copyright, 1946. N.Y. Post Syndicate) People," and all the shallow nonsense of Noel Coward which has been shoved at us during the last few years. I have been fortunate enough to see University productions of Shakespeare, Ibsen, Chekov, Ros- tand-names, which, to any person who has ideals about the theatre, will mean "theatre" in its finest sense. Admittedly, they are not easy to produce. It is much easier to toss off a fruit salad for dinner than a roast turkey; but one sends ones guests away hungry. And I am puz- zled as to how any training can be given to our anxious, amateurs in productions that are easy to produce. What actor ever learned anything valuable, for instance, from George M. Cohan? The highest cultural level we seem to have reached recently is Bernard Shaw. The senti- ment is lovely; he is an old man. But Cran- brook College is producing Auden's oratorio this summer, and I hear that the University of Minnesota has just produced "King Lear." Experimentally there are many plays, also, such as "For the Time Being" of W. H. Auden, five beautiful plays of Garcia Lorca the Spanish poet, and some good drama by T. S. Eliot-and many more. As I said before, mg chief emotion about this situation is bewilderment. Why? Don't our actors care? I have talked to several of the audience and they do. But we can hardly picket Lydia Mendelssohn with signs saying "We want Shake- speare." -B. Singer "I gotta look at my motor, mister. If ya get tired of honkin', my wife will come back an' lean on your horn." MAN TO MAN: Advisor Allen -- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN HAROLD L. ICKES POLITICAL OMENS are not favorable to Mr. George E. Allen, for a long time the "fair haired boy" of the Truman Administration. Pres- ident Truman has reached the conclusion that the Administration would be better off without Allen and his jokes. Before a great while Allen will be offered an "important" special mission to some point in Europe-a favorite fire ladder. frequently thrown out of the window by Presi- dent Roosevelt. It was a foregone conclusion that Mr. Allen in time would come to be appraised as a poli- tical liability. He kidded his way through the Senate Committee on Banking and Currency when his name came up for confirmation as a member of the RFC. Then President Truman proposed to extend the RFC for five years. Once again when this Committee met it struck up "For it's always fair weather, when good fel- lows get together." An amendment that Mr. Allen be shorn of his twenty-five directorships in corporate enterprises was only a humorous Interlude, and the bill duly passed the Senate. I do not know whether the Representatives had the keen appreciation of Mr. Allen's type of jokes that the more jovial Senators.had. In any event the House cut the proposed extension from five years to seven months. So now it may be expected that, shortly after election, Mr. Allen will be handed his passport for a temporary so- journ in Europe or Asia, or any place except this country. In any event, his hat will be handed to him either as an alternative to his departure for parts at present unknown or for his per- manent retirement to private life clasping a "Dear George: I hate to do this" letter. Now that President Truman has vetoed so in- cisively the so-called Tidelands Bill, which would have given away the Federal Government's title to what may be this nation's last great reserves of oil, perhaps he will reflect that this crisis was foisted upon the Administration by his dour friend, Edwin W. Pauley. The record of the hearings on Mr. Pauley's nomination for Under Secretary of the Navy make it clear that, as an incentive to possible oil contributors, Mr. Pauley pressed that- the Tidelands Bill would be passed. It is not logical to hang onto Mr. Pauley since this bill was vetoed. But how President Truman can continue to regard Mr. Pauley as other than another liability to his Administration it is difficult to understand. His swashbuckling about in air- planes in all parts of the world at the expense of the Government has been as spectacular as his press agents could make these junkets ap- pear. But what tanglible results they have produced for the United States could be drop- ped into an observant eye without causing the slightest irritation. Perhaps it will be found that the chief value of these peregrinations is that they served as a pattern for Mr. Allen's graceful exit. A by-casualty of that of the mirth-proking Mr. Allen will be Judge Samuel I. Rosenman, who originally came down to Washington to serve President Roosevelt. Judge Rosenman lost no time in making himself very much at home on the bandwagon of President Truman. However, he made one great mistake. He entwined his arms about Mr. Allen and now that that gentle- man is in disfavor, some of the friends of the President of an earlier vintage, who resented Allen from the start, will do what they can to see to it that Judge Rosenman's head will also roll in the dust. (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate) Publication in The Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to allnmem- bers, of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Suner Ses- sign, Room 1213, Angell Hall by 3:30 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 33S Notices Manuscripts for the Summer Hop- wood Contest must be in the Hop- wood Room, 3227 Angell Hall, by 4:30 p.m. today. Students having lockers at the In- tramural Sports Building should va- cate lockers and apply for refunds prior to August 24. The building will be closed during the period August 26-September 16. Graduate Student Council will meet at the Rackham Building, Monday, August 19 at 7:30 p.m. It is request- ed that all members be present. The Chicago and Southern Airlines, Inc., are now taking applications for. the September training class for stewardesses. Any girls who are in- terested in stewardess training for the airlines should call at the Bur- eau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. State of Washington Civil Service Announcements have been received in this office for positions in: 1. Personnel 2. Social Service 3. Health 4. Clerical For further information, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. City of Detroit Civil Service An- nouncements have been received in this office for: 1. Junior Architectural, Civil, Elec- trical, Mechanical, or Structural En- gineers, $2,723-$3,174. 2. Assistant Architectural, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, or Structural Engineers, $3,492-$3,968. Closing date is August 22, 1946. For further information, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Nurture ,of Children." It will be in the University High School Audi- torium. Lecture: Arthur H. Compton, Chan- cellor of Washington University, on Friday, Aug. 16 at 8:10 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The topic will be "Atomic Energy, A Human Asset." The public is cordially in- vited to attend. Television Symposium. G. Emerson Markham, Manager, Television Sta- tion WRGB, Schenectady, New York; auspices of the Department of Speech. Helen T. Rhodes, producer, Television Station WRGB; Lewis N. Holland, Associate Professor of Electrical En- gineering, Friday, Aug. 16, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00, Rackham Lecture Hall. Hearing Problems. H. Harlan Bloomer, Director of Speech Clinic. Friday, Aug. 16, 1:30 to 3:00 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Academic Notices Recommendations for Departmen- tal Honors: Teaching departments wishing to recommend tentative August graduates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the School of Education for depart- mental honors, should recommend such students in a letter, sent to the Registrar's Office, Room 4 University Hall, by noon August 31. Attention August Graduates: Col- lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music, School of Public Health: Students are advised not to request grades of I or X in August. When such grades are absolutely imper- ative, the work must be made up in time . toallow yoursinstructor to re- port the make-up grade not later than noon, August 31. Grades re- ceived after that time may defer the student's graduation until a later date. _ 4. , ^' ' * 1 1' c ~+ \ s. + '. M v iIImM+ I M f 1 1 S _. .... _.,..A . Ravel, and Quartet in D major Op. 18 No. 3 by Beethoven. The public is cordially invited. Faculty Recital: On Monday eve- ning, Aug. 19, in Rackham Lecture Hall at 8:30 Lee Pattison, pianist, will present his seventh program, in the current series of lecture recitals. Mr. Pattison's program will include Pre- lude, Menuet, Allegro by Purcell, Two Fantasies by Teleman, Gigue by Loeilly, and Dance Movements from the Suites, Prelude and Fugues from the Well-Tempered Clavichord and Chromatic Fantasie and Fugue by Bach: The public is cordially invited. Student Recital: Keith Mixson, pianist, will present a recital Tues- day afternoon at 4:15 in the Rack- ham Assembly Hall. Given in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music Mr. Mixson's program will include Rondo A minor by Mozart, Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Handel by Brahms and Sonata B minor by Cho- pin. The recital is open to the public without charge. Student Recital: George King Driscoll, pianist, will present a recital at 8:30 Tuesday evening, Aug. 20, in Rackham Assembly Hall. Given in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Master of Music, Mr. Driscoll's program will include: Sonata, K. 332 by Mozart, several selections by Debussy, Three Intermezzi, Op. 117 by Brahms and Sonata Op. 57 by Beethoven. The public is cordially invited. Events Today Operetta. "The Bartered Bride," by Bedrich Smetana. Michigan Re- pertory Players, Department of Speech, . in conjunction with the School of Music today, Saturday, and Monday, Aug. 19, 8:30 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The last Fresh Air Camp Clinic of the season will be held at Patterson Lake, Main Lodge, 8:00 p.m. Friday, August 16. Data from play therapy and various psychological tests will be presented in the discussion of the case. Miss Pauline Gallob, Psychia- tric Social Worker from Michigan Children's Institute, will be the dis- cussant. Visitors' Night will be held at the main Observatory, located on the corner of East Ann and Observatory Streets, Friday, Aug.. 16, from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. Star clusters, Venus, Jupiter and nebulae, will be shown if the night is clear. Children must be accompanied by adults. Michigan Christian Fellowship: Members are reminded of the party tonight at 8 p.m., at Fellowship Hall in Grace Bible Church. I s " tstor y Though the record of the seventy- nineth Congress is far from spot- less, its last action-approval of the Morse resolution on the World Court - .erves to remind us how much his- tory it has made in the field of in- ternational relations. In the years between the wars United States ad- hesion to the World Court represent- ed the irreducible minimum of the internationists' program. . . . Now by a vote of 60 to 2 the Senate has agreed that the United States shall accept compulsory jurisdiction of the Court of International Justice for disputes among nations over the in- terpretation of treaties, over any question of international law, over alleged breaches of international ob- ligations, and over cases of claims for reparations to be made for such breaches. Even though two rather unfortunate reservations were includ- ed in the resolution . ..this vote gives emphatic proof of how far we have swung away from isolationism. And the seventy-ninth Congress has pro- vided many other proofs. It rati- fied the Charter of the United Na- tions and endorsed American par- ticipation in the International Bank Fund. It agreed to extend the Recip- rocal Trade Agreements Act on terms which gave the President greater latitude in reducing tariffs, and it approved the British loan, though only after an unedifying series of debates. All in all, it is a distinguish- ed record which was made possible by broad agreement on international policies which existed between con- servatives and liberals in both parties. --The Nation Concerts Lectures U. S. Menace Lecture: Byron O. Hughes, Assist- ant Professor of Education on Fri- day, Aug. 16 at 4:05 p.m. The topic will be "Growth and Educational Unexplored Canada Canada is one of the few countries with an unexplored frontier, luring the pathfinder into the unknown . This frontier, with its inevitable ef- fect on the life and habits of the Canadian people, is, however, no longer the West. "Go North" has replaced "Go West" as the call to adventure. -L. B. Pearson, Foreign Affairs Student Recital: On Friday after- noon, August 16, at 2:00 in Harris Hall there will be a wind instrument program, assisted by Beatrice Gaal, Marvin Bostrum and Mildred Min- neman Andrews, pianists. The reci- tal, sponsored by the Kappa Kappa Psi Fraternity, will include selections by Mozart, Haydn, Ewald, and Fire- stone The public is cordially invited. Carillon Recital: Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will present a recital Sunday afternoon, Aug. 18 at 3 p.m. on the Charles Baird Caril- lon in Burton Memorial Tower. His program will include the following selections : Andante for Surprise by Haydn, Quartet from Figaro by Mo- zart, Anitra's dance by Grieg and a group of sacred airs. Americans find it hard to believe that anyone could regard us as a menace. Yet to every good Communist we are precisely that-a threat po- tentially more dangerous than Nazi Germany. In fact, since February 9 of this year no loyal member of -the Party has dared think of Ameri- ca in any other light; to do so would be heresy, punishable by excommunication or worse. For on that.date Stalin himself set forth the doctrine that another war is virtually inevitable, and he implied unmistakably that the attack probably would come from the United States.t This notion is understandable only in the BARNABY The Little Men's Chowder and Marching Society...? ii By Crockett Johnson - University of Michigan Summer Session Chorus: Mary Muldowney will conduct the University Summer Session Chorus when it presents its only recital for this season on Sun- day, Aug. 18 at 8:30 p.m. Lynne Palmer, harpist, and Kenneth Pool, organist will be the soloists. Includ- ed in the program will be selections by Palestrina, Willan, Pescetti, Sal- zedo, Canning, and Holtz. The Npgro spiritual "Gonna Journey Away" will, h- ui~ cr ,tra mad ,ooin offl yp Coming Events Open House at West Court, Willow Village, Saturday night, Aug. 17-- dancing, bridge, ping pong from 8 to 11:30. F--TT - -- - -I F Thank him for me, son. But we can't reserve seats for any club. Those who arrive at the rnllv first. qet seated first. E l I 11 'y 1 - '- Besides, we don't need the help of pixies to stop non-essential building ... It's the people who rcunt atro moment like this .. . C''shamochree-What folly to offend elves, leprechauns and gnomes. Surely, you must have Lutheran Student Association-On Sunday afternoon at 4:00 the Luther- an Student Association will meet at Zion Lutheran Parish Hall and leave fl- fhar ,nr hahmm-f dithnl, C