tIjg Fifty-Sixth Year DOMINIE SAYS....... DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I I "' _ - Edited and managed by students of the University of iganl under the authority of the Board in Control ' of 'Student Publications. Editorial Staff Managing Editors .. Paul Harsha, Milton Preudenheim ASSOCIATE EITOR8 City News .............................. Clyde Recht University ....,...................... Natalie Bagrow Sports................................ Jack Martin Women's......... ...................Lynne Ford Business Staff Business Manager......... ........ Janet Oor Telephone 2324-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newpaper. All rights of re- - publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the.Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mal matter. Bubscription during the regular school year by car- rier, *4.50, by mail, $5:25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: WILL HARDY Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Political Football' THE WORLD EXECUTIVE of the Jewish Agen- cy for Palestine has flatly rejected the British proposal for a federated Palestine. Since the Arabs have already rejected the plan, the whole problem is exactly'where it was before. Meanwhile, terrorist raids continue, the British tighten their military control, and tension mounts daily. So far, all commission reportssand committee proposals have failed. They have failed because both' the Jews and Arabs want full powers in Palestine and because neither is willing to let the other have the upper hand. Two paths of action are open. We can either let the Jews and Arabs fight it out among themselves or we can enforce a settle- ment from above. Since the former would in- volve much unnecessary bloodshed and would perpetuate- the hostility between the two groups, we are left with the latter-enforced settlement. Who, then, should enforce the settlement, and who should decide what the settlement is to be? Assuming that we want this settlement to be as just and fair as possible to both parties, who Is best fitted for this unpleasant task of arbi- tration? One thing is sure. It is not the British. Both the Jews and the Arabs are tired of British promises, and it is fairly evident that the extreme elements at least are going to re- sist strongly any compromise scheme the Brit- ish might offer. Furthermore, British pro- posals are unavoidably influenced by their mili- tary and economic interests in the Mediter- ranean and Middle East. Because the Palestine solution will affect hun- dreds of thousands of Jews in Europe and per- haps in the whole world, the Palestine problem is no longer a British problem, but a world problem. As such, it must be handled by some world agency. Handing the problem to the United Nations Security Council or General Assembly has been suggested, but if this were done, the whole question would become another political foot- ball for the big powers to kick around in their endless game of power politics. The issue would be decided not by which side is right but by which side could muster the most votes. It would be just something else the Russian and Anglo-American factions could fight over. In the framework of the United Nations, though, we have the International Court of Justice, that was set up specifically to handle such disputes. Being a continuation of the old World Court, it is both experienced and impar- tial. We can be sure that this court would weigh carefully the arguments on both sides and would bring forth as just a solution as could possibly be obtained. It would then be up to the Security Council to carry out the court's decision, using force if necessary. The Palestine dispute should be referred to the International Court of Justice for arbi- tration. According to the San Francisco char- ter, this is the wiay world disputes are supposed to be handled. Why isn't this being done? -Walt Hoffmann UN -Here To Stay The United Nations has eight applications for membership. This rush to get in is at once a measure of the necessity of the new internation- al body and a sign that in the eyes of the out- siders it is here to stay. Despite the fumblings, dissensions and uncertainities that trouble the OUR LECTURES on The Social Implications of Modern Science are 1evolving about the discernment of values and an appreciation of the enduring good. By values we mean not some commodity but the very reverse, an essence functioning at the level of personal practice in the stream of life. Values are not possessed so much as able to posses us. "You cannot be a whole unless you join a whole," says Basanquet in "What Religion Is." "This sense of not being our own, of belonging to the etrenal supreme good which is the whole, is freedom and power." He also holds that "religion is the recognizing of one's membership in the universe." That, too, is what we mean by values. They are the powers, not our own, which within and without, when accepted seriously make for righteousness. Values are for everyone, but the literatures and philosophies about them travel at two elevations. At the lower level, the Epmethian or common man, will use the word "standard." That notion is so flat and so completely some- thing imposed by groups that it has no lift to the soul and little challenge to the mind and heart. Yet every human being has his values, LABOR NEWS: Sailors' Leader By VICTOR RIESEL EVERYBODY KNOWS that sailors are tough -but few know why. Maybe the answer is in the words of a gaunt Norwegian-born sailor, Andrew Furuseth, the "Lincoln of the sea," whose ashes were thrown into the wind above the mid-Atlantic. "You can put me in jail," Furuseth once said. "But you cannot give me narrower quarters than as a seaman I have always had. You cannot give me coarser food than I have always eaten. You cannot make me lonelier than I have always been." What makes a sailor tough? Not having an address when he "hits the beach." Living out of a mail box and a duffel bag, which the union checks while he's ashore. What makes a sailor tough? Climbing into dark holes deep in theafter part of a ship to sleep off fatigue in a tight little bunk over the screw where strange odors and familiar bugs mingle in 'the tepid air. What, then, takes a man to sea? The depres-, sion. An itch to keep moving. A job with three meals. A yearning for story book adventure. This yen for seafaring romance in 1922 took an or- phaned 15-year-old kid from the foster home, where the State of Massachusetts was raising him-took him aboard the SS Robert S. Hop- kins one day as mess boy. He learned about righteous salors' "beefs" (complaints) first hand. As mess boy, he was ordered by the Captain to serve every quart of milk diluted with seven quarts of water. The new mess boy, unaware that precious water was kept in special compart- ments, simply opened a spigot and mixed the milk. He poured it over the mush and began serving. After the sailors threw him out of the mess hall he realized the spigot was a salt water tap. That mess boy was Johnny Hawk, virtually unknown six-foot leader of the unpublicized anti-Communist AFL Seafarers' International Union-an organization so powerful it could strangle the nation's business by halting all Pacific shipping and a large part of the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts. After the mess boy stint Hawk shipped on everything from the SS Leviathan to steam schooners. Everywhere he spoke up for his fellow- sailors. Finally they came to him in 1935 and asked him to be their union officer. When 'the SIU was organized in 1940 to fight Com- munist infiltration on the watefront he be- came the union's Atlantic and Gulf Coast lead- er, with 35,000 men under him. When you talk to Johnny Hawk, as I did today, after he gave 11 large shipping lines a 30-day strike reprieve, you think he's kidding you. He talks only of what's good for his followers and "hanging the pin" (pulling a strike) to help his "rank-and-file." But as you listen, you know this is no two-faced lamenting about "the work- ers." Agree with him, as I do, or not, here is one powerful union chief who doesn't live in a pent- house or draw $1,000-a-week. Walk with him through the jammed, six-story SIU headquarters here and you see that men not only respect him-they like him. You notice a "beef box" with a sign reading: "Have you got a beef about: (1) how the union is run. (2) How your ship's beef was handled. (3) Any damn thing. (4) Then write a letter, sign your name, drop it in and get action." Ask this crusading, polo-shirted union leader whom the labor barons must copy if they would eventually avoid revolt in their ranks, to see his books-and out they come. How much do you earn, Hawk? Ninety dollars a week. Dues? Two dollars a month. Initiation fees? Twenty-five dollars. Financial statements? Issued every week. How long in office? One year. Watch the SIU. It's breaking into the news by capturing control-in a collective bar- gaining election-of seamen on the Isthmian Line, one of the world's greatest fleets. Then the SIU will have the balance of power in America's ports. And that orphaned kid will be vital to the nation's business. (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate) his touchstone of thought, feeling and action. Those values determine his bent, direction or quality for at any given moment they tran- scend the standards out of which they have emerged. Values can quicken the soul, even in its defeat, to personal pride and security. Here is food for the world's hunger. H. F. Rall in "Christianity" says of values, "These are not ideas externally communicated or labori- ously deduced; they are direct, as illuminating insights and none the less so because they are viewed as a gift of God." Standards may be called values when they become that for which one will suffer loss, willingly lose face or dare -to die. Albert Einstein has offered the following: "To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifests itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty which our dull fac- ulties can comprehend only in their most primi- tive form-this knowledge, this feeling is the center of true religiousness." In the realm of values, knowledge comes from insight as a man looks at the whole. No analysis will yield the beauty of a landscape, no deduction or demon- stration can give it to another; it is seen directly or it is not gained at all. Can justice be present- ed by argument or is it only an insight? Love seems never to be evolved by logic nor talked into existence but can be grasped. through in- sight, awakened by benevolence or imparted in social prayer (worship). The other level is that open only to great souls whom we refer to as Promethean, the inspired ones. Even J. R. Lauba, always a critic of orthodoxy, believes in value at this upper level. In May, 1928 in Forum he wrote, "Insight is not a substitute for careful ob- servation, reflection, criticism and experimen- tation, but it does have a place. When all else is done, the whole man with every resource of mind and imagination sees the whole and per- ceives meanings and relations which no study of parts and no summation of discrete facts can yield." Lowell in his "Columbus" viewed values in this fashion when he declared: "It is they, Who utter wisdom from the central deep And listening to the inner flow of things Speak to the age." Now if according to the religious man gen- erally, whole hearted devotion to a cause in- finitely beyond and above oneself or belief in the mystical membership in an eternal whole is the adequate status for the good life and also for human progress, then an affectionate relation between human and divine personality is the contribution most needed in our era to guarantee that the power already given to man or unlocked by his search is to serve constructive purposes only. In other words, the whole scientific, poli- tical, financial and cultural vastness with its vitality, both known and unknown, is made meaningful alone by the sense of unity, inter- dependence, and accountability which we call religious value. --Edward W. Blakeman, Counselor in Religious Education k, Notices Publication in The Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all inem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Summer Ses- sion, Room 1213 Angell Hall by 3:30 p.m. on theaday preceding publication (11:00 a.mn. Saturdays). SUNDAY, AUGUST 11. 1946 VOL. LVI, N;. 29S phitheatre. The topic will curity and Freedom." The Chicago and Southern Airlines, Inc., are now taking applications for the September training class for stewardesses. Any girls who are in- terested in stewardess training for the airlines should call at the Bur- eau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. The public schools of Taos, New Mexico have vacancies in the ele- mentary schools; art, English, mathe- matics and guidance positions on the secondary level. Living conditions and salaries are good. If candidates who are interested in living in the Southwest will call the Bureau of Appointments they can receive more detailed information about these openings. The libraries of the University Elementary School will be open on Saturday morning, Aug. 10 from 9- 12 and on Monday through Wed- nesday, Aug. 12-14 in the mornings from 9-12 and in the afternoons from 1-4. Students wishing to use these materials from August 15-23 may have them transferred to the School of Education Library, 4200 University High School. All Public Law 16 Veterans (pen- sion) who have not had' their final summer interview with their Vet- erans Administration Training Of- ficer should appear at Room 100 Rackham Building between the dates of August 12th and 16th. The Fifth Clinic of the season will be held at the Fresh Air Camp, Pat- terson Lake, Main Lodge at 8:00 p. in., Friday, August 9. Professor L. Kelly, Clinical'Psychologist from the Department of Psychology will be the visiting consultant. Notice to Veterans: All veterans training under Public Law 346 (GI Bill of Rights) in order to protect their future training rights must re- port to the Veterans Administration, Rm. 100, Rackham Building, accord- ing to the following schedule: Students in the term ending Aug- ust 9: Report Aug. 5-9. Students in the term ending Aug- ust 23: Report Aug. 12-17. Students whose term ends after August 23: Report August 19-24. Veteran's presence is necessary to fill out a training report and to in- dicate whether leave is desired. The office of the Veterans Admin- istration is open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily and from 8:00 a.m. to noon on Saturdays. Lectures Lecture: Claude Eggertsen, Assist- ant Professor of Education on Mon- day, August 12 at 4:05 p.m. in the University High School Auditorium. The topic will be "Proposed: A Na- tional Civilian Continuation Study Institute." The public is cordially invited. There will be a lecture by Profes- sor Y. R. Chao on Monday, August 12 at 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. in Room 2016 Angell Hall. He will talk on Special topics in Chinese Grammar. There will be a lecture by Profes- sor Y. R. Chao on Monday, August 12 from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. in Room 2016 Angell Hall. He will talk on Form Classes and Parts of Speech in Chinese. Visitors to these lectures are welcome. Lecture: Elmer D. Mitchell, Profes- sor of Physical Education, Tuesday, Aug. 13, at 4:05 p.m. in the University High School Auditorium. The topic will be "Recreational Guidance." Lecture. "Interpreting the News." Preston W. Slosson, Professor of His- tory; autpices of the Summer Ses- sion. Tuesday, August 13, 4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Lecture: Harlan C. Koch, Professor of Education, Wednesday, Aug. 14, at 4:05 p.m. in the University High School Auditorium. The topic will be "New, Horizons in Guidance." Lecture: William Haber, Professor of Economics, on Wednesday, Aug. 14 at 4:10 p.m. in the Rackham Am- be "Se-I Dr. Henry M. Hoenigswald of Yale University will give a lecture, under the auspices of the Linguistic In- stitute, on Wednesday, Aug. 14, at 7:30 p~m. in the Rackham Amphi- theatre, on the subject: "Descriptive Techniques in Historical Linguistics." The public is invited. Academic Notices Colleges of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and Architecture and De- sign; Schools of Education, Forestry, Music, and Public Health: Summer Session Students wishing a transcript of this summer's work only should file a request in Room 4, U.H., several days before leaving Ann Arbor. Failure to file this request before the end of the session will re- sult in a needless delay of several days. Seniors, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts, Schools of Edu- cation, Music, and Public Health: Tentative lists of seniors for Sep- tember graduation have been posted on the bulletin board in Rm. 4, Uni- versity Hall. If your name does not appear, or if included there, is. not correctly spelled, please notify the counter clerk. ' Graduate Students in Speech: A symposium on interpretation ad history of the theater will be held at 4 p.m. Monday in the West Confer- ence Room of the Rackham Build- ing. Applicants for advanced degrees in Speech specializing in this field should attend. Attention August Graduates: Col- lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music, School of Public Health: Students are advised not to request grades of I or X in August. When such grades are absolutely imper- ative, the work must be made up in time to allow your instructor to re- port the make-up gradenotlater than noon, August 31. "Grades re- ceived after that time may defer the student's graduation until a later date.- Recommendations for Departmen- tal Honors: Teach departments wishing to recommend tentative August graduates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the School of Education for depart- mental honors, should recommend such students in a letter, sent to the Registrar's Office, Room 4 University Hall, by noon August 31. Concerts Carillon Recital: Sunday afternoon, Aug. 11, at 3:00 Percival Price, Uni- versity Carillonneur, will present a recital on the Charles Baird Caril- lon in Burton Memorial Tower. His program will include the following selections: Land of Hope and Glory by Elgar, Album for the Young by Schumann, Intermezzo for carillon by Van Hoof, and a group of hymns. Student Recital: Philip Malpas, organist, will present a recital Sun- day afternoon, August 11, at 4:15 in St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, N. Division Street. Mr. Malpas' program will include: Organ Concerto in B flat major by Handel, Toccata by Frescobaldi, Fantasia and Fugue in G minor by Bach, and Carillon-Sortie by Mulet. The public is cordially invited. Chamber Music Program: The fourth in the current series of Sun- day evening chamber music programs will include Quartet in B-fiat major, Op. 168 by Schubert, Poem for viola and piano by Edmund Haines, and Quintet in A major, Op. 114 ("The Trout") by Schubert. Scheduled for 8;30 p.m. Sunday, August 11, in the Rackham Lecture Hall, this program will be presented by Gilbert Ross, and Lois Porter, violins, Louise Rood, viola, Oliver Edel, vello, Charles Baer,; double bass, and Joseph Brinkman, piano. The program will be open to the public without charge. Faculty Recital: On Monday eve- ning, August 12 ,in Rackham Lecture Hall at 8:30 Lee Pattison, pianist, will present his sixth program, in the current series of lecture recitals. Mr. Pattison's'program will include: Fan- tasy in C minor, K475, Sonata in E- fiat major, K282, and Sonata in F major, K332 by Mozart and -Sonata, Op. 2 No. 3 by Beethoven. Student Recital: Ellwood W. Hill, organist, will present a recital Tues- day evening, Aug. 13, at 8:30 in Hill Auditorium. Given in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for the de- gree of Master of Music, Mr. Hill's program will include: Concerto IV by Bach, Concerto in F Major, No. 13 by Handel, Sonata I by Hindemith, and Alla Sarabanda by Vaughan- Williams. The public is cordially invited. by Beethoven, Intermezzo Op. 118 No. 2 and Ballade Op. 118 No. 3 by Brahms and Prelude Op. 12 No. T by Prokofieff. The public is cordially invited. Faculty Recital: Louise Rood, vio- list and Helen Titus, pianist will pre- sent a recital Wednesday evening, Aug. 14, in Rackham Assembly Hall at 8:30. Their program will include Sonata in B-fiat Major by Stamit, Sonata in E-fiat Major by Brahms, Sonata Op. 11, No. 4 by Paul Hinde- mith, and Sonata by Rebecca Clarke. The public is cordially invited, Events Today The Graduate Outing Club has planned an afternoon of. sports and swimming for Sunday, August 11. Those interested should meet at the Club rooms in the Rackham Build- ing at .2:30 p.m. Sunday. Bring your lunch. Mihigan Christian Fellowship: On Sunday, August 11, at 4:30 p.m. three members of the Michigan Christian Fellowship will present the topic, "The Bible as the Word of God." A number of theories of Biblical in- spiration will be discussed. You. are cordially invited. Coming Events French Club: The sixth meeting of the French Club will be held Mon- day, August 12, at 8 p.m. in Rm. 305 of the Michigan Union. Professor Charles E. Koella, of the Romance Language Departmert, will speak informally on: "La "neutralite de la Suisse." Group singing. Social hour. Russian Circle (Russky Kruzhok) will hold its final meeting of the summer session at 8:00, Monday, August 12, at the International Cent-- er. Dr. William Card, Executive Di- rector of the Chicago Council of American-Soviet Friendship will pre- sent a, talk entitled, 'The Soviet System-What it is, and how it works." Tea will be served following the program. Everyone interested is invited to attend. French Tea: There will be a French Club tea Tuesday, August 13, at '4 p.m. in the Cafeteria of the Michigan League. Women in Education luncheon Wednesday, August 14 from 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Russian Tea Room, Michigan League. Men's Education Club meeting Wednesday, Aug. 14 at 7:15 p.m. at the Michigan Union. Churches First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 S. Division Street. Wednesday evening service at 8:00. Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject: "Spirit." Sunday school at 11:45. A special reading room is main- tained by this church at 06 Wolver- ine Building, Washington at Fourth where the Bible, also the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and other writings by Mary Baker Eddy may be read, borrowed or pur- chased.' Open daily except ASundays and holidays from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. First Presbyterian Church: Sunday morning worship, 10:45 a.m. Sermon, "Sight and Insight" by Dr. R. Worth Frank, Professor of Philosophy of Religion and thilcs at McCormick The ical Seminary in Chicago. The Summer Westminister Guild will meet for supper at 6:00 p.m. in the church. There will be a. dis- cussion on "The Place of Religion on a University Campus." The Lutheran Student Association will meet Sunday at. 5:30 in Zion Lutheran' Parish "Hall, 309 %E. Wash- ington St. Supper will be servedat 6:00 and the program will follow. Prof. Ralph Hammett of the Archi- tectural School will show slides and speak on "Church ~Architecture." Sunday morning Bible Study Hour will be held at the Center, 1304 Hill Street, at 9:15. Trinity Lutheran Church will have regular Sunday morning worship ser- vice at 10:30. Zion Lutheran Church will also have its morning service at 10:30. University Lutheran Chapel, 1511 Washtenaw, has its Sunday service at 11:00 am. The pastor, the Rev. Alfred Scheips, will preach on the sub- ject, "Christian Giving." Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club, will meet at the Center, 1511 Washtenaw, Sunday afternoon at 2, for an outing to Greenfield Village. Memorial Christian Church (Dis- ciples of Christ) : Morning worship 10:50 a.m.. Rev. F. E. Zendt will de- liver the morning message. Ii I BOOKS CLEMENTINE by Peggy Goodin, Dutton & Co., Inc., New York, 246 pages. $2.50. WINNER of a thousand-dollar award in the major fiction division of the 1945 Hopwood contest, "Clementine" may be of interest to Michigan students for this reason alone. A rather episodic story of a small town tomboy's mildly humorous antics from the ages of ten to sixteen, the book. is not likely to attract the attention of the serious reader. In a racy syle calculated to keep pace with the age of the airplane, Miss Goodwin draws a picture of redheaded, freckle-faced Clementine Kelley who gets A's in everything save arithme- tic, but often convinces the reader that she is considerably less intelligent in her extra-curric- ular activities. For example, when she wants to know about "the facks of life," she consults the hired man who is also the gentle philosopher of the manuscript, with the curious result that he papers the bathroom upside down and fails to give her accurate information, anyway. At the age of "pooberty," she stages a wrestling match with one of her male playmates, who later becomes her steady, and gets the licking which the reader feels her parents should have admin- istered long ago. In her attempt to depict Clem's approaching womanhood, Miss Goodin misses much of the pathos and parental failure to understand that accompanies adolescence. Unfortunately, every major character in the book eventually understands and appreciates Clem, and " it is this that lends an unrealistic tone to the whole chronicle. Placed alongside of Tom Sawyer, Willie Bax- ter, and Sentimental Tommy, Clementine Kelley illustrates what she herself feels in one chapter, that it is "a dirty doggone man's world.' For an hour or two of light reading with an occasional chuckle, Clementine is admirably suited. But if one is really nostalgic for the old fishing hole, he had better seek out an empty hogshead and yell for Huck Finn. -Shirley Robin BARNABY By Crockett Johnson If I don't get a favorable response from the Mayor, I'll call a protest meeting. Non-essential building is out. Our people won't stand for it. Your Fairy Godfather is the soul of patience, m'boy- But unless His Honor favors me with a phone call within this very hour- I~~AI1 -~ .-1- O'Malley? And Baxter? Plotting against me? Let 'em try it. I'm sitting tight. We can muddle through, Mr. - I i