Agents Needed
Aid of Coeds Sought
By Non-Profit Group
Women living in organized under-
graduate residences are urgently
needed to serve as agents of the Stu-
dent Book Exchange in their respec-
tive houses this summer, according
to Dick Burton, student manager of
the Exchange.
Agents' responsibilities include con-
tacting the students in their houses
to inform them of the SBE, distrib-
uting the card necessary to sell texts
at the Exchange, supervision of the
collection of books, and checking to
see that they are properly identified
before they are picked up by SBE
Books collected this semester will
be sold at the opening of the Ex-
change in. the fall term. Coeds are
also needed to assist in selling texts
this fall.
Women interested in working on
the SBE should contact Burton at
The Daily, 2-3241.
The selling price of each book is
decided by the owner at the time
books are handed in. The Exchange
sells the book for the stipulated price
IT' India Students Say Freedom
For Nation Is Key To Progress
(Continued from page 2)
Bombay graduate taking advanced
engineering work, asserted that
Americans have been misinformed
about India's "untouchables" and its
caste system.
"Everywhere I go, the question
is asked, and it shows that Ameri-
cans do not understand. The caste
system in India is much the same
problem as the race segregation
problem here in the United States.
It certainly is not the cause for
concern people seem to think,"
Correa said.
He is a converted Catholic who
probably accepts American ideas more
readily than other students from his
country here.
Anasooya Bharatiya, also of Bom-
bay, feels that there should be closer
contact between foreign students and
American student here. She feels
that there is a "segregation that is
not healthy" and that if India's stu-
dents are to gain fuller understand-
ing of American ways, they must
enjoy closer contact.
"The cooperative house offers the
best means for this," she said.
"However, not enough of our stu-
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garter belts . .
Available in tea rose and white,
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dents enter into such houses and
in other conditions, American stu-
dents generally seem unwilling to
associate with us."
Both Miss Bharatlya and Correa
maintain that India's educational
system is satisfactory "as far as it
goes," but that changes must be made
to keep pace with the nation's de-
velopment, and that these changes
cannot be made until British con-
trols are removed.
At present, all classes ape taught
in English and thus literacy is limit-
ed to an extremely small number of
Correa pointed out that his theo-
retical training for engineering work
measures up to that received by un-
dergraduates here. Lack of technical
facilities limits advanced work there,
he said.
"The problem is not entirely one
of improvement," he said. "It is
more a question of expansion so
that greater numbers of people can
have the opportunity to learn."
The students now here will return
to India to enter prominent positions
in industry and government. Most
of the men are in some phase of
engineering study. When they have
assumed positions in their homeland,
they expect to turn first to America
for equipment and technical advice.
According to Dr. Esson M. Gale,
director of the International Center,
this aspect should be taken into
consideration in formulating future
foreign student enrollment policies
America will benefit economically,
as well as on the cultural level, from
training of foreign students here,
he said.
Radio Class Offers
Play over WPAG
"Change of Address," a comedy by
May Chosed, former student here,
will be presented by Prof. David
Owen's class in radio production at
5:45 p.m. Tuesday over WPAG.
The Tuesday program is a part of
a series of radio scripts dramatized
by' Prof. Owen's class and written by
students in play writing courses.
The program is preceded by a three
hour lab in the radio production
course during which time the parts
are cast and rehearsed.
This is the fourth year that the
program has been followed in sum-
mer, session. The purpose4 of the
broadcasts is to give the students
experience in the production of radio
plays while providing good enter-
College Honors
Courses Offer
Broad Discipline
tutors Will Provide
Intensive Training
The College Honors Program in
Liberal Arts, to be resumed this Fall
after an interruption caused by the
War, is an experiment authorized
by the Literary College in order to
provide for able students a broad
discipline in the liberal arts.
The various courses of study offer-
ed in the program are conducted in
small, tutorial groups, and differ from
the various departmental honors pro-
grams in that they are not linked
with departmental concentration pro-
Six to Ten Students Join
The program offers students an op-
portunity for intensive training in
several of the intellectual disciplines.
Groups of from six to ten students
join with a tutor in the study of a
specific subject. In the past these
subjects have included the History
of Science; Forms of Literature;
Feudalism and Capitalism; Labor;
Recent Ideas Invoked
The Honors Program in its govern-
ing ideas is related to philosophies of
education that have been much dis-
cussed in recent years in connection
with St. John's, Columbia, and Har-
It is, however, a rather different
program than any offered elsewhere,
partly because it represents an effort
to adapt a program of broad training
in the liberal arts to the existing or-
gahization of the curriculum in the
Literary College.
Three Groups organize
In the Fall the Program will be re-
sumed with the formation of three
groups to carry on study in the Forms
of Literature, Ethics and Politics;
and the Growth of Science. In order
to be admitted to the Program stu-
dents must be entering the first se-
mester of the Junior year in the
Fall, must have obtained a B average
or better in their previous work, and
must have completed their group re-
quirements. Applications are being
received at Associate 'Dean Walter's
office, 1209 Angell Hall or by Profes-
sor Arthos, 2222 Angell Hall until
August 10.
Prof. Warren Guthrie
To Discuss Speaking
Prof. Warren A. Guthrie, chairman
of the Department of Speech at
Western Reserve University, will dis-
cuss various practical aspects of pub-
ho speaking training at 3:00 p.m.,
Wednesday in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Prof. Guthrie, who did part of his
graduate work here; has been on the
staff of Western Reserve since 1935.
He served in Naval Intelligence
during the war, engaging in counter-
submarine activities on the east
coast. Prof. Guthrie spent some time
in Japan and received his discharge
in December.
(Continued from Page 4)
will include: Organ Concerto in B
fiat major by Handel, Toccata by
Frescobaldi, Fantasia and Fugue in
G minor by Bach, and Carillon-Sortie
by Mulet.
The public is cordially invited.
Events Today
The Graduate Outing Club has
planned biking and swimming for
Sunday, August 4. Those interested
should meet at the Club Rooms in
the Rackham Building at 2:30 p.m.
Sunday. Bring your lunch.
Coming Events
French Club: The fifth meeting
of the French Club will be held Mon-
day, August 5, at 8 p.m. in Rm. 305
of the Michigan Union. Mr. Richard
Picard, of the Romance language de-
partment, will lead a general.discus-
sion on the subject: "Quel message
de 1'Amerique dois-je rapporter en
France?" Group singing. Social hour.
Russian Circle (Russky Kruzhok)
will meet at 8 p.m. sharp on Tues-
day, August 6, at Rm. 206, Burton
Tower. Professor Glenn D. McGeoch
of the School of Music will speak
about the music of Shostakovich and
Prokofieff, illustrating the talk with
recordings. Members of the Russian
Circle, Russian students and their
friends are invited.
International Center: Due to re-
decorating, the weekly tea dance this
Friday will be cancelled. The in-
formal tea dances will be resumed
next Friday, August 9, at 4 p.m. in
the Recreation Room of the Inter-
national Center.
Phi Delta Kappa business meeting
Monday, August 5, at 7:30 p.m. in
the Michigan Union.
Men's Education Club baseball ser-
ies on Tuesday, August 6 at 4:00 p.m.
at South Ferry Field.
Pi Lambda Theta picnic, Tuesday,
August 6 at 5:30 p.m. in the Women's
Athletic Building.
International Center: The All Na-
tions Club in conjunction with the
International Center resumes the
sponsorship of weekly informal record
tea dances on Friday, August 9, at
4 p.m. in the Recreation Room of
(Continued on Page 6)
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