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August 08, 1946 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1946-08-08

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(Editor's Note:" This column is de-
signed to provide veterans with In-
formation of specific concern to them.
All veterans are encouraged to submit
topics or specific questions for con-
sideration here.)
Long sought for changes to liber-
alize the National Service Life In-
surance benefits have been made ef-
fective by recent legislation accord-
ing to the Veterans Administration.
Among the changes which increase
the advantages of NSLI include the
elimination of restrictions on bene-
ficiaries, the establishment of three
types of endowment policies, provis-
ion for various modes of settlement,
including lump sum payments to
beneficiaries, and the payment of
benefits to insured veterans who are
totally disabled.
Can Be Insured Up to $10,000
Applications for insurance policies
by all persons who served in the
armed forces between October 8, 1940
and September 2, 1945 will now be
granted up to the full $10,000 if the
applicant meets the required health
Applications for insurance which
were rejected solely for health rea-
sons between the above two dates
are now validated in those cases
where the applicant was killed or
totally disabled in the line of duty
while in service. This change will
provide an income for beneficiaries
who received no insurance payments
under the old law.
Lifeand Endowment Policies
In addition to the old 20 and 30-
payment life conversion policies, en-
dowment policies for the age of 60
or 65 and a straight 20-year endow-
ment policy are now available.
' Instead of the 120 equal monthly
payments by which the beneficiary
received payment, a lump sum set-
tlement' or monthly payments rang-
ing, from 36 to 240 months may be
With these changes, National Ser-
vice Life Insurance is etimated to
be from 20 to 23 per cent less than
comparable civilian - insurance and
veterans who have permitted' their
policies to lapse are urged to exam-
ine the advisability of reinstatement.
Information Can Be Obtained
Information regarding reinstate-
ment of a policy or any of the
changes or benefits of NSLI can be
obtained from the Contact Office of
the Veterans Administration by call-
ing 3503 or by a personal visit to
the office in Rm. 205 State Savings
Bank Building, 103 B. Washington,
Ann Arbor.
Mortensen.. .
(Continued from Page 1)
Keyes' maneuver was one of many
made during - the afternoon session.
Charges Money Wasted
Louis Burke, Mortenson's attorney,
attacked Brusstar and Gordon Gillis,
special investigator, on grounds that
they were wasting the taxpayers'
money by presenting evidence in the
He forced the dapper Gillis, who
was placed on the stand by Brusstar,
to reveal that the combined salaries
of the two men was $75 per day.
On re-direct examination, Brus-
star retorted:
"If it is possible to hand this to
someone else, I don't want to be
hornin' in."
Commissioner Joseph Hooper then
announced that the one-man grand
jury had been requested to conduct
the case against the two officers.
Confessions Sought
Gillis testified that in conversations
with Mortenson and Gehringer, he
had sought to get confessions of
guilt and in Gehringer's case, had
suggested that "immunity might be
Both refused and were determined

to fight the case, Gillis said.
Keyes kept Gillis under cross-ex-
amination for 45 minutes in an effort
to impugn his testimony. Under
questioning by Keyes, Gillis admitted
that Gehringer had said: "I have
nothing to tell and that's the truth."
Keyes also forced Gillis to admit that
his memory of details regarding con-
versations with Gehringer were "fog-
Gambling Complaint Reported
Earlier in the day, Joseph Huizen-
ga, 27, a patrolman, told the com-
mission that in 1945 he reported a
complaint of gambling activity at the
United Cigar Store, 118 E. Huron,
and that the Mortenson said:
"There's no sense in bother with
the cigar store. If you stop it in one
place, it will just start up in another."
Three former clerks at the cigar
store testified in the morning ses-
sion that horse-race bet booking was
done on a large scale at the store.
Sidney Smith, one of the clerks, said
he was employed to take bets and
that the daily cash turn-over averag-
ed $1,500 and that sometimes $7,000
in bets were "laid off" for out-of-
state gamblers through the cigar
store booking office.
Pollock Is Replaced
Ir. James K. Potock, of the polit-
ical science department, was official-

'U' Museums
Offer Children
Three Exhibits
Whether or not the weather man
can change the weather is the sub-
ject of one of three exhibits for
children now on display at the Uni-
versity Museums until August 16.
The exhibits, entitled "Mr. Slice
Takes a Journey," "A World Farm-
er," and "Can the Weather Man
Change the Weather," are designed
for children of elementary and junior
high school age. They illustrate the
story of bread, the activities and pro-
ducts of the farm, and the factors
governing the weather. They were
'planned and executed by the class in
Children's Museums under the direc-
tion of Margaret Brayton, director
of the Children's Museum in Detroit,
who is teaching a summer course at
the University.
Filmed by Harmon Foundation
Student research activities leading
to the completed exhibits are being
filmed by the Harmon Foundation of
New York City, as experimental and
philanthropic organization whose
purpose is to descover the techniques
of research and design, script writ-
ing techniques, and visual processes.
The film is an experiment to show
what the University is doing to train
people engaged in museum work, ac-
cording to Evelyn S. Brown, Assist-
ant Director of the Harmon Founda-
tion, with particular emphasis on
how the principles of children's mu-
seum techniques can be adapted to
the needs of educators.
More Films To Be Made in Future
Further process films of museum
techniques will probably be made in
the near future. Sets of all pictures,
including the film illustrating the
construction of the three current
axhibits, will be kept at the Univer-
ity Museums.
The exhibits are on display daily
from, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Games and
other activities have also been plan-
ned for the children while visiting
the Museums.:
'U' High School
Students T ak e
To TheAir'
Twelve University High School
tudents were taken on plane rides
at Ann Arbor airport yesterday by
Prof. Marshall Byrne, head of the
Industrial Arts department.
The students, ranging from seventh
to twelfth graders, were taken up two
at a time by Prof. Byrne in his own
Stinson Voyager plane. During the
twenty minute rides, all but the
youngest were given a chance to
handle the plane.
"The kids weren't scared at all,"
said Prof. Byrnes, who is also assis-
tant. Professor of Industrial Educa-
tion at the University. Their reac-
tions can be described as continuous
"ohs" and "ahs."
Anyone can learn to fly according
to Prof. Byrnes who started flying
two years ago at the age of 57 and
now has had more than 220 hours
in the air.
Hit by Soviet Writer
MOSCOW, Aug. 7-(P)-Soviet
journalist Ilya Ehrenburg said today
Hollywood's producers had achieved
complete mastery over the American
mind and that its censors stamped
out any semblance of free thought.
The average American, Ehrenburg
wrote in the government newspaper
Isvestia, is convinced he is an inde-
pendent thinker, but actually "re-
peats what he has read in the news-

paper, heard on the radio or seen
on the screen."
However, he added, "I am con-
vinced the American reader is al-
most always wiser than the paper he

Prof. Kenneth Pike To Discuss
American Vowel Usage Today



Prof. Kenneth L. Pike, of the Uni-
versity Linguistics Institute, will de-
liver a lecture on "The American-
English Vowels" at 1 p.m. today in
Rm. 308 of the Union.
Prof. Pike, who also teaches in the
Summer Institute of Linguistics at
the University Oklahoma, received
his Ph.D. at the University in 1942.
Familiar to the campus for his yearly
demonstrations in the descriptive
analysis of an unfamiliar language,
he teaches both phonetics and pho-
nemics here in the summer, particu-
larly with regard to the Mixteco,
Maya and Mazateco languages.
"The purpose of these courses,"
Prof. Pike said, "is to teach people


Music School

FIRST QUAKE PHOTO-A grinning crowd points to a crack in a down-
town building in Ciudad Trujillo, capital of the island Dominican Re-
public, left by the recent Caribbean earthquake. The picture was flown
to Miami. (AP Photo)
Wisconsin Gets New Housing-;
Minnesota Fights Polio Spread

A $3,000,000 building program to
help relieve the housing shortagefor
University of Wisconsin student vet-
erans, married graduate students and
faculty members was approved this
week. Work will commence immedi-
ately on the projects, which include
a 120-unit apartment building, an
addition to the men's dormitories to
house 200 single veteran students
and a 150 unit project for faculty
members, graduates, assistants and
research associates.
Two short courses in insurance, one
in fire and casulty insurance and the
other in life insurance, will be given
next week at the University of Wis-
consin for men and women engaged
or interested in the insurance busi-
* * *
Enrollment of civilian and out-of-
state veteran students at Michigan
State College for the fall term was
halted last Friday. A total enroll-
ment of more than 10,000 students is
expected this fall.
Campus police at Michigan State
College have a brand new 6-cylinder
Columbia 'U'
.App oints Jacobs
Prof. Albert C. Jacobs, a graduate
of the University in 1922, has been
appointed Assistant to the president
of Columbia University, it was an-
nounced this week.
A native of Ann Arbor, Prof. Ja-
cobs is a member of Phi Beta Kappa.
He . received "first class honors in
jurisprudence and the Bachelor of
Civil Law degree at Oriel College,
Oxford, as a Rhodes Scholar in 1923.
Prof. Jacobs has headed Columbia
University's extensive student veter-
an program since his return last Feb-
ruary from wartime service in the
Navy, during which time he was
awarded the Legion of Merit by Pres-
ident Truman.
About 14,000 student veterans will
be enrolled at Columbia this fall,
while total enrollment is expected to
reach 28,000.. The counterpart for
Willow Village at Columbia is
"Shanks Village," where negotiations
have been completed to house 1,500
student veterans and their families.

Ford patrol car equipped with a two-
way State Police net radio. One of
the radios is being installed in
another patrol car, giving the campus
police constant communication with
the State-wide police radio hookup.
The University of Minnesota is
concentrating its efforts this Week
in a fight on the poliomyelitis epi-
demic which has already claimed two
of its students. Establishment of a
hospital department in the Univer-,
sity Ag Students Health Service made
facilities available for 40 additional
polio patients.
* * *
An oil portrait of the late Ernie
Pyle was presented this week to the
University of Indiana at ceremonies
broadcast over a nation-wide radio
hookup. The "Indiana Daily Stu-
dent" took pride in mentioning that
"Ernie Pyle began his journalistic
career" on its staff.
* * *
Plans to double the University of
Illinois ROTC program were an-
nounced this week. Applications,
which must have Army approval,
have been entered by the University
to activate units for field artillery,
signal corps and ordnance work. En-
rollment in the six-unit program is
expected to exceed 1,000, the majority
being freshmen and under draft age.
* * *
The Purdue Playshops, summer
production, "Charley's Aunt," played
this week to capacity audiences ad-
mitted without charge. Other enter-
tainments at the University of Pur-
due this month include: a Summer
Prom, a Minstrel Show, a Victory
Varieties show and a convocation
series of concerts including stars of
the Metropolitan Opera.

Conference To
Meet Today
The second and third of three con-
ferences for music teachers sponsored
by the School of Music will be held
today and tomorrow in the League.
The first one, held yesterday, was
a conference on bands, wind and
percussion -instruments. The sub-
ject of today's is the teaching of
strings, while the conference tomor-
row will deal with school vocal music.
At 11 a.m. today, as part of the
morning session, a string quartet
composed of Gilbert Ross and Lois
Porter, violinists, Louise. Rood, vio-
list and Oliver Edel, cellist, will pre-
sent a concert. A demonstration
lecture on "Elementary School Violin
Classes" will be given at 1:30 p.m.
today, followed by violin solos and
an open discussion on "Elementary
String Class Teaching."
At theimorning session tomorrow a
panel discussion on "Building Tone
in Choral Singing" will be held at
9:30 a.m. and at 11 a.m. Mary Mul-
downey will direct the University
Summer Session Choir. "Great Chor-
al Music and its Interpretation" will
be the subject of a demonstration
rehearsal by Maynard Klein of Tu-
lane University in New Orleans at
3:30 p.m. tomorrow.
A demonstration on the "Rehearsal
of Materials for School Choruses and
Assemblies" by Harry R. Wilson of
Columbia University will be held at
6:30 p.m., followed by lectures on
"Eurythmics." "Music Reading in the
Junior High School" and "The Place
of Music in the Elementary School
Ex-Officer Asks
Court for Car

who are going out to various parts
of the' world to work with languages
how to reduce them to writing."
During the winter Prof. Pike does
research with the Mixteco langu-
age, particular to a native tribe of
about 100,000 in southern Mexico,
partly under the aegis of the Mexican.
This tribe has no writing method
and consequently no literature of its
own, Prof. Pike pointed out. Since
they also have no knowledge of Span-
ish he is engaged in the gathering
of materials, the preparation of a
primer, alphabet and materials for
the initiation of a reading cam-
Prof. Pike is the author of several
books published by the University
Press, including a volume on "Pho-
netics: A Critical Analysis of Pho-
netic Theory and a Technic for the
Practical Demonstration of Sounds,"
in 1943 and reprinted in 1944; "The
Intonation of American English,'"
and "Tone Languages" which will
appear shortly.
School Children Aid
State Water Survey
LANSING, Aug. 7-P)--State geol-
ogists have enlisted the aid of Michi-
gan school children this fall in mak-
ing a survey of water supplies and
sources so that they can be wisely
used and conserved.
The children will make a report on
all wells in their districts. These re-
ports will be compiled, into a state.
water index to be used by geologists
of the State Conservation Depart-
ment and the U.S. Geologic Survey.
Reporting acute water problems in
Battye Creek, Flint, Alma, Holland,
Kalanazoo and several other areas
of the state, Helen Martin, Conserva-
tion Department geologist, declared
that the state's water supply is be-
coming "more critical every day."
Geologists believe that an accurate
water inventory will help them de-
termine where wells, and industrial
and municipal water supplies should
be located and what measures should
be taken to conserve the supply, she

Strauss Opera .. .
The National Music Camp college
opera group will present Johann
Strauss' "Die Fledermaus'," or "The
Bat," at 8 p.m. today at the Inter-
lochen Bowl.
The only full-length opera to be
produced during the music camp sea-
son, it will have a cast of 75, a ballet
group of 15 and a symphony orches-
tra of 30, and will be performed in
English. A second cast will broadcast
excerpts from the opera over sta-
tion WKAR at 6 p.m. Friday.
Floyd Worthington, head of the
vocal department at the National
Music Camp, will produce the opera,
and Fernand Barrette, opera coach,
will be the musical director.
* * *
Carillon Recital..
Prof. Percival Price will present
a carillon recital of selections by
Handel, Clementi, and Holst, and
several Irish airs at 7:15 p.m. to-
Quartet To Play .. .
Arthur C. Hills, clarinetist, assist-
ed rbyBeatrice Gaal, pianist, Lee
Chrisman, flutist, and William Po-
land, oboist, will present a recital at
8:30 p.m. Saturday in the Rackhamn
Ag~embly Hall.
Selections by Lolli-Stubbins, Mo-
zart, Bellison, Saint-Saens, Delmas,
JeanJean, Dacquin, Rampau, and De-
wailly will be included on the pro-
The recital is presented in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Music in
Music Education.
Minors Still Wanted
By Business Firms
LANSING, Aug. 7-(/P)-Despite
the easing of labor shortages with the
return of veterans, there .has been
no noticeable decrease in the number
of employers making applications for
permits to employ minors, George W..
Dean, State Labor Commissioner, re-
ported today.



... 1
( 4

'U ' 1~

DETROIT, Aug. 7-()-Paul E.
Greider, who served 21 months over-
seas as an ordnance captain; today
asked for a circuit court injunction to
force an automobile dealer to sell
him a new car at ceiling price and
without a trade-in.
Greider asked the court to restrain
the Ford Motor Company from de-
livering any new automobiles to the
Alfred E. Steiner Company until he
had received his car.
He charged that he entered into a
written agreement with the Steiner
agency to receive a new car by March







FOUND: Parker pencil Wednesday,
July 31. Owner pay ad. Call 2-'
1268. Ask for Jim. ' (26
LOST: Large silver earring contain-
ing moonstone. Last Thursday eve-
ning. Phone Vi Misekow, 8598. Re-
ward. (28
LOST: Silver identification bracelet.
Portage Lake vicinity. Engraved
Jack Smalter. Great sentimental
value. Reward. Call 2-4591. (29

room for ex-naval officer returning
to Law School and employed. Wife.
Both Michigan graduates, Phone
4231 between 9 and 5 or 8978. (27
SALES * John Jadwin * Service.
855 Tappan Avenue, Ann Arbor.
Call 2-7412 for demonstration. (30
RESTRINGING elswhere Nylon $4.50.
Tournament gut $9.00. My price
$3.00 and $7.00. Dean McClusky,
phone 2-7360. (16
WANTED: Sewing. Refitting of young
women's dresses and skirts. Miss
Livingston, 315 So. Division, 2nd
floor front. (23
PLAN for your fall suits and formals
now. Expert workmanship on cus-
tom-made clothes and alterations.
Hildegarde Shop, 116 E. Huron.
Phone 2-4669. (10
better price paid. Sam's Store. 122
E. Washington St. (4


WANTED: Student to do general
cleaning 3 or 4 hours weekly in
home near campus. Call 9538 after
6 p.m.
WANTED: Student and wife, sister,
or mother who will fill mother's
place in home consisting of father
and three daughters, ages 8, 11, 12,
in return for apartment and meals
for both. Very close to campus. Ad-
dress letters to Danby, St. Joseph's

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