SENATOR VANDENBERG Y L 1.11wF 4IAii4 PARTLY CLOUDY, COOL See Page 2 VOL. LVI, No. 29S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, AUGUST 11, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS Paris Peace Treaty Proposals Blasted By Italian Premier Urges Year Delay of Final Agreement; Opposes Internationalization of Trieste By The Associated Press PARIS, Aug. 10-Italy's Premier struck out at the proposed Italian peace treaty today as "punitive" and beyond his country's capacity to fulfill, and urged the peace conference to postpone for a year settlement of the Trieste and other frontier problems. The decision to internationalize Trieste, Preier Alcide De Gasperi said, was "a bite into our very flesh." Pleading Italy's cause before an afternoon session which received his arguments in cold silence, De Gasperi protested the deep slash in Italy's armaments, the bills for reparations, and the changes in the Italian frontier, particularly the Big Four decision on I Triest and Venezia Giulia. Alabama Race Riot Reported White Mobs of 2,000 Attack Athens Negroes ATHENS, Ala., Aug. 10-(/P)-A fist fight between two white war veterans and a Negro -touched off race rioting in which between 50 and 100 Negroes were estimated to have been injured, some of them knocked down and trampled, here today. County court Judge D. L. Rosenau said old and crippled Negroes were among many he saw knocked down and trampled by white mh'obs, esti-I mated to have reached a total of 2,000 men at one time. "I expect at least 50 to 100 Negroes' were injured," Rosenau reported. "The Negroes were chased of the streets by the mobs." He added that about 10 white men had been arrested. The judge said a semblance of order was restored about nightfall after law enforcement officers from all over northern Alabama poured into this agricultural center, of some 5,000 population. A local state guard company was mobilized to help keep the peace. The two white participants in the fight were arrested but the Negro escaped. Mayor R. H. Richardson, Jr., said he later freed the two White men after members of the mob promised to disperse. He buttressed his request for a de- lay by reference to Italian claims for damage against Germany, asking: "Is this not another proof that no final settlement in Europe can be attained before peace is made with Germany?" No Applause There was no applause or other demonstration by the conference after De Gasperi's speech, but as he walked back up the center aisle U.S. Secretary of State Byrnes lean- ed out and shook hands with him. The t conference adjourned until Monday with a decision to defer dis- cussions on the Italian plea until then. It also took no action after a morning's debate on admission of Albania as a member. Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov again walked from the room while the Greek dele- gate was speaking, and the Yugo- slav delegate charged that. it was the Policyof Greece, bitter opponent of Albania, "to foment and start war in the Balkans." Urges Delay De Gasperi, urging delay on Trieste, said: "I am well aware that peace must somehow be made, that the dead- lock must be broken. But on the other hand if you have deferred by one year the colonial settlement for lack of a good solution, why can you not do likewise for the Julian (Tri-I este and Venezia Giulia) problem? De Gasperi described the "French Line" proposed as the frontier be- tween Italy and Yugoslavia as a "line of political expediency" which left 180,800 Italians in Yugoslavia and 59,000 Slavs on Italian Soil. 'No Bribes' Mortenson Maintains By CLYDE RECUT Sherman H. Mortenson, suspend- ed Ann Arbor police chief, yesterday emphatically denied allegations that he had accepted money from gamb- lers and permitted gambling to flour- ish here in testimony before the po- lice commission as his removal hear- ing swung into its fifth day. As the session adjourned yester- day until 9 a.m.. Tuesday, indications were that at least one more day of testimony would be needed before the commission could reach a decision on the ouster of Mortenson and De- tective Lt. Eugene L. Gehringer, also charged with misfeasance, malfeas- ance and neglect of duty. Gehringer has yet to take the stand in his own defense. On examination by Louis Burke, defense counsel, Mortenson stanch- ly denied previous testimony given by Joseph Huizenga, a patrolman; Nick Theros, local numbers racke- teer; and Clarence DeLuce, a Jackson Prison convict formerly employed in a local liquor club. Huizenga had charged that fol- lowing his submission of a report on gambling activity at the United Ci- gar Store, 118 E. Huron, Mortenson had said, "There's no sense in both- ering with the cigar store. If you stop it in one place, it will just start up in another." Mortenson cortended that this conversation never took place. Theros had previously told the commission that he "gave Morten- son between $180 and $200 in 1941, and. 1942 while selling policy tickets in the street. Mortenson stated he had never taken money from Theros, al- though he admitted receiving bas- kets of fruit from Theros twice at Christmastime. The practice, Mortenson said, was not unusual since he had been the recipient of many gifts at Christ- mas from countless individuals and business houses. Many of these gifts, he added, were divided equally with other members of the police force while presents of money were de- posited in a "Police Officers' Fund" to help defray the expenses of an annual banquet. DeLuce had testified that Morten- son once told him not to say any- thing if called before the one-man grand jury gambling investigation. Mortenson branded this as untrue also. He said Sheriff John Osborn had accompanied him to Gary, In- diana, to bring DeLuce back to Ann Arbor on a grand larceny charge. De- Luce was booked at the police sta- tion and nothing was mentioned of the grand jury, according to Morten- son. During cross-examination by Special Prosecutor William D. Brusstar, Mortensonadmitted he had never questioned John M. Jet- ter, Wilson Haight or Vernon Maulbetsch, present and former owners of the United Cigar Store which housed a horse-race hand- book, on their gambling activities. When asked by Brusstar why he had never ordered gambling wiped out at the United Cigar Store and the OK Pool Room, 212 N. Fourth, Mortenson said, "I can't answer." He contended his powers as police chief were not great enough to stamp out gambling while the grand jury has enough force to do so. Mortenson denied knowledge that anyone on the police force had been paid to collect bad checks for local merchants. Chinese Peace Called 'Impossible' In Statement by General Marshall And Dr. Stuart, New Ambassador .. Last Appeal For Coalitions May Be Made Marines Engaged In New Outbreak NANKING, Aug. 10--0P)-A gen- eral peace for China appears impos- sible, even though all the Chinese desire it, America's two top envoys to this divided nation announced to- day in a gloomy and unprecedented statement. General Marshall, special presi- dential emissary, and Dr. John Leigh- ton Stuart, new U.S. ambassador, is- sued their statement to correspond- ents against a background of spread- ing warfare between Chinese Com- munists and Government troops and at a moment when U.S. Marines were battling train wreckers in North China. Despite this open pessimism, some observers here expressed belief that General Marshall would try one last fling at peace by appealing for a coalition.government before abandon-, ing his patient eight-month effort. It was generally believed,- how- ever, that Marshall already was con- vinced there was no path to peace through continued negotiations- on the present levels-even though he has been negotiating .all along with Generalissimo. Chiang Kal-Shek, head of the government, and with Gen. Chou En-Lai, Communist pleni- potentiary. The Marshall-Stuart statement gave no hint what the next move might be. Prof. Lin Says Marshall Fight, But Has Faith CHURCH DEMOLISHED IN DOMINICAN QUAKE-. Searchers pick their way amid the rubble of an earth- quake destroyed church in the town of Mloca, Domini can Republic. Located in the north central part of the Caribbean island, the town suffered heavily from the first of the series of earthquakes. Two slight new tremors shook the island again yesterday. World News at a Glance WASHINGTON, Aug. 10-The Senate War Investigating Committee has unearthed evidence indicating former Treasury employes received favors for steering to brokers lend-lease contracts on which excessive profits were made, Counsel George Meader said today.' Meader told a reporter that high on the committee's list for future action are reports that gross profits ranging as high as 955 per cent had been made on contracts, obtained by "desk and chair" brokers who re- portedly gave week-end parties for government employes. GORHAM, N.H., Aug. 10--()-Twenty persons were injured-two of them suffering broken backs-in P. train wreck on the cog railway tonight 600 feet from the summit of 6,293 foot high Mount Washington, New England's highest mountain. * * * * NEW YORK, Aug. 10-A $4,500,000 donation for a new liberal arts college, made by Paul Mellon, son of the late Andrew J. Mellon, was announced today by Stringfellow Barr, educator. Barr, now President of St. John's College, Annapolis, Md., said he would leave St. John's to head the new institution. * * WASHINGTON, Aug. 10-Federal conciliators reported today one of four issues involved in the strike threatened by the CIO National Maritime Union on Great Lakes shipping appeared to have been settled. The strike was tentatively set for next Wednesday at midnight. New Quakes Hit Dominican Republi c; 73'Die CIUDAD TRUJILLO, Dominican Republic, Aug. 10-(P)-Terror grip- ped the population of the northern provinces of the Dominican Repub- lic tonight following two new chocks today in the six-day series of earth- quakes and tidal waves which left 73 persons dead and 20,000 homeless. Hunger threatened the weary in- habitants when attempts by the gov- ernment to rush food to the stricken areas were hampered seriously by washouts of roads and bridges in the paths of swollen streams. Apprehension was at its greatest near Bahia Escocesa (Scotch Bay) where the food shortage was particu- larly acute and clothing and medical supplies were reported by authorities to be running out. Throughout the week, earth trem- ors of varying intensity jarred the northern part of the island fre- quently. False rumors of imminent new quakes and tidal waves iitensi- fied the panic. U.S. Officials Sean Romanian Political Status WASHINGTON, Aug. 10- (P) - American officials studying current Communist moves to smash political opposition in Romania said today that Russia, with the aid of its local Communist leaders, appeared to be making a desperate drive-concur- rent with Paris Peace Treaty draft- ing-to solidify control throughout Eastern Europe. The State Department is expected to make a formal statement of its views on the situation on Monday. Meanwhile authorities here private- ly described events in Romania, in- volving the detention of Romanian citizens employed by the American; Government there, as part of a gen- eral pattern by which an effort is being made to sweep away political opponents of the Red regimes before the peace treaties can become effec- tive. It is expected here that imposi- tion of the peace treaties will con- siderably curtail Russia's actions in some areas, notably Romania, Bul- garia, and Hungary, although so long as they manage to keep Russian Arv forces in anv of those couflintries LONDON, Aug. 10-(--P) -Britain awaiting President Truman's verdict on the plan for a federated Palestine,1 served notice unofficially today that her warships would intercept, search, and arrest any vessels of another na- tion carrying illegal Jewish immi- grants to the Holy Land. An official cabinet statement on' policy for Palestine was expected shortly in which the British would outline plans for a strict crackdown throughout Europe against illegal Dr. Bell Gives Health Resume Busy Season Spent By 'U' Health Service The health of summer session stu- dents this year has been "reason- ably good," although the University Health Service has been "busy," Dr. Margaret M. Bell, acting director, declared yesterday. There were -the usual number of chronic cases that needed treatment, she stated. "We were impressed by the number of patients that came with persistent tumors of unexplain- ed character." These were examined to see if they were cancerous and many were removed. There is "more of this in the summer because of the older group," Dr. Bell explained, and this is not the kind of prevention we would like to have. No cases of infantile paralysis have been reported at Health Service, but if the health commissioners should make recommendations, precaution- ary measures would have to be taken, she pointed out. Health Service is "on the alert," Dr. Bell indicated for any new disease that may be brought back by over- seas troops, but the main diseases the doctors must watch for at present are tuberculosis, syphilis and cancer. Malaria has also been occurring more frequently, but she added that sev- eral new drugs are being perfected to combat this and Health Service is expecting to use them. immigrants now treking by tens of thousands across the war-torn con- tinent toward Palestine. In Cyprus, the British rapidly were erecting accommodations in the Car- aola detention camp near Famagusta, apparently for Jews taken from ves- sels diverted from Palestine, amid reports that the first immigrants would arrive Monday. At 10 Downing Street, officials worked on a statement of policy which, authoritative sources said, en- visioned land operations throughout Europe to end illegal immigration of Jews to the Holy Land; the sea blockade; the establishment of the Cyprus Detention Camp, and an ap- peal to sparsely populated countries to absorb as many of Europe's fugi- tive Jews as possible. Whitehall sources said the British Army in Palestine was prepared for "major developments." In tense Jerusalem, an authorita- tive source said serious trouble was brewing for the Holy Land no matter what steps the British took. If im- migration were stopped, he said, "The Jews will cause trouble," and if im- migration were continued, "There will be trouble from the Arabs." * * * Truman May Agree To British Proposal ACTORS ARE TEA-TIPPLERS: Prop Girls Tell Backstage Secrets British Set For Crackdown on Jewish Immigrants to Palestine WASHINGTON, Aug. 10- (R) - President Truman's advisors on Pal- estine today were considering accept- ance of a British-backed plan for partition of the Holy Land provided the zone assigned to the Jews could be enlarged and given greater auto-. nomy. The final plan, in thepopinion -of these experts, should provide not only for the immediate entry of 100,- 000 Jews but also for a long-range flow of Jewish immigrants. Whether plan for accepting the partition program actually will get President Truman's approv- al was an open question, since there appears still to be considerable op- position to any partitioning among those who have some influence with top administration leaders. By PHYLLIS KAYE Prof. Lin Tung-chi of political sci- ence at Futan University in Shang- hai, China, declared yesterday that he was not "shocked" over Gen. Mar- shall's declaration that complete ces- -sation of hostilities in all of China "appears impossible." Gen. Marshall's statement "most likely indicates the facts of the situa- tion," he declared, but failure to reach a final solution at this moment should not be taken as "cause for despair." Visiting Here Prof. Lin is visiting the University this week on his way to Stanford University, in California, where he will lecture for 'the fall quarter on Chinese civilization and Chinese poli- tical thought.. He is in the United States as a guest of the State Depart- ment. The work Gen. Marshal lhas been doing has been "very valuable," Prof. Lin pointed out, and continued Amer- ican effort would be helpful. "How- ever, the problem does not lend it- self to quick solution," he said. Confusion Reigns He explained that China is suffer- ing from general "psychological con- fusion" as a result of this war. She shares this confusion with the rest of the world only it is greatly in- tensified in China because of the revolution and civil war in the past two decades, he added. "We cannot expect the rest of the world to straighten out its problems in a short time," Prof. Lin stated. "We may have to wait longer for China since the issues involved are- complex." No 'All-out' War "Complete cessation" of all strife may not be possible at this moment, he said, but that does not necessarily mean China will go for "all-out" civil war. The economic situation of the country is such that this would cause the destruction of the Xuomin- tang and Communist parties, as well as the nation. "I believe the leaders of the two parties are not totally un- aware of this," Prof. Lin asserted. "The door for peaceful bargaining is not closed." Time is needed and a progressive Everything actors drink on the Lydia Mendelssohn stage is in real- ity cold tea, Dorothy Hickman and Cecila Armstrong, head prop girls said yesterday. "Whatever they call it, cider, beer, wine, coffee or tea, it is still tea," the girls said. "We make tea of all different strengths so that it re- sembleA in color the beverage it is supposed to be." Tea is a beverage to which actors are easily accus- tomed, they explained. A fizzy drink could make an actor choke on an important line. Gooey or sticky food is another thing not tolerated on stage, they report. "We spread bread with may- stool three inches from a left table leg he means that. An actor stands in the same place saying the same line every night. It would spoil his "stage business' if the furniture were moved causing him to take a circu- lar route to a certain spot." It would cause action to look unnatural or clumsy to the audience and because of this we mark floors with chalk around chair and table legs so that furniture will always be in the same place," they explained. The property crew experiences a stage fright equal to that of the ac- tors just before a play begins, the girls said. "Just the idea of what a misplaced prop could do to an actor day. They watch all dress rehearsals knowing that missing properties and their effects upon actors will be- come evident then. Wednesday nights the voluntary property crews from play production classes take over, and Miss Hickman and Mrs. Arm- strong begin to locate properties for the next play. Finding properties is a very amus- ing job, Miss Hickman and Mrs. Armstrong said. After looking in all the junk yards in Ann Arbor and Ypsi, they found the cast iron stove for "Papa Is All" in a second hand store. After trying antique stores from Ann Arbor to Ypsi, they finally located a coffee grinder in the Har- *.,c- CnnA 0nra m'Tn.. nr ~ar,.r, -4r., i,-~ FUNDS FALL SHORT: - Vets Ask Increased 'Subsistence I.. ' Special To The Daily YPSILANTI, Aug. 10-An increase $15 added for the first child and $10 for each additional child. The