THE MICHIGAN DAILY 4,500 Workers Suspended by Chrysler Plants Walkout Results from 'Loafing' Reprimand DETROIT, Aug. 15- (P)-Ah esti- mated 4,500 workers were laid off to- day at the Chrysler Corporation's Kercheval Body and Jefferson plants as the result of a dispute involving 15 men in a Kercheval plant depart- mhent. Spokesman for United Automobile Workers (CIO) Local 7 declined to corment, but a corporation state- 'ment said the strikers left their jobs in protest after an employe was given a one-day reprimand for "loafing." Meanwhile, UAW - CIO President Walter P. Reuther said his union was prepared to begin Federal Court ac- tion in behalf of veterans claiming vacation pay from Qeneral Motors' Corpo'ation. The issue set off a demonstration yesterday of 200 veterans at three of the corporation's Prontiac, Mich., plants employing 20,000 workers, many of whom refused to cross the veterans' picket lines. Reuther denied the UAW played a role in the demonstration, saying the union's executive board had voted down the proposal when informed of. it. A GM statement said veterans who were not employed the full calendar year of 1945 we're not entitled to vacation pay because it is based on a percentage of *income earned during the prior year. This system, GM said,' had been suggested by the UAW in previous contract negotiations. Reuther, however, suggested GM credit each returning 'veteran with "a full year's work in 1945 at his current rate of pay and pay him his vacation bonus on that basis," 'con- tending ,the "corporation is obligated to make such payments" under the Selective Service Act., PRIMITIVE NERVE CONTROL: Wartenberg Solves Old Medical Riddle SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 15-( P)-A theoretical solution of a medical rid- dle which has challenged investiga- tors for a half century-the cause of the involuntary facial contortions which follow nerve paralyses-has been worked out by Dr. Robert War- tenberg, University of California Medical School neurologist. The solution postulates that facial and eye movements, which give to humans powers of expression, are of man's evolutionary acquistions. Be- cause of their newness and delicacy, they easily are knocked. out of oper- ation. Loss of Finer Movements . When the controlling nerves are disturbed or damaged, these finer movements may be lost. Then a more primitive part of the nervous system takes control. This more primitive mechanism' is not delicate enough to handle fine single muscle movements separately, so it governs them in a wholesale manner. The result may be a movement of two or more muscles whenever one of them is stimulated. Nerve Injury Mflain Cause That may mean a twisting of the mouth when the eye is closed, or a closing of' the eye when a corner of the mouth is moved, or the bizarre movement of a droopy eyelid when the eyeball is turned downward. Dr. Wartenberg, whose massive re- port occupied nearly half an issue of a medical journal, The Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, holds specifically that the main cause of these associated movements usually is a nerve injury which produces a long-distance effect on the brain. The trouble begins with damage somewhere along the nerve which controls the eye or facial muscles. If the damage is slight the nerve may repair itself and normal movements may be restored. But if the injury is more serious its effects may fol- low the nerve channel back to the brain, Dr. Wartenberg said, and there cause some change in the center which governs that particular nerve. Results In Clumsy Performance This center has connections with other brain centers which control the nerves leading to other muscles. When it is called upon to stimulate. a muscle through the damaged nerve route it may perform clumsily and also stimulate other muscles through its connection with the other brain center. This may give rise to in- separable muscle movements. Dr. Wartenberg's hypothesis, the result of years of study and clinical observation, is set forth as a substi- tute for a widely accepted belief that these mixed movements are due to defective healing at the site of the original nerve injury. For years, he said, most nerve spec- ialists have accepted the idea that the damaged nerve lines became crisscrossed in the healing process, resulting in a scrambled hookup. Eye Movements Newest Acquisition Dr. Wartenberg cited cases in which associated movements resulted even when there was no break in the orig- inal nerve line; instances of infection in which the nerve was damaged but not torn open and exposed to criss- crossing. He also reported cases in which mixed movements occurred even though there was no detectable injury to the nerve line. This, he said, was evidence of the extreme delicacy of the human eye and face muscle control system and a sign that it is one of the, newest things in the evolution of man. Rabbi Seidler To Speak Rabbi Judah Seidler will be guest preacher at special services to be held at 8:30 p.m. today at the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation. A graduate of City College in New York and the Yeshivah Rabbi Chaim Berlin, Rabbi Seidler -was formerly Director of the Hillel Foundation at the University of Washington. GRAB AND PULL IN GORIZIA STREET FIGHT-A Yugoslav woman has her hair pulled by an Italian de- monstrator (right) as she and her husband (white shirt) get caught in the middle of counter-demonstrations by Italian and Yugoslav demonstrators in Gorizia. Venezia-Giulia civil police go to rescue of pair. NRLB UPHOLDS UNION: Five Chrysler Plants Ordered " To Have Separate Elections DETROIT, Aug. 15-(P)-The Na- tional Labor Relations Board today ordered separate elections in five plants of the Chrysler Corp. to de- termine whether 1,324 employes wish CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED - School secretary. This position requires both training and experience in typewriting and shorthand. This is ,a fine position for a responsible, capable person. Steady work and good wages. Apply Dr. M. B. Rog- ers, Superintendent of Schools at Willow Run Village.\ Phone Ypsi- lanti 423. In evening phone Ypsi- lanti 1413. (3 HELP WANTED-Stenographer for pait-tifnie' work. Hours can be ar- ranged. Phione University ext. 43; Evenings 3291. (2 TRANSPORTATION WANTED: Ride NewYork City, two, Aug. 23 or 24. Ed. Bernsohn, 1254 Norfolk, Willow Run. (40 WANTED: Ride to West Coast or' San Francisco on or about Aug. 24. Will share expenses. Contact Ma- lani, 432 Vaughan House. (45 WANTED. Passenger to share driv- ing and expenses to Colorado Springs via Peru, St. Jo. Call 3582- J2 Ypsi after 6:00 p.m. (48 LOST AND FOUND MY BICYCLE RAN AWAY: New English model Phillips bicycle, twin grip brakes. Frame and fend- ers were black, had wire basket and chain guard. License 1822, serial A019136. Cannot, attend classes without. Reward. Call Andy Saari, 2-1349. (55 LOST: Brown leather key case con- taining single key, Aug. 2, vicinity -of Haven Hall. Phone 6112. (44 LOST: Bulova watch, women's Lea- gue, noon Saturday. Sentimental value. Reward. Call Alice Scott, 2-2591. (43 LOST: Ladies round white gold Gru- en wristwatch set with 4 diamonds. Eleanor Pumphrey, tel. 9764. (41k WANTED TO RENT 2-ROOM furnished apartment, Evan- ston, Ill., on NU campus, all facil- ities, $50 per month. Will exchange for furnished, unfurnished small apartment or house in Ann Arbor. Veteran and wife. Reference: Im- mediate occupancy. Write o- phone R. H. Galloway, 1730 Melrose St., Rockford, Ill., Main 2923. (56 WANTED: Room. Pre-med student, quiet, willing to work. How about a break, 'dmeone? Phone, Bob Rene, 5974. (49 WANTED: -Veteran and wife to ex- change housework for board and room. Catholics preferred but not essential. Call Mr. Kennedy at 2-4282. (38 WANTED--Quiet room in private home for Junior medical student. Fall and Spring terms. Will con- sider working for room. Call 2- 2521, Ext. 353 evenings, or 4662. to be represented by the Foreman's Association of America, an independ-I ent union. Those affected are general foremen, assistant general foremen, foremen and assistant foremen in the DeSoto- Wyoming, Dodge-Main, Dodge-Forge, Plymouth and McKinstry plants. The NLRB failed to sustain a cor- poration charge that the Foreman's Association is dominated and con- trolled by the CIO United Auto Work- ers. However, in a dissenting opinion, Gerard D. Reilly, wrote: "It cannot be said that the Fore- man's Association, despite the high intentions of its sponsors, is a truly independent entity." He cited rejected exhibits which, he continued, ties the association in with the UAW-CIO. The board, directing that the elec- tions be held within 30 days, said there are indications that the associ- ation represents a "substantial num- ber" of supervisory employes in the plants. The majority opinion held that there was "no merit" to a Chrysler contention that foremen are a part of management and, therefore, not employes under the act. Nor was evidence found, the board continued, to refute the association's claim to independence and no evi- dence was offered by the company "to indicate that the association is dominated or controlled by the auto- mobile workers." Neither Chrysler nor the associa- tion had any comment on today's ruling. UNESCO Offers Hope for Peace By Education The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization offers the best hope of mobilizing the educational systems of all coun- tries for peace, according to Dean James B. Edmonson of the School of Education. "UNESCO," he pointed out, "offers the best means of inducing all na- tions to use their schools to promote international harmony by enlisting the cooperation of all the allied powers." Dean Edmonson declared that a rewriting of the history textbooks with emphasis on the common desires and aspirations of mankind will be necessary in a school program for a peace-making world. Most texts of history now emphasize past conflicts, he 'comnmented, and tend to pass on to new generations of students the in- ternational rivalries and distrust which lead to war. UNESCO may likewise be useful in providing a clear flow of reliable in- formation about all countries to the schools, Dean Edmonson said. I K .+:... y. a'' ' ' F:. .. ,.. ''r w 1 a; r- t ; i 1 -5 4 _ Q cutie . 0 V Campus MISCELLANEOUS BOOKKEEPING: Monthly audits-- statements for fraternities, soror- ities and campus organizations. ,Nominal fee-Call Charles Koeth- en. Days 2-7330, evenings 2-4925. (42 ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEANERS SALES * John Jadwin * Service. 855 Tappan Avenue, Ann Arbor. Call 2-7412 for demonstration. (30 PLAN for your fall suits and formals now. Expert workmanship on cus- tom-made clothes and alterations. .Hildegarde Shop, 116 E. Huron. Phone 2-4669. (10 MEN'S USED CLOTHES wanted. A better price paid. Sam's Store. 122 E. Washington St. (4 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Girl's bike. Good con- dition. Reasonable. Call Marcia, 8598. (1 FOR SALE: Mahogany china cup- board, Windsor rocker, three orien- tal rugs, daybed, bed and dresser, dresses size 10-14, children's furni- ture, some antiques, and miscel- laneous items. All reasonably pric- ed. 1615 E. Stadium, phone 5651. (53 FOR SALE: Family leaving city. Selling 5 rooms furniture Aug. 14- 19 including spinet, refrigerator, children's furniture, electrical ap- pliances. 1484 Lenox Ct. (near Springfield), Willow Run. (39 - Today and Saturday NORTHWEST MOUNTED POLICE with Gary Cooper - Madeleine Carroll and FROLICS ON ICE with Irene Dare Traditional tweed in a new guise. .. right for campus, it takes to dressier accessories. .. the Jaunty Junior is sure to be the prize of your wardrobe for many wonderful seasons to come . . . topped with a finely checked jacket, bound . T j'' './i to echo the solid skirt .. in brown... sizes 9 to 15... 39.95 4 I s \ ( .. F DON'T BE SELF-CONSCIOUS- Use Contact" UO 1I Campus flats . . hand-sewn of brown smooth leather .. . invaluable companions to all the casual things you wear . , soft, flexible, all-leather "mocs. you've seen featured in Junior Bazaar... 7.95 " Lenses II ii Il *~m- &WOF YE lt-III I