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August 09, 1946 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1946-08-09

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.Fifty-Sikth Year

'Strong Arm









Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority o the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Managing Editors .. Paul iarsha, Milton Freudenheim
City News .1.............................. Clyde Recht
University ........................... Natalie Bagrow
Sports................................ Jack Martin
Women's .................................. Lynne Ford
Business Staff
Business Manager ....................... Janet Cork
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of aU other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, a
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Subscription during the regular school year by oar-
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National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
420 MADMSoN Avs. NEW YORK. N. Y.
fember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46


Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by member of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Federal Salaries
INCE THE END of the war, there has been a
mass exodus of able and conscientous public
servants from the executive branch of the Tru-
man Administration which has resulted in a
partial paralysis of governmental activity.
To be sure, a number of important adminis-
trators have succumbed to the unpredictable
vicissitudes of a continually unsettled political
situation. In the final analysis, however, the
provincial recalcitrance of the American people
to authorize, through their duly elected repre-
sentatives in Congress, salaries for government
officials which are comparable with those of-
fered by private industry is principally re-
sponsible for the unsolicited resignations of
numerous other men.
A case in point which forcefully illustrates
how detrimental the consequences of this nar-
row attitude are to the efficient operation of
government, is that of this University's famous
Harold D. Smith, who recently resigned as Direc-
tor of the Bureau of the Budget to become Vice-
President of the World Bank under Eugene
Although Dr. Smith is a great gain to the
World Bank, his loss to the government is ir-
reparable. As Director of the Bureau of the
Budget from 1939 to 1946, Dr. Smith was general-
ly recognized as one of the most devoted, able,
conscientous and loyal public servants in the
Roosevelt Administration. During those years,
he not only added greatly to the prestige of the
Directorship of the Budget, but increased the
scope of its activities.
Somewhere along the road to becoming a
world power, the people of the United States
have failed to realize that if we are to have
in government as in private industry, the same
energy and efficiency which has made America
the envy of the world, we must be willing to
pay salaries commensurate with the services
rendered by such excellent administrators as
Dr. Smith. With a few exceptions, the desire
for prestige and power is not sufficiently
strong enough motivation to draw into govern-
mental service, the highest talents and great-
est gifts that our people have to offer.
The simple, undeniable fact is that Govern-
ment salaries for high administrative positions
are not adequate compensation for the ability
and personal sacrifices required of our public
servants in this crucial post-war period. Ob-
viously then, if government is to be expected
to successfully compete with private industry
for the best brains, ability, and character ob-
tainable, it is imperative that Congress enact
legislation providing for blanket salary raises
when it reconvenes next January.
Unless these salaries are adjusted upward,
other Harold Smiths will find it necessary to
leave and no new ones of comparable compe-
tence will be inclined to enter government
service, particularly not at a time when they
can double or triple in private industry, the
stipend that is offered by the government.
-Joseph Frein

AN OLD GANGSTER TRICK was to pin-prick
a raw egg, suck it dry and refill it with acid
powerful enough to burn through a bolt of
cloth. This made a handy grenade and was
harmless looking in its paper shopping bag if
the local cops were sufficiently curious to ques-
tion the goons on what they were doing so far
During labor wars the eggs were thrown at
racks of dresses or men's suits or at cafeteria
counters. Employers, not unmindful of what
this gadget could do to the side of one's face, im-
mediately became "reasonable"-at considerable
There were other mobsters' techniques used
in the days when prohibition slipped off the
books and bootleggers, suddenly unemployed,+
learned what easy money a union could bring.
The goons moved in. on labor from New York
to Kansas City. Windows were smashed. Bombs
went off. Expensive and delicate needle ma-
chinery was ripped from factory floors. "Strong
arm men" tied long knives to window poles and
slashed at factory guards. Detectives were put
on the mob payrolls. Trucks were overturned.
Finally the employers bought "protection" and
union officials "resigned" to make room for
front men put in by the mobs who ran the la-
bor outfits like efficient businesses.
In many a big city the rackets finally became
so brazen that the public turned to gang-busters
and the worst of the arrogant mobs were broken
up. But the country's toughest organized gangs
merely laid low, they weren't destroyed. Came
the war and the mobs saw a quick dollar in black
"Iron Curtaxin':I
THAT IRON CURTAIN closing us off from
Russia that you have been reading so much
about, is not the onry such drape in existence.
An equally effective barrier to the free circula-
tion of news exists around the Philippine Islands.
Indeed it is the more ominous because it is par-
tially, at least, self-imposed. The American press
has not told the truth, the whole truth and noth-
ing but the truth as regards the Philippines.
It all started several weeks ago when Phili-
ppine President-Elect Roxas visited the Unit-
ed States. Few visiting potentates have ever
been accorded a warmer reception by the press,
eventhough such adulatio-irequired rewriting
Roxas' biography and a careful deletion of any
reference to his activities during the period
of Japanese occupation of the islands. Do you
recall reading that President Roxas, while
wearing the uniform of an American Briga-
dier General, had supported a declaration of
war against-the United States, or that he had
been a confident and counselor of the Japan-
ese puppet, Laurel? Of course you do not. And
this same reticence continues today. Behind
the iron curtain shrouding the Philippines,
a newly liberated people is being shackled by
a dictatorship.
A civil war is in progress. The situation in Cen-
tral Luzon is particularly alarming. MP's have
taken battle stations with tanks, armored cars,
bazookas and machine-guns. Clashes have been
bitter, and the casualties heavy on both sides.
Because of the wholesale persecution of the pea-
sant class, guerrilla bands are giving battle to
the Roxas forces.
The Roxas party has eliminated all opposition
in this new "democratic" government by un-
seating the seven DemocraticAlliance men in
the lower house, and three opposition senators.
It has revised legislative rules so as to provide
for A simple majority instead of the usual two-
thirds vote on legislation relating to foreign
One of the latest moves gives Roxas blanket
authority to remove any official or employee of
the government by simply naming his succes-
sor, a very democratic procedure which likewise
applies to civil service employees whose rights are
supposed to be protected by the Philippine con-
stitution. A wholesale purge of the government
service is on that only loyal Roxas men are able
to survive.
Under a new law rushed through Congress,

Roxas can now issue or reject permits to radio
stations. These are subject to withdrawal if
anything uncomplimentary to the administra-
tion is broadcast.
Pending in the Philippine Congress are bills
providing for tloe abolition of the people's
court; for the delegation of more legislative
powers to Roxas; for the centralization of power
in him because of the "emergency.,,
Ranking collaborationists, out on bail oand
charges of treason, grace social functions as
official guests of the president.
This is the brand of democracy flourishing
behind the iron curtain in the Philippnes. Rox.
as' friends, General MacArthur and Ambassa-
dor Paul V. McNutt as well as Senator Millard
Tydings, may be proud of it, but the Philippine
people are not proud of it. And neither will the
American people be when they are informed.
A demand will doubtless be made that the
American troops garrisoned in the Philippines
be called upon to "quell the disorders" and pro-
tect the established government of President
Roxas. What a pretty act that would be--
American troops defending a Philippine dicta-
torship behind an iron curtain.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

marketing and hijacking everything, from chew-
ing gum to pigs. But today the bla ck market's
cracking up and going the way of rum running.
Not too many months ago reports of mobsters
moving in on unions were merely idle night spot
"did-you-hear" conversations. Then last winter
some Chicago mobs told certain union leaders
to see to it that their members voted a very de-
finite way-or else.
Bombs went off in St. Louis close to the homes
of two supervisors working for, a huge chemi-
cal corporation then on strike. The union
involved virtually is the personal property of its
president--a former big time bootlegger. Mob-
sters were employed by some Ku Klux Klan
units. Old time racketeers began edging into the
plastic field and frightened union officials were
told to keep their mouths shut or they wouldn't
be able to open them for a very long time.
One of the country's internationally famed
corporations was offered high priced "protec-
tion" by a racketeer whose colleagues were rest-
ing up at Sing Sing. Now this same goon has
moved into the jewelry industry, set up a small
local union and is doing business "convincing"
employers to sign "reasonable" labor contracts.
It gave me a warm feeling to learn that a hand-
ful of unknown CIO minor officials courageously
are fighting this mob by distributing thousands
of leaflets telling the full story.
These are just a few of the incidents which
reflect the new and growing invasion of rack-
eteers in labor circles today. The greater part
of this invasion is accomplished through what
the AFL calls federal charters. These can best
be explained to the uninitiated as a permit
issued by the national AFL to someone who
claims he can unionize a small industry with
which the prominent labor leaders won't bo-
ther. Once the charter is issued to the appli-
cant, he becomes virtually boss of the tiny in-
Thousands of these charters are floating
around-much too many for the AFL to police
regularly. But this is a good time to investigate
these federal unions, to aid the clean ones and
purge the rackets. Otherwise these dirty pip-
squeak outfits will break into the news and
smear all labor-and they are breaking into the

"It was just heartrending, gentlemen. My factory at Brussels
was a mass of twisted steel."


--Natalie Bwgow


Publication in The Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the office of the Summer Ses-
sion, Room 1213 Angell Hall by 3:30 p.m.
on the day preceding publication (11:005
a.m. Saturdays).


VOL. LVI, No. 27S;


French film. "Pepe Le Moko,"
proved conclusively that the Casbah
has never been and can never be
transportedetoeHollywood. It's still in
Algiers and only the French can tell
us about it. They did that last night,
with the brililant performance of
Jean Gabin to make it completely
Brutally realistic, the film also re-
presents a real achievement for the
French movie-makers in technique.
No smooth glossing-over to remind
the audience that it's only a movie,
here. The musical background, too,
although . unobtrusive and generally
quiet, served to sustain the atmos-
phere of almost painful suspense.
In addition to the sexily stolid
Gabin, several lesser members of the
cast deserve special commendation,
among them, Salimane, the greasily
treacherous Police inspector and Ines,
the gypsy, jealous and ugly. The
portrayal of Gaby, the cause of
Pepe's final, great mistake, is some-
what disappointing, due largely per-
haps, to the fact that she had no
The move had only one glaring
defect, which is shared by all foreign
films, namely, the English titles were
deploringly inadequate.

IN THE ONLY summer Choral Union concert,
presented last night, Vitya Vronsky and
Victor Babin, duo-pianists, gave an excellent
performance. Schumann's Andante and Vari-
ations, Op 46 was the first and probably the most
outstanding number, for it was played with
liquid brilliance, tremendous emotional sensitiv-
ity, and absolute technical precision. The rapidly
changing moods of the composition displayed the
amazing and constantly sympathetic versatility
in the pianists' performance - from almost
Chopin-like brilliance to the richest sort of mel-
lowness of tone.
One of Mr. Babin's compositions followed-
"Strains from Far-Off Lands," which opened
with a clearly defined melody closely resembling
Molly Malone, carried against and quite apar,
from a background of close harmony. Eventually
its emotional fervor and complexity increased
at the same time that the-composition became
more tightly integrated until it reached a pitch
of wildness which gave the listener an effect of
unity instead of seemingly separate and un-
related parts.
After intermission the program continued with
a jazzy, West-Indian-inspired composition by
Milhaud, Le Bal Martiniquais, which sounded
like a jumble of Gershwin, certain college, camp,
and street songs, with a dash of South American
rhythm to pull it all together. This departure
from more conventional music followed Busoni's
Duettino Concertante, after Mozart, which was
played with great delicacy and appropriate pre-
cision. The program was concluded with Brahms'
familiar Variations on a Theme by Haydn, Op.
56B, the substantial magnificence of which was
forcefully interpreted.
-Paula Brower
Report on MacArthur
Senators Ellender and Butler, just back from
an inspection tour of the Orient, have credited
General Douglas MacArthur with a first rate job
of organizing and controling the defeated Jap-
anese. This is a high compliment when we con-
sider how few .opportunities for praise of able
administrators exist in the .world today.
General MacArthur from the beginning has
shown he knew what he was about in Japan.
Shortly after our troops entered the defeated
empire, he announced that occupation troops
could be reduced to 200,000 within six months.
He is further paring down the number of men
necessary to police Japan according to recent
reports, and we've seen no indication that the
efficiency that has been the keynote in Japan
since he became' supreme commander has in
any way been reduced.
It's a pleasure to read about a man who has
tackled a tough administrative job and made
a success of it.
--Paul Harsha

The Chicago and Southern Airlines,
Inc., are now taking applications for
the September training class for
stewardesses. Any girls who are in-
terested in stewardess training for
the airlines should call at the Bur-
eau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall.
Notice to Veterans: All veterans
training under Public Law 346 (GI
Bill of Rights) in order to protect
their future training rights must re-
port to the Veterans Administration,
Rm. 100, Rackham Building, accord-
ing to the following schedule:
Students in the termending Aug-
ust 9: Report Aug. 5-9.
Students in the term 'ending Aug-
ust 23: Report Aug. 12-17.
Students whose term ends after
August 23: Report August 19-24.
Veterans' presence is necessary to
fill out a training report and to in-
dicate whether leave is desired.
The office of the Veterans Admin-
istration is open from 8 a.m. to 4:30
p.m. daily and from 8:00 a.m. to noon
on Saturdays.
The Board of National Missions of
the Presbyterian Church in the Uni-
ted States of America has teaching
vacancies in Alaska, New Mexico,
Arizona, Utah in the following fields:
English, Home Economics, Music,
Mathematics and Science, Social Sci-
ence, Commerial, Arts and Crafts,
Manual Arts, Elementary, Physical
Education. Salaries consist of cash
stipend, maintenance, and traveling
expenses to field. Full details may be
had at the Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.
Ziwet Lectures in Mathematics:
Everyone who has obtained a copy
of the Alexander Ziwet Lecture notes
by Professor K. O. Friedrichs, should
call at the Mathematics Office for the
sheet of Errata for the notes.
Lecture: Irving H. Anderson, As-
sociate Professor of Education on
Friday, August 9 at 4:05 p.m. in the
University High School Auditorium.
The topic will be "The Child and His
Reading Habits."
Academic Notices
Seniors, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts, Schools of Edu-
cation, Music, and Public Health:
Tentative lists of seniors for Sep-
tember graduation have been posted
on the bulletin board in Rm. 4, Uni-
versity Hall. If your name does not
appear, or if included there, is not
correctly spelled, please notify the
counter clerk.
Colleges of Literature, Science, and
By Crockett Johnson

the Arts, and Architecture and De-
sign; Schools of Education, Forestry,
Music, and Public Health:
Summer Session Students wishing
a transcript of this summer's work
only should file a request in Room
4, U.H., several days before leaving
Ann Arbor. Failure to file this request
before the end of the session will re-
sult in a needless delay of several
Doctoral Examination for Samuel
James Eldersveld, Political Science;
thesis: "A Study of Urban Electoral
Trends in Michigan, 1920-1940," Fri-
day, August 9, at 2:30 p.m. in the
East Council Room, Rackham. Chair-
man, H. M. Dorr.
Examinations for University Credit:
All students who desire credit for
work done in the summer session will
be required to take examiations at
the close of the session. The ex-
amination schedule for the school
and colleges-on the eight-week basis
is as follows:
Recitation 8:00 a.m.-Exam Thurs-
day, 8:00-10:00 a.m.
Recitation 9:00 a.m.,Exam Fri-
day, 8:00-10:00 a.m.
Recitation 10:00 a.m.--Exam on
Thursday, 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Recitation 11:00 a.m.-Exam Fri-
day, 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Recitation 1:00 p.m.-Exam Thurs-
day, 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Recitation 2:00 p.m.-Exam Thurs-
day, 10:00-12:00 a.m.
Recitation 3:00 p.m.-Exam Fri-
day, 10:00-12:00 a.m.
Recitations at all other hours-
Friday, 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Any deviation from the above
schedule may be made only by mutual
agreement between student and' in-
structor, and with the approval of
the Examination Schedule Commit-
Student Recital: Friday evening.
August 9, at 8:30 in Pattengill Audi-
torium, Robert G. Waltz, tenor,, will
present a program in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the de-
gree of Bachelor of Music. Mr.
Waltz's recital will include: selections
by Handel, Mozart, Brahms, Franck,
Rachmaninoff, and Hageman.
'Student Recital: Saturday evening,
August 10, at 8:30, Arthur C. Hills,
clarinetist, assisted by Beatrice Gaal,
pianist, Lee Chrisman, flute, and
William Poland, oboe, will present
a program in the Rackham Assembly
Hall. Given in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of
Master of Music in Music Education,
the recital will include selections by
Stubbins, Saens, Delmas, Dacquin,
and Dewailly.
The public is cordially invited.
Student Recital: Philip Malpas,
Organist, will pre~sent a recital Sun-
day afternoon, August 11, at 4:15 in
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, N.
Division Street. Mr. Malpas' program
will include: Organ Concerto in B
flat major by Handel, Toccata by
Frescobaldi, Fantasia and Fugue in
G minor by Bach, and Carillon-Sortie
by Mulet.
The public is cordially invited.
Chamber Music Program: The
fourth in the current series of Sun-
day evening chamber music programs
will include Quartet in B-fat major,
Op. 168 by Schubert, Poem for viola
and piano by Edmund Haines, and
Quintet in A major, Op. 114 ("The

ning, August 12 ,in Rackham Lecture
Hall at 8:30 Lee Pattison, pianist,
will present his sixth prograyn, in the
current series of lecture recitals. Mr.
Pattison's program will include: Fan-
tasy in C minor, K475, Sonata in E-
flat major, K282, and Sonata in F
major, K332 by Mozart and Sonata,
Op. 2 No. 3 by Beethoven.
Events Today
Art Cinema League presents "Pepe
le Moko," with Jean Gabin. The orig-
ial uncut French version on which
the American film "Algiers" was bas-
ed. English sub-titles. Rackhaha
Auditorium, 8:30 p.m. tonight. Tick-
ets available at Wahrs and Ulrich's
bookstores and 45 minutes before be-
ginning of the show in lobby of
International Center: The All Na-
tions Club in conjunction with the
International Center resumes the
sponsorship of-weekly informal record
tea dances on today, August 9, at
4 p.m. in the Recreation Room of
the International Center. Foreign
students, their guests, and anyone
else interested in dancing is cordially
invited to attend.
Visitors' Night will be held at the
Angell Hall Observatory tonight, Aug.
9 from 8:30 to 10:30. The Moon,
Venus, and Jupiter will be shown
if the night is clear. Children must
be accompanied by adults.
Play: "The Apple Cart," by George
Bernard Shaw. Michigan Repertory
Players. Department of Speech. To-
night, August 9 at 8:30 p.m., Lydia
Mendelssohn 'Theatre, through Sat.,
August 10.
Conference on School Vocal Music:
Today, 9:30 to 11, 1 to 4:30, 6:45 to
9:30 p.m. University Summer Session
Choir, Baritone Solos by Andrew
White, Demonstration Rehearsal by
Maynard Klein, Tulane University,
Demonstration Rehearsal by Harry
R. Wilson, Columbia University. Many
other nationally known speakers will
participate. All meetings at the
Grand Rapids Room, Michigan Lea-
Comi Events
French Club: The sixth meeting
of the French Club will be held Mon-
day, August 12, at 8 p.m. in Rm. 305
of the Michigan Union. Professor
Charles E. Koella, of the Romance
Language Departmer, will speak
informally on: "La neutralite de la
Suisse." Group singing. Social hour.
Inter-Cooperative Council. Present
and former cooperative members and
their friends are Invited to partici-
pate in an open-air square dance
to be held at Owen Co-op House,
1017 Oakland, Saturday,'August"Id,
from 8-12. Refreshients will be
Russian Circle (Russky Kruzhok)
will hold its final meeting of the
summer session at 8:00, Monday,
August 12, at the International Cent-
er. Dr. William Card, Executive Di-
rector of the Chicago Council of
American-Soviet Friendship will pre-
sent a talk entitled, "The Soviet
System-What it is, and- how 'It
works." Tea will be served following
the program. Everyone interested is
invited to attend.
Michigan Christian Fellowship: On
Sunday, Agust 11, at 4:30 p.m. three
members of the Michigan Christian
Fellowship will present the topic,
"'Thl.a Ri..i......*1'h, 'W rdn.A rimf±,." A

,_ __

What a lofty conception, m'boy. Housing
a bank and a roller skating rink in one
edifice- What miracles are accomplished

Yes. Contracts were given out for the building
before priorities went into effect. But it's a
non-essential structure- We'll fight it. Just


Here, m'boy. Take back
your ball-bearings. I
detect a militant note

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