000 FOR EVERY VET: U.S. Generous, Bradley Says; Cites TScandalous Conditions' GIVE'EM THE AXE: UAW-CIO Executive Board Considers Economy Moves WASHINGTON, Aug. 10-(i)-TheI 79th Congress provided $12,609,802,- 005 for war veterans, or nearly $1,000 for every soldier discharged since V-E Day. Almost a third of this was included in a batch of bills that reached Presi- CAMPUS EVENTS_ Three members of the -Michigan Christian Fellowship will form a. panel to discuss "The Bible as the word of God" at 4:30 p.m. Sunday in Lane Hall. Don Betz, Mary Jane Medlin, and Don Waite will present the proposi- tional, verbal, and progressive devel-.1 opmental theories on Bible inspira- tion. * * * Scott Miyakawa, a sociologist will speak on "This Age of Revolu- tion" at a meeting of the Wesleyan Guild at 5:30 p.m. in the Method- ist Church Sunday. A worship service, social hour and supper will take pla4e in the Social Hall following the program. * * * A lecture on. "Descriptive Tech- niques in Historical Linguistics" will be given by Henry M. Hoenigswald, instructor in the Linguistics Institute! at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in Rackham Amphitheatre. /Hoenigswald is giving a course in Sanskrit this summer and has re- cently been engaged in the teaching of Oriental languages under the Army program. His, lecture will be part of the regular Wednesday evening lecture series sponsored by the University Linguistics Institute. dent Truman in the closing days of the Congress, which he signed today, yesterday and Thursday. Largest single item was the $2,- 431,708,000 to pay for the Terminal Pay Bill. World War II veterans received by far the greatest share of the cash and other benefits but some money went to veterans of other wars. As the bills were being signed, Gen. Omar N. Bradley, Veterans Ad- ministrator, said America, in dollars and cents, has provided for its war veterans more generously than any other nation. Shift Emphasis But he added "if scandalous condi- tions" are to be avoided, the time now has come to shift emphasis from quantity to quality of opportunities being provided the American ex- warriors. Last week in Milwaukee, at a con- vention of Spanish War veterans, General Bradley said that signs of "scandalous conditions" alredy have begun to appear in the subsistence allotment program under the GI Bill of Rights. Cites Evils He said there was a case where one man, making $600 a month, had said he was in "training" for another job paying more money and therefore entitled to draw $90 a month com- pensation. "Obviously this was not the intent of Congress," General Bradley said. "This law was intended to help veterans in need of financial assist- ance to better themselves. The abuses ghat have occurred are not criminal, oecause they were permitted by the taw. The fault was in a law that was not precisely worded. Sen. Arthur Vandenberg, left, with Murray D. VanWa goner, center, Democratic candidate for governor, and Kim Sigler, Republican nominee, as they appeared at Ionia recently. Sen. Vandenberg's address at Ferry Field Wednesday will climax a -local V-J Day celebration. S * * * * * * * * Vandenberg To Talk on Foreign Affairs At First Annt Arbor V-i Day Celebration DETROIT, Aug. 10--UP--Financial problems continued to burden the International Executive Board of the CIO United Auto Workers today as.; it labored through a sixth day of, consultations here. Ahead were three more days of meetings with the auto union's top leadership engaged- in one of its most protracted sessions-most of it car- ried out with a minimum of public commen t. On the outside, grasping for any hints of future decisions in the UAW- CIO's retrenchment, were union or- Spe-ech Reunion01 .P Contest, Dbate Television Included in Three Day Conference The University Speech Department will have a reunion and conference of speech teachers, alumni and past members of the department next Thursday through Saturday. First activity on the list, scheduled for Thursday afternoon, will be a speech 31 and 32 contest at 4 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. From 10-12 a.m. Friday in Rack- ham Amphitheatre, a television sym- posium will be conducted. Q. Emer- son Markham, and Helen T. Rhodes of General Electric Television Sta- tion W~RGB, Schenectady, and Prof. Lewis N. Holland of the electrical engineering department at the Uni- versity will be speakers. A second symposium is planned for 2 p.m. Friday in KelloggAuditorium. Telephone Expert To Speak George Kopp of the Bell Tele- phone Laboratories will discuss vis- ible speech ath1:30Friday in the Rackham Amphitheatre. A tea will be held Friday between 4 and 5 p.m. in the Rackham As- sembly Hall. Dr. Harlan Bloomer, and a staff of speech correction students from the University Clinic will demonstrate speech correction methods in the Rackham Amphitheatre at 10 a.m. Saturday. Debate Highlights Conference End Saturday's program will also in- clude a" demonstration debate "Re- solved: that the federal government should provide a system of complete medical care available to all citizens at public expense," a luncheon in the Michigan League Ballroom and a speech by W. Norwood Brigance, president of the National Associa- tion of Speech Teachers. ganizers in danger of the economy axe. The union, whose leaders frankly say that drastic economies are need- ed, is reported considering the lopping off of 100 paid organizers from a staff variously reported at 300 to 350 men. At the start of the regular quarter- ly session of the Board Secretary- Treasurer George F. Addes said the' union's cash reserve was down to $100,000. The monthly deficit, how- ever, is said to have been reduced from an original $3,150,000 to $70,000. It was felt certain that some toes. would be stepped on in any broad re- trenchment program, which would serve as another test of President Walter P. Reuther's efforts to keep harmony in the UAW's official family. The union's present problems were not entirely unexpected, however. Addes had warned of their possibili- ties last spring when he secured a boost in the monthly dues of mem- bers--from $1.00 to $1.50. Both Addes andReuther expressed confidence the difficulties would be solved although they indicated econ- omies might have to be severe for the time being. The union's current dues-paying membership is set at 696,000, compared to the wartime peak of 1,242,000. Ann Arbor Vets To Take Part in Radio ,Broadcast Six Ann Arbor veterans will take part in tonight's broadcast of the weekly radio forum "How is the Vet- eran Getting Along" sponsored by the Ann Arbor Citizens Council. Conducting the interviewing on the program, heard at 6:30 on WPAG, will be Miss Dellagen Molden, an Ann Arbor High School teacher and member of the editorial' staff of the Ann Arbor News, and Mr. Robert S. Waldrop, director of the Veterans ,Ser'vice Bureau of the University. Read and Use The Daily Classified Diectory CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING LOST AND FOUND MISCELLANEOUS LOST: Brown leather wallet with papers, etc. Finder call W. Blum- enthal, 2-2218. Reward. (40 HELP WANTED TWO HIGH SCHOOL TEACHING POSITIONS open in mathematics and commercial work in easy com- muting distance from Ann Arbor at Pinckney. Call Supt. Wesley Reader, phone 9, Pinckney. (25 WANTED TO RENT WANTED: Small apartment or .two rooms suitable for light house- keeping for veteran and wife. Both students and employed. Phone 2- 6053 or 8731 between 10 a.m. and 12 noon. WANTED: Veteran and wife to ex- change housework for board and room. Catholics preferred but not essential. Call Mr. Kennedy at. 2-4282. (38 WANTED TO RENT: Woman grad- uate student and child will ex- change child care and share house- hold duties and expenses for living quarters. Mrs. J. Lotze, 3844 Guil- ford, Indianapolis, Indiana. (37 WANTED-Quiet room in private home for Junior medical student. Fall and Spring terms. Will con- sider working for room. Call 2-' 2521, Ext. 353 evenings, or 4662. M.M.F.: This may be my last com- munication--unless I hear from you before Aug. 20. Interstaff birthday party in offing. J.L.C. ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEANERS SALES * John Jadwin * Service. 855 Tappan Avenue, Ann Arbor. Call 2-7412 for demonstration. (30 RESTRINGING elswhere Nylon $4.50. Tournament gut $9.00. My price $3.00 and $7.00. Dean McClusky, phone 2-7360. (16 WANTED: Sewing. Refitting of young women's dresses and skirts. Miss Livingston, 315 So. Division, 2nd floor front. (23 PLAN for your fall suits and formals now. Expert workmanship on cus- tom-made clothes and alterations. Hildegarde Shop, 116 E. Huron. Phone 2-4669. (10 MEN'S USED CLOTHES wanted. A better price paid. Sam's Store. 122 E. Washington St. (4 FOR SALE FOR SALE: Family leaving city. Selling 5 rooms furniture Aug. 14- 19 including spinet, refrigerator, children's furniture, electrical ap- pliances. 1484 Lenox Ct. (near Springfield), Willow Run. (39 FOR SALE: RCA Victor table model radio. Call 2-7215. (36 Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg; ranking Republican in Congress, will deliver an address on foreign rela- tions at 4 p.m. Wednesday after- noon at Ferry Field, climaxing Ann Arbor's first Victory Day celebra-. tion. Senator Vandenburg was a member of the United States delegation to the United Nations Assembly and the recent Big Four foreign minister's meeting in Paris. His topic will be "The Challenge of V-J Day." The entire ceremony Dr. Card To Talk On Soviet Program William Card, executive director of the Chicago Council of American- Soviet Friendship, will speak at the final summer meeting of the Russian Circle at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the In- ternational Center. "The Soviet System-What It Is and How It Works" will be the sub- ject of Dr. Card's talk. Before taking his present position Dr. Card was an instructor at the University of Wisconsin and at the Chicago Teachers College. Besides his regular academic teaching Dr. Card has taught in two labor schools: Uni- versity of Wisconsin Sumner School for :Workers in Industry and Bryn Mawr Summer, School for Women Workers in Industry. He was national organizer of the American Federation of Teachers (AFL), president of the Chicago Col- lege Teachers Union and delegate to the Chicago Federation of Labor. Dr. Card is the author of "Rus- sian-American Friendship, 1776- 1944" and "The Midwest Looks at the USSR." at Ferry Field will be broadcast by' radio station N4PAG. First Visit Since 1938 This is the first public appearance made by the Michigan senator in Washtenaw county since 1938. Ac- cording to Ralph Keyes, chairman of the central veterans committee, Sen- ator Vandenberg will make only three speeches in the state thissum- mer. The Victory Day celebration is staged to welcome home Washtenaw county servicemen and women and is scheduled to start at 3:00 p.m. with a giant parade through the city terminating at the flag-deco- rated speakers stand at Ferry Field. To Introduce Senator Keyes will open the program and introduce Mayor William E. Brown who will greet returned Ann Arbor veterans. President Alexander G. Ruthven of the University will then introduce Senator Vandenberg. The city-wide parade preceding the program will begin at the armory and go south on Fifth to Huron, west on Huron to Main, south to Liberty, east on Liberty to State and then proceed to Ferry Field. Among the 1,000 marchers will be YMCA youngsters, the "40 and 8," the Eagles and other fraternal organ- izations. Featured among the twelve floats will be one by the Moms, a mothers-of-servicemen organization. 'U' Band Participates Music for the march will be pro- vided by the Dexter-Saline band, the Girls' Fife and Drum Corps of Ypsi- lanti, the City Recreation Depart- ment band and the University band. Merchants of An Arbor will close for the day at 3:00 p.m. but classes will be held at the University. To complete the holiday celebra- tion, the American Legion has sched- uled a "welcome home" dance in the Armory from 9:30 to 2:00 and the combined veterans groups are plan- ning a street dance to be held from 7:00 to 9:00. Compton To Speak On Atomic Energy Dean Hayward Keniston, Prof. Wil- liam Haber and Dr. Arthur H. Comp- ton will be the final speakers in the University summer lecture series "Social Impplications of Modern Sci- ence," this week. Dean Keniston, of the literary col- lege, will speak on "The Humanities in a Scientific World" at 4:10 p.m. Thursday. Prof. Haber, of the eco- nomics department, who was original- ly scheduled to' speak Wednesday, will d'eliver a lecture on "Security and Freedom" at 8:10 p.m. Thursday. Both lectures will be delivered in Rackham Amphitheatre. Dr. Compton, the concluding lec- turer, is chancellor of Washington University in St. Louis. He will dis- cuss "Atomic Energy, A Human As- set" at 8:10 p.m. Friday in Rackham Lecture Hall. d * 4 I j mmaw North Main Opposite Court House. Today, Mon., Tues. LEO GORCY "IN FAST COMPANY" '-and BUSTER CRABBE in "GENTLEMEN WITH GUNS" News and Serial No. 9 Ai I I', I Today and Monday ABILENE TOWN with Randolph Scott and'- RIVERBOAT RHYTHM Coming Tuesday ADVENTURE with Clark Gable, Greer Garson Ii 1" 11 IIl I CONTINUOUS FROM 1 P.M. 11 ,.. , frrM tT t'R Pn+ , r ^R r, ,r TODAY Shows, 1-3-5-7-9 P.M. I ,ye t ,'in ltdemn m For day-time duty or dating- dance-time, you'll love this petite and piquant two-toner tn wonderful 100% wool jersey. The wid6 leather belt plays up to perfection your pint- size waist. A one-piece pet in fashion's favored-for-foil-'46 shades! Junior sizes 9 to 15. the spico of a jjunior's Life. NIGHT I/ LqF 'U I I %I viimmrqow-- /Tau-10-m4l, -V Wzw I'Mmi 11 I . i