THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fifty-Sixth Year Sto (leCwi*tor BILL MAULDIN Armenians l Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of 8tudent Publications.I Editorial Staff .- . Managing Editors .. Paul Harsha, Milton Freudenheim ASSOCIATE 'EDITORS City News ............................. Olyde Recht University ............................ Natalie BagroW' Sports ....... ............................ Jack Martin Women's ............................... Lynne Ford Business Staff Business Manager ........................ Janet Cork Telephone 23-241 Member of The-Associated Press 2hU Associated Prees is exclusively entitled to the us forre-pulilication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newpaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. SEntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, - second-class 'zxxuimatter. Subscription during the regular school year by Car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. n'ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945.46 REPRESENTED FOR NATION. ADVERTIAINO B National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. rNEW YoRK. N.Y. CMhCA6O - sOsTON - Los ANGSI . SAN FRANCISCO NIGHT EDITOR: CLYDE RECHT Editorials published is The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. sPee Treaty IJNLESS THE STATESMEN of the twenty-one victorious United Nations who are now draft- ing the peace treaty take fully into account the lessons of the last two world wars and write a modern peace treaty adapted to the twentieth century, to the atomic' age and to the existence of the United Nations Organization, the Paris peace treaty will suffer the same fate as that of Versailles and what little remains of humanity will have to start its task all over again. While writing the conditions for the new world, they must consider that the second in- dustrial revolution is sweeping the earth; rec- ognize the fact that the mastery of atomic en- ergy, if not properly integrated into a system of progressive political stability, may destroy the world; and realize that the United Nations Organization cannot live unless the principles of its Charter are their Bible. In other words, the Paris Peace Treaty must not resemble the Versailles Treaty, or other treaties of the past, all of which were fifty years or more behind the times-it must be a truly twentieth cen- tury'treaty. T*e twenty-one victorious nations can write a peace treaty which may truly be the founda- tion of a new permanent system of world co- operation'if they objectively examine the reasons for political instability in the defeated nations; go to the roots of their economic difficulties; try to solve them within the framework of interna- tional planning in the UN; and hand out at the same time firm decisions where chauvinism must be punished and destroyed, but also be generous where the fate of the common people is concerned. Such a peace treaty will reflect the spirit of the Charter of the UN, and the re- sults achieved at the Paris Peace Conference will be capable of integration with the structure of the new world organization. The peace treaty must be more of an educa- tional instrument than a repressive or military one. It must confer upon the United Nations, upon UNESCO, or upon a permanent body of the Peace Conference working within the framew6rk of the UN, the task of teaching the defeated nations the elementary laws of so- cial science; educate the necessary adminis- trative and governing personnel; inspire the political forces of those countries with the best achievements of the victorious natons; and bring about social reforms which .have been overdue for centuries. It must be like a revolutionary manifesto of the triumphant UN principles against the fas- cist, semi-fascist and militaristic elements which have controlled these countries for so many years. Every decent citizen of these na- tions, every farmer and worker, every true in- tellectual must feel that the peace treaty is an instrument of liberation, and not of enslave- ment, for him; he must realize that the promises of a better life, which the Allies had solemnly made to their people during the war are being kept. The peace treaty must put an end to the tra- gic cycle of human history: war, defeat, agita- tion; agitation against conditions of previous peace treaties, and again war; must break up the endless chainhof the elements of hatred wflhic.h have brought so much sorrow upon hu- 'Post' Wisdom To the Editor: I should like to submit for the consideration of your readers the following riddle from the editor- ial page of the Saturday Evening Post. "For some time now we've been puzzled by this human phenomenon: So many of the people who fight fiercely and relentlessly for the principle of a square shake for the com- mon man apparently have no other principles at all." For those of us who hate Communism with a passion, loathe the philosophy behind Social- THIS COLUMN stated on August 3 that wage increases need not be inflationary unless they made necessary an increase in the retail prices charged by the manufacturers. The column fur- ther contended that certain industries, having both large past profits and the expectation of large future profits, could well afford to grant wage incr'eases without raising the retail price of their products. This above-mentioned column has been cri- ticized by George A. Elgass and Ken Herring. Mr. Elgass states: "Undoubtedly it is true that some large industries are making excessive profits and could absorb a large increase in la- bor costs without raising prices, but this is not the situation for industry as a whole." My col- umn stated: "It Was the contention of the un- ions that the expected profits of the companies were sufficiently large to permit them to grant wage increases without raising prices at all In certain industries this contention of the un- ions might have been without foundation. But certain other industries certainly could have granted wage increases without increasing the price of their products." Mr. Elgass' statement would seem to clearly agree with mine. He has conceded the main point in my. column, which was that certain industries could pay higher wages without raising prices. I make no pretense to know what is true of "inustry as a whole," men- tioned by Mr. Elgass. I'm not sure what his phrase means, since financial position and ability will vary among companies and in- dustries. Any attempt to know the truth for "industry as a whole" would require a more ex- tensive survey than any that I have made, and perhaps more extensive than Mr. Elgass has made. Mr. Elgass also accuses me of attempting to mislead when I state: "For instance, only $8 in wages is paid to the labor used in making a $150 piece of farm equipment." He states that wages must also be paid to the men who mine the ore, produce the metal, and to those involved in distribution. His statement is true, but these wages are not paid by the manufacturer of farm equipment. A wage increase granted by a farm equipment producer would clearly not raise the wages of a steel-worker, or a miner, or a retail employe. I wish to repeat that the sole labor costs to a producer of this piece of farm equip- ment are $8.- Mr. Elgass was concerned that I had not named the type of farm equipment. It was a tractor plow; the retail price was $156; and the costs of labor to the producer were $8. The data can be found in the Dec. 7, 1945 issue of FE News, organ of'the Farm Equipment Union. Using figures compiled by the Federal Trade Commission, the Farm Equipment Union has here compiled a breakdown of the retail price on 24 different types of farm equipment. For these 24 implements, 8% of the retail price is labor costs; 15.9% is manufacturer's profit; and 21% is dealers' profit. A 30% wage increase in this industry would mean a 2.4% increase in the cost of production. With such profits as those cited, it seems reasonable to say that this industry could afford to pay a 30% wage increase. Mr. Herring criticizes me for ignoring the $120 million loss suffered by General Motors in the first three months of this year. If Mr. Herring investigates, he will find that not one cent of this $120 loss will be paid by GM. The Federil tax laws today guarantee to every manufacturer a rate of profit equal to his average profit for .the 1936-39 period. Thus GM will be refunded that $120 million "loss" PLUS A GUARANTEED PROFIT from the taxes which it paid during the war. Mr. Herr- ing has himself lieen misled by the very pro- paganda which he so fears he will find in my column. Mr. Herring avows his trust in "intelligent government action." I fear that little govern- ment action today is intelligent. When Congress shredded OPA; filibustered the FEPC and the anti-poll tax bills to death; and exempted the railroads from the anti-trust laws, it was scarcely being intelligent. It was not being in- telligent when it guaranteed a profit to Gen- eral Motors, and thus made it possible for this financial giant to prolong a strike for nearly four months in order to further its own union- -Ray Ginger busting aims. ism, believe most union leaders should be ridden on a rail, are suspicious of MYDA, and think Ray Ginger is off his bean, I believe the above has interesting connotations. -Jack Shockley Dog Pound To the Editor: THE RECENT LETTER to The Michigan Daily concerning the usability of the Uni- versity Library gave me heart to write about a 'public nuisance which is maintained on the center of campus and which makes graduate reading rooms two and four completely unsuited for concentrated reading. I refer to the dog pound maintained by the College of Pharmacy.' Timing myself with a watch, I discover that because of the incessant howling of what sound to be hundreds of unfed dogs, I read 10 per cent slower in the graduate reading rooms than I do in my own home. If this is typical, it means that silencing the dogs would give the average grad- uate student enough extra time to study thor- oughly the Basic Works of Aristotle or some equivalent volume during each year's work. To dissociate myself from the carping criti- cism which might be inspired on this subject by the Anti-Vivisection League, I am ready with several friendly suggestions. If the pharmacolo- gists will ask their druggist, I am sure he will recommend several brands of inexpensive dog food guaranteed to produce happy dogs. If this does not quiet the dogs, the pharmacologists would perform a great public service by limiting their experiments to rabbits which make only the slightest noise. If all else fails, arrangements might be made to move the College of Pharma- cy to Willow Village and to turn the present building into a veterans' housing project. -J A. Sessions Lynching To the Editor: ''OUR NEGROES were killed in Monroe, Geor- gia on July 25th by a lynch gang. No sus- pects have been arrested although Walter White, Secretary of NAACP, gave the names of six per- sons linked with the murders to Attorney Gener- al Tom Clark over two weeks ago. It would seem that the FBI with its reputation for effcien- cy might by this time have tracked down the criminals. The killings are a part of a growing pattern of terrorism against Negroes to prevent them from using the ballot. Any successes which Talmadge, Bilbo and their fellow Klansmen enjoy as a result of this use of violence will affect not only democratic gains in the South, but weaken the fight for democracy through- out the country. As veterans we wish to express our determin- ation to fight for the protection of the funda- mental rights for which Negro and white have fought and died. As citizens we wish to see ra- pid prosecution of those who seek to subvert the constitutional basis upoh which our government is founded. The press of the nation has given altogether too little space to this grave issue. It is for this reason that we urge all readers of The Michigan Daily to write to Attorney General Clark and demand immediate action. -Allen D. Weaver, Chairman Willow Run Chapter American Veterans Committee MUSIC If the reaction of an audience is any indication of worth, the final offering of the Michigan Repertory Players is a success. Produced in conjunction with the School of Music and the University Orchastra, "The Bar- tered Bride" by Bedrich Smetana offers generoud possibilities to the production staff and orches- tra as well as the cast. These possibilities were well-exploited last night, almost to the point of straining. The orchestra, so important as integrator and co-ordinator in the total efforts of the company, performed its task well. Handicapped by a somewhat limited range of dynamics, the or- chestra under the enthusiastic leadership of Thor Johnson, managed nevertheless to sustain the spirit and rhythm of the music to a high degree. The string section, as usual, was par- ticularly outstanding. As for the cast, the audience last night seemed to be almost completely captivated by the half- witted stutterer Vasek, played by Robert Hol- land, who spoiled his performance somewhat by repeating the same facial expressions beyond the point of effectiveness. The portrayals of the leading characters, Marie and Jenik, by Mary Jane Albright and Charles Matheson respectively, although per- formed with a high degree of musical prci; ficiency, were marred by stiffness and exagger- ation. This same intensity was noted in the chorus, which left nothing to be desired from tom, standpoint of musical performance, but whose musical-comedy mannerisms proved to be more annoying than helpful in a total appreciation of the production. -Natalie Bagrow SENSATIONAL SNHO rrcBL1R Im. Ro,, 5, SPat. Offt-AM right s.,..8 "3 t w1 'yt The winds of power politics blow good to some. Last week the bene- ficiary, long persecuted in the Moslem world, was Christianity's eldest daughter, Armenia. The benefactor was atheistic Russia. Two fast Rusian ships, packed tight as troop transports with tens of thousands of Armenians, have been shuttling for the last three months from Mediterranean ports through the Dardanelles toward Russia. One of the ships, the former Italian liner Saturnia (rechristened Rossia), brought gasps from disconsolate Turkish citizens on Istanbul's docks; it was the biggest vessel ever to pass through the Bosporus. Russian consulates throughout the Middle East had opened their doors to Armenian refugees, romised them homes near Erivan, capital of the Armenian Soviet Socialistic Republic. Workers, poor students, intellectuals responded quickly. By the end of 1945, 20,00 had applied in Iran, 35,- 000 in Syria and Lebanon, thousands more in Greece, Egypt and Palestine. ... after World War I the Armen- ians had turned tired but hopeful eyes to the Western powers to sup- port their plea for a sovereign, free Armenian nation. But at Versailles their dream faded, while the Turks "regulated the Armenian question" by killing over 1,000,000. Russia grabbed the chance the West had fumbled . . . -Time -- DAILY OFFICIAL, BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official Bul- letiis constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Summer Ses- sion, Room 1213 Angell Hall by 3:30 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 31S -- Notices All Public Law 16 Veterans (pen- sion) who have not had their final summer interview with their Vet- erans Administration Training Of- ficer should appear at Room 100 Rackham Building between the dates of August 12th and 16th. Students having lockers at the In- tramural Sports Building should va- cate lockers and apply for refunds prior to August 24. The building will be closed during the period Aug'ust 26-September 16. Graduate Student Council will meet at the Rackham Building, Monday, 4ugust 19 at 7:30 p.m. It is request- ed that all members be present. Manuscripts for the Summer Hop- wood Contest must be in the Hop- wood Room, 3227 Angell Hal.l, by 4:30 p.m. this Friday. German Departmental Library books are due in the departmental office by August .16 regardless of a later date due stamped in the book. State of Washington Civil Service Announcements have been received in this office for positions in: 1. Personnel 2. Social Service 3. Health 4. Clerical For further information, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. The Motion Picture Project of the Library of Congress has openings for students who have received special training in motion picture program or graduate students now receiving special, training. For information concerning the positions open and for further details, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Open house at West Court, Willow Village, Saturday night, Aug. 17- dancing, bridge, ping pong from 8 to 11:30. The Chicago and Southern Airlines, Inc., are now taking applications for the September training class for stewardesses. Any girls who are in- terested in stewardess training for the airlines should call at the Bur- eau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Lectures Professor Y. R. Cliao, of Harvard University, will give a lecture under the auspices of the Linguistic Insti- tute, on Thursday, Aug. 15, at 1:00 p.m. in Rm. 308 of the Michigan Union. His subject will be: "Chinese Writing." The public is cordially in- vited. Lecture: John M. Trytten, Asist- ant Professor of Commercial Edu- cation on Thursday, Aug. 15 at 4:05 p.m. in the University High School By Crockett Johnson Auditorium. The topic will be "Op- portunities for Teachers of Business Subjects." The public is cordially in- vited. Hayward Keniston, Professor of Romance Languages and Dean of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts will give a lecture on Thursday, Aug. 15 at 4:10 pmn, in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The topic will be "The Humanities in a Scientific World." The public is cordially invited to at- tend. Lecture: Byron 0. Hughes, Assist- ant Professor of Education on Fri- day, Aug. 16 at 4:05 p.m. The topic will be "Growth and Educational Nurture of Children." It will be in the University High School Audi- torium. Lecture: Arthur H. Compton, Chan- cellor of Washington University, on Fr'iday, Aug. 16 at 8:10 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The topic will be "Atomic Energy, A Human Asset." The public is cordially in- vited to attend. Television Symposium. G. Emerson Markham, Manager, Television Sta- tion WRGB, Schenectady, New York; auspices of the Department of Speech. Helen T. Rhodes, producer, Television Station WRGB; Lewis N. Holland, Associate Professor of Electrical En- gineering, Friday, Aug. 16, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 m., Rackham Lecture Hall. Hearing Prolems. H. Harlan Bloomer, Director of Speech Clinic. Friday, Aug. 16, 1:30 to 3:00 p n., Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Lecture: William Haber, Professor of Economics, on Thursday, Aug. 15 at 8:10 p.m. in the Rackham Am- phitheatre. The topic will be "Se- curity and Freedom." Academic Notices Recommendations for Departmen- tal Honors: Teach departments wishing to recommend tentative August graduates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the Schoo) of Education for depart- mental honors, should recommend such students in a letter, sent to the Registrar's Office, Room 4 University Hall, by noon August 31. Attention August Graduates: Col- lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music, School of Public Health: Students are advised not to request grades of I or X in August. When such grades acre absolutely imper- ative, the work must be made up in time to allow your instructor to re- port the make-up grade not later than noon, August 31. Grades re- ceived after that time may defer the student's graduation until a later date. Doctoral Examination for Elaine Elizabeth McDavitt, Speech; thesis: "A History of the Theatre in Detroit, Michigan from its Beginnings -to 1862," Thursday, Aug. 15, at 2:00 p.m. in the East Coun cil,;Room, Rack- ham. Chairman, L. M. Eich. Doctoral Examination for Leo John Alunas, Education; thesis: "Genesis of the Social Studies Movement in American Secondary Education," on Thursday, Aug. 15, at 7:30 p.m. in the East Council Room, Rackham. Chairman, O. W. Stephenson. Math 347: Seminar in Applied Mathematics. The final meeting this Student Recital. Composition class, Thursday, August- 15, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall. Student Recital: On Friday after- noon, August 16, at 2:00 in Harris Hall there will be a wind instrument program, assisted by Beatrice Gaal, Marvin Bostrum and Mildred Min- neman Andrews, pianists. The reci- tal, sponsored by the Kappa Kappa Psi Fraternity, will include selectionis by Mozart, Haydn, Ewald, and Fire- stone. The public ,is cordially invited. Carillon Recital- Thursday eve- ning, Aug. 15 at 7:15 Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will present a recital on the Charles Baird Caril- lon in Burton Memorial Tower. His program will include the following-' selections: Old Antwerp carillon music, Sonata for 47 bells by Profes- sor Price, and a group of popular airs. His next recital will be present- ed on Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. Events Today Operetta. "The Bartered Bride," by Bedrich Smetana. Michigan Re- pertory Players, Department of Speech, in conjunction with the School of Music today, Fridax, Sat- urday, and Monday, Aug. 19, 8.30 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. French Tea: There will be a French formal Tea, 4:30 to 6:00 p.m., Thurs- day, August 15. Foreign students and their friends cordially invited. French Tea: The last French Tea of the Summer Session will take place today at 4 p.m. at the International Center. International Center: Weekly In- formal Tea, today, 4:30 to 6 p.m. Foreign students and their friends cordially invited. Lutheran Student Association - Open House on Thursday evening, Aug. 15, from 8:00-10:30, at the Center, 1304 Hill Street. Coming Events The last Fresh Air Camp Clinic of the season will be held at Patterson Lake, Main Lodge, 8:00 p.m. Friday, August 16. Data from play therapy and various psychological tests will be presented in the discussion of the case. Miss Pauline Gallob, Psychia- tric Social Worker from Michigan Children's Institute, will be the dis- cussant. Visitors' Night will be held at the main Observatory, located on the corner of East Ann and Observatory Streets, Friday, ,Aug. 16, from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. Star clusters, Venus, Jupiter and nebulae, will be shown if the night is clear. Children must be accompanied by adults. Lutheran Student Association-On Sunday afternoon at 4:00 the Luther- an Student Association will meet at Zion Lutheran Parish Hall and leave from there for the home of Edith Ols- son, Dexter Avenue, for a picnic sup- per and short devotional service. The regular meeting of the Uni- versity Women's Veterans Associa- tion will be held at 7:00 p.m. Mon- day, Aug. 19, at the Michigan League. Plans for the fall program will be discussed, and all interested women veterans are urged to attend. Perennial Gift 0 i BARNABY .I I'm happy to report, m'boy, that the vote was unanimous. The Little Men's Chowder There was a parliamentary shenanigan. A rider to the Unless this condition is met,1 we'll be forced to withdrawI f /'ll wait for his answer. 1I I i 1 1 1