STRONG ARM RACKETS Li LwrA6 Zktii4 SHOWERS WARMER See Page 4 VOL. LVI, No. 27S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS Hindustan Tag Day To Help Starving The Hindustan Association will sponsor a campus-wide tag day today to benefit India's starving millions. Four posts will be set up, opposite the library, under the Engine Arch, near the League, and near the Union, where Association members will sell tags, according to Vasant Rajadhyaksha, chairman of the tag day and presi- dent of the Association. Money from the drive will be sent to relief organizations to be spent on food for India. No tags will be sold in downtown Ann Arbor. Rajadhyaksha, in a statement yesterday, urged every student to buy a tag to aid millions of Indians who are desperately in need of food. He cited a report of the American Famine ° Mission, made July 25, to Secretary of Agriculture Clinton P. Anderson. According to the report, India's ration system affecting 160 million people will collapse if two million tons of food are not sent. Of this 750,000r::,.f,,i; : .,. tons of. wheat would have to be sent from the United States. Student Affairs Committee per- mission for the tag day wars grant-. ed last week, Rajadhyaksha said. In April the Hindustan Association .'r made a private relief collectioni from its members; these funds were given to the American Relief Soci- ety, he said. Herbert Hoover, in a recent state- ment, said that if we fail to main--.::-: tain the food supplies being sent all over the world, "then surely all of 800 million-one -third of the peoples<'t" of the earth--are doomed." : UNRRA and other investigatingv agencies report famine of unprece-.; dented magnitude threatens India. Illolotov Hears Eva It s Ch arge; i 0 Terminal Leave Measure Signed Brusstar Says Graft Hearings Will End Tod y By WILL HAR( Delavr ' by a series of legal spar- ringn ches, the police commission hearir s of graft charges against Chief jf Police Sherman Mortenson and Ieut. Eugene J. Gehringer, sus- pended police officers,- will be com- pleted today according to William D. Brusstar, special prosecutor for the one-man grand jury. Central figure in a two-day contro- versy between Brusstar and Ralph Keyes, attorney for Gehringer, has been Nick Theros, alleged local policy racket operator. Theros' Testimony Suppressed Keyes succeeded in suppressing the testimony of Theros yesterday when he convinced the commission that the witness was not protected against charges of bribery by a grant of im- munity issued by Cireuit Court Judge James R. Breakey, Jr. Told that his statements might be held against him, Theros balked for the second time in two days, and was dismissed from the stand Jury Charged with Browbeating Charges that the one-man grand jury investigators would "browbeat Theros, v_ as I understand, have sometime & 'g grand jury investi- gations, had '. 'tol pulled on him," were hurled by. jrtenson's attorney, Louis Burke, as the session closed. Burke's remarks came after Brus- star asked for a continuance of the case until 2 p.m. today. The request was subsequently granted and Brus- star stated that he would seek a grant of immunity for Theros to protect him from bribery prosecu- tion. Judge Breakey is in Bay City, Brusstar said. He added: "You can take it from me that Theros will testify tomorrow that he paid Mortenson money." John M. Jetter, of Toledo, ., former owner of the United Cigar Store; alleged horse-racing booking house, told the commission that in 1938 and 1939, he paid Gehringer $0 to $15 per month" for collecting on bad checks, when Gehringer was a detective. Jetter admitted that he had conducted horse-racing booking at the time. He denied that the money was paid under agreement for protection from Gehringer when cross-examined by Keyes. 'Small, Petty' Gambling Detective GeorgeStauch testified that Gehringer had once told him that whatever gambling was con- ducted in Ann Arbor was "small and petty," but denied he had ever re- ceived orders from either Gehringer or Mortenson to "lay off" gambling houses. Japan To Get Loan from U.S. UraT rQNThT(N A i-(A)PLThe PUPPET WILL TALK-Henry Pu Yi, (above)former puppet emperor of Manchuria will testify in Tokyo at the International War Crimes trial in a few days, it was an- nounced in Tokyo.; Long missing, it was discovered that he had been captured by the Russians in 1945. They agreed to bring him to the trial. collet Is New Reconversion Administrator WASHINGTON, Aug. 8-()-John R. Steelman installed Judge John C. Collet today as a close personal as- sociate in his Office of Reconversion, and reshuffled administrative re- sponsibilities. The reorganization merges the Of- fice of Economic Stablization into the reconversion office. Collet, a Missouri Federal Judge, comes into the Steelman set-up "with no formal title or specific duties." He headed the formerly independent stabilization office up to the height of the recent row over wage-price poli- cy. He resigned at that time and was succeeded by Chester Bowles, whom he had backed in the battle for a strong hold-the-line stand. The key post in the general admin- istrative reorganization-deputy di- rector for production, stabilization and war liquidation-went to Harold Stein, 43, who was brought into the high-policy agency when Chief Just- ice Vinson was director of war mob- ilization and reconversion. Two other deputies were appoint- ed, Steelman announced -Donald Kingsley for fiscal policy, employ- ment and social security, and Antho- ny Hyde for information and reports. A three-way division of responsi- bility was thus achieved. Steelman said that integration of OES and OWMR would eliminate duplication and cut expenses. Vets Pensions To Be Raised By 20 Percent Two and Half Billion Allotted for Payments By The Associate Press WASHINGTON, Aug. 8-President Truman today signed legislation car- rying money to pay some 15,000,000 former and presentrenlisted men for terminal leave they did not get. He also signed a series of other measures affecting ex-service men, including one increasing veterans' pensions by 20 per cent and another designed to head off what Veterans Administrator Omar N. Bradley has described as a threatened national scandal in veterans' training. The appropriation for terminal leave was signed in advance of the bill whi hauthorized such pay- ments. A special White House cere- mony-possibly tomorrow-will at- tend the signing of the latting measure. The legislation signed today: 1. Appropriates $2,431,708,000 to make the terminal leave payments, mostly in five-year bonds; $30,000,- 000 to buy special automobiles for legless veterans; $26,000,000 addi- tional for OPA. 2. Increases by 20 per cent the pensions of nearly 2,000,000 veterans of both world wars and dependents, effective September1. 3. Sets up tighter standards for on-the-job training for veterans, the activity in which General Brad- ley said scandal was threatened; provides for inspection of such training projects and sets pay ceilings for veteran trainees. 4. Authorizes the Veterans Ad- ministration to operate canteens in hospitals and veterans hoes,' finan- ced by a $4,000,000 revolving fund. About 10,000 persons, to whom bene- fit payments were suspended during the war, were affected. 6. Allows full pensions to vet- erans who became disabled in peace-time service. 7. Provides re-employment rights in their pre-war jobs to wartime per- sonnel of the Merchant Marine, sim- ilar to existing rights of men and women who served in the armed forces. The legislation increasing veterans' pensions also authorizes the pay- ments of full pensions to veterans who are hospitalized or who live in VA institutions. British Deny Russian Claim LONDON, Aug. 8-UP--The British Government has repudiated Russia's claim for $10,000,000,000 reparations from Germany and called upon the Soviet Government to agree to ad- ministration of Germany as an eco- nomic whole during the Allied oc- cupation. Britain released tonight the text of a statement setting forth the principles which Britain regards as "essential" for proper execution of the Potsdam agreement as far as economic unity and reparations are concerned. Educators Speak at Rackham In cU' Summer Lecture Series Soviet Minister Demands New Voting Rules , Says Simple Majority { Ruling Is Undesirable By The Associated Press PARIS, Aug. 8 --Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov demanded today !. that the European peace conference reject voting procedure already ap- proved by the rules committee and : .. ;:Herber t V. Evatt of Australia heat- ~'~' .- ~. "~wely accused him of trying to use veto power, in. action having "the suggestion of intimidation.", .....'..Molotov charged that Britain and the United States had engineered a >}''grave mistake'' in obtaining approval } of a British amendment giving a . simple majority as well as a two- thirds majority the right to make treaty recommendations to the For- eign Ministers Council. He asked for a strict two-thirds rule only, Shuster Cites Need BYRNES WEIGHS WORDS - Secretary of State James F. Byrnes (left) rests his chin on his hand as he listens to a speech at a meeting of the General Assembly of the Peace Conference in Luxembourg Palace, Paris. At right is James Dunn, Assistant Secretary of State. f For Ethical Creed "What can we say to the young totalitarian" is the fundamental question which faces us today, Dr. George . N. Shuster, president of Hunter College declared yesterday, in a summer lecture in Rackham Amphitheatre. Pointing out that the young totali-. tarian is more dangerous than the atomic bomb, Dr. Shuster emphasized our inability to supply him with an ethical basis for future conduct be- cause we have none ourselves. Dr. Shuster, said that the Atlantic Charter with its statement of prin- ciples might have steered us forward but that we have abandoned it for "tawdry stilted phrases" which say nothing because we have nothing to say. Totalitarianism is based on a loss of all ethical principles, Dr. Shuster stated, and without basic truths we have no defense against it. Justice, he continued is more useful than atomic energy in providing for the future. The scientist alone cannot solve the problem of the ultimate des- tiny of man, Dr. Shuster emphasized, but acombination of the knowledge of the scientist and the holiness of the saint may help us to know the answer. WAA Uncovers" Metal Racket WASHINGTON, Aug. 8-(P)-The War Assets Administration reported tonight that it had uncovered big- scale purchases on surplus govern- ment aluminum which "would have resulted in a corner of the market." At least 43 persons in the south- west were using their veterans' prior- ity certificates, a WAA spokesman said, to buy government aluminum. The bulk of it subsequently was of- fered for sale to a single midwestern firm. WAA said it had ordered a tem- porary "freeze" on delivery of alum- inum sheets by certain of its region- al offices in Kansas, Missouri, Texas and some other states, in order to "review the entire situation." The Federal Bureau of Investiga- tion is working with WAA on the case, the spokesman said, but WAA is not charging criminal intent. The certificates were properly issued to the veterans, it is indicated, and the investigation is still under way. Soviet Press Claims 'Objective' Reports LONDON, Aug. 8-(R)-The Mos- cow radio said tonight in an English language broadcast that "the Soviet More Government Regulation--Stason The complexity of problems aris- ing from modern scientific and tech- nological developments prevents solu- tion through precise rules or judicial codes, Dean E. Blythe Stason of the Law School declared yesterday in a summer lecture in Rackham Amphi- theatre. Speaking on the legal implications of modern science, Dean Stason said that the only apparent solution is in- creasingly intensive government reg- ulation, administered through agen- cies having wide powers to make their own rules and having no direct re- sponsibility to the people. "The way is unchartered, but we must find it," Dean Stason said, "to assure ourselves that administration, having virtually unlimited powers, can be held responsible to popular will." A community can prescribe by law the rules to guide its people, includ- ing public officials, in order to pre- serve its democratic ideals and meth- ods, Dean Stason said. "Operation Pigskin" Most observers agree that the coming season will see the finest intercollegiate football in the game's history. Michigan, with one of the most "impressive" schedules in the land, will be the Midwestern collegiate football capital. For the latest reports from the publicity camps of Michigan's gridiron opponents, see "Oper- ation Pigskin," a nine column series beginning today in the sports section on page three. Physicians Say y.)Y May Must 'Rest' Before Hearing s WASHINGTON, Aug. 8--iR)-The Senate War Investigating Committee received today a physician's report that Rep. Andrew J. May (Dem.-Ky.) must have an "indefinite period of rest" before there is any possibility of his testifying in the war profits inquiry into the Garsson munitions combine. At the same time it. obtained from a former technical sergeant a writ- ten account of how barrel bursts of defective mortar shells knocked out two or three gun crew. of the 86th Chemical Mortar Division in the crit- ical Battle of the Bulge. Other form- er GI's told of similar bloody inci- dents. The committee has asked the War Department to trace defective shells through its contracts with companies which manufactured 4.2 inch mortar ammunition. Erie Basin Metal Pro- ducts Co., one of the associated 19 firms headed by Dr. Henry Garsson and Murray Garsson, held such a contract but there has been no evi- dence that it turned out defective shells. The report on May's condition came in a statement attributed to his Pres- tonsburg, Ky., physicians and dis- tributed in a news release from the, office of his attorney here. The report used medical terms in giving his condition which Webster's new international dictionary describ- ed. They included "myocarditis" as inflammation of the muscular part of the heart wall; "decompensation" as "low power of the heart;" "hypo- tension" as low blood pressure and "bradycardia" as slow action of the heart. Committee officials indicated that plans to question May at a tentative- ly scheduled session early in Septem- ber probably will be abandoned be- cause of the doctor's report. Evatt asserted the Russian's act- ion in reopening the voting issue before the plenary session "amounts to what is known in some countries as -filibustering." Evatt declared Molotov was trying to enforce° the same veto power in. the peace conference that he had in the Foreign Ministers Council. Molotov said the British and U.S. delegations had "joined hands" on the simple majority amendment, and "probably expected to facilitate re- commendations which would be de- sirable to them." He asserted a majority must not be set off against a'minority.' .The renewed explosion threw-the delegates into consternation at prospects of another long, bitter struggle in the plenary session over the same ground covered In the rules committee. The delegates had expected a perfunctory approval f decisions reached in committee. The session adjourned at 7:10 p.m., with U.S. Secretary of State James F. Byrnes, and representatives of the Ukraine and White Russia scheduled to speak tomorrow morning. Yugoslav delegate Edvard Kardelj, speaking in support of Molotov, said that if the rules committee decision was adopted by the conference Yugo- slavia could continue to take part "only with strong reservation." British delegate A. V. Alexander, first lord of the admiralty, then join- ed the debate, accusing Molotov of "further delaying action" in an at- titude "which would prevent peace at any time." Panic Ensues As Earthquakes Hit Puerto Rieo PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti, Aug 8- (P) -New Caribbean earthquakes struck heavily today at the already shattered northeastern section of the Dominican Republic and shook Haiti and Puerto Rico, causing a panic in the Puerto Rican towns of Agadilla, Mayaguez and Moca. The U.S. Embassy in Ciudad, Tru- jillo, capital of the Dom~nican Re- public, sent a request to naval district headquarters in San Juan, Puerto Rico, for doctors and nurses. Fifteen doctors from Curacao, the Netherlands West Indies, were re- ported to have arrived at Ciudad Tru- jillo to take care of victims of the newtremors and ofthe preceding earthquakes and tidal waves which have hammered the republic at in- tervals since last Sunday, Thirty persons died in the earlier tragedies. The number of casualties from the latest shocks had not been determin- ed. A pilot who landed a Pan American Airways plane at Ciudad Trujillo a few minutes after the new tremors struck said that everyone there "was scared 'to death-even the Amer- icans." Dominican Republic Hit By Tidal Wave CIUDAD TRUJILLO, Dominican Republic. Aug. 8-(PM--A new tial1 HALF A MILLION WORKERS: CIO Bypasses Chrysler Verdict; Reuther Announces New Policy AGE IS WISDOM: Seniors Surpass Sophomores In Social Studies,_Tests Show DETROIT, Aug. 8-(P)-A verdict on the Chrysler wage issue was by- passed by heads of the CIO's United Auto Workers today in favor of a policy to be drafted forhall the in- dustry's more than a half million workers. President Walter P. Reuther an- nounced the international executive board had decided to work out an "over-all policy" on wages and prices which will be presented to the CIO's national wage-price conference in Washington Thursday. The big Chrysler segment of the UAW-CIO had demanded a reopen- ing of wage discussions with inten- tions of seeking a pay boost or "cost spect to our membership and the nation as a whole. It will be an over-- all policy-not one just to take care of Chrysler." The union president declined to reveal what the recommendations might include, nor would he discuss his own forthcoming proposals. Reuther said he had "some definite opinions" but was not at liberty to discuss them until the executive board had acted. He said there had been only "preliminary discussions" today. The auto union, Reuther said. will urge adoption of its recommendations by the CIO policy committee but will not "act contrary" to CIO policy. The average Michigan senior does best in social studies while his soph- omore brother is poorest in fine arts, the results of last semester's college testing program indicate. The tests, identical with the Grad- uate Record Examination, were given last May to 518 second semester sen- iors and 592 second semester sopho- mores. University of Michigan stu- dents made scores above the average of the 2,000 seniors throughout the country who took the examination. Sophomores came out highest in the biological science .test while the seniors made their po*est score in the physical sciences. On the whole the average Michigan sophomore did slightly better than' the senior norm ed to place emphasis not so much on formal education as on the stu- dent's general ability, his knowledge of concepts rather than facts. Dr. Donahue of the Bureau of Psychological Services, which ad- ministered the examination, said that apparently seniors exhibit more abil- ity to think in the so-called "cult- ural areas." The sophomore results seem to indicate that subjects re- cently studied influence the scores. Plans to use the results of the tests in the future counseling of stu- dents were released by Dean Kenis- ton. Each student will be sent his score on the examination in a chart form, showing- exactly where he be-