HUMANIZATION Y giltA6 742 att CLOUDY, WARMER See Page 4 VOL. LVI, No. 338 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS .Housing Shortage, Affects New 'U' Faculty Members Lack of Living Facilities Responsible In Part for Restricted Admission Policy By NATALIE BAGROW The far-reaching effects of Ann Arbor's housing shortage upon the Uni- versity will be fully realized this fall. The University business office, laboring under one of the most appar- ently insoluble difficulties in its administrative history, has succeeded in placing only slightly more than three-fourths of the expected new faculty members in need of living accommodations. Inability to guarantee living quarters for these professors, instructors and teaching .fellows has been one of the most important reasons for the re- strictive admission policy for new students, the housing problem for the latter having been "pretty well lick- - ed," according to an official spokes- man in the business office. Prices Few City Apartments Although response from the lcal townspeople to the University's plea Tt for houses, apartments and rooms in the city proved singularly small, theS office has been able to place about 175 faculty members, both unmarriedP and with families. Accommodations OPA Predicts Public for this number have been provided Cost of 150 Millions in Willow Village apartments and dorhiitories, University Terrace apart- WASHINGTON, Aug. 15 - (') - inents. and a very small number of Price increases estimated by an OPA city residences. official to cost the public "well over lNot more than 15 townspeople have $150,000,000 a year" were granted to- answered the University plea, a large day on such articles as radios, stoves, number of these being faculty mem- washing machines, vacuum cleaners, bera who have opened their homes to toasters and irons. their colleagues. OPA said the increases were requir- ;etween 20 and 25 members of the ed by the new price control law which faculty have been placed in apart- specifies that profit margins rn1ust not znents or houses in the city. The be cut below levels of March 31, 1946. pt'oblem has been only partly and Items affected are those on which temporarily solved by placing another dealers had been required to absorb $3 faculty members and their fami- part of the price increases granted ties at Willow Village. At least nine earlier to manufacturers. uimafried teaching fellows and in- The price agency itself announced stirutors will be living in Willow only that the raises ranged from three Village dormitories, to 12 per cent. The $150,000,000 esti- 2@ New Iembers Expected mate was given by an official who With 2x t ewh members of the would not be quoted by name, in re- faculty expected this fall, the literary sosto eotrsqeyo oa college, the engineering school and cost. the University Hospital will suffer Increase Percentage most from' the"housing shortage. The increase takes effect as soon Hardest-hit department in the lit- as dealers receive shipments tagged erary college will be the chemistry by the manufacturers with the new department, with the mathematics, prices. speech, -economics, English and psy- The average retail increases on 20 chology departments also suffering classes of consumer goods are: from the lack of new instructors. On radios and electric phono- The University Hospital medical graphs, three per cent; electric staff is also a source of considerable stoves, nine per cent; gas stoves, five worry to the business staff, which has per cent; small electrical appliances, the job of placing at least twenty-five toasters, electric irons, heaters, shav- resident doctors, almost all of whom ers, four per cent; bicycles, 3.5 per have at least one child, cent; box springs, 12 per cent; ordin- 75 Apartments Needed ary household chinaware, seven per At least , apartments are still cent; clocks and non-jewel watches, At leastsix per cent; coal, oil and woodstoves, needed where families with children fiv per cent; dyateries, eight per will be accepted. Year-round cot- five per cent; dry batteries, eight per tages at nearby lakes have been de- cent. clared acceptable, as well as houses List Continued or apartments in the city. Household aluminum cooking uten- onr sils, five per cent; metal bed springs, of thereasonsfrtheflcacfour per cent; metal cots and double- of response on the part of local deck beds, three per cent; townspeople to the University's plea Metal office equipment, four per is unwillingness to take families with cent; outboard motors, five per cent; children.cetoubadmtrfvprcn; eron.woaevphotographic equipment, such as Persons who have available housing cameras, small projectors and light accommodations are urged to tele- meters, six per cent. phone 4121, Extension 81 and list Portable typewriters, five per cent; these accommodations with either vacuum cleaners, seven per cent; Mrs. Ethel Hastings or Mrs. Mabel washing machines, seven per cent; Lowery,. and window shades, ten per cent. OPA said higher prices for re- frigerators will be announced short- Publcapathy ly. Previous Increases Shocks Bradle OPA previously had granted in- creases in manufacturers ceilings on ~ the articles covered by today's action. Nation Lacks Interest At that time the agenoy required dealers to absorb some or all of the In Veteran's Problenis price hike granted to manufactorers. WASHINGTON, Aug. 15- (AP) -- General Omar Bradley, veteran's ad- Used Textbooks I inistratordeclared himself tonight to be ; "shocked by the gr'owing in- -tStudent DOOi difference and apathy" of the public F r1 toward all veterans' problems. Speaking over a radio network Used textbooks for sale at the (NBC), the general said that public Student Book Exchange this fall will indifference was becoming evident be solicited in University residences "in our attitude toward veterans who all next week, according to Dick Bur- want education and training, veter- ton, manager of the Student Book ans trying to start new businesses or Exchange. to buy farms, veterans seeking Sponsored by the Student Legis- housing, veterans reestablishing lature, the Book Exchange will pro- themselves in their professions and vide a medium through which the trades."vieamdu thogwhcte "If we want each veteran to be- students can buy and sell their books "If e wat ech vtern tobe-at reasonable prices. come a self-respecting useful citizen "Each student who leaves books in his community," Bradley added, to be sold at the Exchange sets his "we must not treat him as an out- own prices," Burton stressed. "In the cast. past the Student Book Exchange has The administrator spoke shortly saved the students hundreds of dol- after a news conference in which, lars each semester and this year we reviewing the work of the adminis- are making a special effort to meet tration for the last year, he declared the exnected demands of a neak en- Byrnes Censures Russian Abuse; Strike 35 American Ships To Be Hit By Stoppage Union Leader Sets Up Detroit Headquarters By The Associated Press CLEVELAND, Aug. 15-A spokes- man for an oil tanker firm pre- dicted tonight the strike of Great Lakes seamen, called by the CIO National Maritime Union, would tie up allAmerican'oil tankers on the lakes, numbering about 35, within two days. Otto Wanek, assistant manager of Cleveland Tankers, Inc., which oper- ates six oil-carriers, made the pre- diction, saying most of the tankers were affected already. Canadaian lines operate about 40 tankers. Earlier union president Joseph Curran said 25 organized and 15 unorganized vessels were strike- bound in the first day of the walk- out, called to gain a shortened work week and other demands. Curran did not specify the types of vessels included in the 40. He add- CLEVELAND, Aug. 15-(P)-The Lake Carriers' Association said to- night that only seven of the 316 vessels operated by its members companies were halted on the first day of the CIO National Maritime Union's strike on the Great Lakes. ed that it would take "a week or ten days to completely shut down lake shipping." Besides tankers, there are about 260 bulk freighters on the lakes, hauling iron ore, coal, grain and stone. Wanek claimed the union had started its strike against the tankers before a "cooling off" period had ended. Strike notices were filed against the tanker companies on July 24, and Wanek said the strike was not due until Aug. 23. Curran meanwhile prepared to set up strike headquarters in Detroit, moving most of the national officers from the temporary headquarters here. Curran and several top union of- ficials left temporary strike head- quarters tonight for the move to Detroit, planning to fly to the auto city. Weather delayed the plane's 'take-off. The NMU president said the union had reverted to its original demands. In Chicago, the AFL Seafarers In- ternational Union, claiming to rep- resent "by far the majority of union seamen on the Great Lakes," an- nounced today it would honor picket lines at vessels under CIO contract but would "continue to sail SIU con- tracted ships." Hopwood Entries Students competing for one of the eight prizes offered in the Hopwood Contests this summer should turn in their manuscripts at the Hopwood Room by 4:30 p.m. today. The Hopwood Contests were open to students enrolled in the summer session for the first time in 1938. This summer one prize of $75 and one of $50 are to be awarded in the four fields of writing, drama, essay, fiction and poetry. To Be Collected kExchange Sale be open Thursday afternoon and all day Friday for the convenience of' students. S"Don'tcarry your books home and have to lug them back to sell," urged Burton. "Students can leave their books at the Exchange next week and receive payment for them during the second week of the fall semester," he stated. "I cannot stress too strongly," Burton declared, "the need for stu- dent support of this cooperative ac- tivity. The Exchange is operated on a non-profit basis for the benefit of the students and the degree of its success will be measured by the ex- tent of their participation." Thes e nf hns will e hndled Wi Tie Up Lake Tankers C, Charg"e States America Was Misrepresented Two Senate Leaders Express 'Solidarity' By The Associated Press PARIS, Aug. 15-Secretary of State Byrnes rebuked Russia today for "repeated abuse and misrepre- sentation" of the United States in the peace conference ,and let it be known that he had summoned Sena- tors , Tom Connally (Dem., Tex.) and Arthur Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.) back to Paris to aid him. The two Senate leaders had sat beside. Byrnes through two ses- sions of the Paris Foreign Minis- ters Council which first consider- ed the treaty drafts now before the conference. They gave Byrnes a concrete. expression of national solidarity in America's foreign po- licy-a fact which impressed the Russians. Byrnes also had intended to ask the senators to come back to Paris in anticipation of the holding of sessions of the Big Four foreign ministers concurrent with the peace conference. There was no indication that the foreign ministers yet had' decided to hold such concurrent ses- sions. But if they do, having Con- nally and Vandenberg here would. facilitate the actual business of com- pleting the treaties. In his speech aimed at Russia, Byrnes declared that the United States "has no apology to make for the principles of justice, equality and freedom" it sought for the peace treaties. LEAVE 'PROMISED LAND'-Jewish immigrants, wh o arrived in Palestine illegally, go up to the gangplank of a ship at Haifa, to be transported to a detention camp on Cyprus under the British plan for diverting all illegal immigration for the Holy Land. This is an offic ial British Army photo. Two Lecturers Stress Different Roads to World Peace, Security U.S. Refutes Partition Plan For Palestine Haber Calls Mass Usage Goal of Social Institutions "Next to w~frld peace, the major problem of this generation is to pro- vide security for the mass of the people," Prof. William Haber declar- ed in a lecture yesterday on "Secur- ity and Freedom." Noting the lag between the techno- logical advances of science and our hesitancy to adjust the administra- tion of our social activities to meet the changes, Prof. Haber said that we must fashion our social institu- tions to achieve mass consumption. "In our present economy where the major portion of the people are dependent for security upon jobs in industry rather than upon independ- ent activity, only government can adequately protect the community from unemployment," he stated. "Our recent war experience," he declared, "has demonstrated that we have available all of the natural re- sources, managerial ability, and social techniques necessary for the govern- ment to provide full employment and security." Pointing out that there is a wide- spread feeling that the expansion of the goernment will endanger the freedom of the individual, he asserted that a compromise between free en- terprise and government regulation is not only possible but is being work- ed out now. Dethmers Given State Court Job LANSING, Aug. 15-(P)-Attorney General John R. Dethmers today was named by Governor Kelly to the State Supreme Court bench succeeding former associate justice Raymond W. Starr, the new federal judge for the western district of Michigan. The Governor appointed Foss O, Eldred of Ionia, the deputy attorney general, to replace Dethmers as at- torney general for the remainder of the year. Dethmers, 43, has been one of the leading "anti-boss" Republicans in the state since his election as Ottawa County prosecuting attorney in 1930. He was chairman of the Republican State Central Committee from 1942 to 1945 and was credited by many party leaders with rebuilding the or- ganizational foundation of the party. He directed the investigation of conditions at the state prison of southern Michigan last summer which led to the removal of Harry H. Jack- son as warden. Keniston Says Humanities Formulate Value Scales A synthesis of the methods of sci- ence and the humanities is the only solution to the problem of creating a new peaceful society, Dean Hay- ward Keniston of the literary college declared yesterday. Speaking in the current lecture series on science, Dean Keniston pointed out that science by itself cannot solve any of the country's ma- jor problems, national or interna- tional. Since science is based upon pure reason and can only answer the questions of "what" and "how" but not "why," he said, "we must look to the humanities, to philosophy, art and religion, for a scale of values upon which a standard of judgment and behavior can be constructed." Science is by its nature primarily concerned with material things, Dean Keniston declared, and as mo- dern invention has multiplied the "gadgets" available, man- has be- come increasingly materialistic. It is only as he turns to the old and en- during values revealed through art, religion, and literature, he said, that he 'will be able to place science in its proper place in his standard of val- ues. * * * Cor pton Will Speak On Atomic Energy Dr. Arthur H. Compton, chancel- lor of Washington University in St. Louis, will speak on "Atomic Ener- gy, A Human Asset" at 8:10 p.m. to- day in Rackham Lecture Hall. Dr. Compton, a physicist and for- mer Nobel Prize winner, had a lead- ing part in the development of the atomic bomb. This lecture will conclude the Uni- versity summer series on the "Social Implications of Modern Science" which featured 21 speakers in manyl fields from all over the country. LONDON, Aug. 15-(P)---Authori- tative government sources said today the United States had refused to par- ticipate in the plan for partitioning Palestine, thus forcing Britain to seek an alternative scheme for solving the explosive Holy Land issue. These informants said the United States advised Britain that as the mandatory power for Palestine she should go ahead with any action she deems necessary under the circum- stances. In Jerusalem new bomb threats forced brief evacuation of two key Jerusalem buildings and temporarily disrupted Palestine's communications today while the British army stepped up its alert against the possibility of a Jewish general revolt urged by the underground Irgun Zvai Leu- mi. Tension increased further as a 300- ton schooner carrying more than 800 illegal Jewish immigrants arrived at Haifa Harbor. Haifa police said they feared a possible mob attempt to storm the docks to free refugees aboard stil lanother ship who are expected to be deported. In Washington, presidential press secretary Charles G. Ross said Presi- dent Truman sent the British govern- ment, through regular State Depart- ment channels, , certain suggestions to be - thrown into the discussion of the Palestine problem, suggestions he thought might be helpful. He did not propose anything in the way of a formal plan." Authoritative sources here declared Truman's note announced he could neither accept nor reject at this time without "the support of the American people" the proposal to divide the Holy Land- into one Jewish, one Arab and two central provinces. The Foreign Office said a decision had been made "at the highest gov- ernment level" not to publish Tru- man's letter or make known details of its contents. Byrnes won immediate support from Britain's A. V. Alexander, who declared "the words of the first delegate of the United States are in full accord with the sentiments of Great Britain." The American secretary, saying "peace among the Allies in this in- terdependent world cannot be fur- thered" by ignoring such attacks, hit at substitution of "some other country" for the place Germany oc- cupied in dominating the economy of the beaten nations. He defended vigorously the eco- nomic proposals made by the United States for the peace treat- ies, and in commenting on repara- tions deliveries said they "take valuable assets from these im- poverished lands and necessarily slow down their economic recov- ery." Several hours later Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov, replying to Byrnes, charged that the United States "takes a stand against reparations, al- though the signature of the United States is on the agreements." CIO Demiands Congress Raise Wage Standard WASHINGTON, Aug. 15-(P)- The CIO demanded today that the government raise wage standards un- der its stabilization program and hinted of a new round of wage de- mands unless the rise of living costs is checked. Philip Murray, CIO president, again called on President Truman to ar- range a labor-management confer- ence to consider pay boosts for labor and to frame "adequate guarantees for a stabilized national economy." Murray warned in a policy state- ment presented to top CIO national and regional leaders and adopted by them that "labor cannot continue to participate in a stabilization program in which wages are rolled back while, at the same time, increases in the cost of living become a daily occur- rence." Specifically the CIO, at Murray's call, adopted a platform favoring re- control of prices of dairy products, meat, grains and other food items and a return of subsidies. AFL President William Green turn- ed thumbs down on Miurn.zr nfa,. Flying Tigers Will Participate In A ir Circus at Willow A ir port Captain Ward Irwin, a University student, will be among the partici- pants in the Flying Tigers Air Cir- cus which is to be presented tomor- row and Sunday at Willow Run Air- port from 2 to 5 p.m. each day. Irwin will participate in an aerial "dng-fight" with two nther Arm v jumps, will thrill the crowd with a special "breakaway" jump in which he will use two chutes, slip the first, drop several thousand feet in a free fall, and save himself by opening the second chute just before hitting the ground. "nrH n rlacrll..^ an -- t --4