RUSSIAN MONOPOLY Y 1Mw A6 attis CLOUDY, COOLER See Page 2 VOL. LVI, No. 28S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS Terminal Leave Pay Is Due Soon Truman Signs GI Bill; Army, Navy Announce Procedure for Payment Russian Two-Third Rule Demand Denied; Byrnes Condemns Attempts To 'Dictate'; Britain Asks Halt to Jewish Immigration By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Aug. 9-President Truman sounded a pay call today for about 15,000,000 GI men and women by signing the terminal leave bill authorizing payment -- mostly in bonds - for unused furlough time. The War, Navy and Treasury De- partments told them how to come and get it. Mr. Truman signed the measure giving the go-ahead' for distribution of an estimated $2,700,000,000 at a mid-day White House ceremony at- Full Time Job Allowed Vets Under GI Bill Bradley Given Tighter Control over Training WASHINGTON, Aug. 9-(P)-Vet- erans now may accept full time jobs, while going to school under the GI Bill of Rights, and also draw some government subsistence allowanoe, The Veterans Administration made this ruling today after. studying the bill signed Thursday by President Truman to give Gen. Omar N. Brad- ley, Veterans Administrator, tighter control of training costs. The new law prohibits payment of subsistence allowances under the GI Bill to veterans with dependents if they earn more than $200 a month; or $175 if they have no dependents. The Veterans Administration said this will reduce the incomes of some veterans participating in on-the-job training programs set up under the GI Bill of Rights. This section per- mits a veteran to take training, un- der an employer, for a specific job. The government pays his subsistence. The bill prohibits payment of this subsistence allowance if the veter- an's income exceeds the new $175- $200 limits. But the Veterans Administration said the new law also permits stu- dents attending schools under the GI Bill to work "full time" to sup- plement government subsistence al- lowances. This was prohibited undel the original GI Bill. Maximum sub- sistence allowances are $65 a& month for single men; $90 for married vet- erans. The government also pays tuition. Now veterans may accept jobs pay- ing up to $110 a month and still draw full government subsistence. In the case of a married veteran this would bring him a total of $200 a month; and for a single man $175 a month, the maximum allowed under the new bill. If he makes more than that, his government subsistence allowance will be cut so his maximum income will not exceed the $175 and $200 limits. For instance, if a married vet- eran is earning $150 while working outside his college hours, the gov- ernment will pay him an additional $50 a month, the difference between $150 and the maximum of $200. Blbo Admits Link with Klan Denies Charge He Is 'Worst Man in Senate' WASHINGTON, Aug. 9-(MP)-Sen. Theodore Bilbo (Dem.-Miss.) said on a nationwide radio broadcast tonight "I am a member of the Ku Klux Klan No. 40, called the Bilbo Klan No. 4, Mississippi," but added: "I attended one meeting and have not attended it since, because I was not in sympathy with some of the things in it." Bert Andrews, New York Herald- Tribune correspondent and one of four writers who interviewed Bilbo on the "meet the press" program (Mutual), asked the Senator if he agreed with the opinion of Washing- ton newsmen who voted him "the worst man in the Senate" in a mag- azine poll. "I think the best judge of sena- torial service in the U.S. Senate would be the people of the state and I am perfectly satisfied with their verdict every time I have asked for the job -three times," Bilbo replied. tended by Gen. Omar N. Bradley, Veterans Administrator, representa- tives of service organizations and Reps. Dwight L. Rogers (Dem.-Fla.), Riley (Dem.-S.C.) and Emory H. Price (Dem.-Fla.). The first money needed for the payments - $2,431,708,000 - was made available yesterday by the President's signing of an appro- priation bill. Congress will vote more later if, as expected, claims exceed this amount. The payments will be made to en- listed personnel of the armed forces who have served at any time between September 8, 1939' and September 1, 1946. They will be paid, up to a limit of 120 days, for the number of days leave due at the rate of two and one-half days per month, minus the number of days actually taken. Payment will be at the rate of the last grade held, plus 70 cents a day for subsistence. In the case of per- sons with dependents in the three highest pay grades, an additional $1.25 a day for quarters will be al- lowed. The War, Navy and Treasury De- partments gave these official in- structions: 1. Obtain a "claim for settle- ment, unused leave," and an. ac- companying instruction sheet from any post office. 2. Fill out the claim form. Any veterans community information or advisory center will give help, as well as any state or county veterans service office. 3. Swear to the truth of the state- ments made in the form before a notary public or other authorized civil officer. The service will be pro- vided free in most community in- formation or advisory centers. Mail the completed form, along with a discharge certificate or cer- tificate of service, to the appropriate officer of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard. The officers are listed on the back of the claim form. The government promised that payments will be mailed "as soon as possible," the service documents re- turned. The act limits to 60 days the amount of leave which persons now in the service can accumulate. The rule formerly was 120 for officers and that allowance was extended to enlisted veterans in the new legislation. Payments will be by check for amounts under $50 and for odd amounts over multiples of $25. For amounts above $50, payments will be made in $25 bonds carrying 2% per cent interest and coming due five years from the date of the last separation from service. They can't be cashed or used earli- er except for payment of premiums. loans or conversion on government life insurance. Higher Price Authorized for Leather Goods WASHINGTON, Aug. 9-)-OPA authorized immediate leather price increases today-30 per cent on some kinds-and raised the possibility of higher shoe prices. Officials said that despite the in- creases on leather, OPA is standing pat on its refusal to allow higher ceilings on raw hides. At the request of reconversion di- rector John R. Steelman, the Justice Department is investigating what Steelman termed a reported industry "conspiracy" to hold all hides from the market until OPA is forced to raise or remove ceilings on hides. OPA said the effect of the leather increase on shoe prices will not be known until earnings of the shoe in- dustry have been reviewed. The agency said that any shoe price in- crease "will be moderate." U.S. Discloses' Movement Into A merican Zone Officials Seek Parley With Dr. Weitzmann By The Associated Press LONDON, Aug. 9-Britain has ask- ed Russia, Romania, Poland and other European countries to halt the exodus of Jews to Palestine "at the source:" a Foreign Office spokesman announced today, while admiralty officials described reports of naval concentrations in the Mediterranean as "nonsense." The request was disclosed as Gen. Joseph T. McNarney, U.S. European commander, declared there was a "well-organized" evacuation of Jews from Poland into American-occupied Germany which he was trying to stop. Conference Sought British officials, meanwhile, sought to arrange a conference with Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president of the World Zionist Organization, in an effort to find a starting place with the Jews for solving the explosive Palestine problem.j The Foreign Office said it was "extremely probable, almost certain" that Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin, who arrived in Paris this afternoon, would confer almost immediately with Secretary of State James F. Byrnes on the Palestine situation, particu- larly on Britain's reported plans to blockade the Holy Land by sea, land and air against unauthorized immi- grants. British Request Revealed A foreign office spokesman declar- ed that Britain had requested Rus- sia and Romania to do everything possible to stop the shipment of il- legal Jewish immigrants from Con- stanza and other Romanian ports. He said a ship in Romanian waters was waiting now to load immigrants and take them to Palestine. Gen. McNarney said he was trying tostop a "well-organized" movement of Jews into the American Zone of. Germany and estimated that, after the UNRRA program ends, it would cost U.S. taxpayers at least $80,000,- * * * * * C Peace Delegates Refuse ThA dm11 Albanian Unit Debate Again Sharp as Bevin Returns; Italy To Be Permitted To Present Case By The Associated Press PARIS, Aug. 9-The European Peace Conference today rejected Rus- sia's demand for a two-thirds majority vote rule after Secretary of State Byrnes asserted that the United States would not be dictated to. The conference then clashed over a Yugoslav move to let Albania attend. A torrid debate lasting until 8:07 p.m. (2:07 p.m., C.D.T.) broke out over the proposal to admit Albania as a "consultative member." Greece led the fight against Albania, with support from Byrnes, and the Ukraine delegation joined with a bitter attack on the Greek speaker, Premier Constantin Tsaldaris. ._,_ . . ARMS CACHE OF JEWISH UNDERGROUND ARMY -A British soldier examines rifles, two-inch mortars and boxes of cartridges in a classroom of the Techkimoni School in Tel Aviv, Palestine. The arms are a part of the large arsenal of the Jewish underground. army dis- covered by British searchers in' secret cells in the basement of the school. Local PoliceOfficials Scheduled To Ta ke Stand in Own Defense.. 000 annually to care for persons. * * * displaced1 Truman 'To Act In Palestine Case WASHINGTON, Aug. 9-VP)-Pres- ident Truman said today that an American decision on the proposed federalization of Palestine to handle the immigration of Jews was entire- ly within his power and did not in- volve any constitutional issue. The New York Times, Mr. Truman told a news conference, had a very learned article on that subject this morning which was very interesting to -him. But, he continued, he did not think that the question had aiything to do with the American Constitution at all. One group of State Department ad- visors opposed to the Palestine par- tition plan which is backed by Brit- ain had contended that it would be illegal under the American Consti- tution for the President to approve such a plan without the advice and consent of the Senate. This group raised the point that the Senate pre- viously, in 1924, approved a treaty with Britain supporting the British mandate for all Palestine without restrictions on where the Jews there should live. Chief Sherman H. Mortenson and Detective Lt. Eugene L. Gehringer, suspended police officials, are sched- uled to take the stand in their own defense this morning when the police commission resumes their removal hearing on bribery charges at 9 a.m. Special Prosecutor William D. Brusstar last night rested the case for the prosecution after a drawn- out afternoon and evening session at which Nick Theros, local numbers racketeer, told the commission that he "gave Mortenson a total of $180 to $200" in 1941 and 1942 while he was selling policy tickets. These "gifts," Theros stated, were passed to Morten1son on the street in envelopes containing $25 to $50 apiece. He denied that he had any agree- ment for protection with Mortenson. Clarence DeLuce, a Jackson Prison convict now serving a sentence for grand larceny, testified that in 1944 he overheard Gehringer tell Henry Charron, operator of a local liquor club where DeLuce worked, to stop horse-race booking. DeLuce stated that in this conver- sation Gehringer said Wilson Haight, co-owner of the United Cigar Store where horse-race booking was also conducted, did not want any com- petition because he was paying for protection. He also testified that Mortenson once told him (DeLuce) not to say anything if called before the one- man grand jury gambling investiga- tion. Sgt. Alfred Toney told the commis- sion that on numerous occasions from Bicycle Booty Local thieves work'ed overtime for two straight nights stripping bicycles parked at University bi- cycle racks at Victor Vaughan House, it was discovered yester- day. Returning to the same racks on a second night, the hoodlums re- moved lig-t s, seat covers, and other accesories from bicycles be- longing b Vaughan House resi- dents. Police have indicated that a patrol will keep vigilance over the location hereafter. 1943 to 1945 money bags from the United Cigar Store were deposited in the police department safe overnight for safekeeping. He added under cross-examination that this was a common practice since funds were often kept there for other business places. Clark Withholds Veto in Austria VIENNA, Aug. 9-tom')-Gen. Mark W. Clark, commander of American forces in Austria, told the Allied Control Council today he would as- sure. passage of the Russian-opposed Austrian nationalization of industry by withholding his veto, and, the Russian commander replied his country reserved the right to make the law invalid in the Soviet Zone. The exchange was the sharpest break yet to occur in the four-power council over the nationalization law, which the Russians first prodded the Austrians to put into effect andthen opposed bitterly because it included property the Russians now claim as their own. Britain, U.S. Plan. German Zone Unity BERLIN Aug. 9-o )-The com- mander of British occupation forces in Germany declared today that only "points of detail" remained to be settled in British-American talks for achieving the greatest collaboration in the economic fusion of the British and American zones. Air Marshall Sir Sholto Douglas told a news conference that the Brit- ish-American discussions were "pro- ceeding smoothly" in the setting up of German administrations for food and agriculture, trade, industry and finance. sle said the plans call for a com- mon standard of food rations which will mean increased food for Germans in both zones, and that the economic collaboration will include equitable distribution of resources, both im- ported and domestic. This morning the conference ap- proved by a 15 to 6 vote the Rules Committee proposal to let treaty recommendations be passed to the Foreign Ministers Council by either a two-thirds or a simple majority vote, beating down Russian insist- ence for only a two-thirds rule. This vote came after Byrnes blunt- ly asserted that the United States would not let any of its allies "dic- tate terms of peace to us." He ac- cused Soviet Foreign Minister Molo- tov of "loose and wicked talk" in charging yesterday that an "Anglo- Saxon bloc" had attempted to dictate conference voting procedure. In the afternoon meeting, Tsal- daris branded as "entirely inadmis- sible" any invitation to Albania, as- serting that Albania did not partici- pate in the war on the allied side but took part in hostilities against Greece. Byrnes, indirectly supporting Tsal- daris, said that under the Moscow Agreement which named the 21 na- tions to participate in the confer- ence Albania could not be invited., Molotov, who had walked out of the conference while Tsaldaris was speaking, returned in time to hear Byrnes make that remark. Byrnes raised the question of similar "consultative" member- ships for Mexico, Cuba and Egypt, saying that if a new class of mem- bership was created for Albania then requests from other states should also be considered. Dimitri Manuilsky of the Ukraine quickly took the floor with a heated personal attack on Tsaldari,, charg- ing him with repeating here earlier attempts to sow dissension among the allies in UNRRA sessions and in the United Nations Security Coun- cil. Other outstanding afternoonde- velopments included the return of British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin to head his country's delega- tion, and a decision to permit Italy to present its case at tomorrow af- ternoon's session. This morningByrnes, in support of the procedure adopted by the Rules Committee, said: "Whence comes this talk of blocs? By what right do those who vote, ballot after ballot, with the Soviet Union call those of us who do not' always agree with the Sov- iet Union a bloc?" "When the New Zealand proposal to have all recommnendations made by a simple majority was defeated in the commission by a bare 11 to 9 votes, no one complained that the proposal had been rejected by a Soviet bloc. "But when the Soviet proposal on voting procedure is defeated by the overwhelming vote of 15 to 6 here in this conference the charge is made that the defeat was brought about by an Anglo-Saxon bloc. "What loose and wicked talk this is!" UNRRA Chief Warns Russia Truce rdered Ino West, China Provinces Only Communists Block Marine Clash Probe PEIPING, Aug. 9-(P)--An armis- tice on China's "western front" until Aug. 26 was anounced today by exec- utive truce headquarters, which ordered Communist and government troops in Hupeh, Honan and Shan- si provinces to withdraw immediately distances of 10 miles. The truce, local in nature, has no bearing on Manchuria or the most recently reported heavy fighting in Kiangsu Province north of Nanking and Shanghai. Truce teams headed by Col. Howell L. Hodgkins of Rupert, Idaho, and Lt. Col. Van R. White of Mebane, N.C., were placed in charge of ,field ar- rangements. Despite this local truce, the Chin- ese situation continued tense. Col. Michael F. Davis at executive headquarters here accused the Com- munist member of an investigating committee of thwarting an inquiry into the battle beween U.S. Marines and Communists at Anping July 29. Colonel Davis charged that the Communist, Maj. Gen. Hwang Yi- Feng, had frustrated every attempt to. gain evidence relating to the con- flict, and had refused to hear testi- mony of Marine participants who had been cooling their heels here three days while waiting to testify. Prompt Report Promised on May's. Condition WASHINGTON, Aug. 9-(P)-Rep. May's Kentucky physician promised today to notify the Senate War In- vestigating Committee as soon as the congressman's condition has "improv- ed sufficiently to testify for periods not exceeding two hours per day." The committee issued a statement shortly after George Meader, its counsel, reached Dr. George P. Arch- er of Prestonburg, Ky., by telephone. Dr. Archer was one of the two physi-. cians who said yesterday that May "must have an indefinite period of rest, quiet and careful attention by physicians." Previously the committee had held out a slim hope that May, 71-year- old chairman of the House Military Committee, would be able to appear today to explain his acknowledged wartime intervention on behalf of the Garsson munitions combine. Over the signature of Chairman Mead (Dem.-N.Y.) the committee announced that it had "requested Dr. Archer to notify the committee when Congressman May had improved suf- ficiently in health to transact busi- ness." The statement added that Dr. Ar- cher said that he was "unable to predict at this time when Congress- man May's recovery might reach that point. He further stated that be- cause of Congressman May's advanc- ed age - 71 years - he doubted whether he should be required to testify over long periods of time consecutively." T'hrc ommite exaid that Archer A CHICKEN IN EVERY POT, CAR IN EVERY GARAGE: U.S. Reaches 'Full Employment Goal of 60,000,000 Jobs, GENEVA, Switzerland, Aug. 9-(P) -Director General F. H. La Guardia of UNRRA told a news conference to- day that if the Russians were seiz- ing Austrian oil and food 'in their zone he would "invoke my powers and take it up with the proper levels." La Guardia's statements were in the nature of a reply to the Russian delegate, M. I. Fenov, who earlier in an address to the fifth meeting of ET1NR, A ,a kn +i rt n exntin t oa WASHINGTON, Aug. 9 -(A")- In less than a year of peace the United States has topped the so-called "full employment" goal of 60,000,000 jobs, of jobs, the report said, "in some cases are having real difficulty finding work." On +int h-oi havncda. fni ported. Only 17 per cent show labor surpluses. In 23 per cent of the areas employment is neither rising nor fall- i n area where workers are scarce. Commerce Department officials privately gave the opinion that the e.n C'1C f-A.1- ..i-. -nia ciann - 1n. nni