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August 10, 1946 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1946-08-10

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Food Scarcity
Follows Path:
Of Quake
Tidal Wave Causes
Flight from Towns
Republic, Aug. 9 -(1)-Widespread
panic and an acute food shortage
were reported here tonight in the
northern provinces of the Dominican
Republic, battered by a continuous
series of earthquakes and lashed by
devastating tidal waves which have
killed at least 73 persons and left
20,000 homeless since last Sunday.
In addition to the sharper quakes,
mild earth tremors have been felt in
most parts of the Republic about
every five minutes since the initial
shocks on Sunday.
The panic centered about Bahia
Escocesa (Scotch Bay) in the north-
ern part of the island where the
inhabitants are living in constant
fear of a recurrence of the violent
The coastal towns of Matanzas,
Puerto Plata, Batey, Samana and
Sanchez, cracked and torn by the
shocks and later crushed and flooded
by the huge tidal waves, are virtual
"ghost towns," without a single in-
habitant remaining in them.
Following Sunday's earthquakes,
the population of those towns fled
and averted further casualties when
the 'deserted villages were smashed
by yesterday's second series of violent
temblors and tidal waves.
(An eyewitness reaching Miami,
Fla., said "veritable cities of refu-
gees" were springing up in the up-
lands of the Dominican Republic,
which he described as gripped by
terror of further 'tidal waves and
Several major and minor earth-
quakes and two violent tidal waves
have struck the Dominican Republic
since Sunday. The shocks were be-
lieved caused by a shift in the bed of
the - Atlantic 50 miles northeast of
the island, where the water is 28,-
680 feet deep.
Communications with northern Do-
minican Republic provinces and
towns were interrupted, making ac-
curate appraisal of human and prop-
erty losses difficult. y
The tidal waves of yesterday, be-
lieved created by violent underwater
earthquakes, crashed ;against the
northern coastal towns of Matanzas
and Puerto Plata.and spread destruc-
tion and fear along the northern
coast of the Sanaria Peninsula.
Huge waves ,crushed dwellings.
Overflowing rvers.added to the dam-
age in the ndrth.
Canadian Girls
Accept .COglmg
Offenders Freed As
Complainants Turn Shy
DETROIT, Aug. 8--IP)-Two Ca-
nadian lasses kept demurely silent
today on their reactions to the for-
bidden "ogling" that landed a quartet
of young Detroiters in Traffic and
Ordinance Court.
The girls, whose names were not
disclosed by police, failed to appear
to press charges against the oglers.
Their reticence put an internation-
al kink in the enforcement of De-
troit's ancient law, recently unearthed
to discourage men from amorous pub-
lic glances.
The four young men were brought
before Traffic Judge George T. Mur-
phy, who dismissed the tickets against
them with this, admonition to the

officers who issued them:
"You've got to take a written, state-
ment from the complainant and bring
both the complainants and defend-
ants into court. I can't convict on
hearsay evidence."
One of the officers, Patrolman
Gideon Tukacs, Jr., told reporters
that the four men had transcended
even a liberal interpretation of the
anti-ogling law.
"I've never written a ticket for
simple ogling and I never will," he
said. "But these men were blocking
traffic with their car. They told
the girls they wouldn't move until the
girls gave them a date."

ARMY'S NEW B-36 BOMBER DWARFS B-29-The Army Air Forces' huge experimental B-36 Bomber
(right), dwarfs a B-29 (left) as the two planes are parked near each other in this photo released in Wash-
ington, Aug. 8, along with an announcement that the B-36 was airborne 38 minutes in its first flight test. The
B-36 is powered by six 3,000, horsepower engines and has aneffective range of 10,000 miles.


Crime S'ene's

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This column is de-
signed to provide veterans with infor-
mation of specific concern to them. All
veterans are encouraged to submit
topics or specific questions for consi-
deration here.)
* * *
There will be a thirty to sixty day
waiting period after the beginning of
the fall semester before veterans sub-
sistence checks are received this fall,
according to W. L. Wallace, director
of the.Veterans Administration Guid-
ance Center.
This will be necessary, he explain-
ed ,because the subsistence of all vet-
erans in the summer session will
have to be interrupted after the end
Bankers Reveal
Anti-Trus-t Work
.In Investments
NEW YORK, Aug. 9-(P)-Execu-
tives of some of the nation's largest
investment banking houses, who de-
clined the use of their names, said
today that agents-of the Justice De-
partment's anti-trust division have
undlertaken an intensive investiga-
tion into past and present invest-
ment banking practices.
In Washington, the Department of
Justice declined comment on the
statement of these spokesmen, made
in response to direct questions, that
the agents, working quietly in small
teams, have gathered enormous quan-
tities of photographic copies of re-
cords and other data from the: files
of at least eight major Wall Street
The investigation, in its present
form began late last year, they said,
after the books of these houses were
voluntarily opened on the basis of a
direct request by Wendell Berge, As-
sistant Attorney General who suc-
ceeded Thurman Arnold in charge
of anti-trust matters.
One official quoted Berge as telling
a group of lawyers representing these
firms that he was definitely interest-
ed in finding out whether monopolist-
ic practices existed in the money
Attorney Will Press
Suit Against KKK
FRANKFORT, Ky., Aug. 9-W)-
Eldon S. Dummit, State Attorney
General, disclosed receipt of letters
attacking Negroes, Catholics and
Jews-as well as his own motives-
as he announced himself ready today
to press his suit to outlaw the Ku
Klux Klan in Kentucky.
Dummit said he had received 50 or
more letters-most of which were
anonymous-since he filed suit in cir-
cuit court here July 22 to have the
Klan's corporate rights in Kentucky
revoked., His action followed the filing
of a suit to ban the Klan in Georgia.

of the term and cannot be reinstated
until the fall registration.
All veterans,' before they leave
school this term, must fill out a form
to discontinue their subsistence at
the Veterans Administration Office
in Rm. 100 Rackham Building. Fail-
ure to do so will work to the detri-
ment of the veteran because the sub-
sistence received will be charged
against future training and thus cor-
respondingly reduce his eligibility
time for tuition allowance.
Forms are also available at the VA
office for leave applications. Leave
time, not to exceed 30 days a year, is
accrued by a veteran at the rate of
two and a half days for each month
he .is in training. This leave time is
deducted from the veteran's period
of entitlement for training, and form-
er servicemen who plan to use the
full amount of the eligibility time are
cautioned to plot out their entire
programs before using up their time
with leave.
Veterans who knoW now that they
will be switching from one school to
another withinthe University or who
will be going to another institution
in the fall are urged to avoid undue
confusion and delay at the beginning,
of the new term by filling out a form
letter at the VA office requesting the
necessary, approval before they leave
school this semester.
Music Camp
Band To Play
The National Music Camp will pre-
sent its regular weekly concert at
3:30 p.m. tomorrow at Interlochen,
directed by Walter C. Welke of Seat-
The program will feature the Bor-
odin "Symphony No. II" and the
Bach 'Toccata and Fugue in D-
minor.". Frederick Westfall of Den-
ton, Texas, will be guest conductor.
The high school choir and girls' glee
club wil also be heard.

To Be in Color
In County .Files
The Washtenaw sheriff's office will
be the first law enforcement agency
in the United States to "mug" every
criminal and crime scene on color
slides, which until now had been
used only to record major crimes in
one New York department and one
California department.
The full color pictures will be
projected to life size or larger if
necessary to aid identification. In
many cases witnesses disagree about
color characteristics of criminals and
suspects. With this method, disa-
greement is reduced to a minimum.
Characteristic eye color, hairshade,
and complexion will be permanently
and authentically recorded. Each
thirty-five millimeter film will con-
tain the profile and full face of the
The identification bureau has al-
ready given demonstrations of the
system to representatives of several
other police and sheriffs depart-
Street 'Shower
Ban Advised

Four Airmen
Killed in Two
Plane Crashes
Two Civilians Die
in Army Disaster
GREAT FALLS, Mont., Aug. 9-(Al)
-Four crew members of two A-26
Army Havocs and at least two civil-
ians were killed today in a plane col-
lision before thousands of persons
witnessing an air show at North
Montana State Fair.
The three planes flew low over the
bleachers, in a tight formation and
the wing of one sheared off the tail
of another. The latter plane burst
into flame, plunged into the barn
and then bounced into a parking lot.
The barn, in which race horses were
kept, burned rapidly and in the flam-
ing inferno could be heard the
screams of about 20 dying animals.
Six bodies were taken from the
wreckage of the two planes and the
charred barn as workmen continued
digging in the debris for more vic-
At least, eight automobiles caught
fire and burned, after being sprayed
by flaming fuel from the plane.
The third plane continued to circle
the grandstand after the tragedy and
although at first it had seemed in-
volved in the colision, it did not
appear badly damaged and was be-
lieved to have landed safely at a
nearby Army field.
The Great Falls Tribune said three
bodies, burned almost beyond recog-
nition, were taken from the smoking
barn ruins. One body was that of a
soldier. Three other soldiers perished
in the planes, the paper reported.
One crew member apparently was
thrown into the barn from the crash-
ing plane.
Identification of the two civilians
who died in the barn was not im-
mediately established, but the Trib-
une said Mr. and Mrs. Andy Seaman
of Resburg, Idaho, who had been
tending horses in the barn, were
The public relations officer at the
Army air base here said identification
of the four soldiers would be with-
held pending notification of next of
An Army board has started investi-
gation of the crash, which occurred at
2 p.m. Mountain Standard Time.
A dozen or more persons who were
in or neari the barn were treated at
the fair grounds first aid station for
minor burns and injuries. At least
10 horses were believed to have per-
ished in their stalls.

Campus Highlights

Veterans Picic...
The Willow Village AVC Chapter
will have a picnic this afternoon at
Saline Valley Farms.
In an invitation to all veterans
living at Willow Village, chairman
Al Weaver announced that there will
be swimming, sports, and fun for
all. He urged the veterans to bring
their families or their girl friends.
Everyone will have to pack his own
lunch, but there will be plenty of
beer and pop on hand, Weaver said.
Transportation has been arranged
for. Those planning to go are asked to
meet at 1:15 p.m. at West Lodge.
* * *
Swing That Partner.. .
All co-op members and their
friends are invited to a square
dance at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow at
the Robert Owen Co-op at 1017
The dance is sponsored by the
Inter-cooperative Council.
Clarinetist To Play...
Dwight Morris Dailey, clarinetist,
will present a recital in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Music at 4:15
p.m. Monday in the Rackham As-
sembly Hall.
He will be assisted by Mildred M.
Andrews, pianist, Margaret Kay and
Jane 'Guyer, violinists, Arlene burt,
violist, and Perry Yaw, violincellist.
His program will include selections
by Chaminade, Mozart, Jeanjean,
Brahms, and Ravel.
* * *
Village Open House...
Willow Villagers will hold open
house from 8:00 to 11:30 p.m. to-
day in the West Court.
* * *
Lecture-Recital ...
"Mozart and the Youthful Beetho-

Carillon Concert . .

Prof. Percival Price, University
Carillonneur, will present a caril-
lon recital at 3:00 p.m. tomorrow.
He will play Elgar's "Land of
Hope and Glory," five selections
from Schumann's "Album for the
Young," Van Hoof's "Intermezzo
for Carillon," and five hymns.
Hills To Give Recital...
Arthur C. Hills, clarinetist, will
present a recital at 8:30 p.m. today
in Rackham Asembly Hall.
Selections 'from Lolli - Stubbins,
Mozart-Bellison, Saint-Saens, Del-
mas, Jeanjean, Dacquin, Rameau and
Dewailly will be included on his pro-
Hills, a student of William Stub-
bins, will be assisted by Beatrice Gaal,
pianist, Lee Chrisman, flutist and
William Poland, oboist.
During his undergraduate work at
the University Hills was solo clari-
netist with the University Band, the
University Symphony Orchestra, the
Little Symphony and the University
Woodwind Quintet.
OPA Price Rise on Tools
today granted immediate increase in
retail price ceilings on farm, garden
and other types of tools to meet re-
quirements of the new price control

ven" will be the subject of the sixth
program in the lecture-recital series
presented by Lee Pattison at 8:30 p.m.
Monday in Rackham Lecture Hall.
Pattison, a guest pianist and lec-
turer for the summer, will play "Fan-
tasy in C minor" K. 475, "Sonata
in E-flat major," K. 282. "Sonata in
F major," K. 332 by Mozart, and
"Sonata," Op. 2, No. 3, by Beethoven.
* * *


Dressmaking , Tailori ng
and Alterations

at our

~tqc4.' Telephone 3906

Hours: 9:00 to 5:30


The youth symphony orchestra Co'missone," ed'^'ur ne
program at S p.m. tomorrow will feat= Commissioner, reported four nee
progrmat8pmoh "ymronwillNfeatpolio cases in Detroit during the pa:
e Mendelsohan' "mnphony No. 24 hours, bringing the total to ?
performance at Interlochen of Cow- for the year, but he said it is still tc
ell's "Festival and Overture" under early to consider delaying the Sep
the direction of William E. Knuth of 4 opening of city schools.
San draciso W "It is still possible that the bottor
San Francisco. will drop out of the current situatic
.Iquickly," Dr. Douglas declared. "
Buyers Strike history repeats itself, there will nc
be two epidemics within a period c
DETROIT, Aug. 9-()-With a three years."
CIO-organized buyers' strike sched- Thus far seven deaths have bee
reported, and during a corresponc
uled for Saturday, further reaction ing period in 1944, when the diseas
to rising prices developed in the mot- reached epidemic proportions, tw
or city today. deaths and 64 cases were reporter

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