U.*. approves Sweden, Iceland For Admittance Rejects Siam, Portugal Plea for Membership NEW YORK, Aug. 13-01)-The applications of Sweden and Iceland for membership in the United Nations received tentative endorsement in the Security Council's membership com- mittee today, but Portugal and Siam were strongly opposed. In two lengthy closed sessions the 11-nation committee completed pre- liminary discussions of all the nine applications before it except those of Albania and Outer Mongolia which are being held up pending receipt of more information. Poland led the opposition to Portu- gal, while France vigorously objected to the admission of Siam. Russia also opposed both Portugal and Siam. Mexico agreed with Poland that the application of Portugal should be subjected to close examination. While there was no formal vote on any of the four applications' under discussion today, the admission of bith Sweden and Iceland seemed as- suted since no opposition was ex- pressed. Russia, however, reserved the rights to re-open discussions on both at a later date. Polish representative Jerzy Micha- lowski charged that the present gov- er nent of Portugal was ideological- ly closely related to the Franco re- gime in Spain and to the governments which had existed in Germany and Italy before the defeat of those countries. He added that Portugal was har- boring Axis war criminals. In opposing the admission of Siam, French representative F. De Rose de- clared that Siam was guilty of ag- gression against Indochina in 1940 and that a state of war still existed between France and Siam. Soviet representative Alexei N. Krasilnikov said merely that Russia had no diplomatic relations with Siam, Portugal, Eire and Trans-Jor- dan and, therefore, could not support their applications. . The United States and Great Brit- ain supported all the applications discussed today. Most of the smaller nations also expressed their approval. Before today's sessions, the com- rrittee had given its tentative ap- proval to only one of the nine appli- cants-Afghanistan. Civilan 'USAFI SAdvocated- Hy Eggaertsen A civilian counterpart of the U.S. Armed Forces Institute was advocat- ed yesterday by Claude Eggertsen, assistant professor of education. The Institute, Prof. Eggertsen ex- plained, is a joint Army-Navy agency which provides correspondence courses and study materials to ser- vicemen as well as counseling and accreditation facilities. The corres- pondence courses are furnished by various colleges, including the Uni- versity of Michigan, which cooperate with the Institute. "There is no r'eason to deny such services to the civilian who needs them, or to let the civilian find them only in profit-mking organizations," Eggertsen asserted. "Existing edu- cational agencies have demonstrated during the war that they can coop- erate to offer their services through- out the world, and they can do it for civilians as well as for men in uniform." The civilian version of USAFI, Eg- gertsen explained, would use already existing correspondenpe and self- study courses offered by it or through its contracts with colleges. These courses are, credit and non-credit, academic and vocational, cultural and, technical, primary and graduate and low to high in cost. Government Seeks Research Chemists The Chicago regional office of the U.S. Civil Service Commission has announced that examinations are going to be held for chemists who are interested in obtaining perma- nent positions in the federal govern- ment. Heretofore valueless materials, such as weeds and cornstubble, are being converted into plastics and fabrics, and the government is anx- ious to procure young chemists who are ambitious to make new discov- eries in these fields. Information and application forms may be obtained from, the Director of the Seventh Region, U.S. Civil Service Commission, 433 W. Van Buren St., Chicago 7, Ill., or from any first or second class post office in which this announcement has been posted. Applications must be filed with the regional office not later than September 4, 1946. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Radically Styled Car Will Please COSTUME-ROOM CAPERS: Costumiere Barton Describes Outfitting of Operetta Cast PRICE DECONTROL BOARD OPENS HEARING - Members of the new price decontrol board confer as they open first public hearings on price, controls at the capital. They are (left to right) George H. Mead, Chairman Roy L. Thompson and Daniel W. Bell. SEEK POLIO VIRUS: Public Health School Sponsors Infantile ParalysisResearch <'-" The "primary objective" of the School of Public Health laboratory research in poliomyelitis is to learn something about the natural occur- rence of the disease inany commun- ity, Dr. Arthur Zintek, one of thos't engaged in this research, explained yesterday. Dr. Thomas Francis is in charge of the laboratory and those working Murray Asks Seliwellenbacli To Conference, WASHINGTON, Aug. 13 -(P) - Secretary of Labor Schwellenbach tonight considered a request of CIO President Philip Murray for an eleventh hour conference- with top company and union officials working to head off the Great Lakes mari- time strike threatened for tomor- row midnight. Murray proposed that Schwellen- bach call in company officials of the 13 dry cargo and four tanker car- riers involved, together with Joseph Ourran, head of the CO National Martime Union. The CI0 President offered to attend in an effort to end the dispute over a 40-hour week and a 10-cent increase in the hourly starting rate over which the strike has been set for Thursday at 12:01 a.m. A night session was arranged by the' conciliators, but Schwellenbach made no imymediate announcement of his reaction to Murray's proposal. Willow Run-Detroit Bus Fares Raised LANSING, Aug. 13-(')-The state administrative board today approved. a higher fare schedule for a state- subsidized veterans' bus service be- tween Detroit and the Willow Run housing colony as an alternative to cancelling the subsidy. The board instructed Auditor Gen- eral John D. Morrison to negotiate a new contract with the Detroit Street Railways for the higher fares, it recommended that the fare for veterans and their dependents be in- creased from 10 to 20 cents per trip. Continuous from 1 P.M. ALWAYS COOL! Last Times Today. with him are Drs. Gilliam, Paul Stump, Jonas Salk and Gordon Brown. This work has been going on for many years, Dr. Zintek said. "We are specifically interested," he declared, "in the transmission and dissemination of the specific virus that causes infantile paralysis. In an effort to accomplish this, the lab- oratory goes where polio occurs." Dr. Zintek and Dr. Brown recently made a trip to Minneapolis. to investigate the recent epidemic there. They also have visited Denver and hope to make an additional study in some other area. When at the particular place where infantile paralysis is prevalent, he said, an attempt is made to study how the virus might circulate in ei- ther the community, the family group or any collection of people, such as an orphanage or military camp. One of the "main problems" in tracing the chain of transmission is the fact that not all infected people come down with paralysis or recog- nizable effects of the disease, Dr. Zin- tek pointed out. Therefore, he continued, it is ne- cess~ary to collect specimens from apparently unaffected individuals and innoculate them into laboratory animals. In this way, it can be de- termined whether or not the indi- vidual is infected with the virus and is therefore a carrier who shows no evident symptoms. The main methods of possible transmission of polio that are under consideration today, Dr. Zintek states, are: flies, mosquitos or other insects; contaminated water, and contact, either by air or closer per- sonal contact. "It is probable," he declared, "that all three of these forms of trans- mission actually do occur. However, it remains to be determined which is most important." Epidemiologically, Dr. Zintek as- serted, it "would appear" that per- sonal contact is the most important route of transmission. Paralysis Wave Continues; Peak May Be Passed The worst wave of infantile paral- ysis since 1916 began losing momen- tum in some hard hit areas Tuesday but most health authorities said it was too early to tell if the peak had been reached. In other sections, however, the di- sease was in epidemic form with no letup in sight and a possible delay in opening of the f all school term was being considered in at least two places. Encouraging signs were noted in Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, Ohio and Florida where the disease either showed at least a temporary slowup or progressed slower than originally feared. The picture remained dark, how- ever, in Minnesota, Mississippi, Colo- rado and some scattered areas else- where. Four Mississippi counties were classed as epidemic and officials were considering a delay beyond Sept. 3 in opening schools and cancella- tion of the state fair Aug. 24. Various communities have closed pools or restricted bathing and can- celled youth meetings as precaution- ary measures. A week ago, the U.S. Public Health Service reported; the total cases throughout the country exceeded 5,- 000, highest since the 29,000 recorded in the record yex 1916. Later figures were not yet available. Public -- Vincent The rear-engine car will appeal to the buying public because of the lack of engine heat and the improved riding position for passengers, Prof. E. T. Vincent stated in commenting on the new rear engine car which will be introduced next year. "The rear is where the engine should be," Prof. Vincent said, "and it should also be air-cooled." To show] how air-coolingcould be accom- plished, he described a 250 h.p. tank engine used in the war which re- quired only 10 h.p. for cooling, as compared with the 8 h.p. necessary; to operate the fan in the conven- tional type car engine. Prof. Vincent doubts however, that this engine will remedy the 30 per. cent loss in transmitting power from3 the front engine to the back wheels. Because of the present stage of en- gine development, he believed that any economy possible will come through decreasing the weight of the vehicle. The rear engine, car will provide additional comfort, Prof. Vincent said, by reducing engine heat, by moving the back seat forward, and by allowing greater freedom of move- ment in the front. This new car will be built in the world's largest factory .which was constructed to build aircraft engines during the war. Present plans pre- dict its appearance on the market in late 1947. Speech Contest Entries Named Six people will compete in final speech 31 and 32 contests in the speech department assembly at 4:15 Thursday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Samuel Rich, a sophomore from They are: Rockaway Park, New York, who will speak on "We Know Not Why Nor Where;" Virgil Swearingen, an Ann Arbor resident whose topic is "Justice Must Prevail;" Harriet Ratner, from Chicago, who will speak on "The Visitor;" "Richard Dabek, whose topic is "A New Atomic Discovery;" George Fauldner, who will tell "The Fallacy of a Democratic Army;" and, Jane Hoffman whose subjet is "The Tempo of the Times." Of the twelve people who partici- pated in preliminary contests, six were eliminated. Read and Use The Daily Classified Directory It's fun to make costumes for a musical comedy, Miss Lucy Barton costumiere for the Repertory Play- ers, said. You can let yourself go in a musi- cal, she explained, since color sense does not have to be "inhibited." Currently engaged in making cost- umes for the "Bartered Bride," Miss Barton considers that gayety and authenticity are important elements in musical comedy costume design. "We have had some interesting assignments," Miss Barton said. "We have made muscles for the strong man and trick poodle dogs. It would have been a good idea to make the strong man's muscles out of bean bags because we would have had muscles that shifted," she comment- ed. The idea behind costume designing, Miss Barton said, is to make the characters look as well as you can in the play. "In order to do this," "Miss Barton said, "a costumiere must read the script and make notes on costumes to achieve harmony be- tween costumes and other elements in the play." Costumes are then discussed with the director and set designer, she said. "Costume colors must go well with set colors, must not be drastical- ly changed by lighting and must suit the set size. Hoop skirts must be small enough to pass through doors," she explained. In order to make actors look well for the play, we try to enhance the characters they portray, Miss Barton said. ' "Orinthia, in 'The Apple Cart' was a cold, glittery, attractive gold-digger sort of person. Her costume helped her to give that impression," Miss Barton said. "It was shiny, molded to the figure, had extra pieces of material that had nothing of utili- tarian value. It was also decorated with shiny gold material," Miss Bar- ton said, adding that, "shiny decora- tions are things self-efacing women avoid." All actors are sent into the costume room by the director to have measure- meants taken. All costumes that cannot be rented are then made. It is much less expensive to rent men's tailored clothes, Miss Barton said. "A nan's suit can be rented for $15 while it costs at least $40 to make one." Miss Barton's real work begins when she cuts costume linings and gives the actors fittings. Outside ,ostume cloth is then cut and fitted to the linings. Miss Barton is assisted this sea- ion by La Vaughn Newberry, by James Baucroft, and by members of, her costume class, speech 149, who received credit for laboratory work.. China .. (Continued from Page 1) ese problems and tendencies," Prof. Lin explained. Since his arival in the United States, as a guest of the State Depart- ment under its inter-cultural pro- gram, in June, 1945, Prof. Lin has given numerous lectures on both the east and west coasts. He is also plan- ning to visit several other universi- ties on his way to California. Studies American Universities The "objective" of these visits; he explained, is to study the new curric- ulum and policies of universities in postwar America. He finds a "grow- ing interest" in liberal education and education in democratic ideals. The world is suffering from a "lack of effective leadership and intelligent citizenry," Prof. Lin declared. "Chin- ese education, in the last decade, has paid too little attention to the liberal education which is the basis for de- veloping critical and intelligent lead- ership." Recent trends in American educa- tion may serve as an "impetus and reminder" to liberalize Chinese edu- cation, he asserted, and "I would like to see how far these ideas are appli- cable to developing liberal education in China." Prof. Lin left Ann Arbor Sunday, after spending a few days here on his way to Stanford University in Cali- fornia. "4 DANCING at the Famous -- Blue Lantern Dance Pavilion to BUDDY BRUCE and Orchestra THURSDAY THROUGH SUNDAY - Starting at 9 P.M. RESTAURANT and REFRESHMENTS ISLAND LAKE - 2 Miles East of Brighton on U.S. 16 Hold Your Bonds ......... North Main Op osite Court House -- Starts Today Freddie Stewart In FREDDIE STEPS OUT plus Robert Livingston in VALLEY OF THE ZOMBIES r 'ct °t ENDING TODAY! rl"re- act=7 mi Shows, 1-3-5-7-9 P.M. /S W 7/ " r"7 State -- 7,"' GOING EAST? North? South? C West? We know what they wear wherever you go. Trust us for r your skirts, sweaters, jackets, bouses, slacs, pedal pushers .. ' all those little etceteras . .. so important if you want to be somebody.- SCHOOL-END SPECIALS of . odds qnd ends in sweaters, most- y pullovers. Also 100% wool skirts at 2.98, 3.98 and 5.00. Originally to 8.95., f . SKIRTS. . . . $6.95 - $10.95; I if t , . : ,, .,,, .... i 1 idM" N' jJ U